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Adaptation of the Chameleon

Page 20

by Douglas A. Schmitt

  “Oh,” Anna answered, “I have it in my purse. I wasn’t going to wear it while I was around my parents. I’m not ready to let them know yet. I don’t want my mother to worry about my commitment towards ‘Ole Miss.’ I want to get Oxford out of the way first before telling them that we are engaged.”

  Just as Anna was explaining her decision, she and Luke heard the sound of a horn being pressed in the parking lot. Anna grabbed her bag and quickly kissed Luke on the cheek. He stood in confusion, hearing her tell him, “Come on, honey bunny, it’s time to go.”

  Luke took Anna’s large bag from her, then picked up his own two and followed her out the door. He waited patiently for Anna to lock the handle and padlock and begin walking towards her father’s old white SUV. She was frantically rushing to the vehicle, when she removed the apartment key from her key chain and handed it to Luke and said, “I don’t want to forget to give you this. All I need is for someone to steal it from me while I am in Oxford and break into your apartment.”

  “Why are you worried about that? You already took everything you own from the place.”

  Anna sensed the sarcasm in Luke’s voice and gave him another kiss on the cheek. Luke just smiled, beginning to feel better after briefly venting his frustration about the announcement.

  The two enter the vehicle and immediately noticed Becca’s absence. Anna closed her door while asking her mother, “Mom, where is Becca?”

  “She didn’t feel like going to Oxford. She said that she wasn’t feeling well, which is funny because she seemed to be as healthy as a horse to me. Oh well, maybe she just didn’t want to have to say goodbye.”

  Luke sat comfortably in the back seat as Stuart drove north on I-59. He watched the undisturbed forest pass by his window. After a while, Stuart takes exit 157B. Luke felt proud as they slid by signs declaring the birthplace of Elvis Presley. The distance between Oxford and Hattiesburg really sank in for the young man when Stuart turned left on East Main Street.

  It wasn’t until Stuart announced that they were just down the road from Hill Dr. that Luke thought once more about the delay in the announcement of his engagement to Dana and Stuart’s daughter. A feeling of mystery tinged with anger consumed his body. He began to realize that he resented Anna’s denying of his satisfaction of allowing him to assist in ridding Stuart’s earlier fears of his intentions with Anna.

  The SUV pulled into a wide driveway. Stuart placed his vehicle in park resting it in front of the attached garage. Luke escaped the vehicle, hearing the sounds of creaks and squeals as the vehicle’s shocks stretched out. He closed the door and examined the exterior of the house. He began to walk towards the front door and was soon accompanied by Anna and her parents.

  Luke stood next to the front porch and took in the house’s incredible appearance. The front door was made of solid oak with a mahogany finish. The windows had six long panes that stretched the length of the home. The landscape was well manicured, with each bush precisely placed, complimenting the space with a southern trait of perfection.

  The eager young man followed Stuart, watching him lift the mat and remove a key that unlocked the front door. He turned to look at Luke and said, “You see, you just can’t do that in Bay St. Louis. That’s why I miss this town so much.”

  Luke laughed, agreeing with Stuart. He followed the humorous elder into the home.

  With Dana and Anna standing at their sides, they explored the home. The incredible appeal of the house continued with fine polished dark walnut furniture lined perfectly in the living room. The bedrooms were themed with soft colored walls and either puritan pine or Jacobean finished headboards and armoires.

  Luke assisted Stuart in unloading Anna’s pile of belongings into her new bedroom. She had the only room in the house that possessed an all-white theme. From the long thin curtains to the picture frames that hung evenly on the wall, all were the identical shade of white. Impressed, Luke joked, “Wow, you are special…”

  Luke laughed as Anna slightly punches his right arm before allowing him to wrap himself around her.

  Shortly after the family completed their chore of unloading the rest of the overnight bags, Stuart announced that his belly was beginning to rumble. He suggested that they drive downtown for some dinner. Luke took the liberty of suggesting a restaurant and declared, “I heard about this great place here called ‘Downtown Market.’ It is supposed to be fantastic!”

