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Page 38

by Liv Morris

  “Fuck that pussy, baby.” Mixed with the moans of genuine pleasure building inside me. Each time he bottoms out within my cunt, I could feel him bringing me closer and closer to my own orgasm. Fuck it felt good. He always feels amazing.

  “Oh yes, right there. Fuck me harder. I’ve been a bad girl, Jude.”

  A sharp sting spread across my ass as his hand paddled my exposed cheek. His grunts increased as his hand bit into my hip. That’s gonna leave a mark.

  My body withered under his touch as his waves of pleasure crashed over me. My breath caught and my moans echoed through the hotel room. I pushed my ass back meeting his hard thrusts and like that, he pulls out and tosses the condom to the floor.

  Spurt after spurt of his hot come covered my pussy and ass from behind as he grunts in appreciation of my body.

  “So good, Jenny. Always, so fucking good.”

  “Anything for you, Jude.”

  And like that, my work for the evening was over, and my heart is shattered into a thousand pieces I left behind on the floor of the Hardrock Hotel suite.

  Chapter 2



  The thought of moving to Las Vegas let alone owning a club here, sent a shiver down my spine. Sin City as most people called it. Well I called it a fucking gold mine.

  Owning clubs all over North America, I knew when and where to open, but Vegas? It could be in the middle of the recession and people still flocked to my club. Why? Because I’m Mathis fucking Verlinden. That’s why.

  Now I know I shouldn’t be all high on myself. Wait, yes I should be and I earned it. Every dollar, every green, I earned all by myself. Coming from the slums of Bulgaria to North America, the wonderful USA, it was like I was born for this shit. Bred to appease the youth, the young people of today’s society flocked into my clubs where DJs rocked their souls and my staff pumped them full of drinks and food. Why do I feel this way? It is what it is. I wanted to give people what I never had. I was a kind, caring person that way. And greedy all at the same time.

  Club Maroon, was my newest adventure and an adventure it was. The sprawling new club happened to be opening as we speak. Yes, I had a thing for the color red. All shades. All of my club names had some form or shade of red in the title. My favorite type was when a pale ass reddened under my touch. I could almost feel the tingle straight to my soul and when a woman whimpered because she couldn’t figure out why she liked my pain so much…best fucking kind if you asked me.

  But I didn’t do club openings. I did the first and the second, but the third and fourth? It got old and quick. By the time the fifth club opening came, I was rich. I could hire someone to cut the ribbon for me. The newspapers called me out; saying I was a pussy for not wanting to be in the spot light. Some even used the term “pussy” much to the public’s amazement. I laughed. If the fuckers only knew.

  Growing up, I had nothing. And I’m not exaggerating. So I made a point to leave my country and travel the world, and travel I did. Once I reached North America, I fell in love. Not with a woman. Yeah right. With the people and their abilities when given the right approach. How they became happy no matter what. That’s why I went into the club business. Well, and other businesses but we don’t need to get into that just yet.

  “Mr. Verlinden, did you ever think you would be setting up a club in Las Vegas when you first moved here?”

  The flashing lights interrupted my thoughts and I met the interviewer’s gaze. The small man with piercing brown eyes made my stomach clench. “Of course. That’s the reason I moved here. Next question,” I barked.

  Lights flashed in my eyes, microphones and recorders shoved in my face. It was the same shit, different pile with reporters.

  I answered their questions, mostly telling them to check out my club and see for themselves and if they felt it would do okay or not. I, for one, knew that it would blast the fuck off and put every club in Vegas to shame.

  A heavy hand landed on my shoulder. “It’s time.”

  I looked at my bodyguard, Dean Croft. His cold grey eyes warmed with encouragement. Long-time friend, long-time partner in crime. Also a partner in sharing a woman every now and again. But, he was into anything that walked. Anything that could get his rocks off. And I do mean anything. Me? I only liked pussy. As much as I loved the guy, there was no way he was getting a piece of me. Ever.

  I took a breath and waved off the impending questions from the stragglers of reporters that waited while I went inside my club.

