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Page 83

by Liv Morris

  My father had been furious, which had in turn had made me furious. What fucking business of his was it how I spent my time off? I was more than capable of getting the job done and enjoying my life, no matter what my father implied. This current five-billion-dollar Delenski deal would ensure our company had a hand in one of the biggest casino developments in the entire United Kingdom. There was no option for missing out on this deal, and I had it covered.

  “Sure, I said I’ll be there, man.” I tried to keep the annoyance out of my voice. Did I need reminding every single day? It was a damn dinner, not his fucking wedding.

  “Okay, we’ll see next Sunday then,” he replied, again shaking off my tone. I hung up the phone and buried my face in my hands.

  It wasn’t Luke, or even work that was getting to me—it was her. The mystery girl who had accepted a lift home from me two nights ago and shared a cigarette with me. The girl who, no matter how hard I tried, I just couldn’t shake from my mind.

  “Roast beef or chicken?”

  I looked up to see Carly holding two sandwiches. “Beef,” I answered. She threw the package at me and smiled, sitting down opposite me.

  “Do you mind if I eat with you?” she crossed her long tanned legs, her skirt riding up to her mid-thigh. Paired with her cream silk shirt that was unbuttoned at the top, giving me a glimpse of her full breasts, the sight of her was enough to arouse me. Maybe I needed a little relaxing.

  “Sure,” I murmured, unwrapping my sandwich. “If you don’t have plans, I could use some help here tonight,” I added. The sparkle in her eye left me wondering if she was thinking back to the last time she had ‘worked late’ alone with me. I sure as fuck was.

  “I can help,” she agreed, a hint of a smile playing on her full, glossy lips. My hard-on pressed against the constraint of my pants as I watched her devour that sandwich. Every now and then her eyes would meet mine, her expression full of suggestion and promise. That was what I loved about Carly: no mixed signals. Everything was as clear as fuck.

  It was surprising how often you could misread someone’s actions when you were the boss. More importantly, it was surprising how much trouble that kind of shit could get you into. I was sure some women applied to work for me knowing they could make some easy money through a sexual harassment settlement. I wasn’t one to let minor issues like balance of power and women’s rights get in the way of what I wanted.

  Carly picked up the phone as it rang again, allowing me to enjoy the rest of my sandwich.

  “Falcon Property Development,” she said, smirking at me. Her eyes grew wide. “Oh certainly, Mr. Falcon. He is right here,” she purred. I rolled my eyes as I took the phone off her. The only person that people found more intimidating than myself, was my father. Carly included. I didn’t doubt for a second she’d fuck him, too, for a raise.

  “Eric,” I said, stretching back on my chair, watching Carly as she left the room, or—more to the point—watching her ass leave the room. “What can I do for you?” My father only ever called when he wanted something, and it pissed him off when I called him by his name.

  “Mr. Delenski is flying in next month. I need you to entertain his daughter.” The no nonsense tone in my father’s voice told me it wasn’t a question. Still, I couldn’t resist toying with him.

  “Entertain his daughter?” I repeated, amused. “Whatever do you mean? I am much too busy to be out socializing, Father. I’m a hardworking man.” My words echoed his own from days earlier.

  “Drop the act, Jack. Just make sure she enjoys her time in London. A happy Lisbeth Delenski will mean this deal will go much more smoothly, and I know you want that as much as I,” he sighed.

  “Fine,” I agreed, “but I hope this is the last I hear of my social life getting in the way of my work.”

  “Jack, you do your job and there will be no problem, okay? And so help me god you better not have her plastered over any magazine.” He hung up before I could respond with one of my trademark smart-ass comments. I placed the receiver in the cradle and tried to pretend my father didn’t get to me. It was a complete lie, of course.

  Everything about my father got to me, yet I still did everything I could to try and earn his respect. I was like a fucking dog begging to be rewarded with a treat—a dog who every now and then would shit all over the living room floor just to piss off his owner.

