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Sins of the Master

Page 74

by Catherine Taylor

  “Yes. It’s Eddie.”

  “Eddie Ivanchenko?”

  Lena frowned. “So I’ve been told, though I only knew him as…

  “Well done, Lena.” Vanessa took her hand and started her back to the car. “This is the bastard we’re after.”

  “What?” Lena stopped. “What do you mean?”

  “Come on,” Vanessa tugged on her. “We have to hurry.”

  Dylan was glaring at Lena as she got back in. “What the hell were you doing?”

  “I was stretching my legs.” She glared back at him. “And I’m not going anywhere. You lied to me. You’re not going after Esther. You’re going after Eddie.”

  “Eddie is the one who has her.”

  “I don’t believe you. He’s not like that. He wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “Lena, I don’t have time to argue. This is where you get out.”

  She shook her head. “You think I am going to get out when you’re about to go after Eddie and kill him, without hearing what he has to say.”

  “I don’t need to hear what he has to say.” Dylan was furious. “Eddie Ivanchenko is a fucking murdering bastard and Esther is with him, so if you don’t want to see me kill him, get out the fucking car now, Lena.”

  “No,” she stated calmly. “You just try to get me out and I’ll scream and bring everyone down on you.”

  “We don’t have time for this,” Vanessa said, starting the car. “We have to go now.”

  Dylan’s gaze at Lena was cold fury. “You want to threaten me? Fine. Sit there and don’t say you weren’t warned. I’ve had a fucking gutful of dealing with you.”

  Lena waited until he had turned away, before giving into her silent tears.

  * * * * *

  Miller’s hands were aching, straining to hold a razor blade at an angle to painstakingly slice through the cables that bound his wrists behind him. At least his efforts were hidden from Eddie, seated beside him in the back. Up front, Esther was driving.

  “So where are we going, Esther?” he asked.

  “You’ll see when we get there,” she replied sullenly.

  “Is it much farther?”

  This time she didn’t reply and Miller grinned. “Your friend has done well to cover his tracks over the years. Who would have guessed Dylan Tyler, reclusive and world famous photographer, was a Ukrainian spy? Did he tell you of his exploits before he came to this country?”

  Esther remained silent and Eddie scowled. “Just let her drive.”

  Miller peered at him. “I underestimated you, Eddie. It’s a savage man who can kill his own family.”

  “Asya was an idiot. She would have eventually killed this one and left us with no insurance, and she made the mistake of trusting you. Once you got what you wanted, you would have killed us all anyway, to cover your own arse.”

  “True,” Miller nodded. “I should have come for Esther myself, the moment I knew Asya had her, but I had a few of my own problems to deal with.”

  “This thing you want,” Eddie said. “It must be worth a fortune if you are dealing with it personally.”

  “Are you thinking of reneging on our agreement?”

  “No. I’m just making you aware that there’s only a bullet between us holding on to our agreement and you ending up with nothing. I’ll take this bitch out first, before I kill you. Keep that in mind, when we get to our destination.”

  Miller eyed the back of Esther’s head. “I’m also wondering if we might have other problems to deal with upon arrival. Who will be at this place?”

  “No-one. Dylan would have locked the place securely before he left. I’m the only one who knows the code to get in.”

  “What, like an alarm code?”


  “So if this alarm went off, what happens?”

  “It alerts a security firm.”

  Miller looked at Eddie. “This girl was willing to die before she gave up the location. You don’t think she might try to do something to betray us?”

  “No,” Eddie replied flatly. “Not when my friends are entertaining her mother. I’ve explained to her quite graphically what these men would happily do to her, if she tries to fuck me around.”

  “Good,” Miller nodded. “Then let’s sit back and enjoy the ride. We’re coming up to some beautiful country out this way. I take it this place is in the Wairarapa somewhere?”

  Esther didn’t answer him and Miller continued to slice at his bonds.