  A line up of VIP wannabes stood at the side of the building, yelling out my name. The women fawning over themselves to get a glimpse, a touch, a taste of yours truly. I didn’t get it. I was like a rock star in their eyes, but of course, being the man of class that I was, I ate it up. Let the glory soak into my bones like melted chocolate.

  I stepped into the club, walking down the hall that was lined with a red carpet. I had to hold back an eye roll. Fuck it. I let that shit go. “Dean. Red carpet, man?”

  Dean looked back at me and winked. He knew I hated that shit.

  My jaw clenched but as I neared the entrance to the main club, the deep bass of the music washed through me. It vibrated into my soul making my blood roar. God, I needed to get laid. It had been awhile, even for me.

  “There’s plenty of women here, boss.”

  Dean knew me well. He knew whenever I got twitchy, I needed to get my dick wet. I needed sex like I needed food, like I needed air to breathe. It was a part of my being. Most people craved junk food on an off day but not me. Nope, I couldn’t be like that.

  “I need something different tonight,” I mumbled. I was on edge and I couldn’t explain it. Couldn’t figure out what or why but I knew something was off. I needed more than just a hot piece of ass.

  “We’ll get you something, Mathis.” Which was Dean’s way of telling me to chill the fuck out.

  I always got like this on opening night but tonight was worse. I was usually cool, calm, and collected but tonight I was a raging body of hormones and mass destruction. If I didn’t get laid soon, I would self-combust or worse, fuck anything in sight and after looking around the room, self-combusting sounded more promising. Yikes, is that a man or a woman?

  Fuck me, this was going to be a long night.


  I stopped short at Dean’s hard command and crossed my arms under my chest.

  He grabbed my shoulders and stared intently into my eyes. “You need to relax. You’re going to mingle. Pimp out the fan-fucking-tastic awesomeness that is your club and we’ll get you the pussy you’re looking for.”

  I smirked. Dean didn’t talk much but when he did, he got straight to the point. He rose to his full height and talked into the mic on his sleeve before guiding me into Club Maroon.

  The inside of the club was spread out into a vast space and much brighter than my usual venues. I didn’t know why. I needed a change. Something to bring me out of this funk. I had money, lots of it but like the old saying goes, money definitely didn’t buy fucking happiness.

  I was almost thirty and all I had to my name was my clubs and money. Call me selfish but I wanted more.

  A tingle shot through my core as I glanced around the room. It was mine. All mother fucking mine and I hated it. I loved the glory, the attention yes, but what was the point of having all of this if I had no one to share it with? God, I was turning into a fucking woman. Maybe I should go into the bathroom and check to see if I have magically sprouted a vagina?

  “Mingle,” Dean demanded.

  I nodded once. Dean being the only person ever that could tell me what to do and get away with it, I willingly listened.

  Greeting the first couple that was to my left, I shook the man’s hand and kissed the knuckles of the woman he was with. She did the typical giggle and toss of the hair that usually came when I opened my mouth and landed my gaze on someone. I came to North America at a young age but still had a slight European accent that the women loved. Apparently.
/>   I moved around the room in a daze, greeting people, not really paying attention to who I was talking to.

  An hour had passed when Dean walked up to me. “Ready?”

  I gave a curt nod and followed him to a pulpit on a small podium. As I stepped behind the large wooden object, my body hummed. This was the part I loved. Flashes went off, the crowd of people falling into a silent hush. This was my time. I owned this shit right here. All eyes fell on me as I took control of the room.

  “As you all know, this isn’t my first run with Vegas,” my voice boomed through the speakers.

  An eruption of laughter spread through the room at my little dig at myself. Since becoming a billionaire, my personal life had become quite public. As a teenager, I got in trouble with the law that landed me in jail for a week over public drunkenness. It was a stupid move on my part, but the women that had fawned over me. I wouldn’t change for the fucking world. I remembered spending the week in the cell with a wide cheesy grin on my face.

  “But I plan on this being my last one and this time it will be legal.”