  I forced myself to focus back on the project. So Mr. Delenksi was flying over. That had to be a good sign that he was on the verge of signing with us. That is, if I managed to entertain his daughter. Somehow, I got the feeling that my father didn’t mean for me to get her drunk, naked, and fuck her. Or maybe that’s exactly what he meant. A light rap on my office door brought me back to reality.

  “Jack?” Carly poked her head around the door, her blonde curls falling over her shoulder. “What did you want me to do?” she asked innocently. I bit down hard on my lip to stop myself from telling her exactly what I wanted her to do.

  It involved her mouth and my cock.

  “Get me all the information you have on Mr. Delenski and his daughter, Lisbeth. Thanks, Carly.” She nodded and retreated out the door. Less than ten minutes later she was back, with a folder full of information and a tall coffee.

  “I thought you might need this,” she said, setting the cup down in front of me. She was so close I could smell the scent of the moisturizer on her skin. Spinning my chair slightly toward her, I smiled. Carly was fucking hot and she knew just how to please me.

  “Thanks, Carly,” I murmured, rubbing my hand along her leg. She didn’t shy away. Instead, she stepped closer to me, moving her leg over the top of mine so she was straddling my knee.

  “Careful, honey,” I warned her, my other hand settling on her left thigh. “You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.” Slowly, my hands rose up past her hips, taking her skirt with them. I reached behind her, unzipping her skirt—which was conveniently one of those skirts that zip all the way down.

  “Very sexy,” I said softly, my fingers toying with the front of her underwear. I ran my index finger over the soft, lacy exterior of her panties, dipping my finger under the side and into her wet pussy. She let out a whimper, her arms shooting out to my shoulders to steady herself.

  “You like it when I touch you, Carly?” I said, working my finger in and out with a slow rhythm. She nodded, her eyes closed and her knees buckling at the feel of me inside her. I hoisted her up onto my desk, pushing aside the documents that littered the surface of it into a jumbled pile. Suddenly, finishing this project didn’t seem so urgent. The only thing on my mind right now was plunging my hard cock deep inside of this soft, wet haven that was spread out in front of me.

  “Lay back,” I ordered her. My cock was so erect it hurt as it pressed up against my pants, eager to spring free. She did, and I moved her legs wider apart. I stood up and unzipped my fly and rolled on a condom. I gripped my hands around her thighs and slid myself inside of her.

  God yeah. She was so tight. With each thrust, her muscles clutched hold of me like a vacuum, working themselves along the length of my cock until I pushed it further inside of her. The image of this girl sprawled out across my desk—her shirt unbuttoned, revealing her flawless skin and white bra while I fucked her—played over and over in my mind. I pulled myself out of her, tearing off the condom.

  “Get up,” I panted, falling back into my chair. She did as I asked, and realizing what I wanted, retreated down to her knees. I gasped as she took the length of me in her mouth. God yes, this is what I wanted: those blood-red lips wrapped tightly around the crown of my cock, sucking the life out of me. Her eyes remained locked on mine, which just made all this so much fucking sexier. She was watching me watching her as her lips sucked on my cock.

  “Faster,” I urged her, moaning as she obeyed, her lips furiously working their way up and down my shaft. “Yeah!” I grunted as I came in her mouth, my hand roughly stroking her head as she gently sucked the final remnants out of me.

  “Holy shit.” I sighed loudly as she stood up and began buttoning up her shirt, looking satisfied with herself. The sight of her all disheveled, standing there in barely there panties and a flimsy shirt was almost enough to make me hard again. She giggled, handing me the coffee that had been pushed right to the edge of the desk.

  “Nearly lost it,” she said, raising her eyebrows as she slid back into her skirt.

  “Believe me, I lost it all right,” I grinned, not bothered at all that my now limp manhood was still on display. “You are, by far, the best fucking assistant I’ve ever had,” I announced, finally tucking myself back in. She laughed as I buckled up my pants, putting her skirt back on.

  “Yes, well, what can I say? You’re kind of hard to resist,” she chuckled. “Was that all you needed from me?” she asked, her eyebrows raised. I nodded. “I thought so.” She winked and left me alone in the room. Our arrangement worked well for both of us: she offered me a release when I needed it and it return she got one hell of a bonus every quarter.

