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Trusted by You

Page 5

by Amy Muscat

“Hi¸” I breathe, staring into his beautiful eyes.

  “Hi.” He grins at me. “Wow, you look gorgeous Lottie, absolutely stunning.”

  “Thanks, I won't be a minute; I've just gotta put my shoes on and grab my bag.” I smile back at him and move out of the doorway for him to come in.

  I led him to the sofa and gave him the remote, just in case I took longer than a couple of minutes– it was more than likely.

  Walking back into my room, I go over to the bed, sit down and pick up my black Daffodile suede Christian Louboutins.

  God, I loved these shoes.

  Books and Louboutins: they were a way into any woman’s heart. Especially mine.

  Standing up and walking over to the big silver mirror that was screwed to my wall I checked to see if I looked okay.

  My long blond hair was down, in soft waves around my shoulders and my make-up was natural. My top made my boobs look a little bigger and my waist look smaller than it was. My jeans looked like they had been painted on– but they were my favourites and they were so comfortable. My Louboutins made my normally long legs look like they went on for miles.

  Satisfied that I look good, I walked over to my dresser and sprayed on some Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle, grab my clutch and iPhone, before walking out to Blake, ready for this date and to finally get some answers.

  Blake was sat in the same position as I'd left him; leaning back on the sofa one leg crossed over the knee, and the remote in his right hand.

  Hearing my heels clicking on the hardwood flooring, Blake turned around and standing, he said, “Beautiful, Angel.”

  I feel myself flush. I wasn’t a blusher– like at all.

  “You ready to go?” I ask.

  “Yeah, let’s go,” he stands up, and runs his hands down his shirt, pulling the material closer to his skin and I'm sure I just saw an outline of a six pack.

  Phew… I felt my body tingle and become aware of the sex-God in front of me. I suddenly feel the need to go and stand in front of a huge industrial-sized fan to cool me down.

  Grabbing my keys, we head out.

  WE WERE SEATED AT the two-person table in a small, quaint restaurant in China Town.

  I had ordered chicken, sweet potato, and asparagus. Blake had ordered the steak and potato.

  He had arrived in a cab, stating that he thought he might have a couple drinks tonight; he was almost finished with his first beer. I was drinking Rosé wine.



  Taking a deep breath and rubbing a hand through his hair he said, “I’m sorry about the other night. It wasn’t you it was–”

  “It weren’t you, it was me, speech? That’s what you're giving me right now, are you serious?” I look at him incredibly. I couldn’t believe he was about to sprout this bullshit to me right now!

  “No! No, that wasn’t what I was gonna say– well it was, sort of. Look Lott's… fuck! I've never had to explain anything to anyone before Lottie.” He said sounding frustrated, with himself, or me I didn’t know. “I– I've got trust issues. Big ones. I'm a playboy for a reason; someone hurt me pretty badly. And because of that, it takes a lot for me to trust someone.” He says grimacing.

  Okay, I was not expecting that, I think to myself.

  “Whoa, okay. I'm sorry about that Blake, really I am.”


  “But, I never asked for love, marriage, and babies, Blake. I thought we were having a good time–”

  “We were.”

  “…and then you just ducked out! Like completely left me hanging. The first time I thought you had a… you know… a problem,” I coughed out the word ‘problem’.

  “A problem? With wha– Oh, my God! You thought I had a dick problem?” he inquired, and when I sheepishly nodded; he burst out laughing.


  Okay, when I thought about it– it was actually funny.

  I chuckle along with him, saying sorry.

  “Ah, it’s fine,” he said wiping under his eyes. “That was one of the funniest things I have heard for a long while.” His beautiful eyes were sparkling with humour.

  “Glad to be of some amusement,” I say dryly.

  “Thanks for that. Anyway, as I was saying– it wasn’t you, it was me. I really like you Lottie, and I'd like to get to know you more, but I'm hesitant to do so.”

  “You don’t want to get hurt again,” I state.

  “Yeah…” He sighed.

  “Can I ask what happened for you to have trust issues?” I'm nosey, I know, but I wanted to know what had happened for Blake to become a player and for him to not trust people.

  He opened his mouth, I'm gonna assume to tell me, when the food was delivered by our waitress. Blake snapped his mouth closed.

  “Thank you,” I mutter to her with a smile.

  “You're welcome, Miss.” She smiled back at me.