  Within the hour, Dylan knew exactly where Eddie was heading, which allowed them to stay well back. At least he knew Esther was alive, having got a glimpse of her at the wheel of the SUV. He was still furious with Lena, but at least she’d had the sense to remain silent since leaving the shopping centre.

  Their dispute over Eddie threatened to destroy everything they had shared that day. Lena would never suffer his death lightly, but there was little he could do. The first opportunity, Dylan planned to act swiftly and rectify something he should have done thirty years before.

  Bringing up the phone, he pushed a number and waited to see if Yvette would answer. The number would not be recognisable to her, but only he knew how to contact her. The call was answered silently and he grinned, imagining her trying to triangulate the location of the caller.

  “Yvette, you should have searched my bag for this phone if you were trying to keep me at home.”

  “Master, where are you?”

  “As it is, I’m returning home with Vanessa and Lena. I want you to locate this number and bring up satellite imagery. We’re headed to the back road out to the house. I want to know every vehicle on it five miles north of my co-ordinates.”

  “You’ve located Esther.”


  “Master, we’re three hours away from you, unless we can get Carl to fly us in.”

  “No, you won’t, and this time you’re going to obey my orders. I have Vanessa here and we’re armed to the teeth, but you should know that Esther might initiate final protocol. Of course she won’t be aware that she’s doing it.”

  “I can disarm it from here.”

  “Again, no, unless you get word from me. Your job now is to find out how many vehicles enter the property and where they’re stationed. I want numbers on the ground so I know what I’m up against.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “And, Yvette, I will tolerate no deviations from my instructions. Esther’s fate is mine alone and I won’t lose her because my instructions were ignored. I have this. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Good. Get on to it and I’ll await your call.”

  “There’s a car up ahead,” Vanessa commented. “Another SUV.”

  Dylan brought up his binoculars. “Tinted windows. Can’t see a fucking thing, which just makes me think we might have our car.”

  “Or a back-up,” Vanessa said.

  “Don’t alert them to our presence. Stay back from them for now.”

  “I didn’t see one other car on this road on my way here earlier, and the adjoining road to your property was so well concealed, I missed it twice and had to double back. You certainly like your privacy and some spectacular scenery, I might add.”

  “You now become one of the privileged few who do know their way here. If these cars turn off, I’m going to show you another road that no-one knows about.” Dylan grinned. “It’s your lucky day, Vanessa.”

  She smirked. “I’ll believe that if I’m still standing at the end of it.”

  “You will be.” Dylan began to speak to her in Dutch. “James tells me that you’re quite the marksman. I might need to put your skill to the test. You’ll have a radio, and when I tell you it’s time to get out, that’s exactly what you’ll do and get Lena out of here safely.”

  Vanessa glanced at him. “What’s the connection between her and this man?”

  “They spent time together, fucking one another I’m presuming.”

  “Oh, so what
she’s says doesn’t hold any substance that he might be innocent?”


  “Just saying.”

  Dylan looked at her. “Which is why I’m asking you now, will you get her out for me, before I kill him?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  “Jahn.” The quiet voice came from the back.


  “Will you at least speak to Eddie, give him a chance to explain?”

  “There’s nothing to explain. Esther is with him and if you hadn’t pulled your stunt, I may have got a better visual inside that car. Don’t even think of interfering, Lena, because you won’t stop me. First chance I get, Eddie dies, so get used to it.”

  “You were right, Jahn. It was for the best that you walked away, and you should have stayed away. I’d rather have the memories of the man you were back then, than the one you have become.”

  “What on earth?” Vanessa changed gears and eased on the brake, bringing the car to a stop.

  They watched as a man crawled from the sloping grassy bank onto the road ahead and lay there. Dylan’s gaze went to the hills on either side and looked for any movement that might indicate they were headed into an ambush. The man rolled over to his side, and Dylan could see the grey beard. He was still assessing the situation when he heard the door open and saw Lena running past his window.

