Book Read Free

Rescuing Wendy

Page 16

by Susan Stoker

  Jackson seemed relieved. He looked at his watch. “It’s almost time for the play to start.”

  “Go on in,” Blade said. “We’re right behind you.”

  The second Jackson was out of earshot, Fletch asked, “How old is that kid again?”


  Fletch shook his head. “He seems older.”

  Blade considered that for a second, then agreed. “Yeah, he does. Look, I don’t like the situation with those assholes across the street at all. Do you know if the commander found out anything about the license plates we gave him?”

  “Last I heard, no.”

  Blade frowned. “I’m going to have to ask him to speed it up. If their parents live on post, I want to talk to them.”

  “I’ll go with you,” Fletch agreed. “Now, come on. Let’s do this.”

  “You ready for Annie to sing Little Mermaid songs for the next month or so?”

  Fletch grinned. “No. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to love every second of it.”

  * * *

  Three hours later, Blade stood in the hallway outside the theater with Jackson, Wendy, Fletch, Emily, and Annie as they waited for Jenny to emerge from backstage.

  She’d been fantastic as Ursula. Her voice was amazing, and she was able to put just the right amount of evilness into her character. Annie had been chattering nonstop ever since the play had ended and Emily was leaning into Fletch tiredly.

  “Here come Jenny’s parents,” Jackson said.

  Looking over, Blade saw a middle-aged couple approaching their little group from the right. Jenny’s mom was wearing a black sheath dress with several thousand dollars’ worth of jewelry on her wrists, ears, and around her neck. She had on high heels and her hair and makeup were beautifully done. Blade estimated her to be in her mid-forties, and she’d aged extremely well. Jenny’s father was wearing a suit and tie and he was beaming with pride.

  “Jack!” the older man said, reaching out to shake the teenager’s hand. “So good to see you tonight. Wasn’t Jenny great?”

  “Yes, sir,” Jackson replied immediately. “She was.” He turned to Jenny’s mom. “It’s good to see you again, Mrs. Stewart.”

  “You too, Jack. Have you seen Jenny yet?”

  “No, ma’am. She told me earlier that it might take a while, as she had to get all the purple makeup off her face and arms before she could leave.”

  “Right,” the older woman agreed.

  Jack turned and gestured at Wendy. “This is my sister, Wendy. Wen, these are Jenny’s parents, Monroe and Elizabeth Stewart.”

  Wendy held out her hand and shyly said, “It’s nice to meet you.”

  “You too. Jack told us all about you when he was over at our house for dinner the other night. You’ve raised a fine young man.”

  Blade saw Wendy blush, but she smiled and thanked the older man.

  “And this is Aspen, Wendy’s boyfriend,” Jack continued, finishing up the introductions.

  Blade shook the couple’s hands and had to admit he was relieved they were so open and friendly. Wendy had told him that Jenny’s parents were very wealthy, and she’d worried they’d look down on Jackson as a result. But they seemed gracious and welcoming. Blade was glad for both Jackson and Wendy.

  “And I’m Annie Fletcher,” the little girl next to them said. “I belong to my mommy and Daddy Fletch. I like playing soldier. I don’t sing good, but Daddy says that there’s nothing wrong with pressing myself however I feel the need.”

  “Expressing yourself,” Fletch corrected with a smile. There were more handshakes all around.

  “That’s what I said!” Annie protested, and everyone chuckled.

  “Mom! Dad!”

  Everyone turned and saw Jenny heading toward them. She had a huge smile on her face and the sheen of a blush on her cheeks, probably from where she’d scrubbed off the purple makeup.

  Blade and the others watched as she hugged her parents, then immediately turned to Jackson. “Hi,” she said shyly, the flush on her face deepening.

  Inwardly, Blade smiled. The girl was extremely outgoing onstage, but as soon as she was around Jackson, she turned into a blushing, shy teenager.

  “Hey,” he said, and without seeming awkward, reached out and pulled Jenny into a hug. “You were amazing, as I told you you’d be.”

