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Peace Maker (Blackwood Pack Book 3)

Page 24

by Mary Rundle

  “Anything. Lay it on me.”

  Chapter 31

  “I need everything you can find about the three packs who are involved in the peace conference over in Tajikistan,” said Cody.

  “What exactly do you want to know?” asked Zane.

  “Anything and everything—leave no stone unturned regarding the Alphas of the packs. I’m particularly interested in what property and buildings are owned by the Alphas and their locations in relationship to the pack houses. Clear enough?” asked Cody.

  “Yup. When do you need it by?” asked Zane.

  “No later than noon tomorrow but I’d be very happy if we could get it sooner,” Cody replied.

  “On it. Now go, so I can work my magic. Oh, one other thing, does Jackson know what you’re doing?” Zane asked, having already learned from his previous mistake.

  “Yes, he does,” Cody said, “By the way, bro, this makes us even. You good?”

  Zane beamed. “Fucking great. Thanks bro,” Zane said before turning back to his computers. And then as an afterthought, “Congratulations on your mating, guys,” without looking up from his keyboard.

  Cody pulled Dylon out of the room and shut the door behind them.

  Stopping in his tracks and pulling Cody to him, Dylon asked, “Is he always like that? You know, hyper?”

  Chuckling, Cody replied, “Only when he’s spent a lot of time with his computers. I think he saves up his words until someone enters his circle of silence and then he lets loose with them. He’s not quite as bad when he’s been away from coding for a while.”

  “You asked your brother to do the research because you think he’ll find out stuff no one else can?”

  “Yes, Zane is a phenom with computers. His brain is definitely wired differently than the rest of us. If there is something to find on the packs in Tajikistan, he will find it. And if he can’t—rare as it that might be—he has friends who can help him. All in all, one scary dude and a good one to have on our side.”

  “Would he be able to find out who the enforcers were during the massacre?”

  “Probably. We can mention that to Jackson, but that request will have to come from him.”

  “Okay, since we’re downstairs how about we see if Ian is available to talk to us?”

  “Sure, this way.” Cody led Dylon through the different hallways and rooms until they reached the hospital. Not seeing Colton anywhere, Cody called to him using their mind link. Cocking his head as if listening to something, he finally said, “Uhh, they’ll be out shortly. Let’s wait for them over here.”

  Dylon noticed his mate’s cheeks were pink and Cody was looking at the floor. Curious about his mate’s reaction, he zeroed in on his mate’s mind and realized what the problem was. Chuckling he said, “Bad timing, huh?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it because then I’m going to think about what my brother was doing. It’s bad enough as it is. I think you need to do something tonight to erase that vision from my mind.”

  Dylon sat and pulled Cody onto his lap. “Sure, ma moité, I can do that,” Dylon murmured, as he nuzzled his mate’s neck.

  “What does ‘ma moité’ mean? You called me that the first night before we, well, you claimed me.”

  “It’s French for ‘my half’. That’s what you are, the other half of me.”

  “So, you always knew what would happen when I bit you?”

  “Yes, it was hard to be patient, but I wanted you to be well and that was my first priority.”

  His mate’s words meant the world to Cody. Growing up in a large family, he learned to accept he wasn’t always going to be first because his parents had to juggle the needs of so many. That’s what made this all the more special. He was the only one Dylon thought about and it would be that way the rest of their lives. It was an intoxicating feeling. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips against Dylon’s very gently, desiring the connection it gave him.

  His mate’s loved the gentleness of Cody’s kiss but the aching in his groin told him he wanted more. Deepening the kiss until his mate parted his lips, Dylon’s tongue pushed in, seeking its counterpart and finding it, he groaned at the sweet taste. As their tongues dueled, each seeking the other, neither of them heard Colton and Ian enter the waiting area.

  “Bro, do you want a room? I mean the beds aren’t that great, but they’ll do in a pinch,” Colton said smirking.

  “I thought you said they were waiting for us?” Ian snickered.

  “I thought they were. Maybe we took too long. After all, they are newly claimed.”