  “Fuck.” He was out of the 4WD immediately, his gun drawn from the back of his belt. He ran after her, still looking about and only caught up to her as she fell to her knees beside Eddie.

  His gun was aimed at his head. “Lena, get away from him.”

  Instead, she covered Eddie’s body with her own, obscuring his target and glaring up at him fiercely.

  “No,” she screamed. “You don’t shoot him. He’s hurt and I won’t let you kill him.”

  Dylan moved round to get another angle, but Lena only covered him more, screaming and crying for him to stop.

  “Lena, you do as you’re fucking told and get away from him, now.”

  “I won’t. If you want him dead, you’ll have to put your bullet through me.”

  Vanessa had come running up and Dylan glanced back at her. “Get her off him.”

  “Dylan,” Vanessa said quietly. “He’s injured and he’s not hurting her. Why don’t we just take a breath?”

  Dylan glared at her and looked back at Lena who was drawing Eddie into her lap, keeping her back to him. She was distraught, weeping and shaking, and slowly he lowered the gun. As he moved around them, Lena eyed him viciously, ready to get between them again.

  “Get away from him,” she sobbed. “He can’t even defend himself.”

  “There.” Dylan tucked the gun back into his belt. “No gun. Now you get away from him.”

  “No, I won’t.”

  Eddie groaned and opened his eyes. “Lena?”

  She gasped and looked back at him. “Yes, Eddie, it’s me.”

  “How are you here?”

  “I came with Jahn,” she sobbed, glancing at Dylan. “He’s been looking for you.”

  One look at Dylan standing over them and Eddie laughed and winced at his pain. “You look very good for a dead man, Jahn.”

  “Better than you,” Dylan replied.

  “He’s angry, Eddie,” Lena told him. “He thinks you have hurt that young girl, Esther.”

  “And he’d be wrong.” He grimaced again as pain went through him. “Let me talk to him.”

  “We have to get you to a hospital.” Lena looked up at Dylan. “We have to get him to a hospital.”

  Dylan crouched down and glared into her face. “Put him down and let me look at him, and you get back with Vanessa.”

  “What, so you can kill him?”

  “I promise I won’t hurt him.”

  “It’s alright, Lena,” Eddie smiled. “Jahn and I are old friends.”

  Lena glared at Dylan. “If you hurt him, I swear I will never forgive you.”

  “I get it,” he replied angrily.

  Eddie chuckled, only to groan with agony. Lena gasped and shook with tears as she saw him.

  “Please, Jahn. Help him.”

  She carefully lay Eddie down and got up. Vanessa came forward to embrace her as they watched Dylan move in closer.

  Eddie grinned at him. “You know I’d prefer Lena to be the last thing I see.”

  “Yeah, I bet you fucking would.” Dylan eyes roamed over Eddie’s body and spied the blood pooling at his side. He carefully lifted Eddie’s jacket and saw his blood soaked shirt. His frown grew deeper.

  “Yeah,” Eddie rasped. “Didn’t expect that one.”

  “Who did it?”

  “Some government arsehole in a fancy suit. He’s the one who has your girl.”

  “And what? You’re not in league with him?”

  “Does it look like it?”

  Dylan’s face became cold and savage. “Did you hurt her?”

  “No,” Eddie shook his head and smiled. “I still remember the lesson you taught me once about hurting a woman, a lesson I had to ignore when l killed my niece.”

  Dylan peered at him. “You killed Asya? Why?”

  “Asya was a proper cunt.”

  “Don’t I know it,”

  Eddie gazed up at him. “I got your girl away from her and tried to protect her, but I failed. You need to go after them. They want her to show them some computer at your house, and I think she’s going to protect you to the bitter end. Don’t put her through that.”

  “Why would you help Esther?”

  Eddie stared at him and his lip trembled. “Because I couldn’t help Tatiana. Don’t tell me you’ve never seen it in her, the blonde hair, blue eyes. Esther’s one brave little girl and I liked talking to her, maybe a bit too much. Sorry, Jahn, but I shared our history. I think it only made her more determined to die for you. You have to help her.”

