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Adaptation of the Chameleon

Page 18

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  “It was my pleasure. I love it when you wake me up in the middle of the night. It’s always great to be dreaming of you and then wake up to your smiling face wanting me inside of you.”

  Anna pulled herself closer to Luke and wrapped her left arm over his right side. Luke kissed Anna on the tip of her nose, beginning to feel his eyes grow heavy with sleep.

  Luke looked at Anna before falling into slumber and said, “I know this is going to work between us. I have a good feeling that you belong with me. It may take time for my family to appreciate the wonderful person that you are, but one day, they will accept you as one of their own.”

  “I love you Luke,’ Anna continues, ‘you really have made me the happiest person. I don’t remember a time when I felt this good about life. Thank you for being so wonderful to me.”

  Luke smiled slowly, closing his eyes. He felt Anna kiss his forehead as he fell into deep sleep.

  The next day was Independence Day, a time when millions of people celebrated their right to be free. For Anna, it was a celebration of being accepted by the father of her great love. She deeply appreciated Michael giving her a chance and accepting her for who she is and trusting her with his youngest son’s heart.

  Later that evening, the group rested under the multi colored sky as it lit up with fireworks. Luke came up with an idea. He leaned forward from his chair and looks at Nicole and said, “Hey, Nikki, why don’t Anna and I go with you to Savannah next month? We can visit with Mom and make sure that you get there okay. What do you think?”

  Nicole felt a smile consume her face. She looked over at her father who was beginning to smile. Nicole then directed her attention to Luke and responded, “I would love it if you and Anna came with me. It will be so much fun!”

  “I agree,” Michael added. “I will feel a lot better knowing that you guys are riding along with her. I feel better about her going already.”

  Luke returned to his position in his white exterior chair. He looked over at Anna. She leaned in to kiss him on the cheek. She smiled, placed her left arm under his right shoulder, and reached for his hand, placing his fingers between hers and feeling as he squeezed tight.

  Chapter 14

  It was only days before Nicole was set to move to Savannah. Her excitement grew as she thought more and more about the historic town. It was also her opportunity to get to know her and Luke’s mother, Mary, much better.

  Mary had been a resident of Savannah since she and Michael finalized their divorce eighteen years earlier. It was the one place that she always wanted to be a part of since she was a child. She claimed that her time there has been more unbelievable than she could ever imagine.

  Luke knew that he was going to miss his sister. He and Nicole have been close since they were children. Growing up, all their peers thought that they were twins. Nobody would believe that they were several years apart. Ever since their parents’ divorce, they had found comfort in each other from their emotional distresses.

  It was a sunny afternoon in Hattiesburg when Luke decided to make a call to his father.

  “Hey, Dad.”

  “Hey, Luke,’ Michael replied, ‘what’s up, buddy? How is Anna doing?”

  “Oh, she is great! She is looking forward to getting this ‘Ole Miss’ thing over with. I wanted to call you to see what you thought about me throwing a surprise party for Nicole at your house?”

  Michael thought for a moment before responding, “I think that would be a great idea. When are you thinking about having it? She leaves in just a couple of days.”

  “I have already kind of invited people to it; they were just waiting to hear back from me on where it was going to be, but I will have it tomorrow night.”

  Michael laughed for a moment and agreed to have the party on such short notice. Before ending the phone call, Michael said, “I just want you to know, son, that I’m proud of you. You really found a way to make things work and I admire that. Like I said before, that is your grandpa’s blood running through your veins.”

  Luke smiled as he ended the call. He sat on the edge of his bed and began feeling a sense of completion in his life. He knew he had what he wanted, including the knowledge that it was only going to get better.

  The next evening, as nearly forty friends waited patiently around a large oval sized in-ground pool in the dark, waiting for their cue, Luke remained occupied with the reality that the next day, he will be escorting his best friend to a town over six hundred miles away. The idea scared him, but he knew it was the best for Nicole.

