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Adaptation of the Chameleon

Page 16

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  It was after he heard her speak that he woke up feeling very uneasy only to fall asleep and experience the same dream again.

  Chapter 12

  With school over for the year, Luke stayed occupied with working at the community center and seeing Anna on her trips to Hattiesburg. Every now and then Luke was able to spend the weekend in Bay St. Louis with Anna and her family. Stuart would call Luke during the week and ask the young man if he had plans for the weekend. Luke knew that Stuart would step out of his way to hang out with Luke, treating Luke like the son he never had.

  Luke loved the relationship he had with Stuart. Luke was raised to always respect and earn the respect of the family of the woman he loved. He accomplished it with Marion, and still continued the relationship with her family even after they broke up.

  It was the weekend of Father’s Day when Luke agreed to have lunch with Anna and her family. He also made plans for later that evening to bring Anna to his father’s house to finally meet him. Luke knew that Anna was nervous about the first meeting but was relieved by the confidence that Luke projected to her.

  Luke arrived at precisely eleven in the morning. He met Anna and her family in Bay St. Louis. After a brief conversation with Anna and her family, they soon loaded into their vehicles and headed out. They had decided to eat at a popular Italian restaurant in Gulfport. Anna rode with Luke, while Stuart drove the old white SUV carrying Dana and Becca. They were meeting with Stuart’s parents, who had just arrived from Oxford.

  On their way towards Gulfport, Anna decided to turn the music off, forcing Luke’s attention on her.

  “Okay, so I have to tell you the story of my grandparents. When my dad left Annabelle to marry my mom, my dad’s parents became outraged! They told him that ‘a real man wouldn’t leave his family for a piece of ass.’ They didn’t talk to him until me and Becca were born. After that, they seemed kind of cool, they just placed all that anger onto my mother, which pisses me off, but they are my grandparents and they are like super loaded!”

  Luke paused for a moment to process all the information. He finally turned to Anna and says, “That kind of sucks. I mean, shit happens, sometimes you wake up and you don’t love that person anymore. Yeah, it’s kind of a cruel way of saying it and all, but that’s life.”

  Luke noticed the visible calmness as it embraced Anna’s body, removing the tension he didn’t know was there.

  They arrived for their noon reservation. Stuart’s parents, Jim and Evelyn, were settled at the table in the middle of the room. Luke escorted Anna to her seat. Stuart was pushing Dana closer to the table. Luke then took the chair between Anna and Stuart and relaxed in its inviting comfort. He looked around the room to see soft lit candles and a single musician playing soothing music on the house piano.

  The waiter had arrived the moment they all took a sip of their chilled water. Stuart, as well as Dana, decided to order the veal with mushrooms and asparagus. Becca ordered the special of the day of Acqua pazza. Luke looked over the menu, and focused on a specific item. He pointed to it and said to Anna, “This was what I was telling you about a few weeks ago. The Arrabbiata sauce over linguine is so good, babe, that you have to try it!”

  Anna took a look over the description and after reading about its mixture of chili peppers she looked at the waiter and declared while waving her finger between herself and Luke, “We will both have this.”

  They handed the menus to the tall, bald waiter and remained in their positions.

  Jim and Evelyn sat quietly in their spots and informed the table that they have taken the liberty of ordering Bagna càuda with dry vegetables as the appetizer. The rest of the table, with the exception of Luke, stared, waiting for Stuart’s parents to explain the meal.

  Jim began to laugh as he announces, “Don’t worry, guys, you are going to love it!”

  The mood became bare and the vibe sank low. Dana sat in her seat as quietly as Luke had ever seen her. Stuart started the conversation light with a safe topic. He looked over at his father and asked, “How is Oxford? Those Rebels had a pretty amazing football season last year. I still can’t believe they are proposing to change the mascot! What do you think about that, Dad?”

  Jim placed his gravy topped piece of raw broccoli on his dish and replied, “Yeah, they are saying that it’s too racist to have an icon that represents a time when niggers worked in the fields. Shit, at least they were working then. I don’t think it is racist at all, I’m an ‘Ole Miss’ fan and some of my best friends are niggers.”