  “I have to do something with you first.”

  “No.” Eddie lowered his voice to a whisper, gritting his teeth as the pain surged. “I’m finished. You know it and I know it. I’d just rather not die in front of Lena. Get her out of here.”

  “Easier said than done.” Dylan peered at Eddie. “There was a black SUV ahead of us…”

  “They’re his men. They followed us up here. You have about five of them to contend with.” He grinned. “That’s child’s play for you.”

  “I’m glad you think so. I’ll see what I can do. You think you can hang in there a bit longer?”

  “I’ll try.”

  Dylan pulled out his phone, pressed a number and kept his voice low as it was answered. “Yvette, I’m going to need a chopper after all. I’m dropping the girls off at the cabin. It will be dark within the hour and fucking freezing out here, so get Carl on to it straight away.”

  “Master, I have a visual. Two cars within a kilometre of the house.”

  “Thank you, Yvette. Just get that chopper going.”

  He hung up and frowned at Eddie. “I’m going to get you into the car and it’s going to hurt like a bitch.”

  Tears were rolling from Eddie’s eyes. “Jahn, I want to talk to Lena. There were things left unsaid. Just put me in the back seat with her and pretend you can’t hear a word.”

  “Like fuck I will.”

  Eddie smiled at him. “You think I didn’t know how you felt about Tatiana?”

  “I never did anything I regret.”

  “I know you didn’t.”

  Dylan sighed. “I’ll give you a couple of minutes, but remember, I’ve got a vivid imagination, so don’t get too fucking friendly. Are you ready to play your part and keep that grin on your face?”

  “I am. Just be careful with the right arm. I think it broke when I hit the ground.”

  As he helped Eddie to his feet, Lena rushed forward to support him on the other side. “It will be alright, Eddie. We will get you to the hospital.”

  “Stop fussing, woman,” he growled. “Jahn has it under control.”

  Vanessa looked at the b
lack stain of blood left behind on the road and frowned at Dylan, who gave her the slightest shake of his head.

  “I have a cabin not far from here. I’ll drop you girls off and drive Eddie out to meet a chopper.”

  Lena nodded. “That’s good. You hear that, Eddie? You’re going to be fine.”

  When they had got him into the backseat, Dylan told Lena to get in with him and shut the door after her.

  Vanessa eyed him curiously. “That didn’t look good.”

  “It’s not. He won’t get through another hour. That chopper is coming for you and Lena. It will come straight to the cabin and you should be warm enough until then.”

  “You’re not going in there alone.”

  “Yeah, I am, because I need you to look after Lena. She won’t be happy when she knows what’s going on.”

  “And you?”

  “I’ll be fine. They’re in my territory now. They won’t know what’s hit them.”

  “Then we should get going.”

  “In a minute or so,” Dylan said. “He wants a few minutes with Lena. I owe it to her.”

  In the car, Lena was trying to make Eddie comfortable, her worried gaze wandering over him. “Can I get you something? Some water maybe.”

  “No,” he told her firmly. “I just wanted to tell you something.”

  She shook her head. “I already know. I was wrong to say what I said to you. If you have done something terrible because of me, I will never forgive myself. It is my fault, not yours.”

  He chuckled. “Do you ever let anyone get a word in? Listen to me, Lena.”

  “Of course.”

  “You weren’t wrong about most of it. I was born into that fucked up family, but I was never one of them, but I wasn’t innocent either. If you lie down with dogs, you get up with fleas and I have done many things I regret. The worst was failing my wife. It took meeting you to remember how much I’d lost and know what I wanted. You’ve made me a very happy man, Lena, and I need for you to know that.”

  She smiled at him. “If it wasn’t for you. I might not have picked myself up that day.”

  “You’re stronger than you know, Lena.” He smiled. “So how is it that you know Jahn?”

  “We met a long time ago, in Ukraine. I told you about him.”


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