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Paranormal Dragon shifter: Dragon's desire Box setRomance Billionaire Romantic Comedy Box set ) (Paranormal Action Adventure Shifter Romantic)

Page 128

by Tina Johnson

  Misty secretly found many of his behaviors kind of a turn on, but she'd never admit it to him. If he knew she liked the bossy side of him even a tiny bit, she'd never get him to stop when she needed him too.

  "You may be a person, but you're my mate. You own my heart. The same way I own your's." Hunter told her, nibbling on her ear making her have a hard time thinking straight.

  "Okay, sure, I can agree with that logic, somewhat, but please deal with your mom." Misty begged him again and gave him a firm look. She just wanted to focus on her job, and her relationship with Hunter. She didn't want to deal with all the excitement and drama everyone else seemed to want to add to the situation.

  "Okay Misty. I promise, I'll talk to my mom and try to get her to slow down a little." Hunter promised her and then kissed her, distracting her from her emotions until she leaned into him and pressed her breasts against him. When he brought his hands up to cup them they heard a large crash upstairs that had Hunter stepping back and looking at the ceiling of his caves. "Oh, that didn't sound good."

  "Think your mom just blew the house up?" Misty asked, half chuckling. She didn't know how right she was going to be.

  Chapter 14

  "MOM! What were you thinking?" Hunter exclaimed when he walked to his kitchen and saw the mess.

  "I wanted to try this recipe, but apparently when they described it as being explosive, they really meant it could explode. It was supposed to have a hint of gun power for flavor. I think I put too much." His mom said, looking sheepishly.

  "Let me see the recipe?" Hunter demanded and his mom handed him the paper.

  Looking down at it, Hunter made a pained expression. "Mom, this recipe is to make actual gun powder. It also has a cake recipe on it. These are two different recipes. You were not supposed to mix them together."

  "Well, that explains a lot." She said, looking at the oven that was now in pieces all over the kitchen. The door had blown off and flown across the room, denting the wall. The glass from the door was shattered all over the floor, and the inside was a mesh of pieces all just sitting there still smoking.

  "Mom, you are not making our cake for the wedding. We will be getting it made for us." Hunter told his mom gently, cringing as he looked over his shoulder at the mess. "I'll call my house cleaning service to see if they can come fix this."

  "I'm sorry Hunter, I just wanted to see if it was any good. I thought the recipe sounded good when I saw it online." She said and sniffled, looking sad.

  "Mom, do you really think dragons and gun powder mix well?" He asked her gently as he took her to the living room and put her down on the couch. Looking at her, he crossed his arms and couldn't believe his mother just blew up his oven.

  "Well, it sounded good in theory," She said, looking up at him with big eyes.

  "I'll take care of it, just stay out of the kitchen please," Hunter said rubbing his hand on his cheek. "Oh, and lay off Misty. Let us plan our wedding. After this fiasco, I think it proves that you should just be a guest, instead of a proactive wedding planner."

  "Hey, I helped plan your sisters' weddings." Protesting, she pouted at him.

  "Misty isn't one of your daughters though, and she has her own ideas on what would make her happy. You need to listen to her, she's going to be my wife and I want my wife happy. I love you mom, but maybe you should go home until the wedding's all set and you can just show up as a guest." Hunter told her.

  "I can't." She told him.

  "Wait? Why not?" Hunter asked her, confused. He cocked his head at his mother and narrowed his gaze. "What did you do?"

  "I might have told Trevor about your girl." She whispered looking guilty. "If I go home, well... he'll just follow me to the wedding."

  "You told my cousin about Misty? You realize if he figures out when and where the wedding is, he'll show up and cause a scene, right?" Hunter groaned. His cousin Trevor was the black sheep of the family, and he made a point to challenge every male dragon at their wedding for their mate. Instead of just finding his own mate, he tried to steal someone else's. Hunter was intentionally not inviting him. "Mom, I cannot believe you."

  "I'm sorry, it just slipped out. He stopped by for a visit on his way to Aruba."