  “Thanks,” Blake mumbles to her. Her reply was similar to the one she gave me.

  “Right then; let's dig in,” I say to him picking up my knife and fork.

  Nodding, Blake did the same and we start eating in silence. It wasn’t an awkward silence; it was a peaceful silence, one where two people can sit in each other’s company and not say anything and it be perfectly fine.

  When we’d finished eating twenty minutes later, Blake asked if I wanted anything for dessert, but I declined I was already full from the main course.

  “Do you want another drink or are you ready to go?”

  “I'm ready to go if you are,” I tell him.

  When our waitress walks past us, Blake calls out an ‘excuse me?’ and tells her we were ready for the bill.

  She comes back a couple of minutes later, Blake pays and then we were off.

  WE HAD JUST ARRIVED back at my flat. It had taken us an extra half an hour than it normally would. Fucking traffic.

  Blake paid the cab and stepped out with me.

  “So…” I trail off. I didn’t know what was going to happen. Was he going to kiss me and not freak out on me? Or is he gonna leave me hanging once again? “Do you wanna come up?” The question had barely left my mouth when I felt Blake's hand wrapped in my hair and his lips on mine.

  He suckles my bottom lip, before tugging with his teeth; it sends both pain and pleasure through me.

  I groan.

  He does it again before I feel his tongue run along the seam of my top lip; asking for me to open to him– I gladly did so.

  His taste this time was intoxicating. I inhaled a breath through my nose and smelled his delicious scent; soap and some sort of spice– I don’t know what it was, but it was making me heady.

  I run my fingers up his sides, lightly scratching his skin over his shirt: I felt his body shudder under my hands.

  Growling, he says, “Lottie,” before he rips his luscious lips from mine. Lifting his head up he looks into my eyes and repeats my name, “Oh God, Lottie.”

  As he pulls away, I feel Déjá vu flow through me.

  No! He couldn’t do this to me again. If he dares do this to me again, I swear, I think I'd actually hit him.

  “Look, let’s not pussyfoot around this. Are you going to leave me hanging again? Or, are you gonna fuck me; because I'm fucking horny. I want cock. And right now, I want your cock.” I told him breathing heavily.

  I saw his pupils dilate, and I see the undeniable lust ripple across his handsome face.

  Then everything just went so fast; it was only as I was in his arms, legs wrapped around his waist that I realised that we were inside my building and moving toward the elevator.

  “I'm gonna fuck you so hard, you won't be walking straight for a fucking week. You want that?” He asked me in a husky voice, which sends shivers over my body and made my core tingle with arousal.

  “Oh God, yes please…” I gripped his hair and pulled his face to mine and ravaged his mouth.

  We got in the elevator and was outside my flat in what felt like seconds.

  Blake holds me against t
he wall next to my door. “Lottie.” Kiss. “Where are your keys, Beauty?” Kiss. Arse squeeze. Kiss. “Lottie… keys?” he asks again, but I'm so out of it with lust that what he is saying to me was just flying over my head.

  With a deep growl, that I felt vibrate through his chest to mine, he rips his lips from mine and in a stern voice he says, “Charlotte. Fucking keys now.”

  Ohhh…Formal name alert.

  I normally hated people calling me by my full name, but coming out of Blake's hot lips; it just did something to me.


  “Keys, Angel. Where are your keys?”

  Moving my left hand away from his hair, I shake my clutch bag, which is attached to my wrist, in his face, and quickly dig them from the small black bag.

  Passing them over to him, he grabbed them and hurriedly inserted them into the slot.

  We were in within seconds.

  With a kick of his foot, the door shuts behind us and we were back to kissing.

  “Bedroom, now.” I pant.

  Blake walks us to my bedroom, and the sound of the clicking of my door was deafening.

  BLAKE TAKES HIS HANDS off my bum and I unwrap my legs from his waist, and slowly slid down his body; feeling his erection as it digs into me.

  “Strip for me, Lottie.” He demands. He’s looking at me through lust-filled eyes.

  “No. Why don’t you strip for me?” I counter.

  I see one side of his lips tug up in a sexy smirk before I hear him chuckle. “You want me to strip for you?” At my nod, he says, “Baby, I'd love to strip for you; all you had to do was ask nicely.” He says, smirking.

  He lifts his hands and, with quick, nimble fingers, he starts to undo his shirt.

