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Adaptation of the Chameleon

Page 10

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  Anna laughed and assured the young man, dressed in a white shirt with a black blazer and khaki pants, that he was indeed in the right place. Luke reached out for Anna’s hand and walked her to the vehicle. He opened her door, allowing her to enter the vehicle. He made his way to the other side. The choice of venue for the night was none other than Golden Sky.

  As they arrived, they encountered a rather snarly woman. She stood six feet tall and wore a dress that Anna swore she saw in an old horror movie. The woman was greeting guests as they arrived. The impatience and obvious unhappiness with her job peeked through her fake smile. Luke told her that they have a 6:30 reservation. The woman looked down at him and tells him that the wait for reservations is thirty minutes.

  Luke, not allowing her rude response to ruin his evening, led Anna to a cushioned bench and listened to the hip jazz music that intoxicated the room. Luke got up and asked Anna to dance. She stood up and placed her right hand out. Luke reached for the delicate and manicured acceptance and took her to the middle of the room. He danced for the remaining two and a half minutes of the song.

  After the wait time was up, Luke and Anna were escorted to their table which was placed toward the east bound window facing the Hardy Street traffic. They ordered the same meal as before and started talking as they waited for their glass of pinot noir. The conversation turned to the events that would follow their three course evening meal. Anna, being as curious as she always was, began the conversation.

  “So, honey, what is on the agenda for the rest of the evening?”

  Luke took a moment and placed his neatly folded napkin on his khaki pants. He looked around the room attempting to further build suspense in the young beauty's eyes, before responding, “Well, let's just say that it's a surprise.”

  Luke winked as the waitress delivered two glasses and began pouring them with the bottle of “Bistro” that Luke had ordered. Anna bit her bottom lip, making a whimper sound. She thanked the waitress and retorted, “But, baby! I can't wait to get back to hear what is going to happen. I wish you would just tell me, so that I can feel better.”

  “Oh, my love” Luke said. “Trust me. You will want to be surprised.”

  The two talked while consuming their salads and entrées. Anna decided after finishing her pasta that the anticipation was beginning to tear her apart. She informed the waitress that they wouldn't be staying for dessert. Luke looked over at the short, unhappy server and confirmed the eager request from the fidgety young woman sitting across the table from him.

  The drive would take only minutes but the walk to the door seemed longer. Luke kept stalling Anna in hopes to build just a little bit more suspense and tension. He walked ahead and stopped, reaching for her hand and pulling her back, anything he could do to prolong the surprises that waited for Anna.

  Finally, the two enter the apartment and headed towards the bedroom located at the end of the hallway. Luke instructed Anna to cover her eyes and wait outside the bedroom door so he could prepare a bit more. He called for her to come in while she still held her hands to her eyes. He walked up to her and pulled down her hands.

  She was greeted with red, white, and yellow rose petals covering the beige carpeted floor and the forest green comforter that lay neatly tucked on Luke’s king sized bed. Candles were lit all throughout the room. A large bouquet of roses sat close to the bed, complimenting the room with sweet scents and colorful scenery. Anna covered her mouth and began crying. She told Luke that this is the way Valentine’s Day should be celebrated. She once again wrapped her arms around him and held him near while kissing him.

  He began taking his shirt off while Anna took time to smell her flowers. She got back up and started kissing Luke on his neck, her hands firmly gripping his arms and began assisting him on removing his pants. His hands became more focused on unzipping Anna’s dress and witnessed as it dropped to the floor. It wasn’t long before the two stood among the colorful floor wearing nothing but their under garments.

  Luke decided it is time to lay Anna on the bed of rose petals. He moves slowly towards her long legs and removed her black panties. She pulled him near and continued kissing him. She reached for his dark red boxer briefs and pulled them off. Luke hovered over her body, completely nude, and unsnapped her matching brassiere. She lay nude underneath Luke as the two continued kissing. Their moment had come and the two shared through emotional touch that they were ready.

  Luke reached for his groin and places himself inside of Anna. Making slow thrusts at first, Luke gradually increased speed as the two go on. His eyes focus on Anna’s face, looking for signs of pleasure and of pain. His intentions were to give Anna a completely satisfactory experience.

  His attention became more in tune with reading her expressions than with his own pleasure; he could tell by Anna’s body language that she was only focusing on him. They continued, going from one position to another. It wasn’t until an hour later that Anna began moaning and breathing heavily.

  Luke took the signal and began concentrating on his own finish. He lifted to his knees and placed Anna under him once more and continued thrusting. His hands caressed her large breasts as he felt Anna from the inside. He feels the sensation from his manhood and quickly retracts. He looked at Anna and slid away the hair from in front of her face, revealing a very red and sweaty appearance. He kissed her on the forehead before lying down. The two began falling asleep, cuddling in the fetal position the rest of the night.

  The next day, Anna woke up to the smell of buttermilk pancakes and hot sizzling bacon. She slid out of the bed and threw on some clothes and made her way to the kitchen. Luke was standing over an old silver skillet, pressing pancakes to perfection. Anna looks at him and began smiling. Luke sensed her presence and said, “Good morning, beautiful. How did you sleep last night?”

