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PRIZE: An MMA Fighter Secret Baby Romance

Page 44

by Brooke Valentine

  “But…won’t there be other things I need to be helping out with?”

  “I’m the boss around here,” he replied firmly. “What I say goes, remember?”

  And there was just something about the way he’d said that last sentence that put her on edge. It sounded more like a threat than anything else, as if he was reminding her of his power; that he could get her to lose her job if he really wanted.

  And the next day, she started in her new position.

  Francis set up a chair for her right next to his. It was one of those cool, movie set ones that she’d always wanted to sit in, and a part of her felt honored and excited to be given the opportunity, but it was clear from the offset what Francis’s intentions were.

  “You look stunning this morning,” he murmured as she sat down, before reaching over and placing his hand on her leg. He gave it a quick squeeze, then let go.

  Her cheeks flushed with shame and outrage. He had no business just touching her like that in front of everyone, but no one had been looking, all too busy doing their own thing and getting everything ready for the next take.

  Francis lifted up his megaphone and began barking orders at people, pointing and instructing as they ran about doing whatever he told them. He was a hard taskmaster on the set, and she’d noticed people rolling their eyes behind his back a few times; she definitely wasn’t the only one he rubbed the wrong way.

  In between giving out orders, he would lean in close to Ashleigh and explain to her exactly what was going on and what he was doing.

  The majority of the time he did stick to business, and she was learning, but after every sentence he always managed to slip in some kind of compliment about how she looked or a flirtatious remark.

  It was extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable. It was like being in the restaurant all over again and she wasn’t sure how she could stand her job if it was going to be like this every day from now on.

  A couple of times she saw Rico look over in her direction and they’d accidentally make eye contact. Then one of them would look away. She wondered what he was thinking, and wished he could rescue her somehow from Francis.

  But Francis seemed to revel in the fact that she and Rico weren’t talking, even making subtle references to it now and again.

  “You don’t need big, hot-shot movie stars like Rico,” he murmured. “You just need to stick with the producers like me. I’m the one who can get you the parts, not him. You just stick with me, gorgeous.”

  By the end of two days on set with Francis like this, Ashleigh felt physically and mentally exhausted, and in dire need of escape.

  She was growing increasingly worried about his flirtatious behavior, and was wondering if she could get it to stop somehow. If she told Francis she thought it was inappropriate, would he drop it and stop? Or would he be offended, angry, and fire her? Was it worth the risk? Could she tell anyone else about his behavior and how it made her feel? She felt so alone and helpless.

  Chapter Nineteen

  The night before her audition, Ashleigh was alone in her hotel room, sitting at the little dresser table opposite the mirror, eating her room service dinner. The restaurant in the hotel wasn’t the best, but it served a purpose, and she wasn’t particularly hungry that night anyway, far too nervous and on edge to actually have a proper appetite.

  The thing she was dreading the most was having to see Francis again, to sit in a private audition room, and sing and perform for him. She knew his creepy, lecherous eyes would be on her the whole time.

  And her thoughts kept coming back to Rico too. Had she been too harsh on him? She missed not being friendly with him, not hanging out or joking around on set. Maybe she should send him a text, or make the effort to go and stand with him in the line for coffee next time she saw him. Just something to break the ice and the barrier that seemed to have come up between them. Even if they weren’t “seeing” each other anymore, having sex, or dating or whatever it was, she’d still like it if they could be friends.

  An hour or so later, she was just getting ready for bed and changed into her pyjamas when there was an unexpected knock on her hotel room door.

  She assumed it would probably be one of the staff members coming to collect her room service tray and empty plates, so she opened it up and was taken aback to see Rico stood there with his hands sheepishly in his pockets.

  “Rico…I….” She didn’t know what to say. She definitely hadn’t been expecting this so she was thrown.

  “Sorry it’s a bit late,” he mumbled. “I didn’t wake you up, did I?”

  “No, no, I was just getting ready for bed, I hadn’t gone yet.”

  “Oh right, good. Can I come in?”

  He made a move as if he was about to put one foot in the door but Ashleigh stood firm. As much as she’d been thinking she missed him earlier, it was a bit weird of him to just show up at her room like this late at night. She hoped he wasn’t expecting to stay over or have sex or something. She wasn’t about that.

  “Well, like I said, I was just literally about to go to bed. It’s not a good time.”

  “Oh.” He seemed disappointed, but still didn’t leave, just remained standing there with his hands in his pockets.

  “Look,” she continued, softening her tone a bit, but still firm with him. “I’m not just gonna be some booty call for you, Rico, if that’s what you think this–”

  “Just let me speak.” He held up one hand and interrupted her.

  She stopped talking, closing her mouth.

  “That’s…that’s not why I’m here,” he sighed. “I guess you mustn’t think much of me if you think that but…listen, I know I said I’m not interested in relationships and the truth is I’ve never had intentions to settle down with anyone, not usually…but…I feel as though I could make an exception for you…”

  She grew more confused the longer she listened to him speak. Surely, he couldn’t be saying what she thought he was saying?