  Stuart, Dana, and Anna agreed to go after Luke enthusiastically explains about the amazing shrimp and grits that the restaurant carried.

  Stuart drove the old SUV downtown to Courthouse Square. He pulled into a slot on the side of the street and parked. He then followed as Luke lead them towards the old looking abode. They walked through the door and saw that the dining area appeared to be a hallway filled with small tables covered in white linen. The walls were exposed red with white tarnished bricks and each table had a single candle prepared and lit for the evening.

  They bypassed a hostess area and took seat in the middle of the room. Luke looked to his right to see a long stretch bar resting firmly on the plank style floor. Curious over the many selections composing the organized menu, Luke immediately identified what he would dine on that evening.

  The server arrived and Luke redirected his attention towards her. She stood attentive five and half feet with a slim build. Her hair was the color of a dark cherry wood when soft burning light reflects from a short distance. Her teeth were of clear white, and her body was well above average.

  The waitress, who declared her name to be Felecia, greeted the table and announced, with a strong Southern accent, recommendations for the evening,

  “The shrimp and grits are amazing this evening. If you are into salads, allow me to suggest our version of lobster ravigot. May I start you guys out with something to drink?”

  Luke looked towards Dana and Anna as a gesture of good manners. He waited a moment, then the two women both say, “A glass of red wine to start but that may change as the night continues.”

  Stuart snickered as he requested a bottle of his favorite beer. He then looked at the waitress and said, “You might as well keep those coming, honey.”

  Luke turned his attention from Stuart to Felecia. He pointed towards the menu and asked, “I don’t see too many pinot noir selections that I recognize. Do you by any chance have ‘MacMurray’?”

  “Um…” Felecia guessed, “I’m not sure, but if we don’t, I can give you something close to it.”

  Luke smiled and thanked the young beauty as she walked away to retrieve the drinks, leaving the table once more at peace.

  The four members continued to look over the menu, waiting for something to catch their eye. Dana soon looked at Stuart and complained, “Damn, this stuff isn’t cheap! No wonder they have ‘sexy’ waitresses here…”

  Luke overheard Dana’s complaint and decided to chime in and say, “Look, you guys have done so much for me this past year, allow me to buy dinner tonight. It would mean a lot to me, since this is a special occasion.”

  Luke could feel Anna’s eyes burn into the side of his head. He then felt her slightly kick his left leg in an effort to demand his attention. He turned his eyes towards her to see a nervous smile slowly appearing on her face. She leaned in to him and whispered, “What are you doing? Special occasion? I thought I told you that I didn’t want my family to know yet.”

  “No, not that. I mean since you are moving here.”

  “Oh,” Anna said, returning to her position, “well then, that is certainly cool.”

  Luke looked at Stuart and Dana, waiting for approval. He noticed Stuart shaking his head as Dana said,

  “That’s wonderful Luke. Does that mean I can get the top shelf shit for my martini later?”

  Luke began to laugh, feeling the slate of nervousness slide down his spine.

  The waitress soon returned with four beverages, and removes her tab of paper. She clicked the end of her pen and asked the table if they were ready to order. An
na looked up at Felecia and said, “I think I will try that shrimp and grits thing. I have never had it, but the combination of bacon and wine sounds good to me.”

  “I will have,” Dana declared as she sought her selection on the menu, “the – uh - lobster salad, extra avocado, please.”

  Felecia quickly wrote down the choice, making it evident as she drew lines under the additional request. She then looked at Stuart. He put down his bottle of beer and said, “You know what, Felecia? I grew up here in Mississippi, and I have never had the catfish. I think tonight is a good time to give it a shot.”

  Felecia smiled at Stuart and wrote the order. She looked over her sheet for a moment before directing her attention to Luke, “You know, let me try the stuffed quail, light on the pecans though, please.”

  “You got it,” Felecia affirmed. “I will have your orders out soon.”

  As they waited for their food, Dana decided to strike up a conversation with Anna.

  “Are you nervous? Excited? What is going on in your head, girl?”

