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Dangerous Times

Page 7

by Moira Callahan

  Tamara felt her brows shoot up her forehead.

  “Camden,” Shawn’s deep voice came over the line.

  “Rhonda here,” her friend identified herself. “I hate to ask and, honestly, I already have a good idea about your answer, but I’m asking anyway.”

  “Okay, shoot,” he said, his voice sounding tense now.

  “Do you have any C&M staff following us around?” Rhonda shot her a look.

  “No, I do not have any C&M staff following you around. Where are you? I’m going to get someone out there to try and trap this asshole.”

  Rhonda gave them the cross streets as they passed through an intersection.

  “All right, I know the area. Keep heading north until you get to the mall. Hang a left there. I’ll have my guys drop in behind and in front of you and then maneuver to trap him between them. Any details on the vehicle?” Tamara could hear him moving around. A door opened and then she heard a muffled shout before the line cleared up again.

  “Silver two-door, new model sports car. Can’t get the make from here, but the lights look like it might be a Camry. Don’t hold me to that. Whoever it is, he’s careful to stay back about six car lengths and keeps his moves to switch lanes after I do really delayed. Single occupant, looks to be wearing a hoodie. Can’t tell you for sure if it’s a man or a woman, but I’m guessing a guy just from the space filled.”

  “Got it. I have Vincent coming, he’ll be in a big black F-150 and then I also have Bonita and Pauline coming in a red Fiat. Vincent will be in front of you and the ladies will slip in behind the guy. Once Vincent slides around you to cover your ass, get out of there,” Shawn said.

  “Trust me, I’m all over it.”

  “Tamara, how you doing, darling?” he asked gently.

  Blinking, she smiled and shrugged, which was dumb, he couldn’t see her. “I’m good. Rhonda knows what she’s doing, so I’m just along for the ride. And he hasn’t really done anything, so I’m okay.”

  “Good,” he said. She could hear his sigh of relief. “Where are you at, Rhonda?”

  “The mall is coming up in about three blocks. Five minutes at most, depending on that light, and we’ll be heading west.”

  “Got it,” Shawn said. Again the phone muffled for a time. “They are close now, Rhonda. If you can, buy us a little more time. We need ten minutes to get in place.”

  “Can do,” she told him. She switched lanes and put them behind a slow moving truck. The driver had a map out, looking around, obviously lost.

  For the next ten minutes, the line was open but pretty quiet. The only sounds were from Shawn talking to someone else.

  “Passing the end of the mall parking lot,” Rhonda reported. “And I have a big and very black F-150 on my left. No sighting of the little red Fiat, though.”

  “The ladies are behind him. Speed up a bit if you can so that Vincent can get behind you. Once he’s in place, take the first right you can that has a bit of cover so your tail won’t spot you peeling off. Then get your asses to the C&M offices,” Shawn said sharply.

  Rhonda looked ready to say something, but Tamara, laying a hand on her friends arm, shook her head slightly.

  “Got it,” Rhonda said.

  Tamara just knew her friend was grinding her teeth.

  Grinning, she looked out the passenger side-window and waited. It really didn’t take long before Vincent was behind them and Rhonda found a good corner to turn off onto. A nice big truck blocked the entire view of them turning.

  Twenty minutes later, they were inside C&M and Shawn was there to scoop her up into his arms. Hugging him close, she let him usher them up the stairs and into his office. Once the door was shut, he loosened his hold a little.

  “Thank you for looking after her, Rhonda,” he said, his voice gruff.

  Looking up at him, Tamara saw fear in his eyes. Touching her hand to his cheek, she went up on her toes to press a kiss to his jaw. “I’m okay,” she whispered.

  He gave a jerky nod, his hold tightening around her, before loosening enough for his hand to drop to her waist.

  “Okay, as much as I want to stick around and watch the two of you make kissy faces at one another,” Rhonda said, “what’s the scoop on your people?”

  “The driver clued into the fact he’d lost you and took off, parked in the mall and then got lost in the crowd. They have the car and are sitting on it for the boys in blue to come and dust it for prints,” Shawn said.