  “What…what do you mean?” she said tentatively.

  “What do you think I mean, Ashleigh?” He smiled at her warmly, looking into her eyes. “I mean, I think I could give this a go. I’d like to give this a go. I miss you.”

  “I miss you too,” she admitted in a quiet squeak, her heart pounding and her hands growing a little clammy. She was still so reluctant to get her hopes up, but he seemed genuine.

  “Can…I come in?” he asked shyly.

  She nodded, and stepped back, closing the door behind him once he was inside.

  He held open his arms for a hug and she almost fell into them, wrapping hers around his sturdy, muscular frame as he enveloped her in his warmth.

  She buried her face into his chest and inhaled his scent.

  His hands gently ran up and down her back, and she instantly felt as though there was something different about this hug.

  It felt real, loving, personal, and tender.

  His fingertips were so soft and gentle, and everything about him filled her with love, sending her head into a spin.

  They hugged for a long time, in silence.

  There was nothing sexual about it. There were no primal urges to push each other against the wall and rip each other’s clothes off like on previous occasions. They just wanted to comfort one another, enjoy the presence and closeness of the other person, and that felt more important and crucial to Ashleigh right now. That was what made the difference between some work fling and an actual relationship.

  “You still nervous about that damn audition?” he asked softly as they pulled back from the hug.

  She nodded.

  “It’s tomorrow, right?”

  She nodded again, impressed that he’d remembered. He really was a sweetheart. She felt bad for being so harsh on him.

  “Want to run lines again like we did last time?”

  “That’d be nice. Thank you.”

  They sat on the bed together, with Rico holding the extract from the script and reading out the other parts as Ashleigh smo
othly rattled off her lines.

  “You’ll be fine,” Rico insisted once they’d finished. “You know this inside out now and…you’re good. You really are very good.”

  She blushed a bit and he leaned in, gently kissing her on the cheek and not pushing anything any further.

  “You’re a natural at this. I mean it.”

  “Thank you,” she smiled and stood up, putting the script down on the side and taking a sip of water.

  He stood too, getting ready to leave.

  “Would…would you like to stay the night?”

  He seemed surprised, looking at her steadily. “Are you sure?”

  “Yeah,” she smiled. “I’m sure.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Rico promised he wouldn’t try anything on with her, and he stuck to his word. When they got into bed together, all they did was cuddle. He didn’t even try to kiss her on the lips, just a simple, gentle kiss on the forehead, then he wrapped his strong arms around her and held her close as they fell asleep.

  The problem was, she didn’t fall asleep.

  Within ten minutes, Rico’s breathing had deepened and he was occasionally letting out soft little snores –which were very cute– but Ashleigh’s mind was spinning and she couldn’t stop thinking about the audition.

  She detached herself from Rico’s arms carefully and stood up, going to the bathroom and then getting another small drink of water before returning to bed.

  By that time, he had rolled over in his sleep and was facing the other way.

  She sighed and closed her eyes, trying to drift off herself, but she ended up tossing and turning, and then accidentally banging her leg into Rico’s in the small bed and waking him up.

  He groaned and turned over to face her again, opening up his eyes.

  She saw them flicker and sparkle in the darkness.

  “Sorry,” she bit her lip.

  “It’s okay,” he smiled, reaching out one hand and placing it on her waist. He didn’t seem the least bit annoyed that she had woken him. His expression was so soft and caring as he gazed into her eyes. “Can’t you sleep?”

  “No,” she admitted.

  “Still tense, huh?”


  “Do you…do you think I might be able to help you?” he asked, unsure.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Will you let me try and help you?”

  He sat up in bed a bit and she nodded. Anything that could help her relax and get to sleep would be welcome right now, but she didn’t know what he had in mind.

  “Okay, uh…roll over onto your front.”

  She did as she was told, her face in the pillow and turned to the left, getting herself comfortable as Rico got up on his knees next to her.

  He blew into his hands, rubbed them together to warm them up, then leaned down over her, lifted up her pyjama top, and began to massage her shoulders with his strong thumbs.

  She immediately let out a soft little moan and closed her eyes, beginning to relax.

  His palms flattened out and moved down her shoulders, thumbs kneading into the center of her back and along her spine as he worked his way back and forth.

  No one had ever given her a massage before, and not only was it very relaxing, but also incredibly sensual.

  After only a few moments, she began to feel quite turned on, and her little noises grew louder, sounding more like the kind of noises she might make during sex.

  Rico must have picked up on this, because he leaned down closer and began kissing her neck and shoulders at the same time, his touch still delicate and loving, his lips and tongue leaving little damp marks all over her shivering skin.

  “Turn over,” he murmured, but it wasn’t a demand, more like a request.

  One she was only too ready to abide by.

  She rolled onto her back and began to undo the buttons on her pyjama top, slipping it back off her shoulders and revealing her naked breasts underneath.

