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The Rest Is Noise: Listening to the Twentieth Century

Page 82

by Alex Ross

  Jones, A. M.

  Jones, Sissieretta

  Jonny spielt auf (Krenek)

  Jonson, Ben: Epicoene; or, The Silent Woman

  Joplin, Scott: “The Entertainer,” “Maple Leaf Rag,” Treemonisha

  Joseph, Charles

  Joyce, James Ulysses

  Judd, Donald

  Juilliard School

  Juilliard String Quartet

  Junod, Henri-Alexandre

  Kagel, Mauricio Anagrama Ludwig van Sur scène

  Kahan, Sylvia

  Kahn, Otto

  Kaiser, Georg

  Kajanus, Robert


  Kalhor, Kayhan

  Kallman, Chester

  Kandinsky, Vassily

  Karajan, Herbert von

  Karmen, Roman

  Karpath, Ludwig

  Kasenkina, Oksana

  Kater, Michael

  Kaufman, Isidor

  Keaton, Buster

  Kennan, George

  Kennedy, Jacqueline

  Kennedy, John F.

  Kennedy, Michael

  Kerensky, Alexander

  Kern, Jerome “Ol’ Man River,” Show Boat

  Kerr, Alfred

  Kerr, Harrison

  Kerzhentsev, Platon

  Kessler, Harry

  Kestenberg, Leo

  Khachaturian, Aram

  Khrennikov, Tikhon

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Khubov, Georgiy

  Kielmannsegg, Count von

  Kilar, Wojciech

  Kilenyi, Edward

  Kirchner, Leon

  Kirkpatrick, John

  Kirstein, Lincoln

  Kirtley, Karen

  Klangfarbenmelodie (tone-color melody)

  Klein, Gideon

  Klemperer, Otto

  Klenau, Paul von: Michael Kohlhaas

  Klimt, Gustav

  Kline, Franz

  Knapp, Raymond

  Knappertsbusch, Hans

  Knipper, Lev

  Knussen, Oliver: Horn Concerto

  Kodály, Zoltán

  Köhler, Joachim

  Kokoschka, Oskar

  Kolisch, Rudolf

  Kolisch Quartet

  Konstantinovskaya, Elena

  Korngold, Erich Wolfgang Captain Blood Symphony in F-sharp Die tote Stadt

  Korngold, Julius

  Korot, Beryl

  Koussevitzky, Serge

  Kovnatskaya, Lyudmila

  Kozintsev, Grigori

  Kramers, John

  Krása, Hans: Brundibár

  Kraus, Karl

  Krauss, Clemens

  Kreisler, Fritz

  Krenek, Ernst Charles V Jonny spielt auf

  Kroll Opera

  Kronberger, Maximilian

  Kruger, Charles W.

  Krupp, firm of

  Kubizek, August

  Kubrick, Stanley

  Küchelbecker, Wilhelm

  Kundera, Milan

  Kunitz, Joshua

  Kurosawa, Akira

  Kurtág, György: Stele

  Kürten, Peter

  La Barbara, Joan

  Lachenmann, Helmut The Little Match Girl,

  Lachmann, Hedwig

  Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District (Shostakovich)

  Lagarde, Paul de

  La Grange, Henry-Louis de

  La Guardia, Fiorello

  Lambert, Constant

  Landauer, Gustav

  Lang, David

  Lang, Fritz

  Langston, John Mercer

  La Scala, Milan

  Laughton, Charles

  Laura (Preminger)

  Lauze, François de: Apologie de la danse

  League of Composers

  Lebedinsky, Lev

  Le Corbusier, Charles

  Lee, Gypsy Rose

  Leeuw, Reinbert de

  Léger, Fernand

  Lehár, Franz The Merry Widow

  Lehmann, Lotte

  Leibowitz, René

  Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra

  Lenau, Nikolaus

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich

  Leningrad Conservatory, see St. Petersburg Conservatory

  Leningrad Philharmonic

  Leningrad Radio Orchestra

  Leningrad Symphony (No. 7) (Shostakovich)

  Lennon, John

  Lenya, Lotte

  Leoncavallo, Ruggiero: Pagliacci

  Lerdahl, Fred

  Lesh, Phil

  Leskov, Nikolai

  Leverkühn, Adrian (char.)

