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Page 19

by Tara Mills

  Chad struggled to control his temper but he was royally pissed now. “I saw you.” He turned to the window and hit the counter with his open hand making the sugar dish jump and clatter. “I drove to Klein’s on Sunday to invite you out to dinner and there you were, all friendly with some other guy in the parking lot.”

  When she merely stared at him with raised eyebrows and an expectant expression he pointed an accusing finger at her. “You got into his car, damn it! Then,” he waved a crazy hand at the ceiling, “you completely blew off my phone calls. What was I supposed to think?” Suddenly Chad went into an amusing imitation of Piper’s voice. “‘Oh, and yesterday I didn’t feel good so I stayed in bed all day.’”

  Piper’s lips twitched, as if she knew something he didn’t. Chad was not amused.

  “First of all,” Piper broke in. “I wasn’t expecting to see you after work so you can hardly blame me for making other plans and second of all, I wasn’t aware I needed to get your approval in advance for every conversation I have. You’re acting pretty possessive for a friend.”

  He opened and closed his mouth a few times, his mind scurrying to find an explanation. Before he could offer anything she went on.

  “For your information, I was with Joy on Sunday night but since you brought him up, that was Mick. He dropped by the store at the end of my shift with something of mine that I left in his storage locker. You see, he’s moving out of state and he thought I might like my grandmother’s linens back. He offered to put them in my car but since he didn’t know where I was parked when he pulled in, we had to drive over to it. Do you need to see the box or have a notarized statement from Mick in order to believe me? How about confirmation of his first and last months’ deposit on his new apartment in Colorado? Would that make you feel more secure?”

  The painful bands around Chad’s chest released their grip only to be replaced by horror at how he acted, what he thought for the past week. How could he even begin to explain?

  “Why didn’t you call me Monday?” he asked quietly.

  “I already told you, I was sick. I went over to Joy’s and we had a margarita night and the next morning I had the mother of all hangovers. It was the worst I’ve ever had by the way, and I didn’t feel up to making phone calls while I was hanging over the toilet with red tile marks cut into my bare knees.”

  Chad felt terrible. Just remembering the venom of his attack on her, his very public and evidently unfair attack, was distressing. “Really?”

  “Really.” She took this opportunity to ask, “Who the hell is Angela?”

  There was a subtle twitch at the corner of his mouth when he thought about this comedy of errors they’d fallen into.

  “She’s Cassidy’s mom. Cassidy is Missy’s best friend. I was helping out at her birthday party.”

  Piper scowled at him. “You tried to make me think there was something going on there.”

  “Maybe.” He shrugged, then thought screw it. It was time for complete honesty here. “Yes, I did.”

  “But you didn’t sleep with her?”

  “Never. Would you care?”

  Her eyes said it all. “About as much as you’d care if I saw other guys.”

  That was a good answer. Chad smiled and walked around the counter. He lifted Piper’s glass out of her hands and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close.

  Chad laid his cheek on the top of her head and sighed. “I’m sorry, so sorry. I was an ass.”

  • • •

  Piper could finally admit to herself just how much she yearned for the smell of him, the feel of him but she needed to say this first. “I don’t know if I’m ready to forgive you yet. You hurt me. You humiliated me. I’ll never be able to show my face in Bruno’s again.”

  He rubbed her back and laughed softly. “I admit I wasn’t at my most rational right then and I suspect we’re both probably banned from Bruno’s now.”

  Piper’s arms finally came up around Chad and it made them both feel better. “I thought you’d gone insane. You were using Angela to hurt me but I didn’t understand why.”

  “I was. At least, I was trying to.”

  “Well, it worked.”

  “I’m sorry. As far as I was concerned, you hurt me first so I wanted to hurt you back. It was a reflex but believe me I was never interested in Angela.”

  “And I’m not interested in Mick.”

  Chad drew back to smile at her. “You say he’s moving out of state?”

  “Yes, but you were safe even when I hugged him goodbye.”

  “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”

  Piper nodded. “I don’t want to be your friend anymore.”

  “Don’t toy with me. I’ve had a pretty lousy week.”

  “Welcome to the club.” Piper snuggled against his chest. “Are we done being childish? Because I’ve gotta tell ya, at my age, I’m not up to it.”

  “God, yes.”

  Piper pulled back and looked at him. “Are you in love with me?”

  He tipped his head and raised his eyebrows. “Do you love me?”

  “I asked you first.”

  “This is straying back to childish again.”

  “Then answer the question.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose. “What do you think?”

  “I think I was blind and stupid.”

  “Pretty hard to argue with that.”

  “Stop it,” she warned.

  “So what about you?”

  “Do you remember when I told you that I wasn’t going to fall in love with you?”

  “Sounds vaguely familiar.”

  She smiled. “I was wrong. And then I was just too stubborn to admit it.”

  Chad’s fingers combed through her hair and he tilted her head back so he could get at her mouth. When they finally came up for air, Chad rocked his forehead against hers and said, “I’ve been waiting for you to say that.”

