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Wings of Lomay (Solus Series Book Four)

Page 6

by Devri Walls

  The Shifter who had been the most vocal crossed his arms. “Do you think we are stupid? As soon as we pick sides, you will execute whoever is not with you.”

  Kiora looked at him sadly. “No, I won’t.”

  “How do we know that?”

  “If she wanted to execute you, she could have already done it,” Drustan said. “It is well within her power. She has grown much since you last saw her.”

  The Shifter stepped forward, claws extended from his fingertips. “The bracelets do not prevent us from defending ourselves if attacked, Drustan. There are far more of us than there are of you,” he added, jerking his head toward those behind him.

  “What if she is telling the truth?” Emane asked, stepping between Drustan and the Shifter. “Whose side would you rather be on? Kiora is offering you your freedom regardless of what path you choose. Can you say the same for the Shadow?”

  “Siding with you is a death sentence!” called a Shifter from the back. “No one can stand against the Shadow.”

  “I can,” Kiora shouted over the voices of agreement that were buzzing around them. “I have stood against her—and lived. We all have.” She motioned to Emane and Drustan. “Because we have this.” She pulled out the talisman, unsheathing it as she did, to demonstrate its power.

  The Shifters fearfully backed against the canyon walls, their eyes wide as they searched the sky for a billowing blackness.

  “I am stopping the magic, not the Shadow,” she said. “With this talisman, I can finally place both sides on equal footing. We are no longer helpless. We know who the Shadow is, and we know what we need to do to defeat her.” A slight exaggeration, but Kiora had to believe she would figure out a way eventually. “And equally important,” she added, “we have a safe place to stay where she can’t come.”

  The whispers resumed.

  As the buzzing subsided, Kiora spoke up. “There is one more thing I must make clear before you choose. The city we are going to was created by Nestor. He built in a number of protections that will search you, ensuring that you hearts and threads are good. Any who are hiding their true intentions will be discovered, and if you are evil . . . the magic will destroy you.” Her head and shoulders drooped. “Please, I can’t watch that happen again. If you are not with us, stay behind and do what you will.”

  Drustan smiled. “That, my fellow Shifters, is an indication of who you are siding with. You will not receive such honesty or concern from the Shadow. Now, make your choice. I am shifting back into the form I arrived in, for transportation and nothing more.” He looked around to ensure the message was received—this shift was nonthreatening.

  For a moment, nobody moved, and Kiora’s heart sank. They would be going home empty-handed.

  There was a shuffle further down the beach and a young male Shifter maneuvered his way through the group, his head held high. The others turned to watch as he passed.

  “Killian, no. I forbid it!” The Shifter who had been arguing with them from the beginning grabbed him.

  Kilian jerked his shoulder free. “You forbid it, Father?” He scoffed. “I make my own choices, and I choose to side with her.” He jerked his head toward Kiora.

  “No, you won’t,” the man seethed. “The rebels have never treated us as anything but slaves—she is no different! You are too young to understand—”

  A woman stepped up, interrupting the two. “Vardon, he is of age,” she said firmly. “Killian may choose.”

  Vardon glared at her, the tendons in his jaw and neck tightening.

  “Everyone has treated us as slaves,” Killian said, speaking loud enough that the whole group could hear. “Whether it be the Shadow or Lomay, it has never mattered. We have been used as tools and pawns, and I am finished with it. I choose to side with the first person who has ever given us a choice.”

  “You will never survive,” Vardon said. “Not against the Shadow.”

  Killian inclined his chin. “If I die, at least I did so on my own terms.” He turned away from his father and bowed to Kiora, then moved toward Drustan.

  What Killian said flowed through the area like a fresh breeze, softening others.

  A few more Shifters stepped forward under the rage-filled watch of Vardon and those who sided with him. The atmosphere was charged, rife with tension, and rising.

  Emane slid up next to Kiora. “Sword,” he murmured in her ear as he scanned the Shifters for possible threats. Kiora summoned his sword into his hand and Emane strapped the sheath around his waist.