  "What was he doing in Aruba?" Hunter couldn't picture any reason logically that his cousin would go to Aruba.

  "A wedding, what else? That, and I guess the King's daughter was going to be in town, and he wanted to seduce a princess." She shrugged. "Either way, he's still there, for now. So if you guys get married quickly, you should avoid having him crash the party."

  "Thanks for the warning, Mom." Hunter shook his head and waved his hand at her as he left the room to go survey the damage in the kitchen.

  When he walked back in, Misty had swept up the broken glass, moved the door to the island counter, and was picking out all the pieces into a trash bin she was holding in front of the oven. Broken glass, metal, and pieces of the oven quickly filled the bin she held.

  "My mom is certifiably insane right now. I'm so sorry." Hunter told her as he walked over and took the trash bin from her, holding it so she could use both hands.

  Misty burst out laughing. "I'm sorry. I really shouldn't laugh, but your mom blew your kitchen up. I mean, do you know what kind of stories that will gives us to tell friends and family, or her grandkids?"

  "You think this is funny?" Hunter was amazed. No matter what got thrown at Misty, she just adapted and handled it. It was one of the reasons he loved her so much. "I love you, I hope you know that."

  "I love you too Hunter, and your mom is welcome to visit, but she is never, ever living with us." Misty warned him as she finished pulling out all the big pieces and then looked at the black scorch marks going along the wood on the wall where the oven sat. "You may need to replace this entire section."

  "Not a problem, I'll get a contractor to come out and look at it. I'll get it fixed before the wedding. No biggie." Hunter shrugged. "Are you happy here Misty? Really happy? We can always move and go anywhere in the world you want."

  "Honestly, I love the people here, my vet practice, you. You're house needs a few more feminine touches so it doesn't look like a male decorated the whole place, but I could see raising a few children here. They'd love the woods and the mud. You may have to share your caves and toys down there though." Misty told him grinning. "Children love shiny things."

  "I could learn to share with my children, if you made me," Hunter said jokingly, then sobered up, thinking about his cousin Trevor. "There's something I need to tell you though and I don't want you to be totally unhappy."

  "What now?" Misty asked, tensing, expecting him to make a horrible announcement.

  "My cousin Trevor may show up at the wedding." Hunter shrugged, "My mom made the mistake of blurting out that she was coming here to help plan a wedding I guess."

  "Did we invite him, or were we going to invite him? Why's it a problem?" Misty cocked her head sideways, trying to understand.

  "Well, he has a habit of challenging the groom to a fight for the bride. It's sort of his thing at weddings." Hunter said and made a sour face. "It can ruin the mood if you're not used to that kind of dragon social behavior."

  "Has he ever won a bride?" Misty asked him, her brows knitting together in confusion. "What happens if he wins?"

  "Well, in theory he'd take the bride to his lair. This is an ancient tradition of ours, but he's never actually won. He's not the world's best fighter, he's more of a lover. He just seems determined to cause havoc at every family wedding he attends. It's not a fight to the death, it's just a fight to submission. You get your mouth around their neck, and it's all over. Fight's over." Hunter said and grinned. "I know I'll beat him, but I just know you didn't want a big wedding. Or a scene for that matter, and you can't have Trevor attend without a scene."

  "Well, everyone we are inviting is your family. So..." Misty shrugged. "Let's just keep it small, intimate, your type of family gathering. If he does show up, we'll survive I guess."

>   "He's in Aruba right now according to my mom. Crashing another wedding and apparently chasing after a princess." Hunter laughed. "Maybe he'll catch himself a woman and won't have time to show up on our door step."

  "That would be nice," Misty said and pulled her cell out of her pocket after it buzzed. "I just got a text about an emergency in town. I need to get to the vet clinic, a dog was hit by a car. Think you can handle the rest of this on your own?"

  "Of course. Be careful." Hunter said and gave her a quick kiss before he let her go. He knew if there was a hurt or sick animal, Misty wouldn't be able to pay him any attention until she did everything she could to fix it. Her dedication to animals was one of the things he loved most about her. She didn't do anything half way.