  “All of the above,” Anna responded. “It feels weird that I am here, even though I grew up here, and I always thought that I would go to school at ‘Ole Miss,’ but after living on the coast and going to ‘USM’ for so long, I just never thought that I would be here, now, but it is exciting. I mean, it’s my senior year.”

  Dana continued to focus her attention on her daughter as she finished her response. Dana then took a small sip of her red wine and said, “I want you to know that I’m proud of you for going through with your promise to me. I know you are going to love it here, as did I. You were born to be here - you have earned it.”

  It was just after eleven when Stuart unlocked the front door of his daughter’s home. He entered and placed the key on the front buffet that rested on the dark grey porcelain tile. He pulled his shirt from his pants and declared, “Alright you guys, I’m hitting the sack. Don’t forget, we are leaving just after breakfast tomorrow, so make sure you get your rest tonight.”

  Stuart continued towards his bedroom and was soon followed by Dana.

  Luke decides to stay up a while longer. He enters the room where Anna and he were staying and took off his shorts and polo shirt. He prepared a pair of shorts and placed them on the end of the bed. While removing his boxer briefs, he looked over at Anna and noticed her sitting quietly on the opposite side of the bed. He threw on the red shorts and crawled over the bed towards the weeping beauty and questioned, “Baby girl, what’s wrong?”

  Anna looked at him, beginning to visibly cry. She took his hand and placed it on her warm dry lips and responded, “Nothing, honey. I’m just going to really miss you. We have come so far and to have to say goodbye, it hurts so bad.”

  “But, sweetheart,’ Luke argued, ‘it’s not forever. Before you know it, it will be Christmas time, and you will be back on the coast, hanging out at my dad’s house eating some of the greatest gumbo this side of the twin spans.”

  Anna began to giggle as she was kissed by Luke. She wrapped herself in his arms, rubbed the tip of her nose on the sleeve of his t-shirt and said, “I’m going to miss your scent, my love. I’m going to miss waking up next to you in the morning, and having your arms wrapped around me while I sleep at night. The comfort of knowing that you are there with me always, I will miss that the most.”

  Luke felt the sudden urge to cry. He held back any emotions that may lead Anna to believe that he wasn’t as strong as she thought he was. He continued to hold her in his arms stroking the long strands of honey blonde hair out of her face, and said, “I’m going… to miss you too sweetie, but you know, if it gets bad enough, you are only a few hours away.”

  Luke felt Anna’s breathing slow down. He looked at her face to see her eyes closed shut. He smiled, continuing to stroke her hair as they fall asleep.

  The next day came all too soon for Luke and Anna. It was time for Stuart, Dana and Luke to load into the vehicle and begin their journey back home. Luke spent each moment until they left glued to Anna’s side. He wanted to be sure that she realized that he wasn’t going anywhere. That he would always be there for her and anytime she needed him, all she had to do was ask.

  Luke was the last person to enter the SUV. He stood at the open vehicle door and visited with Anna for as long as he could. The two remained embraced in each other’s arms, sharing romantic kisses and small whispers of affection. It wasn’t until Stuart suggested that the sooner they leave, the faster it will be that they could see each other again, persuading Luke to prepare his final goodbyes.

  Luke gave Anna one last kiss, placing one leg into the SUV. The two continued to talk over the loud exhaust and squealing belts that remained stressed under the vehicle’s hood. He prepared to sling himself completely inside and whispered into Anna’s ear, “Passeggiata con l’amore del cielo”

  Luke then smiled, looking into Anna’s eyes. A confused look covered her face until she realized what Luke was saying. She kissed him on the cheek. “I have been since I have met you.”

  Luke closed the door; Stuart backed out of the driveway. He turned right onto All-American Dr. then Lamar Blvd. With every turn, Luke felt the distance growing in his heart. If there was one thing he had learned over the past year, it was that he had the love of a woman that would always be there with him.

