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by Viola Grace

  You are the woman of their choice.

  I am a woman of convenience. There is a difference.

  "What were you just doing? Your eyes were flickering between green and gold rather rapidly."

  "Arguing with Shisala."

  "About what?"

  "Girl stuff. Now, let's get you back to your ship so you can rendezvous with the warship on time." She shouldered the pack and started for the entrance.

  "Wait one minute. What do you think we are going to do? Leave you here?" Carser grabbed her shoulder and spun her around.

  "Yes. The planet is open to a colony if your organizers will accept the space on a living world." She looked up at him and smiled brightly.

  "Stop talking about the colony. What about us?" His words were more growl than speech.

  "There is no us. You were here. I was convenient. It has happened before, it might even happen again." She shrugged.

  Wayk looked shocked. "That is not what happened here."

  She cocked her head, "What?"

  "We chose you as our mate. We had to wait for you to be free from previous obligations, but we selected you out of all the possible candidates our elders presented us with. The only problem lay in which one of us you would choose." The twist of his lips ended in a frown.

  "I don't understand." She needed to sit down, so she exited the cavern and sat on a rock.

  Carser continued when his companion looked lost for words. "You were the best woman for the job, but if we had simply wanted a final evaluation, there were other officers who were not occupied. We wanted you."

  They were both smiling now and she couldn't help but be a little flattered. Zora scowled to fight the flutter in her chest. "It doesn't matter. If you stay here, you will be stuck with me. Shisala will make sure of it."

  Wayk tried the practical attack. "What if that is what we want? The Oefric are trying desperately to get Terrans into our genetic lines. We want you, you want us, there is nothing wrong with that."

  Her frown deepened. "I have always wanted to be wanted for my genetics. Nothing like not being wanted for my personality or my looks."

  They looked at her in shock, as if they didn't know what to say.

  "Shisala will let you go. I promise. Come back or not, it will not affect my decisions. I am her avatar and I must remain here." She used her best brush-off technique and when their expressions shut down, she knew she had succeeded.

  Inside, she was wailing like a child, but outwardly, she maintained an expression of calm. "I will need to retrieve my belongings as well. The sooner we get going, the faster you can be on your way."

  They shifted into their bear forms and she stared into the snow. Each step she took landed her on dry, warm grass, the snow melted at her approach. Her companions were sullen, but they moved through the snow with ease.

  Shisala invaded her thoughts randomly, trying to get her to ask them to stay. Each time, Zora fought her back.

  She was going to send them home where they could each find the woman for them. She wasn't going to keep them from being happy, even if her own heart was breaking with every step closer to the shuttle.

  The wolves didn't bother coming in for another attack. Her gentle caress on their minds sent them running for cover long before they would have been visible.

  The bears on either side of her weren't romping, weren't enjoying themselves. They simply trudged along until the shining silver of their shuttle was visible again. Carser made his way to the door and shifted so he could palm the lock. As soon as they were all inside, he locked the door.

  "Zora, I don't think you understand what has transpired here. Oefric mate for life and both Wayk and I have chosen you as our mate. Multiple matings do not happen often, but it does happen. What's more, you accepted both of us as your mate. This means that we are not going anywhere without you."

  "Why did you lock the door?"

  "So that you can't leave before we make our call in to the warship. Wayk?"

  "Yes, General." Wayk sat at the nav station and started entering the call details. "This is the exploration team on Pakrik calling the Ninth Star."

  "This is the Ninth Star, go ahead, Captain Wayk." The voice was low and female.

  "One of our team members has been selected by the planet as its avatar."

  "Captain, that was supposed to be an inert planet."

  "We are aware of that. However, the entity was dormant and restricted itself to waterways. Regardless, we are requesting authorization to begin colonization with the planet's permission. Should the Oefric agree, colonization can begin with only a few concessions."

  "Understood. Routing the information to the Oefric council chambers. Will have an answer for you in a few hours."

  "Thank you, Ninth Star."

  "Call me, Becks. Say hi to Zora for me. Ninth Star over and out."

  Chapter Six

  Zora was confused. "What was that about?"

  Carser shrugged. "Did you really think we were going to just leave you behind?"

  "Well, yes."

  Wayk shook his head, "You have a fairly low opinion of the honour of men, don't you?"

  "Yes." There was no reason not to be honest.

  Carser looked through the storage bins and produced a tunic. "This should fit better than that liner."

  She stripped and dropped the fabric over her head. It covered her to mid-thigh. "Thank you. I just don't find those ship suits appealing now. Shisala is a little old fashioned when it comes to clothing. It is either a dress or nothing at all."

  "We will make a note of that. The colony will be supplying you with all clothing and lodgings in the future." Carser nodded and Wayk continued to enter information into their computer.

  "What is he doing?" She noticed Carser approaching her but didn't give it much thought.

  "Sending a message to our home world with more details." Carser wrapped his arm around her and sat, pulling her into his lap.

  As he spoke, he slid one hand up between her thighs. "Now, Zora, as for you, I won't ask how you could think we would abandon you here. Instead, I will ask if you want either Wayk or myself."