  Jenny relaxed the second Jackson touched her. When he pulled back, he twined their fingers and the teenagers stood with the group of adults, holding hands. They had an easy kind of connection that was easy to see.

  “Let me introduce you to everyone,” Jackson said, and thus another round of introductions commenced.

  “Wow,” Annie said. “You aren’t so fat anymore.”

  Everyone laughed, and Emily explained that it was the costume Jenny was wearing that made her look like Ursula.

  Blade put his arm around Wendy’s waist in an easy embrace as everyone talked about the performance and praised Jenny. He could tell Wendy was tired as she leaned against him a bit more with every minute that passed.

  “It’s getting late,” Mr. Stewart said. “You’ve got school in the morning, kiddo. Say goodbye to Jack and we’ll meet you at the car. Okay?”

  “Okay, Dad,” Jenny said.

  Blade took the opportunity to let the young couple know he and Wendy would go wait in the car as well. He wanted to give Jackson the time and space to talk to his girlfriend alone…and maybe steal a congratulatory kiss or two.

  He intertwined his fingers with Wendy’s and walked toward the doors with Fletch and his family. Fletch was parked on the opposite side of the parking lot, and as they began to part ways, he asked, “You want me to stick around?” and gestured toward where the trucks were still sitting across the street, their lights now turned off. Blade had no idea if the boys had hung out there the entire time they were inside watching the play, or if they’d taken off to do something else and returned. Either way, it seemed a bit obsessive for them to be there that late at all.

  “Nah, it’s cool. Thanks though. I’ll see you tomorrow at PT.”

  Blade leaned over and kissed a sleepy Annie, who had her head resting on her dad’s shoulder. “See you later, squirt.”

  “Bye, Blade,” she mumbled.

  “It was nice to meet you, Wendy,” Emily said. “You’re coming to the barbeque we’re having in a few weeks, right?”

  Wendy looked up at him and Blade nodded encouragingly.

  “If you want me to. I wasn’t sure, since Aspen and I are so new.”

  “Doesn’t matter if you’ve been dating a day or a decade. You’re welcome,” Fletch said definitively.

  “Then I guess I’m going,” Wendy said with a smile.

  “Good. See you then,” Emily said.


  Blade was ridiculously pleased to have Wendy for himself for the first time that night. He put his arm back around her waist and led her to his Jeep. When he reached the passenger side, he didn’t open the door, but instead backed Wendy against it and turned her to face him.

  “So…you used to sneak out to see boys, huh?”

  She groaned and shook her head. “Figures you wouldn’t let that go by without a comment.”

  “No way. Is that why you rigged the door to make sure Jackson wasn’t sneaking out? Because you’d done that exact thing?”

  For a second, he thought she was going to brush off his question, like usual. If she did, Blade was going to call her on it. He was tired of her deflecting. Especially when her brother had already spilled the beans. He clenched his fists to try to control his impatience. He didn’t want to scare her, but he really, really wanted her to talk to him.

  “Yeah. I know how easy it can be and I didn’t want to risk that he’d sneak out and get hurt because of where we live.”

  Blade unclenched his fists in relief. She hadn’t told him anything he didn’t already know, but at least she hadn’t flat-out lied or refused to answer. He tried to lighten the conversation and reward her for
being honest. “While I can’t deny I’m benefiting from all that experience when you were younger, I think I’m jealous.”

  “You have nothing to be jealous about,” Wendy said firmly. “You are head and shoulders better than the slobbering kisses I used to think were heavenly.”

  “I am, huh?” he teased, rubbing his nose against hers.


  “I’ve been wanting to do this all night,” Blade said in a voice husky with desire. Then he leaned down to kiss her.

  Wendy immediately put her arms around him and stood on her tiptoes as she welcomed his lips on hers. Instead of consuming her like he did almost every other time they’d kissed, Blade took his time. Nibbled on her bottom lip, teased her with his tongue, sipping and caressing her lips with his own.

  She protested his teasing touches. “Aspen,” she whined.

  “What?” he asked, his warm breath feathering over her glistening lips.