  Another chuckle erupted through the crowd.

  My gaze travelled around the room. Whenever I gave a speech, I liked to look at each individual person, making them think that I was talking directly to them even though I wasn’t. I could give two shits what these people thought about me or my clubs. The only thing I wanted from them was their money.

  My body stirred. To have this control, this deep seeded need for domination made my blood roar. By the end of my speech, I would have these people eating out of the palm of my hand.

  I looked over each and every one standing before me. Men in business suits, women decked out in designer gowns, their make up over done with not a hair out of place. Too formal, if you asked me. And then I saw her. A small, curvy, voluptuous red headed, fucking drop dead gorgeous woman.

  My dick lengthened. My mind making up images of her lying beneath me, screaming my name as I fucked the shit out of her.

  While I continued my speech, I made a note of looking at Dean and slightly nodding towards the red headed woman.

  He followed my gaze, his lips twitching when he noticed her. “Perfect,” he mouthed.

  I smiled and turned back to the crowd, not keeping my eyes off of Red. With her pale white skin, I couldn’t wait to mark her no doubt, beautiful ass.

  Our gazes met.

  She licked her lips.

  It was an innocent move but fuck me, I would love to see those full lips wrapped around me as she swallowed my cock.

  She was the one. I wanted her. Needed her on a level I couldn’t explain. She would be mine and she would give in. If not, I sure loved a challenge.

  Chapter 3

  Those Eyes


  I stood alongside the posh bar at Club Maroon, nursing a Cosmo and listening to Nora drone on about some guy she had been seeing. Kevin, no... Ken? I don’t know. The only thing I did know was he could fuck like a champ, but was a total dick. Something I heard weekly from my serial dating best friend. Another reason why I didn’t need to date, she got it all out of the way for me, and then some.

  Finishing off the glass, I placed it back on the smooth wooden bar and turned to take in the scene. Normally on a Saturday night I would be working, but after the night with Jude and his new lady du joir, I was nursing hurt. It may sound stupid, but seriously there is something about him that continued to pull me in, no matter how many times we played out the Pretty Woman fantasy.

  The hot shot that owned the club carried on in the distance about his accomplishments and how excited he was to be in Vegas and not in jail. Seriously? Was that supposed to be fucking impressive or something? The crowd humored him with a pity laugh, and I order another drink. Never taking a minute to look at the rich asshole. I knew his type all too well. No doubt he was gorgeous with women throwing themselves at him left and right. He thinks he is good in bed, but the reality was... he could barely keep it up, let alone use it to please a woman properly.

  Nora stopped talking and I snap back into the real world. Far away from my thoughts about the men I dealt with far too often. Maybe I was becoming bitter with my job. Maybe I didn’t love it as much as I had for the first year. Or maybe I just needed a change in clientele. Especially after Jude. Damn him for being so deep in my damn brain!

  “Check this one out,” Nora nodded in the guy’s direction. His deep dark eyes caught mine across the room and the corner of his mouth turned up into a smirk.

  I looked away and picked up my fourth drink of the night and head for the ladies room, tugging Nora at my side.

  “Not interested. I’m not on the clock, Nora. You know my rules.” My rules. Ha! It had become pretty sad that the only men I will actually fuck are the ones paying me. It worked for me though. It kept the attachments at bay, which was exactly what I am going for.

  It’s not that someone had hurt me in the past. I had my fair share of heartbreak, what girl in high school doesn’t? But unlike most of the women I knew, I was perfectly content to be alone. I could totally grow old as the prostitute cat lady without a care in the world, because I wouldn’t have to play mom to an overgrown male toddler. Because if we are being honest ladies, that is exactly what marriage is!

  “One day you will finally get that relationship stick out of your ass and start dating, Jenny.”

  Maybe someday, but not any damn time soon. Actually, not likely at all.

  The line for the ladies room was absolutely ridiculous. What else is new?

  As we stood there, I throw back the last drink of the night. I was already far over my one drink limit. Anymore and I am sure bad shit will happen. I foolishly allowed myself to get this hammered already.

