Book Read Free


Page 26

by Liv Morris

  “Damn, girls! Can we ride with you? That ride is HOT!” Okay, so I’ll be the first to admit that I thought they were whistling at us, but when I realize they are talking about the Love Machine, I give them a run for their money.

  “Hey, Joe! Don’t be jealous that this Love Machine is getting all the love from the Kluft girls tonight!

  “Oh, Squirrel, we’ll see who wins that bet tonight!”

  Before I can make a smart ass comment, Joe and the other three guys are at the Love Machine.

  “Slide over,” Joe states as he slides in next to me. The other guys make room as well. Who would have thought the Love Machine could be the party bus of Southern?

  The ride to Bar is faster than I thought. That could be due to the fact that Joe was trying to cop a feel the entire ride there. It was like fending off a swarm of mosquitoes in a good way.

  We get out of the Love Machine, and I readjust my dress. I haven’t given anymore thought to the fact that I am totally out of my element in my attire tonight. Joe stops dead in his tracks.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Nothing, absolutely nothing,” he says. He takes my hand and laces it with his. We get in line, ID’s are checked, money is paid, and we’re in.

  Once inside, I can actually make out the music instead of just the bass. I tell Joe that I’m going to the ladies’ room. I didn’t think about the fact that an hour ride and alcohol do not mix. I gotta piss like a race horse! I make my way through the crowd to the back of the club and find the restroom. Now, I have to say that this was an experience. Never in my life have I gone into a restroom and there is wait staff. I mean, really, I can get my own soap and paper towel, thank you!

  I make my way back out and toward the dance floor and that is when I feel someone grab my ass. WTF? I glance over my shoulder to this middle-aged man. I give him a go to hell look and keep walking. I spot Tori first; she’s tall anyway, but with heels, she overlooks the crowd.

  “Y’all aren’t going to believe this! Some man just grabbed my ass! I mean, hellooooo!” They all laugh.

  Anna decides to spell it out for me, “Charley, hun, if you come to a club looking like you do, every guy in the room is going to try to grab your ass. It’s not a bad thing!”

  “Oh...okay. I just didn’t realize.”

  “It’s okay; I got your back,” Georgia says as we all start to dance.

  Bar has a mix of folks— old, young, college, college drop outs, and a few that I don’t know what category they fall into. The music is very techno and old school, but I like it. They also have these things called “happy bowls,” and I want one! But I know that won’t happen because I’m underage, and I’m not sure I trust anyone to get one for me.

  Joe finally finds us in the crowd. I smile when I see him. He’s beyond hot, and he is totally honest when he has had a few drinks.

  “Damn, Squirrel. You’re sexy as hell in that dress.”

  “You don’t look so bad yourself.”

  “Do you know what I wouldn’t do to take you out of that tonight?” A little bit of panic comes over me, and thoughts of Dylan come to the forefront of my mind.

  “I’m sorry. Did I say something wrong?”

  “No, um, I just wasn’t expecting that.”

  “I’m sorry; I’ve had a lot to drink tonight. I would never make you do something you didn’t want to do.”

  And as he speaks, I crash my lips into his. He is a great guy who wouldn’t hurt me or take advantage of me. At some point, I’m going to have to tell him what happened to me... but it won’t be tonight.

  Joe takes me in his arms, and we are no longer dancing to the music. We are standing here getting lost in each other without a care in the world who is watching.

  “Get a room!” Anna finally yells at us, and we stop and laugh. We decide to take a break from the dance floor and get a water from the bar. We finish the night by dancing till the last call and a Servco hotdog, of course!

  The Love Machine gets us to the big city and back to campus. Joe helps me out of the van and then walks me to the door. “I guess I better let you get some sleep. I’m sure you have practice in the morning.”

  “Actually, Coach gave us off until Sunday afternoon,” I say with a smile.

  “Oh, did she now? Well, my Coach wasn’t so nice. We gotta run in the morning.”

  “Sucks to be you,” I say with a smirk.