  Luke looked at Anna with a strong irritated look on his face. She looked back at him and with a nervous tone whispered to him, “I’m so sorry about the way he speaks - he is just old and set in his ways. He doesn’t mean any harm, I promise.”

  Luke then continued to sit in his seat and endure the politically incorrect words of one James Winchcomb.

  The food finally arrived. Evelyn took this opportunity to confront Dana on an obviously huge issue of hers. “Why doesn’t Stuart call home and why he is always too broke to visit Oxford?”

  Dana took a sip of her wine and responded to Evelyn’s question.

  “Well, Evelyn… I’m not sure. Maybe he is avoiding you because you refuse to treat him like a grown man.”

  Evelyn continued to stare and presented a glare that indicated she was brewing some hateful thoughts about her daughter-in-law.

  “Well, I think it’s because you are too high maintenance. He had a good job in Oxford before you dragged his ass down here, and away from his other two children. I think you should push him to move back home so that he can be around the rest of his family, and not around this piss poor excuse for an area.”

  “No, he did not!’ Dana continues, ‘he was a damn garbage man then and he is now!”

  The main course was soon complete, and the table decided to skip dessert and go straight for coffee. Throughout the meal, Dana and Evelyn had several drinks and finally settled their disagreement and moved on from the subject.

  It had been an hour and eighteen minutes when Luke and Anna decided to leave for Biloxi and kill time around the area before heading to Luke’s father’s house.

  Luke closed the passenger side door, stood for a moment, and realized that he forgot his father’s gift at Anna’s house. He climbed into the driver’s side and slammed the door. He looked over at Anna, noticing a look of confusion on her face. He started the vehicle and said, “Shit, babe. I forgot that little box at your house, the one I showed you earlier today. It’s my dad’s Father’s Day gift. We have to run there and pick it up.”

  Anna nodded her head as she buckled herself in.

  They arrived at half past four. They walked inside to get the gift Luke needed for his father. Luke walked to Anna’s room to retrieve the gift. He walked out of Anna’s room, observing her standing in front of the couch. She looked at him as she slowly removed items of clothing from her body. Luke began to laugh as he said, “Baby girl, what are you doing?”

  “You know,’ Anna answered, ‘I have always wondered what it would feel like to fuck on this old couch.”

  Luke continued to stand and began thinking about how soon Anna’s parents would be home. After a moment, he walked up to Anna and placed his arm around her back and pulled her closer to him.

  Luke laid Anna on the couch continuing to kiss her. He felt her hands tug at his belt, trying to remove it. Luke assisted by standing up, unbuckling his pants, and allowing them to drop to the floor. He then removed his neatly pressed shirt, placing it on the end of the couch. He positioned himself on top of Anna after she removed her panties.

  Luke could feel Anna reach for his manhood and place it inside of her. A quick thrust followed shortly by deep moans as the two continued to make love. Anna places her palms on Luke’s shoulder blades and began scratching. Luke continues to penetrate her. He felt Anna’s body vibrate at the same time he felt his goal of sensation become complete.

  After Luke finished, he rested on top of Anna. The two con
tinued breathing deeply, allowing their energy to recharge. As they continued to cool under the cold air conditioner, they heard a car enter the driveway.

  Luke jumped up and immediately put on his clothes. Anna sat on the couch and quickly buckled her dress and slipped on her shoes. Luke stood prepared at the front door. She walked towards him as he opened the portal to the outside world.

  They stepped out to see Blake walking up the concrete steps. He approached the front door. He looked at Luke and said sarcastically, “Um… yeah… Luke, you can leave now. I will take it from here.”

  Luke walked towards Blake and came to within inches of his face. With his fist at his side he responded, “Listen here, dip shit. I don’t know who you think you are, but I will hurt you if you don’t leave this house right now.”

  “No,’ Blake said, ‘I won’t leave. This is my girl and you aren’t going to scare me away from her.”

  Luke pushed Blake, forcing him to fall down. The strange young man jumped up and swung at Luke, missing him entirely. Luke pulled his fist back and let go, hitting Blake across the face.

