Coconuts and Wonderbras

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Coconuts and Wonderbras Page 24

by Lynda Renham

  ‘Are you free New Year’s Eve, or do you have a date?’ he asks with a smile.

  ‘Well, I don’t know. I’ve been inundated with offers for that night.’

  He laughs and pulls an envelope from his bag.

  ‘Here’s a ticket for the Glass Dome party. I hope no one else is taking you because I would really like to be your date.’

  Oh, mother will be so happy.

  ‘The party will be…’ he stops to check his watch. ‘In just over thirty-six hours. After the broadcast I have to clarify a few things at the British Embassy and I may not see you before we fly home. Promise you’ll meet me under the clock in the foyer at precisely 11.45, because I have something special to ask you.’

  Don’t faint, at least not at this precise moment. Libby Bryant, oh fuck a duck, it actually does have a perfect ring to it doesn’t it? Mother will do her Dance of the Peacocks when she hears about this. Yes, well best not to think about that. Meet him under the clock. Ooh it sounds like something out of a 1940s film. I attempt to flick my hair back in the manner of Rita Hayworth but fail miserably as most of it is stuck to my neck. Let’s face it, the hair, stuck to your neck and chin look, is most decidedly my own very unique style.

  ‘Synchronise watches,’ I say flippantly.

  ‘Copy that,’ he responds with a smile.

  It is all I can do to stop myself from throwing my hot sweaty body on top of his. The muscles in his arms seem to ripple and I feel a shiver of desire run through me. He kisses me softly on the lips.

  ‘You drive me crazy, Libby, you really do.’

  Me, Libby Holmes, drives Alex-slice-your-tongue-out-Bryant crazy? Heavens, it must be something they put in that sticky rice. I’ve never driven anyone crazy in my life, apart from my mother of course.

  ‘Promise to meet me under the clock?’

  ‘I promise.’

  Ooh, doesn’t this sound a bit like we are exchanging wedding vows?

  He turns his head as shouts from outside reach us. Oh no, why does this always happen to me? I jump from the couch and prick up my ears. I then hear a familiar voice and feel my stomach lurch. I close my eyes and sigh in exasperation. I know I wanted to be chased but this is now taking things too far. Talk about having romance backfire on you. I quickly straighten my clothes aware that Alex is looking intently at me.

  ‘Did you tell him you were coming here?’ he asks, almost accusingly.

  ‘Of course not,’ I say defensively.

  Oh this is awful, why are we now acting so cross with each other?

  ‘Libby, Libby, where are you?’ calls Toby.

  I look at Alex who is shaking his head.

  ‘I don’t believe this,’ he says angrily, storming towards the door.

  ‘Don’t hurt him,’ I hear myself say and regret the words immediately they are said. Why do I make the same mistake over and over again?

  He glares at me and flings open the door. In the light of the moon I can see Toby struggling stupidly with one of the men while the other looks on.

  ‘Toby, why are you here,’ I say as forlornly as I feel.

  ‘I should be asking you the same question,’ he yells.

  ‘She was invited. The question is, what are you doing here?’ Alex barks. ‘You’re becoming an irritant to me.’

  ‘Alex,’ I gasp.

  How can he be so horrible? He looks at me and shakes his head. The man holding Toby frees him and Toby falls to the floor with a moan. I run and help him up.

  ‘Toby why did you come here,’ I whisper softly.

  Oh, this is just so awful and how could Alex be so loving one minute and then brutally angry the next? Perhaps this isn’t the man for me after all. Toby rubs his back and then links his arm through mine.

  ‘I thought you were coming to meet me. I was curious to see where you were going. I didn’t think you were coming to see him. You surely don’t want him do you Libby. He’s just a know-it-all wanker? He’s marrying Penny anyway…’

  ‘No he isn’t,’ I respond quicker than I mean to.

  ‘Well, Penny is pretty convinced he is. Anyway, I thought you loved me Libby. You and I go together, like… spotted dick and custard.’

  ‘Spotted dickhead more like,’ says Alex with a scoff.

  Can it get any worse?

  ‘Toby, I…’

  ‘Earlier at the hotel you gave the impression you wanted me as much as I wanted you.’ He sniffs and I see his nose is bleeding. This is terrible, what kind of people does Alex have guarding him?