  “Oh honey, it was great. I love waking up next to you.”

  Anna leaned against the wall and watched Luke press down hard on the pancakes, making them extremely thin. She tilted her head slightly and jerked the spatula from Luke. “Babe, that’s not the way you cook pancakes! You aren’t supposed to smash them. They are supposed to be fluffy!”

  Anna laughed as she showed Luke the proper way to cook breakfast. Luke just stood there, feeling a bit daunted and inadequate. He decided to take out two glasses and fill them with orange juice.

  Luke took the filled glasses and handed one to Anna. She sipped from it as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her neck. He slowly took the spatula back and told Anna that he could do it her way if that’s the way she wanted her pancakes cooked. Anna smiled and continued drinking her juice.

  They decided to skip school that day and extend their celebration. After careful planning, the two decide to go to the local mall. Anna had said that she needed to pick up some more undergarments from one of the stores. She requested that Luke attend in order to receive his opinion on which items to purchase.

  They both took showers and got dressed. Anna needed some extra time to straighten her hair, so Luke decided to wait in the living room and text message Enzo.

  “Oh my god dude… last night was epic!”

  In just a matter of minutes, Enzo responded,

  “Really man? I just spent all night being mad at by Heather.”

  Luke sympathized with his cousin a bit before hearing Anna walk down the hallway. She declared that she was ready to go. Luke sent one more text message to Enzo and placed his phone in his front pocket. He escorted Anna out the door and into his vehicle.

  It only took them five minutes to get to the mall from Luke's apartment. But once inside, the heavy crowd slowed their progress toward the department store. Luke didn’t mind. The idea that he was going to be able to have any influence on the underwear that the girl of his dreams would be wearing around him was enough of a thrill to walk through the mall on a Tuesday.

  Once there, Anna began her adventure by smelling different perfumes that were held on the endless wall on the south side of the store. S
he took several down and introduced them to Luke. She sprayed them on a small tab and waved them under his nose. Watching his expressions as he smelled each of the scents, Anna took the third bottle once again off the shelf and said, “This one, I think, I like the most. This was the one that you said reminded you of the first time we met. I was actually wearing this one. A friend of mine had it with her in class and she allowed me to try it for a day... I guess it worked.”

  Anna winked at Luke as he began awkwardly grinning. She handed the small bottle to Luke and continued shopping.

  Anna made her way towards the clearly labeled drawers in the middle of the store. There were different items in each, from boy shorts to thongs. Luke was intrigued by the experience in which women take in order to pick out and purchase their underwear. He started investigating the different types of clothing that women either buy for themselves for comfort or for the appearance of looking sexy. What was even more impressive was the colors and seemingly girly theme.

  Anna picked up a pair of panties and showed them to Luke. With a look of concern, she said, “What do you think of these, honey?”

  Luke took the pair from Anna's hands and looks them over. Not sure about what to look for, he responded, “Well... I like the color - and it seems tight fitting.”

  “Well, yeah, but do you think that they would look sexy on me?”

  Anna retrieved the pair and held them below her waist. She looked up at Luke as he began to stutter, “Um, sure... they look sexy on you.”

  “Well...' Anna continues, 'I guess there is only one way to find out.”

  Anna took Luke's hand and dragged him into the changing area. She informed the attendant that she needed to try on the pair and if it was okay that her “husband” accompanies her into the dressing area. The attendant looked at Anna for a moment before allowing her request.

  Luke followed Anna into the softly lit four by four changing room, closing the door behind him. He watched as Anna striped off her pair of jeans and slid down her panties. A dark red color began to appear on her pale face. As she slipped on the new pair, she looked at Luke and said, “Do you want to do it in the changing room?”

  Luke began sweating noticed the background noise of the other people going into the other rooms. He looked through the crack of the door and responded, “Um... I don't think that we should do that babe. I... uh... I don't want to make you moan like last night and scare all of these other people.”

  Anna smiled as she looked at the flabbergasted young man and responded while looking at herself in the mirror.

  “Okay, I'll let you off the hook this one time. But just to let you know, doing it in public places is a real turn on for me. So you think about that.”

  After Anna tried on the pair and acknowledged Luke's approval, she decided to buy six more in various colors. She led Luke to the front counter and handed the panties to the same attendant that allowed the two to share the stall was waiting to check them out. The woman began scanning them and placing them in a medium sized bag. When she got to the fourth pair, she looked at Luke and Anna and asked, “So, how long have you guys been married?”

  Anna and Luke looked at each other for a moment, before both exclaimed, “Three months!”

  “Oh, well, congratulations! I bet you guys are psyched! I was married once... but not for long. The guy was a dick. After we broke up, he would text me non-stop with all these ugly things. What was even worse was that he would get his new girlfriend to call me and threaten me. He was a real tool.”

  Luke and Anna gazed at the woman while listening to her story. She soon completed the transaction, declared the amount, and received the money from Anna.

  After they left the store, Luke suggested that they pick up lunch at the food court. They stood in front of the many selections and selected to each get a slice of pizza. Luke followed Anna to the counter and placed the order. He opened his wallet and gave the man his debit card.