  “I don’t think that counts. Look at us or even better, Jackson and Steel.”

  Cody’s mind began to register that someone was talking; it wasn’t he or his mate since their mouths were otherwise occupied. Pulling back slowly, he grabbed Dylon’s swollen lower lip and bit it before letting go and turning toward the annoying voices. “What do you want?”

  “Hey,” Colton protested, “you wanted to see me and may I remind you that you interrupted my…”

  “Eww, stop. Never mind. You’re right. We have some questions for Ian,” Cody said.

  “Me? Are they medical ones? Is something wrong with one of you?” Ian asked.

  “No, they’re about Tajikistan. You spent some time there, right?” Dylon asked.

  “Yes, I did. Why don’t we go into my office where I have some pictures of the place,” said Ian. “This must be the day for Tajikistan.”

  “Why?” asked Cody.

  “Maximus talked to me about it this morning. I guess the peace conference isn’t going as smoothly as Slate hoped and Maximus promised to ask me about what I knew about the Alphas.”

  Cody and his mate rose, following Ian and his brother to Ian’s office. After he and Dylon were seated, he said, “Actually, that is exactly why I need to speak with you. Dylon and I will be going there the day after tomorrow and I want to find out about the Alphas. There are three of them, right?”

  “Yes, Ulfric, Ordovic, and Arald. Life over there is not easy. The three packs share what little tillable land there is and there are endless squabbles about who should get what from the food that’s grown. I was told Arald is the Alpha keeping the peace—what little there is—between Ulfric and Ordovic’s packs.”

  “Is that true? Do you believe it?” asked Cody.

  “I have no reason to doubt it. The injured shifters always came from those two packs,” Ian replied.

  “But you aren’t sure, are you?” asked Cody.

  “No, and I’ll tell you why. Just before I left to come here, I treated Alpha Ulfric which was very unusual.”

  “Why?” asked Dylon.

  “Because the Alphas were always protected by enforcers…mmm…at least Alpha Arald was. It was the reason I figured the Alphas were rarely injured. However, it was a slow night in the ER and while I was dressing Ulfric’s wounds, we struck up a conversation about what his pack needed. He struck me as thoughtful and caring about his pack—something I didn’t expect because of what Arald always said about Ulfric and his pack. After he left, I thought about it for a long time before deciding I would ask him some more questions when he came back to have his wound checked.”

  “Did you find out anything more when you saw him again?” asked Dylon.

  “No, he skipped his appointment which is usual there and then my replacement came early so I never had a chance to speak with him again. I take it you’re going there?”

  Colton was startled, “What do you mean, Ian? You think Cody is going to Tajikistan? Why would he do that? Cody, Ian’s wrong, isn’t he?”

  “No, he isn’t. But why would you think that, Ian?” Cody asked.

  “I figure with your foresight and your questions, you know something and it requires you and Dylon to go there,” replied Ian. “Anything I can do to help?”

  “Yes. If we are successful, I will be bringing back some very sick shifters. Would you consider delaying your trip to Scotland until we return? It won’t take us long and they’
re going to need medical attention,” said Cody.

  Ian looked at his mate and Cody knew they were talking via their mind link.

  “Sure, we’ll stay. My parents haven’t decided what they want to do in Scotland yet, so no plans have been made. Is there anything we can do to help you get ready?”

  “Actually, yes. These shifters have been abused both mentally and physically. What will we have to know to convince them to trust us, so they’ll agree to come with us?” asked Cody.

  “Wow! Nothing simple like needing a band-aid,” Ian exclaimed. “First thing is the fragile state of their mind. They will shy away from you and probably cower if you move too fast. It’s not a reflection on you—just expectations that they’ll be hurt. Move slowly and speak softly. Fast movements and loud noises must be avoided at all costs. Get them here as fast as you can so I can assess their injuries, both physical and mental. A word of advice: some won’t believe you and will want to stay in familiar surroundings even if it is abusive. What you are trying to do is admirable but as I learned early in my medical career, not everyone wants to be saved.”