  As Blake laid on the cold grey colored hard floor, he looked up at Luke. He wiped the warm blood from his lip and said, redirecting his attention towards Anna, “I thought we had something, Anna. You told me that once you were done with Jason, that you would give me a chance. All I want is a chance and you choose this asshole to tuck you in at night. That is fucked up, Anna.”

  Blake got up when Anna turned and walked back into her house. He stared at Luke and, while still spitting blood, he said, “Fuck you, asshole. One of these days, I’m going to come up here and kick your ass.”

  “Well, make sure you bring some guys who actually know how to fight.”

  Luke walked through the front door as Blake exited from the porch. Shutting the door, he could hear Blake speed off in his sports car, tires squealing.

  Luke walked up to Anna sitting at the dining room table. He pulled up a seat and got comfortable. He rubbed her right shoulder in an effort to calm her nerves. She looked up at him and said, “I just want you to know I am not interested in that guy. I just wish he would leave me alone and let me be happy.”

  “I know, sweetie. He is just a little jealous.”

  Anna leaned in towards Luke, kissed his dry lips, and held his hand. “I love you, sweetheart. I just want to be with you.”

  Luke took Anna’s hand and guided her out the back door. They reached the driveway when they see Stuart, Dana and Becca pull up. Dana jumped out of the car soaked and wet and ranting freely. She looked at Luke and Anna howled in protest, “That fucking Bitch! I don’t know who she thinks she is.’ She then directed her full attention to Luke and continued, ‘I hope your parents are a lot better than Stuart’s! I would not want my daughter to have to go through some bullshit like that!”

  Dana headed into the house and Stuart approached Luke and Anna. He placed his hands on top of his hips and waited for Becca to walk by before saying, “That was bad. I’m glad it’s over now.” Stuart paused for a moment. “You guys did miss one hell of an ending. Mom took her glass of water and splashed Dana with it after Dana called her an overbearing mother. Oh well… I wonder what is on TV.”

  Luke and Anna looked at each for a moment before entering the vehicle. Luke started the engine and headed towards Biloxi.

  Anna felt the fear of meeting Luke’s father for the first time. It swam through her body, but with every calm word of encouragement Luke projected, Anna became more and more at ease. It wasn’t until they drove past Memorial Hospital when Anna felt complete peace.

  They arrived at Luke’s father’s house. They noticed that Luke’s other siblings were beginning to leave. They stepped out of Luke’s vehicle and walked through the open garage door. They run into one of Luke’s brothers, Thomas. He stopped for a moment and began to laugh.

  “Oh man, Luke, you missed a good time. Dad told us this story about how Uncle Mike and Uncle Raymond took him fishing at their camp in Venice. Dad thought he had gotten a big fish, so he had Uncle Mike and Uncle Raymond freaking out and trying to pull him in. They lifted the rod up and there was a hollow log filled with all this oil covered dead fish in it.”

  Luke looked at Thomas. He feigned surprise and said sarcastically, “Really Thomas? Is that the whole story?”

  Thomas developed a grin and said while laughing, “Fuck you, Luke. Who is this?”

  Luke looked over at Anna who had found comfort under his arm. He directed his attention back towards Thomas and responded, “This is Anna. I told you about her at Christmas.”

  “Oh,’ Thomas remembered, ‘yeah, that is right. I didn’t know you guys were still dating.”

  Thomas shook Anna’s right, clammy palm and continued, “I’m Thomas. Don’t worry; I’m not always an asshole.” Thomas walked off with a strange smile on his face. He entered his car and backed out of the long driveway.

  Luke continued to lead Anna into the house where they found Luke’s other siblings sitting on the couch, watching television and talking among themselves. They continued to stand and wait until Luke’s father acknowledged their presence. Michael interrupted one of Luke’s sisters.

  “Oh hey, Luke. Why don’t you take a seat, son?”

  “Hey, Dad. This is Anna, my girlfriend.’ Luke then turned to Anna and continued, ‘Anna, this is my dad, Michael Cardellini.”