  Chapter 16

  It had been a week since Anna started at “Ole Miss,” and the transition was going very smoothly. Luke was in school and had started a new job at the local hospital in Hattiesburg. The two managed to develop a workable schedule. They would talk on the phone for two hours before Luke had to go to work, which was right after Anna had her last class.

  The two also became very reliant on text messaging. Luke would start his day with his usual sweet text message, while Anna started her own sweet message that she would send him during lunchtime. She would send “Good afternoon honey!” everyday as the clock struck noon.

  It was a crucial semester for Luke. He had entered his senior year, and had to focus more and more on his academics. Anna was doing just as well in balancing her time and focus. She and her sisters were getting along great. She was able to perform well in her business courses, as well as become reacquainted with old friends.

  The idea that Luke was going to lose his girlfriend to “Ole Miss” had become a joke. He would often send Anna pictures via email of him with a sign that read, “I lost my love to the Colonel.” Anna found the amusement in it very easily. She explained to Luke that the humor she felt in it was the subtle feeling that once she went to Oxford, that she and Luke would grow apart. She reminded Luke every time they talked that she felt closer than ever to him.

  Two weeks after Anna left, Luke was sitting down at his desk and writing several articles for one of his political science courses, when all of a sudden, his phone began to ring. He looked closer at the contact and realized that it was Stuart calling. Luke accepted the call.

  “Hey buddy!” Stuart said. “Luke, my man, I’m grilling out this weekend. Won’t you come down and join us?”

  Luke missed visiting with Stuart and Dana. He hadn’t seen or talked to them since the trip to Oxford. So it was with great regret that Luke declined the offer. He explained to Stuart that he had to work that weekend and knew he couldn’t get out of it at such short notice. Stuart understood and wished him well.

  Later that afternoon, Luke had just gotten out of his last class for the day and was looking forward to talking to Anna before heading in to work. He felt the anticipation all the way home. When he finally pulled up to the parking lot of his apartment, he quickly searched for Anna’s number and waited for her to answer. To his surprise there was no answer. Luke tried again, and again. Finally after three calls, Luke was feeling a bit worried about his fiancé, and decided to call her one more time and leave her a voicemail.

  Just as Luke was preparing what he was going to record, a person answered the phone. It was a male voice and his tone carried with it a large amount of aggravation.

  “Hello,” Luke replied. “Is Anna there?”

  “Yeah, but she is working on a project right now bud. You want me to take a message?”

  Luke stood in silence while the voice on the other end waited impatiently for Luke to respond. After a moment, Luke replied, “Yeah, this is Luke. Wwill you tell her to call me when she can?”

  “No problem, my man, but it probably won’t be till later.”

  Luke, taken aback by that statement, sat for a moment more before asking, “Who is this?”

  Luke heard the person end the call, leaving Luke with a bad feeling in his gut.

  The rest of the evening, Luke pondered the strange conversation he had encountered with the mysterious male. It was just after midnight, while Luke was getting off of work, when his phone rang. He looked at the caller identification and realized that it was Anna.

  “Hey honey! How was work?”

  Luke heard the innocence in Anna’s voice and all the paranoid emotion he felt seemed to melt away. While entering his vehicle, he said, “Oh, it wasn’t bad. A lot of crazy people came in tonight. It must have something to do with the full moon or something, I don’t know.”

  Luke laughed, feeling the amusement being reciprocated from the other line. He then continued, “Look. I called you earlier – actually, a few times. The last time I called, some guy picked up the phone. But he hung up before he could tell me who he was. I mean, I don’t mean to pry, and I’m glad you are making some good friends and all, but who was he?”

  Silence filled the gap of communication for several moments before Anna finally responded, “Oh, that was one of my classmates. He had come by to help me with a project and picked up my phone before I could get it. I’m sorry, baby. He wouldn’t give me my phone back until we were finished. Can you forgive me?”

  Luke took a moment before responding, “Yeah, babe, I mean you got to do what you got to do. It’s no biggie.”

  During his response, he heard the same male voice in the background talking. Anna explained that he was urging her to hurry so that they can finish the project before it gets too late. Luke told her that he understood and declared his need for sleep.


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