  “Not as bad as it’s going to suck with you keeping me up all night.”

  “What you mean?” I raise an eyebrow at him.

  “I told you I was gonna help you take that dress off, and I meant every word of it.”

  Joe grabs my hand and leads me up to my dorm room. Everyone is already in their rooms, and we tiptoe quietly to my room. I know Crystal isn’t there, and she plans to move out tomorrow.

  Joe closes the door behind us, and I start to talk. Joe takes his finger and places it over my lips. I press them shut. He looks into my eyes and brings his lips to mine. His lips are full and hot. I want to taste more of him, but I don’t want it to go too far. Joe takes his hands and feels me up from head to toe. My hands are all over him. Before I know it, I have his shirt over his head, and he is standing there in his slacks. That is a fine piece of artwork right in front of me.

  He pulls away from me and says, “Charley, you are beautiful inside and out. I want to be with you in so many ways. I know this is forward of me, but I can’t help it. I’m falling for you hard.”

  “Joe, I just don’t know what I want right now except for you to kiss me again.”

  This time I wrap my arms around him, and he picks me up and carries me to my bed. He lays me down and then steps back to look at me.

  “I won’t let it go too far, Char. You just let me know when to stop.” I shake my head.

  We kiss for what feels like hours. Joe removes my dress just like he wanted. He kisses me from head to toe, almost like he is worshiping my body. The feelings I have with him are undeniable, but I don’t want a commitment.

  After hours of kissing, petting, and fondling, Joe and I fall asleep. I am wrapped in his arms. We both wake up to the sound of his phone. We look at my alarm.

  “Oh shit! Coach is gonna kill me!”

  I throw him his shirt and he kisses me quickly, starts to leave, and then comes back for one more kiss.

  “I’ll see you tonight!”

  Out the door he goes. I take my pillow and cover my face and scream while kicking my legs. Yeah, real mature I know! That has to have been one of the best nights of my life.

  I set my alarm for 7:00 and doze back off till time for Bio. I have to shower this morning. I realized quickly that the “club” smell is something you want to get rid of instantly. I leave my hair wet, pull it up, and haul ass to class.

  After class, I meet Joe for our project. I am somewhat embarrassed about last night. What is he going to think about me? I beat him to the picnic table and add to my list while I wait.

  Joe’s Unique Facts:

  1. Scares easily

  2. Grew up with his parents, but moved in with his grandparents his Sr. year.

  3. Has played lacrosse since he was 5, but his first love was golf

  4. Can do a toe touch

  5. Made straight A’s his entire high school career (must be nice)

  6. Trustworthy

  7. Respectful

  8. Great dancer



  Joe sneaks up on me. “Did ya finish your list yet?” I shake my head no. “Well, let me help ya... great kisser, doesn’t give up, knows how to treat a lady... do you want me to keep going?”

  “No, and I already have all of that down.” I smirk.

  “You do not. Let me see.” It’s more of a demand than a question.

  He looks at the list and smiles before handing it back.

  “What about you? Did you get number ten yet?


  We plan to begin our volunteer hours next week. Joe has found an afters
chool program for students with special needs. I absolutely love this idea. I also know what his surprise is going to be. He loves golf. I, on the other hand, know nothing about it. I’m giving him tickets to play at Quail Hollow, and I’m driving the golf cart!

  We finish the details for volunteering, and he kisses me before we go our separate ways. Southern does things differently when it comes to Homecoming. In fact, most people expect the dance to be after the big game tomorrow. Not here, it’s on Friday night and alumni are invited because everyone knows where everyone will be Saturday night.

  The Kluft girls eat lunch in the café and then decide to get manicures and pedicures for tonight. Sarah and Hayden come along. I think they are honorary Kluft girls now.

  “Charley, what kinda action went on in your room last night?” Tori asks with a grin.

  “I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I’m so lying!

  “Um hummm, I saw ‘Mr. I Got Eyes That Make Ya Wanna Melt’ leaving your room, late for practice at that!”

  “No, you didn’t! You would have been sleeping then!”