  Luke rushed through the tall multi-paned glass doors and eagerly waved his hands in the air. He hid behind a piece of outdoor furniture as Michael led Nicole outside. The entire congregation waited as they focused on the open door and the well-lit family room that lay just beyond.

  Michael guided Nicole through the door, leaving her confused. Michael then said while removing his hands from her shoulders, “Okay, Nikki, keep your eyes closed for just a moment longer.”

  Michael turned on the outdoor lights. Before Nicole could remove her hands, she heard a roar as it circulated from the large outdoor area.


  Nicole began to cry. She was embraced by the many people who are there to see her before her departure. She made it around the crowded pool, finally stopping as she saw Luke. She smiled, then felt tears forcing their way out of her eyes. She wiped the drops from her chin, looked up at her big brother, and said, “Did you do this, Luke?”

  Luke began feeling the emotional draw watching his younger sister become consumed with love. Luke took a deep breath and responded “I… I couldn’t let you leave without you knowing how many people care about you. All of us here wish you well and we are all going to miss you.”

  Nicole wrapped her arms around Luke. “I love you, big brother, and thank you so much for this.”

  Luke stood as Nicole walked towards their older sister Sharon and older brother Michael Jr. He started thinking more about his youth and how no matter what happened to him, he always had Nicole. Their bond was one that he could never replace.

  Anna walked up to Luke and handed him a red plastic cup filled with beer. She noticed Nicole talking to Sharon and Michael, Jr., and said, “I like your sister. She seems real.”

  Luke looked at Anna and smiled. He took a sip from his cup and responded, “Yeah, she sure is unique.”

  The party continued for over three and half hours before guests started leaving. Anna and Luke cleaned the cups and miscellaneous trash while Michael Jr., Sharon, and Thomas moved the furniture back and put away the decorations.

  Luke walked inside to clean the family room while Anna cleaned around the pool area. She was picking up empty cans when she took a chance to finally talk to Michael Jr. and Sharon as they were replacing the solid grey metal chairs with the original pearl white ones. Anna placed her bag neatly on the ground and said, “Hey, guys, I don’t think we have had a chance to talk before. I’m Anna.”

  Sharon and Michael Jr., look up at her and without a sound, they redirected their attention back to their duty. Anna stood for a moment before walking closer to assist them with a large round glass table. She grabbed one end and attempted to speak to them once more.

  “This was a great party, eh? I had the chance to hang out with Nicole at you guys’ beach house. It’s a great house. She is a cool person. Luke and I are taking her to Savannah tomorrow to see that she gets there okay. We will also visit your…”

  Anna gets interrupted by Sharon, who sets her end of the table down and rudely says, “Anna, quit trying so hard, okay? I’m going to make this easy for you: you treat my brother well and I won’t burn down your house. That’s fair, don’t you agree?”

  Anna looks on with shock. She turned her head and saw Michael Jr. snickering. Anna then turned around and walked back to her bag and picks it up. She continued cleaning up the plates of half eaten food and half empty cups when she saw Sharon walking towards her. Fearful of what Sharon would say next, An
na continued cleaning.

  Sharon picked up a few small items of trash and placed them in Anna’s large black plastic liner. She then wiped her hands on the sides of her pants and began talking.

  “Look. I’m not trying to be rude or anything. I just worry about my younger brother. He has been through a lot of shit with relationships and I just don’t want it to happen again. It’s…. Ever since Marion ripped out his heart out and threw it as far as she could I’ve been a bit weary of his decisions with dating. Now, I don’t know you and I’m sure that you are a great person and all, just don’t make me burn down your house. Deal?”

  Anna placed her hand out in an effort to shake Sharon’s while forcing a smile. Sharon turned and walked back to help Michael Jr.

  Luke soon returned outside and assisted Anna in cleaning the last remaining piles of trash. He held the bag open as Anna hauled handfuls of dirty napkins inside of it and said, “This was a great party… I think that we made Nicole happy. Thanks again babe, for helping me plan this, I couldn’t have done it without you.”

  “No problem,’ Anna replied. “By the way, what is up with your oldest brother and sister?”