  She sighed and bit her lip as he pushed her thighs apart to allow his hand access to her folds. "You know I want you. You are both gorgeous, but I won't sacrifice my dignity to pursue males again. Twice was enough."

  "Then we will simply have to pursue you. It's a matter of honour." He grinned as he slid one finger into her while his thumb flicked and pressed her clit in turn.

  She pressed her face into his shoulder and successfully hid until his free hand lifted her chin for his kiss. She loved the taste of him--male, wild and honey all together--as his tongue touched hers and explored her mouth.

  Her moans were given to him as his hand slowly coaxed her to the edge of release before allowing her to tip over. She shuddered in his arms as her palpitations gripped his fingers.

  He withdrew from the kiss and removed his hand from between her thighs when she stopped pulsing around him.

  "We have one priority for you. We need to create a house for you, near water, with good drainage and a nice view."

  I have just the spot.

  "Shisala has just the spot." Zora was confused. They had had sex with her but were still showing interest after the fact. In her experience, that didn't happen.

  "Can we fly there?"

  Yes, the best spot is a few miles away. Take the helm.

  "She wants me to fly there."

  Zora smiled as he gestured for her to take the helm. She took the coordinates from Shisala's mind and lifted the shuttle from its moorings. With the landing gear safely tucked into place, she turned the ship and flew it to the designated area. The image in her mind had her setting the shuttle off to one side, so she did it.

  "We're here. This is where she wants our house to go."

  The wide meadow was covered in snow and a stone's throw from the cavern where they had sheltered.

  "It looks familiar." Wayk finally looked up from
his data entry. His expression was what Zora used to call monitor face. If you spent enough time doing nothing but interfacing with a computer, you lost your ability to form an expression.

  She chuckled and patted his hair. "Glad to hear it."

  You can clear the trees on the left and use them for the housing. The cliff face hosts a waterfall in the spring and you should enjoy the view very much.

  Uh, Shisala, we won't have a problem with people drinking your water, will we?

  A chuckle ran through her thoughts, No, I have my avatar and her consorts. I need no one else, but if they come through you, I will grant healing.

  Good to know. An added bonus to the colony, I am sure.

  "You are talking to her again."

  "Yes, she is agreeing not to possess any of the colonists and is offering her waters for healing if the colonists come through me."

  Wayk and Carser looked delighted, "You are serious?"

  "Yes. I know my emotions are somewhat flighty, but yes, I am serious." She chuckled and watched the sun warm the unending white of the meadow.

  Carser grinned. "I am glad that you are adapting well to the planet inside you."

  She held her lips shut about what she really wanted inside her. That little tease had only whetted her appetite. "She promised to make it easy for me. So far, she is keeping her word."

  "Good. Where do we start?"

  "She mentioned those trees on the left as being suitable for felling, but I have no idea how to make a house."

  Wayk smiled. "All those applying for the first colony wave had to take survival and subsistence-construction courses. We can handle it if you clear a path for the foundation."

  He headed for the door and Carser joined him.

  Zora was amazed. "You want to start now?"

  "No time like the present, isn't that a Terran saying?" Carser was smiling and back to being eager to hit the great outdoors.

  She filed away his knowledge of the saying and looked for equipment. "How are you going to fell the trees? Do you have a laser blade or something?"

  "Yes, but we will use our other forms to do the bulk of the work. It gives us more practice."

  Shrugging, she joined them as they left the shuttle. She followed Carser and he walked a large rectangle that she cleared using the field of power that Shisala gave her.

  Wayk was off to one side in the form of a huge beaver. Trees young and old were felled as he gnawed at the bases.

  Zora opened her talent and determined that the trees on the right contained nests, but those on the left were empty. Shisala knew her stuff.

  Once her foundation had been cleared, she sat meditating in the centre of it as she absorbed and understood the rhythms of the planet. Shisala's light was everywhere--tiny shrews, rabbit-like creatures and the wolves were the immediate inhabitants of the vicinity.

  There were larger animals over the mountains, some on migratory paths, but her area was fine. Nothing came through without Shisala's invitation. This was her glade, her cavern, her planet. No creatures could come through without her authorization. Their instincts wouldn't let them.

  The Oefric were assembling a large pile of felled trees and she wondered how they were going to go about stripping and splitting the wood.

  Her thoughts kept straying from the planet to the memories of Wayk beneath her and Carser over her. It was hard to think of anything else when their energy signatures remained the same no matter which form they took.

  They worked on the lumber until the sun faded in the sky. At some invisible signal, they all turned and walked to the shuttle. Time for a hot meal and a shower.

  "I feel horribly lazy with you two doing all the work." Her words broke the silence of the last few hours and they shifted forms to answer her.

  "Your body is still adapting to the planet's occupation. You have enough to do right now." Wayk wrapped an arm around her waist and together they entered the shuttle that was acting as their shelter.

  A trill of curiosity ran through her mind and she had to ask, "Shisala wants to know what your plans are for the foundation."

  "We will split some of the wood we dropped today and lay them to form a flat floor for our home."

  Another question came forward. "Would you prefer a stone base?"