  Chapter 15

  The next couple of weeks passed in a blur for Misty. She put her foot down about a quiet wedding. Hunter found a field they were given permission to use, found a pastor, and was putting everything together for the wedding in a couple weeks.

  The problem she had was every time she turned around, she tripped over his mother. She was so ready for that woman to go. All she wanted to do was get the wedding over with and start her life with Hunter as his wife.

  "Hunter?" Misty walked into the bathroom and found him in the shower. Watching him soap himself up through the glass doors, she walked over when he crooked his finger for her to come closer.

  He pushed the door open and before Misty knew what he had planned, he'd pulled her into the shower with him. Clothes and all.

  "Oh my god, Hunter!" Misty exclaimed, soaking wet, her cloak sticking to her body like a second skin. It fit her like a glove, and she'd luckily had taken her shoes off already and was barefoot. "Why did you do that?"

  "So I could make love to you in the shower," He told her simply and backed her up against the shower wall.

  "Yeah, but now my clothes are all wet. I would have joined you if you'd have asked me to get naked," She pointed out as she tried to get out of her wet panties and dress.

  "So? It was much more fun to just get you in here and all wet," Hunter grinned at her, and then pulled hard on her dress until the straps ripped off her shoulders. "I can buy you a new one, just get naked."

  Misty sighed but let him strip her clothes off, the warm water touching her skin and his fingers skimming over her flesh as he pulled the dress down her body had her aching for him. She could be irritated later. Right now she wanted him.

  He pressed kisses to her belly and when he dropped to his knees and pressed her legs apart, he ducked his head between her legs and pressed his lips to her crotch. Finding the sensitive nub between her legs, he started to apply pressure to it with his tongue. Within a few minutes he had Misty moaning and arching her body against his face. Bringing his fingers up, he inserted them inside her to heighten her pleasure while he took her over the edge into a shaking orgasm.

  Misty coughed slightly as she inhaled some water because she'd been holding her breath and had to gulp in some air, and had the water spray in her face. Hunter patted her on the back and then picked her up and had her wrap her legs around his waist. Pushing her back against the shower he entered her and made love to her against the shower wall.

  He nipped at her skin on her neck and shoulders as he thrust his hips against her body and used his hands to support her curves and weight. The water provided a slickness and the squeaky sounds their bodies made when they slid against each other had Misty giggling slightly.

  "What's so funny?" Hunter whispered to her as he continued to press kisses against her body and her hands tangled in his wet hair.

  "We sound like a squeaky mouse wheel," She told him and then when he thrust and made an unusually loud squeak, he stopped. Pulling out, he flipped her around until her breasts pressed hard against the tile wall and he entered her from behind.

  "Less talking, more fucking," He growled in her ear and grabbed a handful of her hair from behind to hold her in place. His other hand grabbed her hip and he helped her body slide against his cock as he took her from behind.

  Misty loved feeling his weight against her, the way his large cock rubbed just right inside her. It had her shivering within moments, on the verge of another orgasm when a loud banging on the door interrupted them.

  "Hunter?" His mom called from the other side of the doorway.

  Making a strangled noise, Hunter stopped moving inside Misty and froze.

  "What mom?" He called back, irritated. "I'm in the shower. With Misty."

  Misty blushed and struggled against Hunter's body, but he didn't let go of her. "Did you have to tell her that part?" She whispered to him furiously.

  "You're sisters won't be able to make the wedding. It apparently was too short of notice and they can't corral their gangs to make it, but they send their regards." His mom yelled through the door.

  "Is that all?" Hunter asked, his dick slowly losing its excitement and shrinking.

  "Uh huh, that's it." She called back and then left his room, the bedroom door slamming shut a moment later.

  "Hunter?" Misty said, wiggling against him.

  "What Misty?" Hunter said, still just standing there in disbelief that his mother could ruin his time with Misty.