  “Mr. Verlinden insists you ladies use his personal facilities.” His cold grey eyes scared me, even as his entire being radiated with protectiveness. “The name is Dean Croft; I am Mr. Verlinden’s body guard. If you will come this way, please.”

  Before I could decline, Nora was following this stranger like a lost puppy dog. Didn’t she realize this is the shit Lifetime movies are made of? I wanted to scream at her to run in the other direction.

  We round the corner into a dark hallway. The red accents along the sprawling corridor are nothing short of impressive. I was momentarily distracted until the man stopped at a black steel door and began pressing the keys of some fancy number keypad. The door popped open and I felt like I was walking into a completely different world.

  It was brighter than the night club. The walls were bare and the hall was lined with various random doors. I could only imagine what kind of working girls are turning tricks on the other side of those doors. Pretty typical here in Vegas.

  “Right this way, the personal bathroom back here is much nicer.” His steps were heavy on the tile flooring, his muscles even more intimidating in the bright lights and as much as I wanted to be scared of him, I just wasn’t. Take that Mr. Big Bad Bodyguard!

  “Thank you so much, Mr…what did you say your name was?” Nora fawned over him, batting her long fake eyelashes at him and flashing her million dollar smile. Whatever his name was from our conversation earlier in the night is obviously out, and Mr. Mystery is in.

  “Dean, Dean Croft. And your name?” His stone face broke into a smile and I wanted to burst out laughing. It took Nora a whole five minutes for this guy to break character and show his true colors with her.

  “Nora,” she replied, giving him no more details. And the chase begun.


  I will give him one thing, the bathroom was gorgeous and not having to wait in line with a gaggle of skanky gold diggers was a plus. I wasn’t sure why I allowed Nora to drag me here; clubs really aren’t my scene at all. In fact, I was more than ready to go home. The drinks will have me on my ass within the hour and there was no way I wanted to make a spectacle of myself in public.

  “You almost ready to head out?” I asked Nora as we opened the bathroom door, back into the sterile looki
ng hallway.

  I stopped dead in my tracks when his eyes caught mine.

  Standing next to the bodyguard, Dean, was the tall, dark, and extremely fucking handsome stranger from earlier. The one with the eyes. Those damn eyes.

  “Ladies, I would like you to meet Mr. Verlinden,” Dean said, while the other man pulled his large hand from his pocket and extends it in greeting. Nora eagerly shook it and when he released her hand, his gaze turned to me as I stand there with my hands by my side like a complete asshole.

  I slowly extended my hand in greeting and before I could pull away, his warm hand took mine and pulled it to his mouth. His lips touched my skin and my stomach began to somersault. The electricity of his mere touch had my body exploding in a series of short circuits, starting with my fucking mind. Completely blown into a million pieces. If it was physically possible, I am sure someone would be mopping my brain up off the floor after it oozed straight out of my fucking ear. What the hell?

  “Nice to meet you, Mr. Verlinden. Jennifer Sunshine,” I said with a cocky demeanor. There was no way I could let him know that I basically just fucked him six ways to Sunday in my mind. Although by the smile on his face, he already knew.

  My mind was in a blur and I barely notice Nora walking away holding hands with the bodyguard. What a fucking traitor. I need to go home! The drinks! Jennifer down!

  “It was extremely nice of you to allow us to use your personal facilities, Mr. Verlinden, but I was just on my way home for the night. I hope you have a nice evening.” I turned to make my way down the hall toward the large black door we entered through when I felt his presence behind me again.

  “Why don’t you allow me to bring you home, Miss Sunshine.”

  I wanted to laugh in his face. Yeah, exactly what I should do. Let some strange man drive me home. What was with everyone tonight and their fucked up sense of safety? Do they not know how many fucked up weirdoes are out there? Jesus!

  “No thank you, I will just be taking a cab. Thank you again, Mr. Verlinden.” I turned the handle and made my way back toward the overflowing crowds of Club Maroon.


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