  “Ian,” said Cody, “we are committed to do the best we can and understand we might fail completely. But we have to try.”

  “We’ll be waiting to help those you can save,” said Ian, “And now I think it’s time for lunch. With this growing pup in me, I have officially entered the eat-all-you-can stage.”


  Calling his brother in Tajikistan, Steel glanced at his watch. Quickly doing the math, he realized Slate was sleeping. Well tough fucking shit! His brother woke him up plenty of times through the years. His mind sifted through what he learned this morning. Holy shit! Unfuckingbelievable! Of course, he’d studied the gifts of the gods the Fates could bestow on a shifter but Steel always viewed it as more academic than anything else. In his long life, he never met a shifter who had been given that gift. Shit! And I thought Jackson’s gift was rare.

  “Hello?” answered a sleepy voice.

  “Slate? What are you doing going to bed so early? Getting old?”

  “Fuck you. Do you know what time it is here?”

  “As a matter of fact, I do. I just never thought my younger brother would go to bed so early.”

  “Asshole. What do you want?”

  “Cody and Dylon will be arriving within a few days and they carry an executive order so whatever they need, make sure they get it.”

  Slate sat up and turned on the bedside lamp. His night just turned shitty. “Cody? And who is Dylon? And why are they coming here?”

  “Dylon is Cody’s Fated Mate. I can’t tell you more except Dad signed an Executive Order granting them unlimited help from Dire Enterprises. And since you’re there and I’m here, it falls to you.”

  “I take it they will need to be protected so I better get more men. Shit, I’m sorry. This peace conference is a disaster and no matter what I try, it never works.”

  “I don’t think you need more enforcers but they can explain when they get there,” Steel said chuckling.

  “Look you are making no sense. Colton goes to Mexico and I have to employ an army of enforcers to keep him safe. Now his brother comes to Tajikistan where shifters are being injured or killed almost daily and I don’t need an army? What gives? And don’t tell me you can’t say anything.”

  “Slate, I can’t and I won’t. When you meet them and talk to them you will understand why you must remain in the dark for now. Trust me, bro.”

  Slate sighed. He knew his brother well enough to know Steel was telling him the truth. “How’s my nephew doing?”

  “Daniel is growing like a weed. And he started shifting—well, different parts of him but I expect to see a full shift any day now. And, oh brother, does he ever have Jackson’s attitude—so sassy. I expect to hear his first word soon.”


  “Fuck what?”

  “Daniel’s first word—‘fuck’.”

  “It better not be. Jackson will have my bollocks.”

  “Bollocks? You mean balls? Why don’t you say balls? Are you trying to teach Daniel bollocks instead of balls? I don’t think that’s such a good idea. If he says that at school, the other boys will tease him and knowing he’s got your genes, he’ll beat them up.”

  “Why would you say that? And no, I’m not trying to teach him that word. Jackson proposed it as a substitute for fuck.”

  “Ahh, I don’t think that will work.”

  “No shit. Someday remind me to tell you what happened when Jackson proposed it to his brothers. Shit, I never laughed so hard.”

  “Tell me now, I could use a good laugh.”

  “No, I want to see your face when I tell this story. Maybe after the peace conference when you finally get here.”

  Slate’s voice grew serious. “I don’t know if I’ll be successful. Something isn’t right but every time I think I’ve figured it out, the ground shifts and I’ve got to start over. Dad talked to Ian and I’ve gained some more insights so let’s see what happens tomorrow. I have never been this frustrated— you know I’ve mediated some really bad conflicts but I’m really fucked on this one. I’m close to calling it quits. I don’t see a way forward and if I can’t see that, then I’m just spinning my wheels.”

  Steel rubbed his face. He’d never heard his brother so disheartened before. “Slate, talk to Cody when he arrives. I’m pretty sure he can help. I’m sorry I can’t say more right now but trust me. Okay?”

  “Yeah, okay. I better get back to sleep since there’s another tough day ahead of me. Tell Jackson hello and give my nephew a big hug and a kiss for me.”

  “Will do. Hang in there, bro.”