  Lewis, David Levering

  Lewis, John

  LeWitt, Sol

  Lezhnev, Abram

  Library of Congress

  Libre Parole, La

  Lichtenstein, Roy

  Liebknecht, Karl

  Liebstöckl, Hans

  Life Ligeti, György, Apparitions, Atmosphères Aventures, background of, The, Future of Music, Horn Trio, Lontano, Lux aeterna, Musica ricercata, Poème Symphonique for 100 Metronomes, Requiem, Three, Pieces for Two Pianos, Violin Concerto,

  Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts

  Lindberg, Magnus: Kraft

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Linyova, Yevgeniya

  List, Kurt

  Liszt, Franz, atonality and, Bagatelle sans tonalité, twelve-note theme in Faust Symphony

  Locke, Alain

  Lomax, Alan

  Lomax, John

  “long-tone” works

  Lönnrot, Elias

  Loos, Adolf

  Lopes, Paul

  Lorentz, Pare

  Loring, Eugene

  Loriod, Yvonne

  Lorre, Peter

  Los Angeles, European exiles in

  Los Angeles City College

  Los Angeles Philharmonic

  Los Angeles Times

  Losey, Joseph

  Lourié, Arthur

  Loussier, Jacques

  Lowry, Vance

  Lubitsch, Ernst

  Luce, Henry

  Lucier, Alvin, I am sitting in a room Music for Solo Performer

  Ludwig II, King of Bavaria

  Luening, Otto

  Lukács, Georg

  Lulu, (Berg)

  Lunacharsky, Anatol

  Lutosławski, Witold: Cello Concerto, Paroles tissées, Second Symphony, Third, Symphony, Three Poems of Henri Michaux, Venetian Games

  Lynch, David

  M (Lang)

  Ma, Yo-Yo

  Macdonald, Dwight

  MacDowell, Edward

  Mackay, John Henry

  MacLise, Angus

  Mac Low, Jackson

  Maconie, Robin

  Maeterlinck, Maurice, Pelléas et Mélisande,

  Magnard, Albéric

  Magnificent Ambersons, The, (Welles)

  Mahler, Alma, in California, and Salome

  Mahler, Anna

  Mahler, Gustav, in America, background of, Bernstein on, Britten influenced by, as conductor, death of, desire for recognition, Hitler’s apparent admiration for, Kindertotenlieder, meeting with, Sibelius, positive response to music of, on Salome, Schoenberg and, Shostakovich influenced by, Strauss and, Symphony No. 1, Symphony, No. 2, Symphony No. 3, Symphony No. 4, Symphony No. 5, Symphony No. 6, Symphony No. 8, Symphony, No. 9, Symphony No. 10

  Mallarmé, Stéphane

  Mandelstam, Nadezhda

  Mandelstam, Osip

  Manhattan Opera House

  Mann, Golo

  Mann, Klaus

  Mann, Thomas, “At the Prophet’s,”, Death in Venice, Doctor Faustus “Gladius Dei,”, The Magic Mountain, Reflections of a Nonpolitical Man, “Tonio Kröger,”

  Manson, Charles

  Mao Zedong

  Mariinsky Theatre

  Maritain, Jacques

  Martin, Frank


  Martino, Donald


  °, Bohuslav

  Marx, Harpo

  Mascagni, Pietro: Cavalleria rusticana
/>   Massine, Léonide

  Matisse, Henri, Blue Nude

  Maupassant, Guy de

  Maxfield, Richard, Amazing Grace

  Mayakovsky, Vladimir

  The Bedbug

  Mayer, Louis B.

  Mayer, William

  McBride, Robert: Strawberry Jam Overture

  McCarthy, Joseph R.

  McCartney, Paul

  McClure, Robert

  McCullers, Carson

  McKinzie, Richard

  McLean, Evalyn Walsh

  McPhee, Colin

  Meck, Nadezhda von

  Melchior, Lauritz

  Mellers, Wilfrid

  Melville, Herman: Billy Budd, Moby-Dick

  Melvin, Sheila

  Mendelson, Mira

  Mendelssohn, Felix, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Mengele, Josef, Menotti, Gian Carlo, Menuhin, Yehudi, Merman, Ethel, Messiaen, Olivier, Apparition of the Eternal Church, L’Ascension, birdsong used by, and Boulez, Catalogue d’oiseaux Chronochromie, Cinq rechants, Colors of the Celestial City, Diptyque, Et exspecto resurrectionem mortuorum, Exotic, Birds, Fêtes des belles eaux, Four, Rhythm Études, From the Canyons to the, Stars…, Harawi, Livre d’orgue, Mode de valeurs et d’intensités, (Scale of Durations and Dynamics), as prisoner of war, Quartet for the End of Time, Réveil des oiseaux( Awakening of the Birds), Saint Francis of Assisi, Seven Haikus, Technique of My Musical Language, Three Small Liturgies of the Divine Presence, The Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Turangalîla Symphony Twenty Aspects of the Infant Jesus, Visions of the Amen