  The beach was filled with murmuring as more made their choices. As each Shifter walked forward, Kiora could see Vardon holding himself back from physically restraining them. Then the female Shifter who had stood next to Vardon advanced.

  “Erina! You are my wife!” Vardon called to her. His voice wavered, although whether in rage or desperation, Kiora couldn’t tell.

  Erina stopped and slowly turned. “I was your wife, Vardon. But I don’t know who you are anymore.” Vardon shook his head, his mouth opening before Erina cut him off. “Your son knows who the Solus is. I know, and so do you.” She jabbed a finger at him. “We knew she was the Solus from the second she stepped into that canyon. But you have allowed anger and hate to corrupt everything about you, and I will no longer be a part of it. I am going with our son.” She held Vardon’s gaze for a moment before turning into a bug and flying to join Killian on Drustan’s back.

  Vardon’s hands clenched in and out of fists. Then he snapped. He leaned down, picked up a large boulder, and with a bellow, heaved it toward Kiora.

  Kiora twisted. The rock was too close—she wouldn’t get her shield out in time. She sent out a wide burst of magic. It shattered the boulder, and bits of dust and rock sprayed in every direction.

  Emane rushed forward. He slammed into Vardon and laid him out flat on his back. Wrenching the sword from his sheath, he pressed the point into Vardon’s neck.

  The Shifter glared up at Emane, chest heaving.

  “Never again,” Emane growled. “The next time you try anything like that, I will lead with my sword.” He pressed the tip in further. A bead of blood appeared.

  Two male Shifters stepped forward in Vardon’s defense, their hands morphing into claws. But Drustan, already in Dragon form, held up his own claws. “I would not try that if I were you.”

  “Enough!” Kiora shouted. “I will not do this. I have made my offer. Those who wish to stay with Vardon may do so. Those who are coming with me—we are leaving now. Change into something small and wait on Drustan. I have not come to battle.”

  Emane stepped back, keeping his sword out. Vardon pushed to his feet, his eyes not leaving Emane as he rubbed at his throat, smearing blood.

  More Shifters came, each looking nervously back at those who had their feet firmly planted in the sand. It appeared that all had chosen sides when three Shifters suddenly stepped forward, stopping near Vardon. A look passed between them that Kiora did not understand, but immediately made her uneasy. The three then walked to her, giving a slight bow before shifting into birds and joining the rest.

  Kiora frowned, watching the three birds.

  Emane scowled as he backed away from Vardon. Leaning over to Kiora, he whispered, “What was that?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Around sixty bugs and small birds were ready to be transported back to camp. The rest stood on the beach, their bodies as tense as springs that had been stretched to their limit. Kiora knew the only thing preventing them from attacking was the influence of the bracelets.

  “Anyone else?” Drustan asked. “Last chance.” When nobody moved, Drustan gave Emane and Kiora his tail and lifted them up.

  The sun gave one last flash of light and disappeared behind the horizon.

  Vardon stepped forward. “I knew it! You had no intention of removing the bracelets.”

  Kiora looked down at him. Sorrow filled her at their inability to see her for what she truly was. “If I wanted you for slaves, I could have taken you witho
ut resistance. The bracelets would have ensured your loyal service to me, just as they did to Lomay.” She unsheathed the talisman. “Drustan, take us up a little.”

  Drustan leaned back on his hind legs, beating his wings to push them into the air. Each beat sent sand flying into the eyes of the Shifters on the beach. They turned away, bringing their arms across their faces.

  Kiora repeated the complicated series of incantations Lomay had left for her. Clicks resounded as the bracelets snapped open and fell to the sand. The Shifters who had chosen to come with her cried out in delight at receiving their promised freedom. The Shifters below rubbed their wrists in muted surprise.

  “You will get your magic back as soon as we are out of range,” Kiora told them. “I can’t allow you to follow us.”