  After exchanging good-byes, Steel hung up, thinking about what his brother said. None of it made sense. Usually, by the time the parties agreed to a peace conference, they were all eager to participate. Here it seemed to be the opposite. Why? What are we missing here?

  Chapter 32

  As the four of them headed up the stairs for lunch, they heard Jackson yelling for Steel to come quickly. Cody and Colton quickly looked at each other, then ran the rest of the way, concern clearly etched on their faces. Dylon, not willing to be left behind, joined the dash and reached his mate just as they reached the top step with Ian close behind him.

  “What the fuck is happening?” asked Dylon.

  “I don’t know, but it can’t be good,” answered Cody as he rushed into the great room. He stopped quickly as he saw what his brother was yelling about. As Dylon, Colton, and Ian bumped into him from behind, Cody started to chuckle for there, in front of him on the floor, was Daniel or to be more correct, Daniel’s small silver wolf. His nephew had finally shifted completely. Glancing up, he saw Zane, Dakota, Logan, Carson, Oracle and Maximus standing in wide circle around the pup.

  Steel had run in from the opposite side, his face breaking out in a huge grin as he saw his son’s wolf. “Holy shit! He did it! Way to go Daniel!”

  Daniel sat on the floor, while his silver eyes took in everyone as they gathered around him. Lifting his head, he let out his first howl—and then again and still once more to make sure everyone knew there was a new wolf in the pack. Looking to his parents for their approval and getting it, he began to walk around, unsteady at first, sniffing everyone and finally ending up in a heap at Jackson’s feet where he was promptly picked up and cuddled in his father’s arms.

  “Fuck!” exclaimed Zane. “Who won the bet?”

  “What bet?” asked Jackson.

  “First time Daniel completely shifted. Duh! What else would it be?” answered Carson. “It wasn’t me.”

  “Me either. Shit, I should have written a program to give me the date.”

  “It was me,” Logan said. “I just used how old Jackson was when he did his first shift.”

  “Damn,” said Colton, “I should’ve figured that out.”

  “Daniel’s amazing,” Dakota said. “But why are his eyes silver?”

  “I don’t know, bu
t they are gorgeous. They remind me of moonlight,” Jackson said, then glancing at Oracle asked, “Do you know?”

  “No, the Fates have not told me anything about Daniel yet. But my, oh my, he is darling with the silver fur and matching eyes, isn’t he, Max?”

  “Yes,” Maximus said, “Mmmm. He reminds me of something.”

  “Reminds you of what, Dad?” asked Steel.

  “Something I read a long time ago. I’ve forgotten most of it, but Daniel’s combination jogged something in my memory. Most unusual. Oh well, I’m sure it will come back to me.”

  Cody said, “Well, I won the bet about his eye color.”

  “Fuck,” Zane exclaimed, “I’m losing my edge.”

  “That’s right, bro,” said Logan, “And that makes this win all the sweeter.”

  “What do you want to do about Daniel’s lunch?” Dakota asked Jackson. “Lunch is ready but I don’t think you’ll be able to give him a bottle as long as he’s a wolf.”

  Jackson looked down at his son and saw he’d fallen asleep, tired out from all the energy he’d expended shifting for the first time. “I don’t think it matters right now.” Turning to Steel he said, “Hon, would you bring out his porta-crib from my study and set it up in the dining room? When he wakes up, he’ll have shifted back and I can feed him then.”

  “I’ll get it,” said Colton, smiling at Ian. “I need all the practice I can get between now and when our pup is born.”

  “Good idea,” said Steel, “I’ll get you a beeper so when the poop patrol is needed, I can buzz you.”

  “Poop patrol? How did offering to get a crib morph into changing diapers?” asked Colton with a look of bewilderment on his face.

  “I thought you just said you wanted to practice fatherhood?” asked Steel, “Well, diaper changing is part of it.”

  “He’s got you there, babe,” Ian said, smirking.

  “No, he doesn’t. Do your own poop patrol,” said Colton, “I already know how to change diapers—I did a rotation as a neonatal nurse.”


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