  Luke guided Anna to a table on the opposite side of the dining area. He sat down and immediately started eating his slice of Italian cuisine. Anna noticed the grease from Luke’s pizza drip onto his plate. She began laughing at the sight, leaving Luke confused. He placed his pizza on the white, grease soaked plate and smiled. He wiped the liquid from his mouth and said,

  “What are you laughing at? You don’t think that when you dig into that slice that you won’t get that orange deliciousness all over your face?”

  “Hmmm….’ Anna continues, ‘I actually wouldn’t mind wiping something from my face - as long as it is coming from you.”

  Luke smirked with the realization of how sexual his girlfriend really was. He began comparing her and Marion in his mind. Marion didn’t allow sex in their relationship and any time Luke brought it up, she would get upset.

  Luke pondered the difference and thought of the possibilities if he were allowed to express himself sexually with a woman that he had fallen in love with and who loved him for who he was. The sexual attraction that Luke had for a woman was now equally matched.

  Luke smiled at Anna who gave him a look of her obvious arousal. He continued with his pizza and Anna finally took the first bite of hers. While trying her best to absorb as much of the grease as possible with a napkin, she looked at Luke and began biting her bottom lip. The hungry young man felt his sexually charged girlfriend rub his leg with her bare foot. He smiled and said to her, “I take it from the subtle hint that you want to get out of here?”

  “Gee…’ Anna said sardonically, ‘whatever gave you that impression?”

  She smiled as she followed Luke from the table to the trash can to dispose of their remaining lunch.

  They hopped into Luke’s vehicle and made their way back to his apartment. They rushed in through the front door, only to be greeted by Enzo and Eric sitting in the living room with Luke’s roommate, Seth. Luke and Anna stopped for a moment to visit. Anna took a seat between Enzo and Eric. She looks to her right side where Eric was sitting and said,

  “So, how was your Valentine’s day? Did you and Brooke do anything special? Like anything really special?”

  Eric waited for Anna to finish her question. Then he takes a large sip of his beer and responds, “Well, we stayed at the apartment and watched a chick flick. Afterwards, we went to bed and woke up Monday morning and went to school. I take it you guys celebrated last night?”

  “Oh, yes,’ Anna continues, ‘we did… and it was so much fun. In fact, we are still kind of celebrating.”

  Eric laughed and said, “Well, that explains that funny smile on Luke’s face.”

  The rest of the room laughed along with Eric. Luke stood next to the front door, eagerly waiting for Anna to finish her visiting.

  Anna soon got up and walked towards Luke. She reaches for his hand and led him down the hall. She pulled him into his room and closed the door. Luke could hear as his roommate yelled from the family room, “Don’t forget to turn your music on!”

  Undistracted by the small party going on in the apartment, Anna began heavily kissing Luke as she pulled his clothes off of his body. She pushed him onto the bed and removed his pants. She leaned into him as he gasped for air. She placed her knees on each side of his body and removed her shirt and brassiere and continued kissing him.

  Forty minutes later, the couple was exhausted. After they received their sexual fix, Anna jumped to her feet and put on one of Luke’s lifeguard shirts and shorts. She lay down next to Luke. He stared at the ceiling and Anna placed her head on his chest and felt his heart beating. She could hear as his breathing return to normal.

  Luke felt his sweat-drenched body begin to dry. He started stroking Anna’s hair, gently spreading its softness until it covered his entire upper chest area. While playing with her earlobe, he said to her, “You know… I could get used to this.’

  Lightly laughing, Anna replied, “You could, could you? Was it this good with your other girlfriends?”

  “Well,’ Luke continued, “I’m not sure what it would have b
een like with Marion. You would have to ask David what it’s like. I’m just some ignorant kid that just got out of a four year relationship that didn’t involve sex…”

  Anna shook her head. “Yeah, I’ve been there. I was with Jason when I was a little bit younger. When I lived in Oxford, I only had one other sexual partner. His name was Calvin. My older sister, Emma, introduced him to me. He was one of those guys that prided themselves on being an absolute douche bag. He was a serious alpha male. One time I went to the movies with my friend Brent and Calvin found out. He totally barged into the theater and punched Brent in the face. It was so embarrassing. I mean, Brent was gay! I tried telling Calvin that and he just didn’t want to listen. So I dumped him that night. A couple of days later, I moved to the Coast.”

  “Wow,’ Luke replied, ‘that sucks. I hate that you went through all of that. I never got a chance to really break up with Marion. One minute we are fine, sitting at home and the next minute she breaks down and confesses to me that she is seeing David behind my back, again. I mean… it’s like against guy law what he did. I wish I had had the chance to confront him.”

  Anna jumped to her knees, alarming Luke. She looked at him and said, “Let’s renew our promise. Let’s promise that no matter what happens we will stay together.”

  Luke rested his body against the wall and smiled at Anna. While shaking his head, he wrapped her pinky finger with his and both kissed the opposite end of their fist. Luke continued looking at her as he felt the further security of their relationship become a solid mass in his body. “I love you, Anna. Of course I will again promise to be with you. I would promise over and over and over again.”


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