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Sins of the Master

Page 32

by Catherine Taylor

  “She told me nothing that I haven’t already passed on to my superior.”

  “Who rightly called it through to Intelligence,” Kutcher nodded. “We need to isolate this, and that becomes easier when you know that you have everyone on board, all working towards the same cause. Your boss has complete faith in your integrity and speaks highly of you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “And it looks suspicious if we suddenly remove a competent officer from a case. The least media attention we attract, the better. You have also established a connection with the Vaughn’s. They will be expecting you to be on this case. We want all the appearance of a normal investigation into an assault. It was unfortunate that the SIS intervened in the court case, but of course we hadn’t quite pieced it all together by that stage. That will be rectified tomorrow.”

  “We can’t release him until we have the toxicology report. That’s his only alibi.”

  “And you will have your results tomorrow,” Miller said. “Detective, are you aware of James Vaughn’s history?”

  She nodded. “Ex British Army, decorated for service in Afghanistan. Spent a year in hospital for wounds sustained during his time there. No criminal record.”

  “Exactly, a good man, which is why we shift our focus to Mairead. She has a completely different history. Adele told you that this girl has sexual deviances, probably not unlike Mary, and more likely to be in league with Tyler. We believe James is just another pawn in this, but if he faces up to the truth about his wife, he could prove helpful to this case.”

  Cooper smiled thinly that the ownership of a strip club didn’t figure into James’ own sexual deviancy.

  “Which is why you had me suggest the possibility of a relationship between Tyler and Mairead.”

  “He may ask questions of Mairead she’ll be uncomfortable answering,” Miller concluded. “James could be the link we need to Tyler. With you on board, Detective Cooper, it maintains the appearance of a normal investigation and makes you available, should James feel the need to talk. Our priority is to establish Tyler’s location.”

  “Yes,” Kutcher grunted. “As completely absurd as it is, no-one seems to be able to find this one man anywhere in one small fucking country.”

  There was a low buzz. Miller pulled out his phone and answered it. Cooper watched his calm expression darken. Getting her own phone out, she switched it on. Over the last hour, she had missed a dozen calls from Sam.

  She was about to call him back when Miller hung up. He looked stunned and agitated as he turned to Kutcher. “Sir, something has happened. I’m terribly sorry.”

  Kutcher frowned at him. “What’s happened?”

  “It’s Lance Easton and his wife… I’m sorry, Sir, but they’ve been shot. Both of them have been murdered in their home and Adele is missing.”


  The bedroom was getting lighter with the sunrise. Esther sighed with relief as she heard Tammy’s breathing ease into soft snoring. It had been a long, difficult night, trying to convince her that Dylan had not met with an accident or worse.

  He was rarely away this long without calling, and his sudden departure, the night before, had only increased her concerns. She had thought about ringing Yvette, but knew it would do no good, especially if Dylan had given her orders to be silent. Yvette would never betray his trust.

  With Tammy asleep, it was time to get a decent rest on the couch. Reaching over her, Esther dimmed the lamp and slowly crept backwards off the bed. She had barely taken a step away, before she saw him standing silently in the doorway. Emotion flooded through her, seeing him, seeing the strain in his face and his eyes watching her. She still hadn’t grown use to the stark change in his appearance, and for a moment she could only stare back.

  She had to fight the urge to run and fling her arms around him, as any sane person might have done. On the brink of tears, she dropped to her knees, bowing her head, panting with panic and relief. Shamed by the t-shirt covering her, she pulled it off and tossed it aside. The panties would have to stay for the moment.

  Dylan walked to other side of the bed. She turned enough to watch him pulling the blankets up around Tammy, before bending down and kissing her softly. Esther bowed her head lower as she heard him approach.

  Without warning, she was lifted and draped over his shoulder. He carried her from the room, closing the door and taking her further down the hallway to another bedroom. It was smaller than his own, but still filled with rich furnishings, both the bedroom kind and that used for bondage. Lying her down on the bed, he grabbed the sides of her panties and swiftly removed them.

  “Master, I…”

  He was quickly over her, inserting himself between her legs and leaning above her on powerful arms.

  “Shut up.”

  Esther pursed her lips and trembled. His eyes wandered down and she felt his fingers delicately caress her breast, before grasping it gently. He moved down, taking her nipple into his mouth, sucking and licking it tenderly. His other hand moved down the side of her body, pushing under her to cup and squeeze her buttock. Softly, he allowed her nipple to fall away from his lips as he shifted to the other.

  It was like a dream and she longed to put her arms around him, but she lay still, obedient and available, becoming desperate with arousal.

  Slowly his lips made their way down her body, until he rose up and took hold of her thighs. Knowing what he was about to do to her, she shivered with anticipation, wanting to plead for him to stop. It was not a good time. She was too emotional, too weak to have any control over what her body needed to do.