  Chapter Seven

  I didn’t expect to see her, but driving past Levine’s, I couldn’t resist stopping by to see if she was there. Her car still sat in the parking lot, the tire still flat. As I walked inside, she looked up from behind the counter, her eyes lighting up. My heart began to beat a little bit faster.

  “And I suppose it’s a coincidence you’re here again tonight?” she asked, hiding a smile.

  “What can I say?” I shrugged, taking a seat at the counter. “The food here is fantastic,” I joked. She rolled her eyes at me and handed me a menu.

  “What do you want?” she asked, trying not to giggle. Her green eyes sparkled as she waited for me to answer, her finger tracing along the edge of the counter. She wore her dark hair down again, untamed and wild, unfazed as it swayed around her when she moved. God, I so badly wanted to grasp hold of that hair and slam my lips against hers.

  “What do you recommend?” I asked her, my eyes not leaving hers. She blushed and glanced over her shoulder. Through the window I could see a rather plump man working the grill.

  “Stanley, I’m taking my break,” she called loudly. He grunted in reply. She turned to me and grinned. “Meet me around the side,” she whispered, disappearing into the kitchen.

  I wandered around the side of the building, too intrigued to say no. My hunger took a backseat for the moment, with this crazy girl encompassing my thoughts. I passed two large oil drums that I was sure could hide a body or two. Maybe that’s why she wanted me alone. Maybe I should be the one afraid of her? Glancing at my watch, I saw it was nearly nine. It was cold, much colder than usual for this time of year, even though we were in the heart of winter. From out of the shadows near the side door, I heard a voice call out to me.

  “Come here,” she said, curling her finger at me. I laughed and walked toward her. What the fuck was going on? This was insane, yet here I was, following some girl I’d met for only a brief moment around the back of an old roadhouse. This was so out of character. Jack Falcon didn’t follow any girl.

  Moving a stray bush out of my path, I finally saw her. She sat on a tree stump, her slender legs bare, apart from the sandals that donned her feet. She smiled at me as she smoked a cigarette, placing the butt between her full lips and breathing in. God, she even made smoking look sexy. Who the fuck was this girl and why did I find her so damn intriguing?

  “What did you want to show me?” I asked, confused. She laughed, and rolled her eyes as if my question had been the most ridiculous thing she’d ever heard. I stared at her, not sure how to react. This girl made me feel like the awkward kid standing in the schoolyard with no friends, the kid who got picked last for sport.

  “I brought you around here so you can get it out of the way,” she said.

  “Get what out of the way?” I asked, no idea what she was talking about. She paused for a moment, raising her eyebrows.

  “You expect me to believe that you didn’t turn up here tonight hoping to see me?” She laughed as I reddened. This girl, whoever the fuck she was, made me feel unsure and nervous.

  “So what if I was?” I asked, turning the tables, because on some level (okay, a very high level) she was right. As much as my excuse of hunger might have been valid, that’s all it was: an excuse. I had been hoping to see her again.

  “There you go,” she laughed, bringing the cigarette to her lips again. “That wasn’t so hard now, was it?” she teased. I shook my head and laughed. What kind of girl accepts a lift from a guy she doesn’t know, then invites him to an isolated place? I could attack her right now and nobody would hear her scream, least of all the greasy fuck in the kitchen.

  “My car’s still not fixed,” she said, arching an eyebrow. What was she getting at here?

  “I hadn’t noticed,” I lied. Of course I had. It was hard not to notice the beat-up old sedan sitting in the same spot with the tire as flat as a tack. She eyed me as though she didn’t believe me.

  “When do you finish?” I asked, deciding I needed to take the plunge here or I’d end up regretting it.

  “Ten.” Forty-five minutes away.

  “Do you want a lift?” I asked, my eyes burning into hers. She held my gaze, and nodded.

  “I was hoping you’d offer,” she smiled. Suddenly she jumped up. Dropping the butt on the floor, she pushed it into the dirt with her sandal. “Come inside. I will give you a free meal while you wait for me.”