  Luke looked to his left to see Sharon and Michael Jr. placing chairs under one of the tables. He then redirected his attention towards Anna and responded, “Oh, they just worry about me. You know, after Marion and I split, Sharon has acted a bit overprotective. As far as M.J., though, I’m not sure what his deal is. I think it’s weird for him to see his younger siblings growing up so fast. Why do you ask? Did you get a chance to talk to them? How did it go?”

  Anna continued placing trash in the bag. She stopped for a moment and replied, “Nope, didn’t get a chance to talk to them. Maybe some other time. I’m a little tired.”

  Luke and Anna prepared to leave the house. They walked up to Nicole who stood smiling. Luke said, “Okay, Nikki. We will see you tomorrow around one, okay?”

  “Sounds great! Thanks again for the party, guys. I really appreciate it.”

  Anna smiled and gave Nicole a hug. She then followed Luke out the front door and entered his vehicle.

  That evening, Luke and Anna lie next to one another but were unable to fall asleep. Anna began to rub her fingertips up and down Luke’s chest. She watched as his eyes become heavy by the relaxing gentle touch she was providing. Luke looked at her, kissed her forehead, and said,

  “Come on, baby, you know what that does to me. Why do you have to tease me?”

  “I’m not trying to,” Anna replied coquettishly. ‘I’m just trying to relax you and help you fall asleep. You have a lot of driving to do tomorrow.”

  Luke began playing with Anna’s hair with his left hand. “Yeah, but it is worth it. I’m looking forward to the trip and I’m excited that you get to meet my mom. She has been looking forward to meeting you for quite some time.”

  “I’m excited, too. I’m glad that your sister is moving so soon. I mean, it will give her a chance to get to know Savannah as a town. I know that I’ve never been, but I hear great and spooky things about it.”

  Anna laughed quietly and noticed Luke’s eyes beginning to close. She reached for the remote on the right side of Luke’s body and turned off the television for the night. Before closing her eyes and cuddling next to her boyfriend’s warm body, she gently kissed him on his left cheek and wished him a good night’s sleep.

  The next morning, Luke and Anna woke to the screeching sound of the alarm clock and began preparing for their long trip to Savannah. Anna made eggs, bacon, and raisin toast for breakfast while Luke loaded their overnight bags into his vehicle. He walked back into the apartment as Anna placed their plates of food on the table.

  Luke took a seat next to Anna. He placed his napkin in his lap and after saying a brief prayer he took a bite of his eggs. While enjoying the combination of pork, poultry and sweet bread, Luke wiped his mouth clean and said, “I talked to Alan from work the other day. I think I might have found a new roommate for the semester. We may only have a month of this domestic living until he moves in.”

  “Oh, really? Is he the guy that I met a few weeks back when I brought you lunch at work?”

  “Yes,” Luke confirmed. “What did you think of him?”

  Anna finished the last of her bacon and while lifting her glass of orange juice, she responded, “Honestly? I thought he was kind of weird. I mean it seemed like he was hitting on me a little.”

  Luke smiled at Anna while watching her take a large sip of her juice. He cleaned the small particles of food from the side of his mouth and said “Can you blame him? You are hot, babe. I think it would be more insulting if he wasn’t attracted to you. But I wouldn’t worry about it, he is pretty serious with that girl he has been dating, that pre-med student in Starkville.”

  Anna laughed, finding Luke’s charm amusing. They continued to sit for awhile as they finished their meals.

  They soon departed from Hattiesburg, arriving in Biloxi a half hour early. They assisted Nicole in loading the last remaining boxes and bags into her vehicle. After walking back into the house, they observed Nicole say her goodbyes to Michael, their step mother Trish, and younger sister Leah. Nicole then grabs a bottle of water from the cold fridge and followed Luke and Anna through the garage and into her vehicle.

  They spent the next eight hours on the road, passing through Alabama and into Georgia, stopping only three times for gas and food. The road proved to be as exhausting as they thought it would be. The warm sun provided countless rays of light as it rested behind them. The long stretch of highway became an endless journey; one that they came to believe would never end.