  She gasped as she felt his tongue assaulting her, while he forced her thighs wider apart. His fingers spread her labia, his mouth pushing into her, aggressively sucking, licking and nipping every fold. His thumbs were tantalisingly close to her clit, but he seemed content to avoid it, drawing out her suffering. A single flick of his tongue on the swollen bud, had her groaning loudly,

  His passionate assault slowed down and stopped. Lifting her head, she looked down at him. He was studying her, blowing gently on her sensitive flesh and laying soft kisses on her inner thighs. His touch had her trembling and panting desperately, unable to tear her gaze away as his tongue extended to finally assault the source of her torment.

  “Oh, god.” The cry escaped her as his tongue repeatedly flicked her clit. It felt incredible and her body was soon rebelling against her will. She shook her head and tried to concentrate, but was powerless against his skill. It was as if she had never undergone years of his training, holding back her climax until given permission. Her hips were bucking against him and her entire lower body was tense with the need for penetration and release.

  Her failure erupted as an intense orgasm, a spasm of pulsing inner muscles and hips bucking against his face. Her head craned back, yelling with shameless abandon. Within her ecstasy, she expected to be left abandoned on the bed and subjected to his disapproval, but instead he only grasped her harder, drawing her clit between his lips and sucking it, taking her all the way into a chasm of sheer pleasure. It was a merciful deed, if not his usual approach to her rebellion.

  When he rose up and backed off the bed, she waited to hear him admonish her, eager to accept the harshest of punishments. Instead, he removed his t-shirt and stood staring at her as he unbuckled his belt. Once his jeans and boxers were removed, he was back over her, crushing her wrists into the bedclothes, as he rammed into her. For countless, glorious minutes he fucked her powerfully.

  Esther was lost to the sensations. Gazing into his eyes, she watched them close tightly as he held his breath. His release came with a quiet grunt and sigh of relief, still bucking against her as his semen filled her. He breathed heavily and looked down at her.

  “You’re beautiful. Have I ever told you that?”

  Esther felt her heart wrench and she nodded. “Yes, Master.”

  He shook his head. “No. Call me anything else. Fucking any name you want, just not Master” />
  His head dropped to her shoulder and his mouth moved up over her neck and ear. Esther stared out beyond him, still deep in arousal, but confused by his request. She went to speak until she was silenced by his hungry and passionate kiss. Her wrists were released and she slowly drew her arms around him.

  “Everything about you,” he whispered, as his lips parted from hers and returned to her neck. “Soft. Beautiful.”

  The desperation in his voice had her lip quivering. It was like listening to the words of a lover. His caresses were gentle and exploring as he spoke again.

  “Just be with me, Esther.”

  “I will.” Her heart was wrenching. “Always.”

  His arms went under her and he held her as he rolled onto his back, with her lying on top of him, her face close to his. Smiling, he studied her as he stroked her hair.

  “Were you alright today?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Mast… yes.”

  He smiled sadly. “How was Tammy?”

  “Scared, upset.”

  “I knew she would be. Thank you for caring for her.”

  She dared to ask. “Are you alright?”

  He nodded. “Sorry I worried you. It couldn’t be helped.”

  “May I ask…?”

  “You want to know where I was, what I was doing and I can’t tell you that.” He gazed at her solemnly. “I’m so sorry, Esther, but our time together is coming to an end, sooner than expected.”

  Esther shook her head and tried to push up from him. “No, don’t say that, please Master, don’t, please.”

  He held her. “Esther, listen to me…”

  “No, you told me later this year, that I would have this time…”

  He smacked her sharply on her buttock. “Stop it now and listen to me.”

  The tears she had held back finally spilled over. Dylan gently brought her face down into his neck, holding her as she wept. “Listen to me, little one, because I don’t say this lightly. Things have happened and I have no choice over what must be done. Being with me puts you all in danger. Please, Esther, believe me when I tell you that there’s no other way.”

  “I believe you,” she sobbed. “I just don’t understand.”

  “You will, but not now. If it makes it any easier for you, Tammy will be going with you to France.”

  Esther lifted up and frowned at him. “She won’t go there without you.”

  “Which is why you have to help me. I’m getting you both out within days. I have spoken to Yvette, and by this time next week, you and Tammy will be with her, safe and never wanting anything for the rest of your lives. When I can, I will join you, but it may take some time. If there was any other way…”

  He looked away, but not before Esther saw the shine in his eyes and the despair on his face. Her heart felt close to shattering, and she had to breathe evenly to stop herself from crying again.

  “It’s alright, Master,” she told him gently. “I’ll help you. I’ll do whatever you ask of me.”

  Dylan turned back to her and smiled softly. In all the time she had known him, she had never seen him so vulnerable.

  “I need you to be strong for Tammy.” He breathed deeply before continuing. “She won’t understand any of this… and it could be a while before I see any of you again. Tammy can’t know this. She has to believe that I will be there in a few days after you arrive, but she will fret as that time grows longer and it won’t be easy for her or any of you, and I need to know she won’t be… abandoned…”

  “Never,” Esther told him. “She is my family and I will always care for her.”