  "Do you think you could let go of my hair? You're smashing my face into the tile." Misty told him and almost started to laugh. It was clear their moment was ruined, and that Hunter had forgotten what he was doing, and that the odds of picking up they'd left off was unlikely.

  Hunter let her go and stepped back. "I'm seriously going to kill my mom."

  His mother, Susie, had to meddle in everything. It's why he moved out here to live by himself and avoid his mother. While his sisters had chosen to make their homes nearby, he couldn't handle his mother up in his business all the time.

  "How about we get married, and then send her home?" Misty suggested as she grabbed the soap and washed herself. Her panties and dress where in a heap on the floor that Hunter had shoved to the corner of the shower.

  "That works too," Hunter told her and then wrapped his arms around her, soap and all. "I'm sorry. My mother is unique. She really doesn't have a sense of boundaries most of the time, though she usually means well."

  "I don't dislike your mom Hunter. I think she's a very nice woman. I just don't want to live with her. I think she's over staying her welcome when she starts invading our personal space in our own home." Misty pointed out gently, she didn't want Hunter to get mad at her for feeling this way about his mom, but she also felt honesty was important to a relationship. Along with boundaries. Healthy boundaries. A mother in law needed boundaries.

  They got out of the shower together, and dried off. Misty hung her wet clothes over the shower wall to dry out and went and found some new clothes. She could picture spending her life with Hunter, having his babies, and growing old with him. That is assuming they'd eventually grow old together. She wasn't sure exactly how dragons aged. He'd reassured her enough that being his mate would slow her aging process down so that he wouldn't outlive her even though she was human. He'd cleared up the myths that you could make someone into a dragon by biting them or any other weird concepts.

  She thought she'd done a pretty good job handling everything that had been thrown at her so far with Hunter, her father, and finishing school. But his mother? She was driving Misty to the edge of wanting a stiff drink. And she wasn't a drinker!

  Shaking her head, she could understand his mother's point of view. This was her only son, he was getting married, and he was the baby. She had good intentions, but she was just enough of a busy body and a slightly destructive force with everything in her wake. The kitchen wasn't the only thing she'd destroyed. She'd also drove her car through Hunter's garage door because she'd accidentally hit the gas instead of the break.

  Hunter had played it off as no big deal, but Misty could tell that he was ready for his mom to go too. It had almost made him beg Misty to move the wedding up to go faster, instead of the original date they'd set.

/>   At least she wasn't the only one suffering from his mother's visit. She seemed like a good woman. She had good intentions. Although she'd tried to paint Hunter's office and turn it into a nursery when there was plenty of spare bedrooms she could have used and dropped Hunter's work laptop and broke the screen too.

  Hunter had been keeping her busy by sending her on errands to find hard to retrieve objects for the wedding. Like a single blue pearl on a gold chain of a certain size, and a pair of princess style shoes with hearts and decorative pearls on them that would go with Misty's dress.

  Anything to get his mother out of the house so she couldn't find something else to do to the inside of it. Fixing the kitchen had cost him a couple thousand dollars, and it wasn't the price tag he objected to. It was the fact that as soon as he fixed it, his mother had broken the sink and flooded the kitchen.

  She didn't know he didn't have a garbage disposal and had been stuffing food down his drain. That act had blocked up the pipes bad enough to flood all over the floor because she'd left the water running, and she had forgotten to come back to the kitchen after using the restroom.

  Misty meant no harm with her thoughts, but she definitely thought that his mother needed a caretaker. She finished getting dressed and wrapped her arms around Hunter in their bedroom. He seemed grumpy. Pressing kisses to his chin she smiled up at him.

  "You look irritated." She murmured and grabbed his ass playfully.

  Hunter snorted, "I have a right to be irritated. My mother just ruined awesome shower sex, and now you have clothes on."

  "We can lock the door, and I can always take them off." Misty grinned at him and then backed up to the door. She locked it and started to unbutton the top of her shirt showing a hint of cleavage.


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