  I followed her through the back entrance, past the kitchen, and out into the restaurant area. She pointed to the counter. I sat, opening a menu, pretending to pore over the offerings. Really, my eyes were on her ass as she bent down to retrieve a glass from the bottom shelf. I willed that skirt to rise just a little bit higher. It didn’t, but I saw enough that my cock began to flex against my pants. As she turned around, I quickly averted my eyes to her face.

  “Soda? Juice?”

  “Water,” I replied, closing the menu. She nodded and retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator. “Thanks,” I said. Next to me, my phone vibrated on the counter, causing both of us to look at it.

  “You going to answer it?” she asked curiously. I shook my head and turned the phone off, shoving it back in my pocket.

  “Just work. It can wait,” I replied.

  She nodded. “So what do you want? To eat,” she added quickly, a blush creeping over her face as she took in my expression. There was so much I wanted from this girl, and food was the last thing on my mind.

  I wanted her standing in front of me with her legs slightly spread apart. Then I wanted to kneel down in front of her, my hands resting on her bare legs. Slowly, I’d run a hand up each leg, my nails gently digging into her soft skin as my hands moved up her thighs, under the hem of her dress. She would be staring at me as my fingers traced over the outside of her panties, which would be damp from anticipation. Her knees would start to buckle at my touch because she’d want me so badly. I’d take my third finger, the longest one, and gently lift it under the edge of her panties. My eyes locked on hers, I’d take that finger and—

  “Are you going to answer my question, or just keep staring at me?” she said innocently, blushing under the intensity of my gaze.

  “A burger is fine,” I replied, chuckling at her bashfulness. I wasn’t used to girls being shy around me. “For now,” I added, soft enough for her not to hear. I leaned against the counter, my cock so fucking hard from imagining the things I wanted to do to her.


  Sitting around for nearly an hour waiting for a girl to finish work so I could drive her home was not something I did often. Or ever. I’d done many things to get a girl, but waiting was not one of them. The difference was, most girls I could take or leave. With this girl it was like I had no choice.

  All too often I saw women as just a way for me to relieve some sexual tension—in fact, I couldn’t remember the last time a woman had occupied my thoughts for longer than the half-hour we had spent in bed. There was something different abo
ut this girl though. We’d had no physical contact, yet I was going out of my way to see her and to learn more about her. To be honest, that scared me a little. God only knows what Alex would say about this.

  I glanced up and saw Angel walking toward me, her purse and jacket in one hand, the other hand swinging against her stride.

  “Finished,” she smiled as we began to walk toward the exit. “Thanks for waiting.”

  “No worries,” I replied. We walked to my car, and I opened the door, closing it once she was inside. “So, North Street?” I said, starting the car.

  “Well, I was thinking,” she began slowly, a smile creeping across her face, “Maybe we could have a coffee at your house? Get to know each other?” The surprise I felt must have been all over my face because she started to laugh.

  “If you don’t want to, that’s okay,” she chuckled, fidgeting in her lap.

  “No, if you want to come back to my place, that’s cool. It is pretty early anyway, and I only live around the corner,” I added, not sure why I felt the need to rationalize it to her. I had no idea how to take this girl.

  As we pulled into my parking spot, it hit me that I’d never actually brought a woman home before. My other places were convenient settings for a quick session, especially when I knew I wasn’t planning on seeing them again, but this girl—I didn’t care if she saw where I lived and to be honest, that scared the fuck out of me.

  “Nice building,” she commented as we walked out of the lift. My flat was on the top floor, and as I unlocked the front door, Mr. Jefferies came running up to greet me. “Oh hello, kitty,” she cooed, kneeling down to pet him.

  He rubbed himself up against her, basking in the attention. She picked him up, cradling him in her arms, nuzzling her face up against his. I smiled, feeling insanely jealous of my cat. What I wouldn’t give to have her rubbing herself up against me like that. What the hell was going on in my head? I never acted like this around any woman.

  “This is my cat, Mr. Jefferies,” I commented, reaching out to rub his chin. “Can I get you a drink? I have wine, beer—”


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