  “Damn it!” Rhonda snapped, before pacing around his office. Stopping, she grumbled. “I’m going to head over there and make sure the techs get something to nail this fucker with.”

  “Thank you, Rhonda,” Tamara called after her friend as she took of out of the office. Wincing when the door slammed shut, she shot Shawn a look. “Sorry about her, she tends to get bent when people with nefarious intentions are on her ass.”

  “Nefarious?” he asked.

  “Her word of the day apparently,” she said with a smile.

  Snorting, he pulled her close to him. Closing her eyes, Tamara felt him rest his cheek to her hair. Just holding him was enough right then. Everything would be fine. Shawn would ensure it was. Rubbing her hand over his back, she lifted her face. “I think you need to kiss me,” she said softly.

  She saw the smile curving his lips when he lifted his head to stare down at her. “Yeah?” he asked, the smile growing.

  “Absolutely, yeah,” she nodded. Reaching up, she wrapped her hand around his neck and drew him down, her lips pressing to his.

  Then he took over, and it was everything she wanted and so much more.

  Pressing up on her toes, she wrapped her other arm around his neck. Pushing a hand into his hair, she sucked on his tongue, his taste addictive to her. It made her crave him more.

  When his hands landed on her ass, she moaned into his mouth. The answering squeeze on her ass had her rocking back into the hold and then forward against his cock. His very hard and prominent cock.

  Shuddering, she fisted his hair and whimpered quietly. She wanted more, right then, and to hell with where they were. Tightening her hold on his shoulders, she hopped up. And, just as she’d known he would, he caught her and let her wrap her legs around his waist.

  Then her back was up against a wall or the door. Whatever it was, it was hard and unyielding. Absolutely perfect for him to press in closer and grind his cock to her jean covered pussy. Letting out another whimper of pure need, she tightened her legs around his waist.

  They’d been building toward an explosion. She knew it, she knew he knew it, and damn it, she wanted the man in her bed again. Hell, fuck the bed. She just wanted his cock buried inside of her as he screwed her until she forgot her own name.

  Unfortunately, the universe had other plans. A ringing phone pulled Shawn back. Licking her lips, Tamara stared up at him as she panted, her breasts rubbing over his chest with each breath she took and released. “You’d better get that,” she said, her words sounding breathless even to her own ears.

  He nodded slowly, his gaze dropping to her mouth and then coming back to meet her eyes. Slowly, he set her down on her feet before storming across the room to snatch up the phone. His snarled, “What?” made her feel better. He wasn’t any happier about the interruption than she was.


  Chapter Twelve

  Opening the door to his house, Shawn followed Tamara inside. After shutting the door, he disarmed the security system and then reset it. Once he locked up, Shawn trailed after his woman.

  The phone call had been an update from the cops. They’d gotten a number of prints from the vehicle, but it was a rental so it would be a while before they could figure out who’d last been driving it. Rhonda had also gotten on the line to let him know she’d be riding the tech’s asses until they had answers.

  After hanging up, he’d grabbed Tamara and left the C&M offices. He needed time with her. Undisturbed, and preferably naked.

  Walking up behind her, Shawn slid his arms aroun
d her, tugging her back against him.

  She’d been quiet on the ride back to his place. Not that he could blame her. Her day had not exactly been smooth sailing. And they weren’t really getting any answers, only more questions. Not exactly what he needed for his own peace of mind. Dipping his head, he pressed his face to her neck, breathed her in and hugged her close. He seriously hated that she was hurting, and he couldn’t do a damned thing to make it better.

  Tamara twisted in his arms, throwing her own around his neck and squeezed. “I’m right here, Shawn. I’m okay.”

  She wasn’t, but he loved the fact she was trying to make it better, for him. Squeezing her close, he held her to him tightly. After a couple of minutes, he cupped her bottom and lifted her up. Her legs wound around his waist, just like he wanted.

  Lifting his head, Shawn moved a hand to brush her hair back. Staring into her eyes, he stroked her cheek lightly. “If you don’t want this, Tamara, say so now.” He didn’t need to specify what he meant. They both knew, and he was positive they were both more than ready. He definitely was. He’d practically come in his jeans earlier and knew he wasn’t going to last long their first time back together.