  ‘Did they hit you?’ I ask, staring angrily at the men. ‘Did you hit him?’ I demand while Alex shakes his head in exasperation. How dare he do that and how dare he have his men beat up Toby.

  ‘They are protecting me, Libby. What are they supposed to do?’

  ‘They’re bullies and so are you,’ I say fiercely, while at the same time wanting to hug him. Oh this is just awful. What the hell am I saying? I love Alex, not Toby. What am I doing?

  ‘So, you think I’m a bully do you? You seriously think I told my bodyguards to beat up your boyfriend?’

  ‘I… I don’t know,’ I stammer, wishing I could just start all over again.

  ‘It seems we are both under some misapprehension here. I’m sorry if I misunderstood.’

  With that he slams the door shut. Oh no, now what do I do?

  ‘I banged it Libs, in the tuk-tuk,’ mumbles Toby. ‘These dirt tracks are unbloodybelievable. Why don’t they have decent sodding roads here?’

  ‘What?’ I cry. ‘You banged your nose in the tuk-tuk, why didn’t you say so?’

  ‘I just did. Come on Libs, let’s go back to the hotel and get a drink. I need one, I don’t know about you. Leave him to sulk. He’s an idiot. You don’t seriously like him do you? He’s getting married in a few weeks.’

  Alex lied to me. How could he? He was using me just like Toby. I hate him. In fact I hate all men. I’m going to become a lesbian. Jamie will be able to advise me. Bugger everything. I wouldn’t go out with him now if he were the last man on earth. Oh God, my love life is turning into an Austen novel with misunderstandings all over the place. Finally Toby has realised what he has in me and now I’m quite sure I don’t want Toby. What irony.


  I fly towards the mini bar like a demented woman. Not for the alcohol you understand. I know things are crappy in my life but they’re not that bad. My face is itching like crazy and is so hot that I feel like it must be on fire. I pull out a bottle of Smirnoff and a can of lager.

  ‘Christ Libby. We could have had a drink at the bar. Far more dignified,’ says Toby standing in the doorway.

  I slap the lager tin onto my hot itchy foot and sigh. The vodka bottle I hold against my cheek and flop onto the bed. Toby is beside me before I can say ‘sticky rice’.

  ‘Libs, I know I’ve been a fool with Serena and I promise you that’s over,’ he says prizing the bottle out of my hand and struggling with the top. He finally flips it off, spilling vodka onto the bedspread.

  ‘I don’t know what came over me. I think I temporarily lost…’

  ‘Your sanity?’ I mutter.

  My room will smell like a bloody brewery. He pours the liquid into glasses.

  ‘My perspective, that’s what I lost,’ he continues. ‘I had shit going on. Anyway, you’ll be pleased to know that you are much better at it than she is and…’

  I jump from the bed.

  ‘Oh, I’m thrilled Toby. Precisely what things am I better at?’

  ‘No, what I mean… Oh, fuck it Libs,’ he squirms. ‘You’re better than her in every way.’

  I just want him to leave so I can close the door and dive under the covers. Why am I so stupid? What is wrong with me? For the second time I have blown things with Alex. He isn’t going to give me another chance. He must think me so weak and silly. Damn it.

  Toby is stroking my hand and it is just another unbearable sensation.

  ‘You don’t really like that prick do you? You and I are
a million miles from them two. We don’t mix in their world. We’re simple people, you and I.’

  Speak for yourself, Toby.

  ‘I love you Libs. I’ve always loved you. I will make you really happy, just wait and see. Let’s get engaged Libs. That’s what you want isn’t it?’

  So, here I am. Everything going just the way I had planned. My boyfriend Toby is asking me to marry him. Everything is going swimmingly to plan. So, why do I feel like I am drowning?

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Jonathan has called a meeting. I really couldn’t care less. I just want to go home. What a fool I am. What was I thinking of, accusing Alex of having Toby beaten up? He could quite easily do that himself without asking heavies to do it. I can’t believe I said it. Mother also can’t believe I said it, and I expect Issy won’t believe I said it either when I tell her. Someone kill me before I completely wreck my love life, such as it is. To make matters even direr, if that were at all possible, it seems Toby and I are now officially engaged. Why do these things happen to me? More importantly, how do these things happen to me? I never actually said yes to Toby’s proposal, but if I did I certainly don’t remember doing so. I spent most of last night with my head in the mini bar. Not drinking from it, you understand, but just to cool my face down. I was so hot and upset after Toby left, that the rash on my face and feet just went kind of insane. I order a coffee and sit miserably looking out of the window at the carnival preparations. Everyone is smiling. They must think me such a miserable cow. Issy bounces into the dining room, spots me and dives over.