  Into the Fray

  “DRUSTAN,” KIORA SAID AS they flew back toward the forest, “we will need to make camp soon. Keep an eye out for a spot to land.”

  Emane whispered in her ear. “What do you think about the look those three Shifters gave Vardon?”

  Kiora shook her head. “I don’t think it was good.”

  “I know. Vardon seemed to relax afterwards. I don’t like it, Kiora. Something is going on.”

  Drustan jerked beneath them, his wings stuttering before righting to a normal rhythm.

  “Drustan! What’s wrong?” Kiora called.

  “Nothing,” Drustan said with slightly more enthusiasm than the situation called for. “Just became distracted for a moment.”

  Emane’s gaze hardened as he looked back to the three bird-Shifters from earlier.


  NIGHT HAD TAKEN A firm hold on the land. The clouds covered the moon, making it even darker than usual. Drustan flew toward the edge of the tree line. Kiora hoped his eyesight in Dragon form was as good as his hearing because as they came in for a landing, she could barely see past the end of his snout, let alone the ground.

  Kiora was grateful for her abundance of magic as she pushed a bubble out that was large enough for her to build an enclosure inside. Once the barrier snapped into place, she dropped the bubble and sheathed her talisman.

  The strange myriad of Shifter-fowl and insect life flew down, morphing to human form on the ground. Each Shifter dropped to their knees and bowed their heads.

  Kiora’s shoulders slumped. Why did everyone have to bow? It never stopped. It was exhausting—and immensely uncomfortable. “Please, no bowing. I am no better than any of you.” She motioned for them to rise. “We have a long journey ahead of us,” she said, trying to recognize each of them with a smile and nod. “Get some rest. We will reach the city tomorrow.”

  As the Shifters settled in around the enclosure, Drustan grabbed Kiora by one arm and Emane by the other. “I need to speak with you,” he said in a low voice. “Outside.”

  Kiora put up a bubble, and the three slipped outside the barrier.

  “What is it?” Kiora asked.

  “You asked earlier what was wrong.” Drustan glanced over his shoulder. “A little bug whispered something in my ear. Erina informed me that we have three traitors amongst us.”

  Kiora cursed the situation. “If it’s true, we can’t let them know where the city is. But without proof of betrayal, any action we take will make the rest of the Shifters question our intentions.”

  Drustan stared back at the enclosure, rubbing his chin. “I think I know which Shifters she means.”

  “The last three to join,” Emane said.

  Drustan nodded. “It doesn’t surprise me. There used to be four in that particular group, and they stuck together. The missing member happens to be the Shifter who pushed Alcander out of the barrier back at the canyon.”

  “Aimon referred to placing a spy with Lomay’s rebels.” Emane reminded them.

  Drustan nodded. “The spy is most likely teaching the others how to mask their threads. The Shifter who pushed Alcander out of the barrier was probably a test—to see if they could control their threads enough to mutiny with the bracelets on.”

  “Some test,” Emane muttered.

  “If I had to guess, the traitors will try to get into the city. They fooled the bracelets and are most likely over-confident in their ability to fool the magic.”

  “The one who tried to push Alcander out of the boundary died,” Emane said. “What do they have to be confident about?”

  “They wouldn’t have ultimately been sure of what killed him. All they know was that Alcander was indeed pushed out—it was a success.”

  “And what if they try something before we reach the city?” Emane asked.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Kiora said. “Erina obviously knows who they are, I assume because her husband knew—you saw the look that passed between them. But we don’t know how much the rest of the Shifters know. If we deal with the spies without proof of who they are or their intentions, it will appear as if we are killing without reason. Their trust in us is shaky at best—taking action could turn the rest against us. They are going to have to witness the betrayal with their own eyes. Until then, we can take turns keeping watch.”

  “Taking them with us still carries risk. With one failed attempt to enter the city, the other two will run. We are going to lose another entrance,” Drustan said.