  Metropolitan Opera

  Meyer-Eppler, Werner

  Meyerhold, Vsevolod

  Meyerovich, Mikhail

  Miaskovsky, Nikolai

  Michaux, Henri


  Mikhoels, Solomon

  Mikoyan, Anastas

  Milestone, Lewis

  Miley, Bubber

  Milhaud, Darius, Le Boeuf sur le toit, The Creation of the World, jazz influence on, Man and His Desire, My Happy Life (memoir), Saudades do Brasil, Le Train bleu

  Miller, Arthur

  Miller, Glenn

  Mills, Florence

  Mingus, Charles, The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady

  minimalism, and bebop, New York, rock music, West Coast

  Mitchell, Donald

  Mitchell, Louis

  Modern Music

  modes of limited transpositions

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Monet, Claude

  Monk, Meredith

  Monk, Thelonious

  Monod, David

  Montefiore, Simon Sebag

  Monteux, Pierre

  Monteverdi, Claudio

  Moog synthesizer

  Moor, Paul

  Moore, Thurston

  Morgan, J. P.

  Morris, Harry

  Morrison, Bill

  Morrison, Sterling

  Morros, Boris

  Morton, Jelly Roll

  Moscow Art Theatre

  Moscow Conservatory

  Moscow Jewish Theatre

  Moseley, Carlos

  Moses und Aron (Schoenberg)

  Mosolov, Alexander: The Iron Foundry

  Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  Mravinsky, Yevgeny

  Muck, Karl

  “Muddle Instead of Music” (Pravda)

  Mühlfeld, Jeanne

  Muhly, Nico

  Mumford, Lewis

  Mumma, Gordon

  Muradeli, Vano: The Great Friendship

  Murail, Tristan, Gondwana

  Murray, Albert: Stomping the Blues

  Musica Elettronica Viva

  Musical America

  Musica Viva concerts, Munich

  Music for 18 Musicians (Reich)

  “music for use” (Gebrauchsmusik)

  Musikverein, Vienna

  Musin, Ilya

  musique concrète

  Mussolini, Benito

  Mussorgsky, Modest: Boris Godunov

  Nabokov, Nicolas, as festival organizer, and Prokofiev, and Shostakovich,

  Nachod, Pauline

  Nagano, Kent

  Nancarrow, Conlon, Study No. 33

  National Conservatory, New York

  National Endowment for the Arts

  natural harmonic series

  Nazism, and music in, Hitler’s Germany, Weimar Republic and


  NBC Symphony

  Negro Grand Opera Company

  Negro Theatre Project

  Nelson, Robert


  Neumann, Paula

  New Babylon, (Kozintsev and Trauberg)

  New Complexity

  New Deal art projects

  Newlin, Dika

  Newman, Barnett

  Newman, Richard

  New Masses

  New School for Social Research

  Newsom, Joanna

  New York City: Strauss, Puccini, and Mahler in, ultra-modernism of 1920s, downtown scene of 1950s and ’60s, minimalism in, contemporary scene,

  New York City Ballet

  New York City Opera

  New Yorker

  New York Herald

  New York Herald Tribune

  New York Philharmonic

  New York Symphony

  New York Times

  New York World’s Fair (1939)

  Niblock, Phill

  Nice, David


  Nielsen, Carl, Living Music

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, The Case of Wagner, Thus Spake Zarathustra

  Nijinska, Bronislava

  Nijinsky, Vaslav

  Nixon, Richard

  Nixon in China



  Noailles, Charles and Marie-Laure de

  Nono, Luigi

  Il canto sospeso,

  Nørgård, Per

  Northwest German Radio

  Nouvelle Revue Française

  Novarro, Ramon


  Nyman, Michael, A Zed & Two Noughts

  Oberlin College

  Obey, André

  Ockeghem, Johannes

  octatonic scale

  Odets, Clifford

  Offenbach, Jacques

  Office of Military Government, United States (OMGUS)

  Of Mice and Men (Milestone)

  Oh Dem Watermelons (Nelson)

  Oja, Carol

  Okeh Records

  Olbrich, Joseph

  Oliveros, Pauline

  Olympia (Riefenstahl)

  OMGUS, see Office of Military Government

  ONCE Festival, Ann Arbor

  ondes Martenot

  Ono, Yoko

  Oppenheimer, J. Robert

  Orff, Carl, Carmina burana, School Work

  Original Dixieland Jazz Band

  Ornstein, Leo

  overtone series, see natural harmonic series

  Ovid, Metamorphoses

  Owen, Wilfred

  Pabst, G. W.