  ‘Hey, how did it go with Alex?’

  I open my mouth to respond but she launches into an exuberant description of her evening with Jonathan. I sit quietly drinking my coffee feeling the tears well up. She stops and looks closely at me.

  ‘Oh, no what happened? You didn’t blow it?’

  I nod miserably.

  ‘Bollocks,’ she exclaims.

  ‘Toby came and caused a scene and I accused Alex of beating him up. He then said he was under some misapprehension about us and slammed the door and now I’m covered in this sodding rash and seemingly engaged to Toby. At least he thinks we’re engaged.’

  ‘Bloody hell Libs, I don’t know how you do it. I really don’t. I must say that rash looks rather awful.’


  She follows my eyes to the door where Toby has just walked in.

  ‘Fuck-a-luck-a-ding-dong, here is the very wanker himself,’ she mumbles.

  He grabs a passing waiter, talks to him in an agitated manner and then walks towards us.

  ‘Ah, you’re up,’ he says to me and then to Issy. ‘Whatever you do, don’t eat the eggs, I’ve already complained about them this morning. I had room service last night and the pork chops I ordered must have been off. I had stomach pain all night. I swear they don’t wash their hands here.’

  He gestures to the waiter.

  ‘Have you looked into it yet?’ he snaps.

  ‘We are looking into it now sir,’ he answers in clear English.

  ‘They’ve only bloody stolen my shirt. I tell you, these people. Bloody thieves the lot of them.’

  I lower my eyes. At that moment my parents walk in followed by Jamie. Mother wafts over to me in a mist of ‘Joy’ perfume.

  ‘Libby, darling, I just knocked on your door.’

  She kisses me on the cheek and whispers in my ear.

  ‘There’s been uproar over Toby’s shirt and Jonathan has called a meeting.’

  She’s got to be joking.

  ‘We’re having a meeting because Toby’s shirt has gone missing, for God’s sake,’ says Issy.

  ‘I’ll have you know that was a Ralph Lauren shirt and one of my best,’ snaps Toby.

  Jonathan walks in and I swear Issy goes as soft as the runny egg that has just been placed in front of her. She looks at Jonathan hungrily.

  ‘You’re mad if you eat that,’ remarks Toby.

  ‘It looks very appetising to me,’ she says, unable to take her eyes off Jonathan.

  ‘Hello,’ he says as he takes the seat opposite her.

  Once Penelope arrives Jonathan begins the meeting. To my relief the meeting has nothing whatsoever to do with Toby’s shirt. He informs us that Alex is fine and that the television interview will take place later today. He has arranged for us to watch the interview in the television lounge at the studio. Toby is not at all happy about this.

  ‘I hope you’re going to arrest the bugger after all this is over. I would like it known here and now that I am not happy in how he has behaved towards my fiancée,’ Toby bellows.

  ‘Toby,’ I shriek.

  ‘Fiancée?’ echoes mother in a high-pitched voice.

  ‘Saints alive,’ says my stunned father.

  ‘And when did this engagement take place?’ Issy asks.

  ‘She’s simply doing her job,’ chips in Jamie.

  ‘Part of her job is becoming engaged to Toby? Well, I must say, I don’t approve of that,’ says mother sternly.

  ‘I, of course, meant that spending time with Alex was part of her job. Who she gets engaged to is entirely her own business,’ sighs Jamie.

  ‘I am here you know,’ I say in a ‘sing-song’ voice, but everyone ignores me.

  ‘We’re getting engaged as soon as we return home if you must know,’ Toby addresses everyone.

  We are? Shouldn’t I be delighted? Wasn’t this what I wanted? So, why am I wishing my name was not Libby?

  ‘I love Libby. I know I’ve made some mistakes but I know she wants to start again.’

  I shrink into my chair.

  ‘Libby is this right?’ asks mother.