  He ducked his head and started kissing at them, gently sucking her nipples in between his lips and playing with them, not rushing her in any way.

  She wasn’t sure where he was going to take this, and whether they would be having sex, but he was making this all about her, and every single movement was designed to bring her pleasure.

  Eventually, he danced one hand to between her legs and slipped it under her pyjama pants.

  But he didn’t push his fingers inside her as other guys had done in the past. He focused entirely on her clit, only going further south occasionally to wipe up some of the juices that were leaking from her, using them as lubrication for his fingers and thumb as they rubbed back and forth over her little lump.

  She moaned and bucked into his hand repeatedly, then leaned up and crashed her lips to his, the two of them sharing an eager kiss as he sped up the pace, back and forth, over and over again on her pleasure zone, until at last she came hard, almost screaming into his mouth as more juices spurted from her and he held her close to his body, slowing down his fingers so she could ride it out.

  He removed his hand from her pants and then carried on kissing her, all over her body, along her breasts and sides.

  Not once did he touch himself, or allow her to do it either. The few times she tried to reach for him, he just intertwined their fingers together and held her hands gently, murmuring how gorgeous and perfect she was as he continued to worship her body.

  When she’d calmed from her first climax sufficiently, he eased down her pyjama pants and kissed his way down there, burying his face into her warmth and eating her out, flicking his tongue back and forth over her hungrily, his mouth open to receive whatever she gave him, lapping her up until she came again.

  And when she’d finally had her fill, he kissed his way back to the top of her body once more and settled beside her, pulling her into his arms and kissing at her neck, and finally to her lips.

  She tried to reach one hand down for his cock, feeling it hard against her.

  He shook his head gently and removed it, shushing her and kissing the top of her head. “Sleep now, my angel. You should be able to.”

  And she could. Within a few moments, she had dropped off to sleep, her body feeling exhausted but on a high from the many orgasms he had given her.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  The next morning, they woke still entangled in each other’s arms, which was a big difference to their previous sexual encounters, where Rico had always end up spread out on the other side of the bed having stolen most of the covers.

  Maybe it helped that they were in a much smaller bed.

  Or maybe she should just stop questioning when things went well for her, especially when he rolled over and gently kissed her on the lips, then danced his fingertips down the side of her body, looking into her eyes and whispering, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

  Despite him having told her he was willing to change for her, and that they could give things a go, she still hadn’t been expecting this question quite so soon.

  Her heart skipped a couple of beats and her eyes gazed back into his with loving excitement.

  She immediately nodded. “Yes,” she murmured. “Yes, of course I will.”

  Rico smiled happily and leaned in for another kiss, this time allowing his lips to linger a little while longer on hers as she softly returned it.

  “Do you mind… would you mind if we kept it a secret for a while though?” he asked nervously, obviously worried about upsetting her. “It’s not that I’m ashamed of you or anything, it’s just…”

  He trailed off, but she rushed in and gave him a quick peck on the lips. “No, no, it’s totally fine, I get it. I was going to suggest that anyway. It’s just…things are complicated at the moment, right? Maybe it’d be best to wait until we finish the shoot. I wouldn’t want either of us to…get into trouble or…for loads of rumors to fly round.”

  “There’s probably already rumors flying round,” he chuckled and rolled over onto his back before reluctantly sitting up
in bed, knowing they both had to get ready. “We’ve been seen together on several dates…as well as chatting a lot on set.”

  “Mm, true.”

  “But let’s just keep them guessing for now.”

  “More fun that way,” she smirked and got up, beginning to get ready for her audition.

  “Exactly,” he laughed. “We’ll announce it after filming has finished.”

  Once they were both ready, Rico gave her a ride to Francis Romero’s offices. She was only expecting to be twenty minutes or so, so he said he’d wait for her, then they could go and get some food together afterwards, both of them having skipped breakfast as they’d slept in a little later than planned.

  “Sounds great,” she smiled, the two of them sharing a kiss just before she went inside. Rico waved her off then waited by his bike, taking his phone out. Ashleigh watched him for a moment, then took the elevator to the twelfth floor where Francis’s office was located.

  A secretary showed her through.

  She felt sick with nerves, but she knew she was well prepared. She could do this.

  As the closed the door behind her, she glanced around the room. There were a couple of desks in there overlooking the window, and a couch against the wall, on which Francis was currently sat, studying a script.

  He looked up as she came in and smiled warmly, his eyes roaming up and down her body.

  “Ashleigh. You look absolutely ravishing as always. Come over here.”

  His comment made her shudder but she walked over and sat down on the couch next to him, keeping her distance although he was patting the space even closer and trying to get her to move up.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “Uh…good thanks, yeah. Shall we begin?” She just wanted to get this over with now. Although she wanted the part, she was starting to wonder whether she’d be able to handle an entire shoot with Francis again. Whenever she spent any time with him, he made her want to puke.

  “Very well, yes…” He stared at her legs instead of her face as he responded.

  She shuffled back a bit, ready to read her lines with him, and he began reading the other parts in the script.


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