  “I’ve loved you all,” he smiled. “Don’t ever doubt it. You’ve given me far more than anything I’ve given you.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not true. You gave us all another chance at life and prepared us for it. The very least I owe you now is to do whatever you ask of me.”

  Dylan stroked her hair. “Right now, I just want to hold you and get a few hours’ sleep. We’ll talk again later.”

  They got in under the covers together, and his arms went around her, holding her against his body with her head resting on his chest. Within a few minutes, Esther could hear him breathing steadily and she softly kissed his skin. It was a strange feeling to be held by him so intimately. She would have savoured it, appreciating the strength in his arms and his need for her, if she hadn’t felt so afraid.

  * * * * *

  Tammy moved back from the door and silently walked down the long hallway.

  “You’re silly, Daddy,” she said quietly. “You’re not allowed to leave me and then not come back. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  She reached another door that was different from the polished timber of the others. This one was painted pink and had fairy decals upon it, with a sign that read, “Tammy’s room.” She opened it quietly and stepped into the world he’d created for her. A collection of dolls and teddy bears were on shelves around the room. There was a bookcase, filled with the stories he had read to her over the years. On her pretty Queen Anne dressing table sat the large wooden hairbrush that had bounced countless times off her backside.

  She picked it up and sat down on the sturdy chair, staring at herself in the mirror. Slowly she brushed the stiff bristles through her hair. Daddy often did it for her, before plaiting her hair into pigtails and tying bows into the ends. He was always gentle, unlike her mother who would rip knots from her hair and slap her ear with the brush if she complained.

  Her mother was always angry. Even on her wedding day, her mother had been frowning as she worked away with the brush. Tammy remembered how scared she had been to speak up.

  “Why do I have to get married? I don’t want to get married.”

  “Because you did a bad thing, Ashley. You disgraced your father and people will talk and the newspapers will say terrible things about him.”

  “But I couldn’t help it. Brian made me do it. He punched me and then got on top of me…”

  “Stop it. If you hadn’t made yourself available it wouldn’t have happened.”

  “But I didn’t.”

  “Enough. You’re going to go out there today and smile and look like a loving bride and for once in you miserable life you’re going to do something to make your father proud or I swear, you’ll go to hell, Ashley. Is that what you want? Do you want to go to hell?”

  “No, but I’m only fifteen. God won’t get angry at me. He loves children.”

  “No. You are sixteen. I keep telling you that. I even showed you your birth certificate. You just keep forgetting because you’re so stupid sometimes.”

  “But I remember my birthday party. There were fifteen candles. I counted them.”

  “Before or after you decided to get drunk?”

  “I didn’t mean for it to happen.”

  “The wages of sin, Ashley, and now you have to make it right. If you’re old enough to have your belly full, you’re old enough to be married. God hates babies that aren’t born in marriage. They’re called bastards. Do you want God to hate you? Do you want your baby to be a bastard?”

  “No, but Brian is old and ugly, and I don’t like it when he touches me. He always touches me. He always has and you never believe me.”

  “Because you’re full of lies, and Brian is a good man. You’ve always lied, right from the time you were a little girl. You nearly destroyed our family back then.”

  “But I didn’t tell Dad. I didn’t say anything.”

  “There was nothing to tell. I was never in that bed with Brian. You imagined it, like you imagine everything else you make up in your head.”

  “I really thought I saw you…”

  “You didn’t. Have you got that? I was never in bed with him. I love your father and I would never do anything so disgusting, except in your vile head, because you’re the one who likes to do filthy things. Your future husband is a good man, an important man, and you threw yourself at him, like a common slut, and he had the decency to offer to marry you. Now you’r
e going to honour that, or I swear, Ashley, I’ll have that baby taken away and thrown in an orphanage and you’ll never set foot in this house again. You will be living on the streets.”

  “He’s going to take me away. I don’t want to go to New Zealand.”

  “You’ll go where your husband takes you and allow your father and me a decent chance to get on with our own lives, without having to deal with you all the time.”

  “Will you come and visit me?”

  “Of course I will, but only if you’re behaving and trying to be a good wife, because that will make everyone happy, especially your father. You want to make your father happy, don’t you, Ashley?”

  “Yes, I don’t like it that Dad hates me now.”

  “He won’t anymore, not when you show him today how grown up you can be, with your smiles and your pretty dress and all the lovely flowers. We’re going to have a wonderful day, Ashley, and I promise you’ll have a happy life with your new baby and a new home. Won’t that be special?”

  “Yes. I want my baby. I want to be happy. I want Dad to love me again, like he did when I was little.”

  Tammy put down the hairbrush and turned the chair onto its side. Her fingers plucked at the tape holding the gun to the base. As it came away, she pulled the tape off and went to her cupboard. Inside were shelves of games and puzzles and all the pretty girly things.

  She selected her favourite handbag. It was shiny, purple, patent leather with a gold chain handle. Opening it, she put the gun inside and closed it up.

  “Nobody will hurt you, Daddy. I won’t let them. They took my baby away, but nobody is going to take you away from me.”



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