  “Yeah, I would have if I didn’t have to pee! You are so busted!”

  “Y’all, nothing happened like you’re thinking; I can promise you that!”

  “Charley, I’m just gonna say what everyone is thinking. Why the hell not!?!” Hayden puts in her two cents.

  “I promise I’m not like that.”

  Hayden decides to just throw it all out on the table, “You’re a virgin, aren’t ya?”

  “No, I’m not. Now, can we please talk about something else besides me and my no-sex life?”

  “Okay, Okay... damn, I didn’t think it was a big deal,” Hayden whispers to Sarah.

  Georgia looks at me almost like she knows something. I just smile and nod. No words are spoken, but it’s like she knows.

  We get back to campus, get ready, and Georgia stops in my room.

  “Hey, Char, you got a minute?”

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “I know I’m being nosy, but I just had to ask. You can tell me to butt out if you want. Did that conversation today have anything to do with Dylan Sloan?”

  I’m not sure if I want to answer, but I know that Georgia won’t say a word.

  “Yeah, but please don’t mention it. There’s more to this story; I just don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Sure, I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. The look on your face today when Hayden said that broke my heart.”

  “Thank you, Georgia, for noticing. It means a lot.” She gives me a hug and goes to her room.

  I finish getting ready, text Cash, and wait for Joe. At 7:45p.m., there’s a knock at the door. I open it to find Joe standing there holding a bouquet of daisies.

  “Thanks, Joe. You didn’t have to do that. You going to come in?”

  “Charley, you look stunning.”

  “Thank you. So, are you going to come in or stand in the hallway all night?”

  “Sorry, I was distracted by the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.” I can feel the heat in my cheeks begin to rise.

  He hands me the flowers, and I find an old Choice Cherry Gold bottle to make a vase. Redneck at its best! He just smiles and laughs.

  “Nice vase.”

  “Well, not like I packed one from home or anything.”

  He takes my hand as I turn to fix the flowers and pulls me close to him. He kisses me and then asks, “Shall we?” I nod, and we walk into the hall to find all my hallmates peeking out the door. They are all going to the Homecoming Dance stag. Most of them wanted to keep their options open for the night. I, on the other hand, feel safe for the first time without Cash.

  As we make our way to the front lawn, there is a huge party tent, music is being played by the DJ, and there is a buffet dinner. We fix our plates and find a table. The rest of the Kluft girls arrive about twenty minutes later. They have definitely been partaking in a few beverages.

  “Hey, if y’all need something to drink, just go to my room. I got plenty, plus it’s closer than Kluft,” Hayden says.

  Joe answers before I can, “I wish I could, but we’re under a twenty-four hour rule with the game tomorrow. I’ll be ready for a cold one tomorrow night.” Well, at least I know we can be sober together and still have a great time.

  After we eat, the alumni are already on the dance floor. It looks just like a fairytale in here. There are strings of lights, a wooden dance floor, tables with fancy tablecloths, and cute little centerpieces.

  As time ticks by, we all make our way to the dance floor. We start off with the “Bikers Shuffle” then move on to some oldies my parents like. Around 10:00, we notice all the alumni leaving. It must be the cue for the party to really get started. I honestly think this must be the same DJ from Hank’s because I know we will hear these again tomorrow.

  Joe and I haven’t left the dance floor since we got here; the only difference is that I have lost the shoes I came with because my feet are killing me!

  While we are dancing, a familiar song comes on.

  “So, are you gonna put it on me like last time?” Joe whispers into my ear.

  “You better believe it!” They are playing “Get Low,” the same song I left Joe wanting more at Hank’s. I guess this is our song.

  I have to remind myself that I am not in the most appropriate attire to dance how I did that night, but what the hell, you only live once.

  Joe and I bump and grind all over each other right there for everyone to see. I make sure that I don’t show my ass literally to people around me, but I’m definitely enjoying myself. I turn around to look at him and place my hand on his face as I continue to match my hips in rhythm with his. He smiles as I look into those eyes, and my lips crash into his.