  “That I was wrong?”

  “No wonder my mom likes you. You’ve got the same exasperating sense of humor.”

  Piper laughed. “Chad?”

  “Hmm?” he murmured as he kissed her temple.

  “Will you take me to your bed?”

  His answer was a soft kiss, a gentle smile, and a hand linking with hers to lead her upstairs.

  Chapter 28

  This time, they approached each other thoughtfully, emotionally and physically bare. Instead of a manic need, a furious force inside them that demanded that each dominate and vie for control, there was tenderness, sharing, and giving.

  When they stopped at the empty mirrored dresser, Piper smiled at Chad’s reflection in the glass then turned Kenny’s and Missy’s photos face down. What was about to happen here was not for children’s eyes.

  Chad stepped up behind Piper and wrapped his arms around her waist, swaying back and forth in front of the mirror, his chin resting on her shoulder. Piper thought she could be content like this forever, at least until he moved up to the buttons on her shirt and released them, one by one. He drew the sides apart and with a flick, popped the front clasp holding her bra together. It sprang back and her breasts tumbled out but his hands were there to catch them. Piper sagged against his chest as he molded her, kneaded her. She shivered when he kissed the crook of her neck.

  Then Chad took her hands in his and placed them over her breasts. They kneaded together for a minute before he moved off to skim down her stomach to the front of her jeans.

  “Don’t stop,” he said, nipping at her neck when her hands stilled. She squeezed her breasts again and he smiled. “Good girl.”

  Chad tugged at her fly and Piper reached out to help him with the button but he shook his head and placed her hand back over her breast.

  “Indulge me,” he whispered, h
is warm breath a caress across her ear.

  She cupped herself and he sighed, parting her zipper and drawing her pants down her legs. He paused to press a kiss to the small of her back then her panties slid down next, pooling around her feet.

  Chad stood back up, his arm coming around her again and in one swift move he lifted her out of her clothing and spun her around, leaving them behind.

  “That was the sexiest thing ever,” she told him with a gasp.

  He grinned. “I beg to differ.”

  Their hearts were pounding when he turned her back around so they both faced the mirror together. His eyes brushed over her naked body with long loving strokes. The waiting had been torture, the denial of their feelings ridiculous.

  The intimate look in his eyes was her undoing. Piper never wanted anyone more in her life. Only Chad filled her in every possible way; her heart, her head, her dreams, her body. She needed to see him, touch him, taste him, and love him.

  She twirled around and they attacked his clothing together, the need to press bare skin to bare skin almost unbearable. Still, Piper’s eyes glittered when she finally got to look at him again. He was glorious; rough and smooth, warm and solid, strong yet gentle. There were so many ways she wanted to appreciate him, show him how much she desired him — how much she truly loved him. Oh god, she loved him so much.

  “But I didn’t want to love you,” she confessed, one hand flowing over his hard hip, the other straying into his chest hair.

  He smiled, running the back of his fingers along her cheek. “Sometimes we don’t get what we want.”

  “But then we do.” She smiled.

  He tipped her face up and made her look him in the eye. “Are you sorry?” There was uncertainty in his voice.

  “No.” Piper pulled his head down so she could kiss him.

  Then tears started leaking from the corners of her eyes and she tried to blink them away. “I was so afraid that you hated me on Tuesday.” The memory made her shudder.

  “Shh,” he whispered, wrapping her in his arms and kissing her eyes. He could taste the salt on his lips. “I don’t think we should go there again, okay?”

  “Okay.” She nodded and looked at the bed. “This is a big step for me.”

  “Me too. I’ve never shared this bed with anyone before.”

  She was shocked. “No one? Not even Chelsea?”

  “I sold our old set. I couldn’t look at it.” He crouched down so he could look Piper in the eye. “I’ve never had a woman over because of the kids. You’re the first.”

  The last of her doubts evaporated and she leaped into his arms, knocking him back onto the mattress, kissing him so hard he started laughing.

  Chad turned his head away as she chewed and nibbled along his jaw. “I have a condition, Piper.”

  “What?” She ground her bottom over him suggestively.

  “You stay the night — the whole night.”

  She stilled. “But I get up so early.”

  “How early?”



  “What can I say? I work in a bakery.”

  “Ugh,” he groaned. “I have an alarm clock. We’ll just need to re-set the coffeemaker to go off at the right time, too.”

  “So you still want me to stay?”

  “I insist.”

  “But what about clothes?”

  “There’s an empty dresser over there, never used. I think I bought it for you three years ago. We should bring your stuff over as soon as we can.”

  “And what about the kids?”

  “What about them?”

  “I’m just surprised, that’s all. What kind of example would we be setting? You’re asking me to move in when you have kids to consider? Are you sure about that?”

  “Hell yes. Besides, they know how I feel about you.”

  “They do? Was I the only one in denial?”

  He threw his head back and laughed, heartily. “Apparently. I’ve been getting some serious counseling from both of them.”