  Carser gave her a strange look. "It would be optimal, yes. Flooring can be placed over it for warmth at a later time."

  "Good. Let's see what she comes up with in the morning. Shisala is getting excited." She smiled and took the food that Wayk handed her.

  Food and a shower, the shuttle offered them both and she smiled in anticipation. It was one thing to enjoy her own arousal, another entirely to deal with the residue of semen that was irritating her inner thighs.

  Confined in the shuttle, the scents of sweaty male and the strange musk from their animal forms clung to them and filled the air. Zora finished her ration pack and smiled. "I call dibs on the shower."

  "Be our guest. It's a gel cleanser."

  She wanted to stomp her feet in disappointment, but it was the sign of a ship that was set up for long hauls. The gel would coat her, harden and flake off, taking all of the dirt and oils with it. It wasn't her favourite way to clean herself, but it would do until something better came along.

  She entered the lav and removed the grass-stained shirt. The cleansing unit was larger than usual, but knowing the size of her companions, she was really not surprised. The gel came out warm and she used her hands to smooth it into every crack and crevice of her body before it hardened.

  The rush of heat as it hardened made her smile. She loved being warm from the outside in. It was even better from the inside out.

  When the gel shattered, she turned on the vac system and sucked off all the residue. Clean and warm, she slid back into the tunic Carser had given her and she re-joined the men Shisala called her consorts.

  "First one to get clean gets laid." She expected a scramble to the shower, but instead deep breathing greeted her. They were both slumped at the table, resting their heads next to their plates.

  "Well damn, there goes that idea." She folded out a bunk and nestled into the bedding. She wasn't going to try to manoeuvre them. They could work out the kinks in the morning.

  Chapter Seven

  Waking on the edge of orgasm was a new sensation for Zora, but the moment she opened her eyes, two hot hard cocks slid into her. One in her ass and one in her channel. The feeling of being overfilled was fleeting, rocketing into a shattering scream as her body reacted to the penetration by causing her to catapult into a roar of sensation and power.

  Groans and grunts bracketed her and she felt two cocks pulse inside her as the power flowed into them through her. Part of her cried out as she realized that it was Shisala binding them together. They were truly her consorts now, whether they wanted it or not.

  Coming back to her senses, she looked into Carser's eyes as he rapidly became erect once again. His surprise was visible as was Wayk's behind her as he swelled to fill her ass once again.

  "I know I am proud of my stamina, but what the hell?" His whisper in her ear made her smile.

  "Shisala has bound us together. She likes to ride the energy of passion. It opens our minds to her." She ended on a gasp as Wayk withdrew and slid forward slowly, gripping her hips.

  Carser groaned as Wayk's motions rocked Zora on him, sliding her channel around his erection and stroking him through her body. It was a peculiar sensation that Zora was positive Shisala was enhancing.

  Carser leaned up to kiss Zora and she moaned as the act of leaning forward opened her completely to Wayk's thrusts. He was slow and deep with every motion, his actions driving the passions of all three of them.

  She broke the kiss with Carser and used her teeth lightly on his neck and shoulders. Her skin was alive with sensation and Wayk clutched one hip while stroking her spine. Carser's hands were on her breasts, ribs and sliding between them to caress her clit as he rocked with Wayk's movements.

  If she ha
dn't been watching Carser's face, she never would have noticed his slight nod to Wayk. A moment later, the members buried inside her swelled and lengthened, causing her to gasp in surprise. A flexing pulse started inside her as Carser's cock started to writhe within her.

  Her eyes widened in surprise when Wayk's did the same and before she could ask what the hell was going on, her body arched and jerked in their arms, a whine of confusion coming from her throat.

  The shaking and spasms lasted forever. Sweat coated her skin and her companions were thrusting into her in earnest.

  Wayk's hard shove pressed her onto Carser and he arched his back, thrusting into her to the hilt as he shouted, his neck cording as his body emptied into her in pulsing spurts. The same arrhythmic jerks were deep in her ass and she sighed in relief when they slipped free.

  Wayk left to hit the lav and he returned to pry her off Carser. "You know, you guys are going to have to cuddle eventually."

  Wayk laughed. "As soon as there is a bed big enough to handle all three of us, yes. Until then, we will take turns holding you in our arms after we make love."

  Carser gave her a short kiss as he stood and then passed her on his way to the lav. Less than two minutes later, she was shoved into the lav by Wayk. "Either gel up or I will do it for you."

  "I think having you do it might be fun." She laughed.

  "If I do it, I might have a problem. Carser and I agreed never to press an advantage with you that the other could not join in or make up. So, if I fuck you again, he will have to have his turn the moment you leave the lav and that would mean another gel shower."

  She could imagine the endless rounds that it would take just to get out of the shuttle and as tempting as it was, that kind of time was not the best use of her personal resources.

  She smirked and stepped in to the gel on her own. Her ass wasn't nearly as sore as she would have imagined. "What did you use for lube?"

  "I am a medical officer. I have a number of creams and lotions at my disposal." His wicked grin was the last thing she saw as she closed her eyes to cover her face with the gel.


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