  It was just after eleven in the evening when they pulled into the short off white colored driveway of East Huntingdon St. They placed their vehicles in park and walked to the front door. As Luke began to knock, the door opened as a short, dark brunette woman with a glass of hazel liquid in her left hand and a cigarette in the other, answered.

  “Oh, my God, my babies are here! Welcome to Savannah, sweethearts!”

  Mary looked directly at Anna and smiled. With a bit of blush covering her cheeks, she placed her hands on the sides of Anna’s face and continued, “Well, aren’t you the prettiest thing? I can see why my boy likes you so much; you are beautiful, child.”

  Mary continued smiling, backing up towards the open door. She declared while waving her hands in a motion to direct the visitors into the house, “Well, come on in. I made dinner!”

  Mary took Nicole’s and Luke’s hands and walked them through the foyer and past the family room. She led them to a large table covered with different platters of Southern cuisines. They each took a seat at one end of the long span of food. Anna looked around and admired the theme of the room.

  Mary took a seat at the head of the table and begins passing around the variety of foods. She began with classic fried chicken smothered in white gravy. After that, she loaded the plates with a combination of green beans, onions, and potatoes. She topped her meal with a bright yellow cornbread. Mary then grabbed a pitcher of a dark substance and said as she poured the liquid into her glass, “Would any of you guys like some sweet tea?”

  They finished dinner. The time changed to one in the morning. Anna looked at her watch, then turned to Luke and asked with a confused tone, “Babe, my watch still reads midnight. I think it is broken or something!”

  Luke laughed while walking towards Anna as she slightly slapped her time keeper. He kissed her sweet tasting lips and said, “Baby girl, you’ve got to move it an hour ahead; it’s the time change.”

  Anna began to laugh as she handed her watch to Luke. He moved the hour forward and then placed it on the nightstand.

  The next morning, Luke was awakened by the strong scent of various perfumes as they filled his room. He turned to his right side to see that Anna had already started her day. He climbed out of the bed and walks down the hall. He looked over the staircase and heard the three women talking from the dining room. Luke climbed down the long, steep
stairs, walked through the family room, and entered the dining area.

  He observed the three women sit around the table, drinking coffee from multi-colored matching mugs and conversing. Luke walked past the neatly dressed women and reached for a cup from the wide open cupboard. He poured half a cup of dark roast coffee along with two scoops of sugar and half a teaspoon of crème into the wild looking ceramic container and took a seat next to the women.

  Watching and listening as the women talked about everything from hairstyles to favorite movies, Luke finally found a perfect time to politely interrupt.

  “So, what would you ladies like to do today?”

  Nicole answered, “We were just talking about that. We are going to take a walk through Forsyth Park and then make our way to Abercom St. and eat at ‘Clary’s Diner’ for lunch. Mom was also telling us earlier about maybe going to Bonaventure Cemetery to look for the ‘Bird Girl.”

  Luke looked at his sister with a curious yet surprised expression. He took a sip of his hot coffee and said, “What the hell is the ‘bird girl?”

  Nicole laughed and was soon joined by Mary. She reaches behind her and grabs a sheet of paper off of a small table. She handed it to Luke and responded, “It’s the famous statue from the cover of that book, ‘Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil.’ They took the picture at the cemetery. It was one of four made and the only one down here. All we have to do is look for the Trosdal family plot.”

  “Oh, okay.’ Luke said. “It sounds creepy. I’m in.”

  They soon finished their meal and left for Forsyth Park. They observed strange and unique locals walk past as they carried on with their everyday activities. Hoards of dog walkers rushed past. Mary guided the three visitors through the lengthy park, taking them to several statues and large oak trees for photo opportunities.

  They stood, drenched in sweat. Mary suggested lunch at the local favorite diner. She guided them through several concrete back roads, passing the old structures as they continued. Mary introduced history to the young adults, by explaining the addition to the art school in the area.


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