  Kiora huffed and looked up at the star-spattered sky. Jasmine already knew the location of two entrances—they couldn’t keep losing them like this. “Before we left, you said I shouldn’t worry about this very scenario because the magic would take care of the problem.”

  “That’s when I thought there was one spy—not three.”

  “Summon my bow,” Emane said. “I will make sure the entrance stays secret . . . and don’t look at me like that, Kiora. It’s the only way. I will only loose an arrow if they run.”


  KIORA TOOK THE FIRST watch. She leaned against a tree as the camp fell silent. Once everyone was asleep, she lit a small ball of blue light, rolling it back and forth across her fingertips. She leaned to the side and held the ball out to illuminate Emane’s face. His hair fell softly across his forehead and his hand rested on his bow—ready to spring into action, even as he slept.

  Drustan’s voice came from the side. “It doesn’t get easier, does it?” he asked softly.


  “Loving two people.”

  She didn’t bother denying it. “Part of me thinks it would be easier if Emane had someone else. Maybe I wouldn’t feel so guilty.”


  “Not that it matters—he isn’t going to find someone until he goes back to Meros.”

  The bugs of the forest chirped and chattered in the darkness, filling the silence between them. Kiora almost wondered if Drustan had fallen asleep when he asked, “Will you be going back?”

  Kiora pursed her lips. She stared up at the sky through the branches, letting the blue light on her fingertips flicker out. “I don’t know. Maybe . . . someday. I can’t really see past Jasmine, to be honest.”

  “Will you take Alcander?”

  Kiora grinned. “That would be an interesting sight, wouldn’t it? Alcander strolling around Meros.”

  “That’s not what I was really asking.”

  Kiora glanced sideways. Drustan was leaning up on his elbow, looking at her curiously, his face mostly in shadow. “Then what are you asking?”

  “He is bonded with you. Are you bonded with him?”

  She slid down the trunk and pulled her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “I think I am.”

  Drustan smiled. “Good. Someone deserves to be happy.” He shrugged and rolled onto his back. “Even if that means it has to be Alcander.”

  Kiora chuckled softly, shaking her head. “Will you be glad to go home?”

  “Yes, I will. There are some Shifters I miss very much. And my waterfall,” he mumbled, resting his head on his arm. “I miss my waterfall.”


  EMANE TOOK THE LAST watch. He shook Ki
ora awake as the sun rose. “Let’s go.”

  Kiora pushed herself up, looking around camp. “Any problems?” she whispered.

  Emane shook his head. “Nope. They are definitely planning on getting into the city.”

  “Let’s get this over with,” she groaned.

  The flight back seemed longer as she anticipated what was to come. Drustan landed outside the entrance that Kiora had instructed be manned from the inside.

  She pulled the bubble that was currently concealing their group up and over the perimeter of the entrance, ensuring that none of their threads escaped. Emane dismounted and causally strolled to the side of the stone door, facing the Shifters. He prepared his bow and arrow, but left it by his side—looking as causal as possible.

  Kiora walked past him to touch the entrance. Magic flared out, running up and around the edges—the sign to open it.

  The stone slab rumbled as it slid to the side. The Shifters’ attention immediately fixated on the sheeting magical protection. Nobody moved.

  Drustan, having shifted to human form, pushed to the front. “I will go first to show you what to expect,” he said. As he passed through, the magic seized him. It poured around him, searching, and then released its hold.

  Killian stepped forward. He clenched and unclenched his fists as he walked. His breathing was labored, but he bravely stepped into the magic. It reacted the same as it had for Drustan. Once he was safely inside, a collective sigh of relief moved through the new rebels. They relaxed, smiling at each other and gripping one another’s hands.

  The next Shifter boldly stepped forward, one of the three in question. The smile on his face was closer to a smirk and his chin was pulled up in the most confident of poses. The barrier stopped him. The colors immediately changed from pinks and blues to blood red.

  Kiora cursed—she had truly hoped they were wrong. She turned her head away as the magic melted flesh from bone.


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