  Anna walked past Luke and approached Michael who continued to sit comfortably in his seat on the couch. She raised her hand and said with a very nervous tone, “It’s nice to finally meet you, Mr. Cardellini.”

  Michael gazed at Anna as she stood shaking in front of him. He lifts out his hand and shakes hers. He then looked over at Luke and stated, “Should have been here sooner, Luke. I told everyone a very funny story about going down to the camp in Louisiana.”

  “Yeah,’ Luke replied, ‘Thomas told me.”

  Luke walked Anna around the room, introducing her to his other family members. They then sat on the loveseat and listened as Luke’s younger sister, Nicole, continued her previous conversation. “I wasn’t sure if I needed to go ahead and tell work now or what?”

  “Wait,” Luke said. “Tell work what?”

  “I didn’t tell you? I’m moving to Savannah.”

  Luke looked at her with confusion. “Savannah? As in Georgia?”

  Nicole looks at him confusedly. “You know: where mom lives. She invited me to move in with her for a while. I guess she figured being away for so many years, that she wants to get to know me better and I feel the same way.”

  “No. You never told me.”

  The evening progressed and one by one Luke’s other siblings continue to leave. Luke and Anna stayed a while longer to talk with Michael. With his eyes glued to the current tournament taking place on the television, Michael continued to sit in silence. Luke waited until a commercial break before saying, “So, Dad. What is new with you?”

  Michael continued to sit in silence with his arms folded over his chest. He looked over at his son and replied, “Just the same old stuff, Luke. How about you?”

  Michael then rose from the couch and made his way to the kitchen. Approaching the entrance way to the other room, he turned to Luke and said, “Son, can you help me with something real quick since you finally decided to visit?”

  Once in the kitchen, Michael turned to Luke and angrily inquired, “What’s the deal? Why is she here?”

  “Uh…’ Luke stammered, ‘Dad, this is my girlfriend. I love her. I wanted to bring her over to meet you. What is wrong with that?”

  Michael placed his right hand on the sheetrock wall and leaned against the solid flat surface. He looked over Luke’s shoulder to be sure they were alone. He then directed his attention back towards his son.

  “I didn’t and I don’t want to meet her. I get a bad vibe from her. I think you should take her home, son.”

  Luke looked at his father, confused. He stood for a moment and calmed the flames that had climbed high insid
e of his body. He sighed as he responded, “That’s not right, dad. I love this woman and if I’m lucky, I will spend the rest of my life with her. One way or another, you are going to have to give her a chance.”

  Luke turned and headed back towards the family room. He felt a tight pull on his left arm and was quickly turned around. He saw his father with a deeply depressed look on his face as he pleaded, “Son, open your eyes. Don’t fall into something that you aren’t sure what it is. Don’t forget what happened between you and Marion. That broke my heart every day to see you go through that pain… You have a good thing going with school. Let all that happen first before jumping into something else.”

  “Dad,’ Luke argued, ‘I have never been surer of anything in my life. I know what I’m doing and I have learned plenty in this past year. All I’m asking is that you give Anna a chance. With the way she treats me, it would be the least you can do.”

  Michael thinks for a moment and responded, “No.”

  Luke continued to walk into the family room where Anna sat and waited patiently for Luke to return. She looked up from the boring program on the television and realized that Luke was in a bit of a hurry to leave. She could feel the frustration as he quickly walked past her. She jumped from the couch and followed him out the door.

  Luke remained silent through most of the trip back to Bay St. Louis. He sat unnerved in his driver’s seat with his palm planted firmly under his chin. His eyes were focused on the road, seeing it through his windshield. Anna observed his leg as it bounced up and down in a need to relieve tension.

  Luke had passed the last gas station before arriving at the bay bridge when Anna took his hand and asked, “What happened, sweetheart? Please tell me.”

  Luke briefly looked into his rearview mirror. He then redirected his attention to Anna and responded, “My dad… he uh… he just really made me mad today. He was acting like a jerk, but it had nothing to do with you. I don’t want you to think that. It’s just that there are some things that my father and I don’t see eye to eye on.”


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