  “Kiss me.”

  “I am.”

  “I mean, really kiss me. Jackson is going to be back any second.”

  Taking her warning to heart, Blade did as he’d wanted from the first second he’d seen her that night. She was wearing a pair of black slacks and a light purple top that had some sort of sparkles in it. She was a breath of fresh air, and he’d immediately wanted to corrupt her. Bend her over a handy piece of furniture and take her from behind. Ever since their phone sex the other night, he’d had more and more erotic fantasies of making love with her. It was becoming an obsession. She was becoming an obsession.

  Blade leaned down again, and this time didn’t hesitate to kiss her the way they both needed. Deep and rough. He felt Wendy step toward him, and he gathered her to him, loving how she fit against him. Tilting his head so he could get a better angle and so he could better twine his tongue with hers, Blade continued their carnal kiss.

  They were interrupted a moment later by harsh words coming from somewhere in the parking lot. Lifting his head, Blade saw that Jackson and Jenny were surrounded by a group of men.

  Swearing under his breath, Blade immediately let go of Wendy and headed for her brother.

  He heard Wendy hurrying after him, and wished she’d stay by the Jeep, but knew she’d never agree to it. He couldn’t blame her. If it was his kid, or Casey, he wouldn’t stand by either.

  The area was mostly empty of people. Their waiting for Jenny to get changed after the play had given most of the attendees time to leave. Blade heard the taunting before he reached the group. He knew the principal had already forced the men to park off the school property, and that they shouldn’t be there now, but obviously, these guys thought they were above following the law.

  “Your girlfriend looks mighty nice tonight, Jackie boy. Think we can borrow her for a while?” The guy was touching Jenny’s arm as he spoke.

  Jackson shifted Jenny until she was standing at his back, but unfortunately, there was another boy behind him who took up the harassment.

  “She looks confused. Haven’t you taught her how to take your dick, Jack?”

  Jenny squeaked in terror when the boy nearest her reached out and touched her hair.

  “Get your hands off her,” Jackson growled, turning to face the newest threat.

  The problem was that he was surrounded by the four older men. There was no way he could protect Jenny from all of them at the same time.

  He stalked up and grabbed a fistful of one of the boy’s T-shirts and flung him away from Jackson and Jenny. “Why don’t you boys move on?” he suggested in a low, lethal voice.

  Immediately, the other three boys backed up, showing that they truly were cowards at heart. The one who seemed to be in charge held up his hands as if in capitulation. But Blade could see the gleam of excitement in his eyes, as if he was enjoying terrorizing Jenny and pissing off Jack.

  “Whoa, man. Everything’s good here. I’m Lars, and we’re friends of Jack’s. We were just messing around.”

  “You’re not my friends,” Jackson said immediately. “You don’t even go to this school anymore. Why are you hanging around here bothering everyone? The principal already told you to bug off. Don’t you have a life?”

  Blade winced, as he figured taunting these guys probably wasn’t the best course of action; it would only piss them off more.

  “Fuck you,” Lars said, glaring at Jackson.

  “No, fuck you,” Jackson retorted, pushing Jenny behind him and holding an arm out, as if that could shield her from the bully’s words and actions.

  Blade could see her fingers digging into Jackson’s sides, but he didn’t even seem to notice. He felt more than saw Wendy come up next to him. She put a hand on his back. Her tension easily transmitted to him. He wanted to tell her to step back, to give him room in case he needed to take these assholes down, or get to the knife in a holster at the small of his back, but he didn’t want to warn the boys that he was anything other than just a random guy…just in case.

  “Why don’t we all just head on home?” Blade asked softly.

  “Yeah, man, we’re doin’ just that,” Lars said, backing away with his hands still up. He turned to look at Jackson. “We’ll see you soon, Jack.”

  It was the way the words were said that made the hair on the back of Blade’s neck stand up. He’d been in many ugly situations before. Faced down the worst of the worst. And something about Lars’s words made him extremely uneasy.

  “Don’t do anything stupid, boy,” he warned. “You have no idea who I am and what I can do.”