  The dance shuts down at midnight, and Joe has to be in his room for curfew at 12:30. He walks me to my room, and on the way there, he stops me. I turn to look at him, and he smiles.

  “Charley, I just want to thank you for a perfect night. This has been the best date of my life. I wish I could stay with you tonight, but I’m sure Coach is already mad that I was late this morning. Promise me you will be there to cheer me on?”

  “Of course, I will!” He takes my hand and walks me to my dorm room. I unlock the door, and he kisses me goodnight.

  “Sleep tight, Jackalope Joe. I’ll be pulling for ya tomorrow.” I wink.

  He kisses me again and walks to his dorm.

  I go into my room and relive the fairytale of my night. I take off my dress, get into my pajamas, and doze off. I wake up to my phone beeping.

  Joe: Good morning beautiful! I can’t wait to see you in the stands today!

  Me: :) Good morning to you too. C u soon!

  The game is at noon. The girls and I get ready and eat breakfast before going over to the field. The first person we see is Coach.

  “I see you are all still alive.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Looks like you had fun on the dance floor last night, too,” I say.

  “I did, and I have to say that was quite a show you two put on out there. I sure do hope he made curfew.” My face starts to blush, again.

  “He did, just so you know.” I smile.

  We find a seat on the bleachers that will accommodate all of us. I can see Joe warming up, and I smile when he looks my way. He is so dagum cute in that uniform!

  The game is great, and we win, of course. Isn’t that how all Homecoming games are played... play someone you know you can beat? The Homecoming King and Queen are crowned. Not to my surprise, Lucas is our new Homecoming King.

  Crystal pretty much attacks him afterwards, and we all stand around talking after the game. As I'm standing there talking to Tori and Georgia, I feel a familiar hand wrap around my waist. Sure enough, it’s Joe.

  “Great game.”

  “Thanks.” He gives me a quick kiss in front of God and everybody. “Wanna go out for dinner before Hank’s? I mean, like all the Kluft girls and us Irvin guys?” I look at To
ri and Georgia.

  “Hell yeah, we’ll go, but you guys better be buying!” Tori says with her hands on her hips.

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  We return to Kluft, chill out on the lawn, and get ready for supper with the Irvin boys. We invite Hayden and Sarah. We take the Love Machine, a guy from Irvin’s 4Runner, and Joe’s Jeep.

  We eat supper, and yes, the guys pick up the tab before going back to pre-game before Hank’s. At supper, I notice that Joe is really quiet, and when I ask him about it, he brushes it off.

  When we get back to campus, everyone starts to go their separate ways. As I’m about to get out of the Jeep, Joe grabs my hand.

  “I need you to wait.” I shake my head yeah. Have I done something wrong? Is he breaking up with our non-relationship? I’m so confused.

  “Is everything okay?” He shakes his head no.

  “Let’s go for a ride.” I nod.

  “Hey, Georgia, we’ll be back in a few.” She waves bye to me, and we leave campus. Joe doesn’t say a word. He stops at the public fishing access for the Rock Lake. He just sits there and then pulls out his phone.

  “Squirrel, I don’t know how to start this conversation. I got this via Facebook after the game today. I take a look at his phone and burst into tears.

  On his phone is a picture of Joe and me asleep in my bedroom with minimal clothes on and below it is a picture of me in my bedroom with Dylan on top of me. The caption reads, “I had her first”

  “Charley, please talk to me. I don’t know who this is or what it’s about.” I shake my head no. I don’t want to relive it; I don’t want to talk, but I have no choice.

  Joe pulls me into his shoulder, and I cry. When I feel like I can manage to get the words out, I say, “I’m ready.”

  “Have you ever heard of Dylan Sloan?”

  Joe nods his head yes. “He’s a really good swimmer, right?”

  “Yeah, he’s also my ex. We started dating over a year and a half ago. One night when my parents we’re out of town, we went to a party. I wouldn’t sleep with him.... um....” I pause.


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