  ‘Well, I…’

  ‘Of course it’s right, why are you asking her when I just told you?’ snaps Toby.

  Not the way to get on my mother’s good side.

  ‘Toby, I think we should…’ I begin but Penelope interrupts.

  ‘Do you know Toby has had a Ralph Lauren shirt taken from his room?’ she announces.

  And one wonders why she should be so worried about that.

  ‘I don’t think there is anyone who doesn’t know that,’ Jamie replies sarcastically.

  ‘It wasn’t taken from his room,’ I say defensively and get a kick in the shin from mother.

  ‘Surely, it wasn’t was it? Was it taken from your room Toby?’ I add, feigning innocence.

  ‘Actually, it was stolen from my laundry,’ corrects Toby. ‘You can’t trust the buggers in this place.’

  Penelope gives me an odd look.

  ‘It’s bad enough they bloody poison you with their stinking food without stealing from you too,’ Toby sulks.

  ‘I think we should make something of a fuss,’ says Penelope assuming control.

  ‘Thanks Pen,’ says Toby laying his hand on her arm.

  ‘I’ll look into it,’ Jonathan offers. ‘Meanwhile if you could all make arrangements to check out of the hotel tomorrow. We will fly home tomorrow afternoon, unless you have any objections. I really want to get Alex out of the country ASAP. Obviously if any of you want to stay, then that is entirely up to you.’

  ‘It won’t be a day too soon for me,’ remarks Toby.

  ‘We may stay on, isn’t that right Edmund. We’ve just bought a three-day pass to see the temples you see,’ says my mother.

  ‘More fool you,’ says Toby dryly.

  ‘I’ll be glad to get out of here too. I’ve barely eaten,’ complains Penelope.

  ‘You look good on it,’ comments Toby looking at her admiringly.

  Isn’t he engaged to me? She smiles at him sweetly and turns to Jamie.

  ‘I wonder Jamie, do you think I should go on the television tonight, you know to put over our perspective. A kind of what it’s been like for the families?’

  She draws the heading in the air and smiles innocently. I raise my eyebrows to Jamie. Mother sniggers and whispers, ‘I’m glad she’s not part of our family, I’d have to put her up for adoption.’

/>   Jamie looks uncomfortable.


  ‘It’s been very difficult for some of us not knowing…’ she stops to do a little hiccup and dabs at her eyes.

  ‘Quite,’ agrees Toby.

  ‘It’s not been easy. The food for a start, and I’ve really struggled in the heat and the malaria tablets have made me feel very unwell and it is very difficult to find the right clothes when you have to keep your shoulders covered. It’s not an easy country to be in, but it is because our loved ones are in difficulty…’

  ‘Quite,’ repeats Toby.

  God, I wish I had a violin, or even better, a sick bag.

  ‘Why are you taking malaria tablets?’ Issy asks popping the final piece of egg into her mouth to the disgust of Toby.

  ‘Yes, I was wondering that,’ agrees Jamie.

  She looks appalled.

  ‘Because we’re in Cambodia of course.’

  ‘Of course,’ I say sarcastically. ‘Except in this part of Cambodia, there is no malaria.’

  ‘Don’t be ridiculous, of course there is malaria,’ asserts Toby.

  Christ, whose side is he on?

  ‘And I haven’t really felt well since I’ve been here,’ continues Penelope as though we’d never spoken. ‘And of course, there are no proper doctors here. I do hope Jamie, that when we finally do get home, you assign Alex a different agent.’

  Where did that come from? Is it my fault she hasn’t felt well since being here? Jamie looks harassed, poor dear. Hopefully Philippe will be able to ease some of that tension a bit later.

  ‘That will be for Alex to decide,’ he replies wearily while answering his mobile.

  ‘I assure you when I speak for Alex that is exactly what I do. I know what he needs. What he does not need is that Libby girl. If she hadn’t have cried wolf at the beginning of this fiasco we wouldn’t be having any of this. Poor Alex feels obligated to look after her and, let’s face it, that’s a full-time job.’

  What a prize bitch.

  ‘I’m going to sort out my bloody shirt,’ Toby says and stomps off. Penelope stands up.

  ‘I should go and pack,’ she says innocently. ‘I also have loads of emails to write. Wedding preparations and such like,’ she adds, throwing a glance at me.


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