  Lars turned his sneer to Blade. “I don’t give a shit who you are. You can’t do anything to me. I’m just a kid. If you fuck with me, a boy younger than your old ass, you’ll be the one in trouble.”

  “Don’t count on it,” Blade returned. “You’re over eighteen, legally an adult. You’re in way over your head. Go home, get a job, and move on with your life. Stop hanging out in high school parking lots.”

  Lars’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t tell me what to do,” he told Blade. “No one tells me what to do.”

  “Go home,” Blade said again, turning with the movements of the boys, making sure no one was sneaking around behind him.

  With one more smirk and a mocking bow, Lars turned his back on them and walked toward the trucks as if he didn’t have a care in the world.

  Blade immediately turned to Jackson. “That guy is seriously bad news.”

  Jackson nodded his head as he turned and brought Jenny into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around her and said, “They were touching my girl. No one touches Jenny without her permission. I appreciate your help.”

  “Aspen?” Wendy asked, and he felt her hand on his arm. He turned and wrapped it around her shoulders. He was pissed that their kiss had been interrupted. He was pissed that the punks felt it was okay to threaten and touch Jenny. He was pissed that they were messing with Jackson. He cared about the boy and hated that he was dealing with this shit. And finally, he was pissed that Lars didn’t seem to give one little shit that he’d just threatened a grown man.

  “I’m okay,” he told Wendy, even though he didn’t feel okay in the least. “Jackson, go ahead and walk Jenny to her parents’ car. I’ll keep my eye out and we’ll meet you back at the Jeep. That okay?”

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  Blade nodded at the boy and turned in time to see, and hear, Lars and his crew rev their motors and peel out of the parking lot.

  As he walked Wendy back to his Jeep, she asked, “Is Jackson in danger?”

  “Honestly? I’m not sure. I’d like to say no, that those jackholes are all talk and no action.”

  “But you don’t believe that.”

  “Unfortunately, no. You’re going to have to be really careful anytime you pick him up or drop him off somewhere. Those guys don’t care who they hurt and the last thing I want is you getting stuck in the crossfire of their irritation with your brother.”

  “Well, I don’t want Jackson to be in their line of fire,” she retorted. “Just l
et those assholes try something with me around. I’ll Tase their asses if they do anything.”

  Blade couldn’t help but smile at her. “You have a Taser?”

  “I’m a single woman. Of course I have a Taser.”

  “You ever use it?”

  She looked at him. “No. But I test-fired it at a dummy before I bought it.”

  “Not the same thing.”

  She shrugged. “Whatever. All I’m saying is that I’m not afraid of those guys.”

  Blade turned her to face him and put a finger under her chin, forcing her to look him in the eyes. “Don’t underestimate them. Just because they’re younger than you by a decade or so doesn’t make them any less dangerous.”

  Something went through her eyes that he didn’t understand, but she nodded. “I know. I’m just mad.”

  “Me too, sweetheart. Me too.”

  Blade moved until he had his arm around her shoulders again. Wendy had one arm wrapped around his back and the other on his stomach. They stood like that watching as Jackson consoled Jenny, and then as he walked her over to where her parents were waiting. They were parked around the other side of the school and hadn’t seen anything that happened.

  “I’m worried about him,” Wendy said quietly as her brother finally came toward the Jeep.

  “He’ll be okay,” Blade said, the conviction in his tone easy to hear. “Me and the guys’ll teach him how to protect himself.”

  “Even if he’s surrounded again like he was tonight?”

  “Even then,” Blade vowed.

  Previously, he’d planned on going easy on Jackson. Showing him simple moves and not getting into anything too deep. But tonight changed that. He was going to put Jackson through the wringer this weekend. He’d put him in full pads and would tell the others not to go easy on him. If the kid was going to learn how to protect himself, and Jenny, he needed to be prepared to do whatever it took.

  Because if there was one thing Blade had learned, bullies like Lars didn’t fight fair. He’d do whatever was necessary to take Jackson down, no matter who got hurt in the process.


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