  In answer, Tamara tightened her legs and leaned back a little. Shifting his hold, he frowned until she yanked her shirt over her head, and then his jaw dropped. He nearly let her go, but thankfully, she had regained her hold on him.

  ‘Cause otherwise that would have been fucking embarrassing.

  “I’m going to take that as the go ahead,” he said.

  Laughing, she wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him one hell of a sultry look. “You’d damn well better.”

  Fuck, yeah. Adjusting his hold, Shawn headed for the stairs. He had plans, lots of plans, and they didn’t involve his comfortable, yet too narrow, sofa.

  The next test of his sanity was actually getting up the stairs and to his bedroom. The minx was nibbling on his neck, ear, and jaw. It was definitely challenging his ability to walk. “Tamara,” he growled when he stumbled, again.

  “Mm-hmm,” she purred.

  Thankfully, he saw the bed. Making his way closer, he dropped her onto it. Or tried to. The woman was like a spider monkey and didn’t let go, but dragged him down with her. Grunting as they hit, he lifted his head to stare at her. “Tamara,” he growled.

  “Yes?” She smiled at him, looking way too innocent.

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, he rubbed his cock against her. “I need to get naked and so do you.”. Dropping another kiss to her lips, he pushed up on his hands. “Now.”

  Tamara rolled her eyes and let him go. “Fine,” she said, letting out a heavy and seriously overdone sigh. Then she rolled off the bed and ended up facing him with the bed between them.

  He was about to ask what she was up to when she kicked her shoes off. Then her hands were on the snap of her jeans and his mouth dried up. Watching with intense and desperate focus, he followed her fingers as she undid the button and slowly lowered the zipper. Then she stopped.

  Jerking his eyes up to her face, he found her standing with a bemused look on her face. “You do know that you need to get naked, right? That was the only reason I let you go, Shawn. So—” She waved a hand his direction. “Strip.”

  Reaching up, he caught the back of his shirt and pulled it off, tossing it aside. Her hands stilled at her hips, right in the middle of pushing her jeans down.

  “Shouldn’t you be stripping?” he asked with a grin.

  Undoing his jeans, Shawn kicked his boots toward a corner. Glancing at Tamara, he saw she’d pushed her jeans down and now stood in a pair of boy-shorts. They were lacy and matched her bra perfectly, both in a deep purple color that was amazing against the light color of her skin.

  Licking his lips, he watched as she undid the bra and tossed it aside. Her nipples tightened instantly as her breasts came into view. When she hooked her fingers in her underwear he bent and got rid of his jeans. Straightening, he stepped back slightly.

  She was right there in front of him on the edge of the bed.

  Blinking, he lifted a brow and stepped forward. “You are beautiful.” Cupping her face, he kissed her. Pushing her back onto the bed, he let out a low moan as her skin slid against his. It had been too long, way too fucking long, since he’d last had her. Had her tight little body under his, her skin under his hands and his cock in her sweet little pussy.

  Which reminded him, it had been too long since he’d tasted her.

  Tearing his mouth from hers, he slid his tongue over her neck. Pausing, he sucked lightly on the soft skin and gave it just the smallest of bites. Her moan ratcheted up his need, but he pushed the need back down. He was a man on a mission, and damn it, he was going to complete the mission, no matter what.

  Continuing down her chest, he stopped to pay some attention to her breasts. The dusky pink buds were sensitive, if he remembered correctly. Sliding his tongue over one, he chuckled when she gasped and clawed at his arms.

  Sucking one tip into his mouth, he cupped the other breast in his hand and played the nipple between his fingers. She tasted good, so damned good. Catching her nipple between his teeth, he slowly pulled of, letting it scrape through his teeth until it broke free.

  Quickly switching to her other breast, he devoured her, his hand moving to roll, pinch and pluck at the wet nipple. She was wild under him, twisting and turning, trying to get away and then tugging him in closer.

  “Shawn!” she yelled, her nails digging into his arms deeper.