  Page, Tim

  Paik, Nam June

  Paine, John Knowles

  Panizza, Oskar

  Panksepp, Jaak

  Papandreou, George

  Paraske, Larin

  Paris, anti-Semitism in, avant-garde in, 1920s cultural life in,

  Paris Conservatory

  Paris Universal Exposition of 1889

  Parker, Charlie, “Koko,” “Salt, Peanuts,”

  Parker, Horatio, Parsifal (Wagner)

  Pärt, Arvo, Cantus, Credo, For Alina, Tabula Rasa

  Partch, Harry, Barstow, Genesis of a Music,

  Partisan Review

  Pasquier, Étienne

  Pasternak, Boris

  Pears, Peter

  Péguy, Charles

  Péladan, Joséphin

  Pelléas et Mélisande (Debussy)

  Penderecki, Krzysztof, Dies Irae (Auschwitz Oratorio), St. Luke Passion, Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima

  Peress, Maurice

  Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista

  Peri, Jacopo: Dafne

  Perle, George

  Perle, Shirley (née Gabis)

  Perring, John

  Perse, Saint-John

  Peter Grimes (Britten)

  Petrassi, Goffredo

  Pettis, Ashley

  Peyser, Joan

  Pfitzner, Hans, Krakau, Greeting, Palestrina

  Philadelphia Orchestra

  Phillips, Wendell

  Piatigorsky, Gregor

  Picabia, Francis

  Picasso, Pablo

  Piper, Myfanwy

  Piston, Walter

  Pittsburgh Symphony

  Platen, August von


  Plow That Broke the Plains, The (Lorentz)

  Poe, Edgar Allan: “The Raven,”

  Polignac, Princesse de


  Pollack, Howard

  Pollock, Jackson

  Pompidou, Georges

  Pope, Alexander: Dunciad

  Pople, Anthony

  Popov, Gavriil, First Symphony

  Popular Front

  Porgy and Bess (Gershwin)

  Porter, Cole


  Potter, Keith

  Poulenc, Francis, Les Biches, defends Stravinsky, Dialogues of the Carmelites, Gloria, Litanies to the Black, Virgin, Mass in G, Rapsodie nègre, Stabat Mater

  Pound, Ezra

  Pousseur, Henri: Votre Faust

  Powell, Bud

  Pran Nath, Pandit

  Pravda, denounces Shostakovich

  Prelude to “The Afternoon of a Faun” (Debussy),

  Preminger, Otto

  Presley, Elvis

  Price, Florence

  Price, Vincent

  Princeton University

  Pritchett, James

  Prokofiev, Lina

  Prokofiev, Oleg

  Prokofiev, Sergei, Alexander Nevsky, background of, banned works of, Cantata for the Twentieth, Anniversary of October, as Christian Scientist, “Despair” for piano, The, Fiery Angel, funeral of, The Gambler, The Love of Three Oranges, Maddalena, as “official” Soviet composer, piano sonatas, Romeo and Juliet, Semyon Kotko, Seven, They Are Seven, Shostakovich and,, Sinfonietta, Songs of Our Days, The Step of Steel, Story of a Real, Man, Suggestion diabolique, Symphony No. 1, (Classical), Symphony No. 5, Symphony No. 6, Symphony, No. 7, Violin Concerto No. 1, War and Peace, Zdravitsa (Toast to Stalin)

  Proust, Marcel

  Prussian Academy of Arts

  Pryor, Arthur

  Psycho (Hitchcock)

  Public Enemy

  Puccini, Giacomo, 1907 visit to, America, La Bohème, Girl of the Golden West, influence of Wagner on, Madama Butterfly, Manon, Lescaut, Tosca, Turandot

  Pushkin, Alexander

  Puttin’ on the Dog (Hanna and Barbera)

  Quartet for the End of Time (Messiaen)

  Queen: “We Will Rock You,”

  Rachmaninov, Sergei, Isle of the Dead, Symphonic Dances

  Radiguet, Raymond



  Raksin, David

  Rameau, Jean-Philippe

  Ranaldo, Lee

  Rathaus, Karol

  Rattenbury, Ken


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