  She smiled. “They kept your secrets.”

  He chucked her under the chin. “That’s good to know, but you’ve raised the bigger subject.”

  “Which is?”

  He tipped his head in a totally disarming, even charming way and smiled. “I know you could argue that we never officially dated though I’d argue back that as far as everyone else is concerned — me included — we’ve been paired up for some time.”

  “And your point is?”

  “Piper, sweetheart, I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you. I fell in love with you at the carnival.”

  “You did?”

  He nodded and ran his fingers lightly up and down her bare arms. “I knew then where I wanted to go, where I wanted to take you, I’ve just been treading water, waiting for you to catch up. My next question might seem premature and if it is, I’ll hold it steady as long as it takes but I’m hoping you won’t make me wait too long. Piper, would you consider handcuffing yourself to me? Joining our family?”

  Her heart jittered and twitched just hearing it. “Is this a proposal?”

  “I know. It’s not exactly how I planned it, either. I wanted to do this properly.” He laughed for a minute, shaking beneath her. “But there was never any doubt in my mind that I’d be asking you to marry me eventually. The only thing I didn’t know was when and where.” His grin deepened, the deep cuts around his smile sharpened when he looked at their naked bodies pressed together.

  “So I’m asking you now. I may not be dressed for the occasion and obviously I don’t have a ring on me yet though you’re welcome to do a body search if you like,” he winked, “but if you want me to, I’ll drop to my knee and ask the old fashioned way.”

  Piper simply stared at him, silent and surprised, and he panicked. “Oh shit, I’ve fucked up, haven’t I?” He started stroking her arms, her sides anxiously, trying to soothe away her fears. “Piper, I’m so sorry. I’m rushing you. God, you just faced your feelings and here I am, pressuring you into a lifelong commitment. What the hell am I doing?”

  Piper’s smile was slow and amused. “As intriguing as the thought of you going down on one knee is, given your present state, the gesture isn’t necessary.” Then her voice broke. “Coming back to you here is like coming home from camp.” Now Piper’s tears ran in earnest.

  Chad caught her hand, stopping her from wiping them away. The tenderness in his eyes was overwhelming. He pulled her down against him and kissed her salty cheek as Piper shook helplessly in his arms.

  “You’re afraid.” He sought her eyes and she nodded. “I can wait if that’s what you need.”

  Could her heart take any more? Piper doubted it. She caught his face in her hands and shook her head. “No. I love you Chad, more than I’ve ever loved anyone. You’re my wish list, word for word, letter for letter. There’s no need to wait because I want to wear your ring.”


  She nodded and his laughter lifted her heart like nothing else could.

  He hugged her again, planting a kiss on her forehead. “Can we do this fast?”

  “How fast?”

  “I don’t know. As soon as the license comes through. I want you home with me, with us. Any problems with that?”

  She shook her head and smiled but he could see that there were things running through her mind and a new wave of doubts rolled over him.

  “Hang on. I shouldn’t hustle you into a quick wedding. You haven’t had your special day yet. I’ll bet you’ve been planning your wedding for years.”

  “I’ve had a number of them planned and the thing is they always change; from time of year, indoors or outdoors, who’ll be in them, even what type of dress I’ll wear. What hasn’t changed is how I always
wanted to feel about the man I made my promise to. I’m getting that with you so everything else is just dressing. Whatever we do will be beautiful and memorable.”

  “Would you consider including the kids in the ceremony?”

  “Missy as my bridesmaid?”

  “I’ll have Kenny as my best man.”

  “Do they like me enough?”

  He brushed her hair back, hooking it behind her ear. “They love you enough. I told you already we’re a package deal.” Then he kissed her. “Piper, take my name, my hand, my home, my family — my love.”

  “Gladly.” She brushed at her eyes yet again.

  He gave her a silly grin. “I promise you this. I’ll be faithful, try not to lose my temper too much, and pamper you ridiculously.” Then he turned more serious. “I’ll take care of you, Piper.”

  She was touched but she shook her head. “We’ll take care of each other and I’m going to start by making sure all of you eat properly from now on.”

  He laughed. “I hope so. I don’t think I can stand another sandwich.” Then he kissed her tenderly. “I trust you with them, sweetheart.”

  Piper pulled back. “But we have a lot to discuss. I mean it. I need to know just how you’ll feel when I get involved in parenting. Will we work together or against each other? I don’t want your jealousy making it harder for me.”

  “Have I resented any of your help yet? I think we’ve made a pretty good and natural team so far.”

  She thought back and had to admit that he had a point.

  Chad smiled and stroked down her sides then stopped on her hips. “I guess this is a good time to ask whether you want to have kids in the future.”

  Piper laughed. “I’m getting them already.”

  “You know what I’m asking. Do you want to add to the family?”

  “I don’t know. How do you feel?”

  “It’s not my call.”

  She frowned. “Of course it is. We should both have a say in it.”

  He kissed her. “Would you believe me if I said I would be happy either way?”



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