  Smiling, he flicked her nipple with his tongue before sucking hard once more. Then he was back on his path, aiming for the treasure between her legs and the rich cream he knew would be waiting.

  Brushing kisses to her skin, he interspersed them with little nips and long licks. Anything to push her closer to the edge. She was close, it wouldn’t take much to send her over, not with how tightly wound she already was.

  Pushing her legs apart, he brushed his lips over her bare mound. Perfectly smooth. His girl waxed. Damn, that was hot. Inhaling her scent, he had to clamp down on his own need again. She was so wet, he could see her juices all over her pussy and inner thighs.

  With an eye on her face, he slid his tongue over the seam between her leg and her nether lips. The response he got was a little...painful. Her hands caught at his hair and held on tight, tugging on the strands enough that he actually flinched. His woman had one hell of a grip on her.

  Reaching up, he squeezed one of her wrists gently. “Easy on the scalp, love. I’d like to have some of my hair left at the end of this.”

  Her fingers instantly loosened. “Sorry.”

  Catching her hand, he brought her fingers to his lips and pressed a kiss to each one. “Don’t worry about it. But please, try not to scalp the guy that’s about to go down on you, yeah?”

  Shooting her a grin, he turned his mind back to his task. Spreading her labia wide, he put his mouth against her and licked. Shuddering from the intense flavor that was all her, he set to driving her completely and totally insane.


  He was trying to drive her insane. That had to be it. Squirming against his torture, Tamara fought for air. Whimpering, she clutched at his hair again, one hand only this time, and fisted the sheets in her other.

  The things the man could do with his tongue should fucking be illegal. Gasping, she arched her back up. Gods, it was too much, way too much.

  Clawing at the blankets, she tried to get away from him, not that he let her. He had a firm hold on her ass, was using it to keep her off the bed so he could do whatever he wanted. Which he was most definitely doing.

  When he wasn’t licking her, he was sucking on her clit. Over and over, never doing just one thing so she could come. No, he kept her guessing and had her body so far on the edge, she just knew she’d expire when she came.

  Then it hit.

  Throwing her head back, she screamed his name as she came, her entire body going taut as the orgasm tore through her. Shaking, Tamar
a went limp and gulped for air. But apparently, he wasn’t done with her. And her body was fully on board, even as her brain screamed that it couldn’t take any more. Hell, had she had the breath, she might have actually said that to him.

  Moaning, she tugged him closer to her as he sucked on her clit. His fingers, oh God, his fingers were stroking her perfectly. Filling her up, but it wasn’t what she wanted and it wasn’t nearly enough.

  “Shawn,” she croaked. “God, Shawn, in me. Now.” Hopefully, she’d gotten her point across.

  She must have because he shifted and moved over her. The crinkle of a condom package caught her attention and she got to watch as he rolled the thin rubber down his engorged cock. Licking her lips she knew that, at some point, she was going to get her hands on that gorgeous hunk of flesh and then she’d have him at her mercy.

  That thought flew out of her head when he pressed his cock into her pussy. Clutching at his shoulders, she let out a moan. She loved the feel of him sliding so deep inside of her.

  Opening eyes she hadn’t realized she’d closed, she stared into his.

  What she saw there made the air stop in her chest.

  Reaching up, she cupped his cheek. When he nuzzled her palm, she felt that last barrier drop and knew, just knew, she was a goner. He was hers, now and forever. No matter what happened, he was hers and she was his.

  Sliding her fingers into his hair, Tamara pulled him closer. “Shawn.”

  “Yes, love?”

  “If you don’t start moving, I may have to hurt you.”

  She nearly grinned at the flash of surprise that danced over his face. Then he smiled and it was forgotten. “For you,” he said, his smile only getting bigger. “Anything.”

  Her reply fell to the wayside as his cock slid out and then plunged deep again. Arching her back, she shuddered. So good. So thick. So perfect.

  Wrapping her legs around him, she held on for the ride as he made love to her. Slowly, with care and with so much love between them. He may not have said the words, and she definitely hadn’t, but she knew that they felt the same thing.


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