  When he reaches the last button, he grabs both sides and pulls his shirt off of his shoulders, and pulls his arms out of the sleeves.

  Fuck me, sideways…

  “Oh, I will Beauty,” Blake says and I realise that I had said that out loud.

  I could see him, even in the dim lighting of the room, that’s coming through from the windows. But, I wanted to see all of him. So, I walk over to my bedside table and turn the lamp on; it lit up the whole room.

  As I turn, I see that he had taken off his jeans and shoes, and he is now standing in the middle of my bedroom in just his black Calvin Klein Boxer briefs.


  His whole chest area was covered in exquisite tattoos. Over the right side of his chest was a list of names; there were five of them. From where I was standing I could see the names Jayden and Keller, so I assumed it was a list of the men he’d been to war with.

  There were other tattoos, but Blake stepping closer to me and running a hand up the left side of my body distracts me. Goosebumps run up my arms.

  “I've stripped, now it’s your turn.”

  “You do it,” I tell him raising my arms up so he could pull my top off.

  With a wicked grin, he did just that, and suddenly I was standing in front of him in my bra and jeans.

  I had a lacy red bra on that does nothing to cover my hard nipples. Blake places his hands on either side of my hips and runs his hands up until he gets to the bottom of my bra. I feel my stomach flinch and ripple at the feel of his calloused fingers running along my skin.

  He pops the button of my jeans and slowly lowers the zipper. This slowness was like torture, and I now wished I had worn a dress.

  As he gets the tight denim down to my ankles, he bends down and tells me to hold on to his shoulders– I do– and he picks each of my feet up and takes my Louboutins off, one at a time, until finally, my jeans are off and I'm standing in front of him in just my bra and knickers.

  “God, you're so beautiful,” he breathes, looking up at me.

  I was about to respond when, all of a sudden, he leans forward and his nose is buried in my underwear and he inhales a big breath.

  Oh. My. God.

  “You smell fucking fantastic, too.” He growls out and places a kiss on my knicker-clad pussy.


  “Let’s get these off, Beauty.” He was already tugging them down over my thighs before I can say anything.

  Once he had gotten my knickers off of me, he stands up, his hands following him, tracing my hips, belly, and then my breasts.

  “Turn around Lottie.” I turn, and he unsnaps my bra and pulls the straps down, lightly scraping his fingernails as he goes, making me shudder.

  I was so turned on it was unreal. Blake Walker certainly knew how to get a girl going– and he hadn’t even really done anything yet!

  He drops my bra to the floor by my feet, and with quick fingers, he has cupped my tits from behind and was rolling my, now, very highly sensitive nipples between his thumb and index finger.


  “Yeah, Angel?” He is sucking on my neck as he says this and the heat from his breath runs over my skin.


  “Please what?”

  He knew what I was asking for, yet the fucker wanted me to say it.


  “Please… fuck me.”

  He groans in my ear and with speed I didn’t know he had, I was picked up, thrown down on the bed, and Blake was now on top of me sans boxer briefs.

  I feel him, hot, heavy, and hard against my inner thigh and I squirmed.

  I wanted his cock, like right fucking now.

  “Condom?” I ask him. I was on the pill, but I didn’t want to have sex without one– hello! That is how Peyton got pregnant!

  I loved kids, but I didn’t want any of my own. At least not yet anyway.

  “What? Condom? Oh… yeah, I do. One sec.” He jumps off of me, and goes over to his jeans, digs through the pockets and pulls out his wallet; where he takes out a roll of about five condoms.

  Holding them up and showing them to me, he grinned as he walks back over to the bed.

  “Were you expecting to get lucky tonight?” I look pointedly at the bundle on condoms, clutched in his hands.

  “No… well maybe. I just didn’t wanna take a chance just in case,” he looks slightly sheepish as he says this, but I just laughed at him.

  It was then that I finally get a look at him– and by him I mean his cock.

  Fuck me it was big; I'd say at least a good nine inches long. Thank you, Lord, I think to myself. No more small dick for me. The head was the size of a mushroom (a big one,) and it looked angry. Blake, maybe noticing where my sight was, wraps his big hand around himself and slowly strokes; pulling his cock, until I see a bead of pre-come form on the tip, and I can’t help myself: I lean forward, stick my tongue out, and lick the moisture away. He tasted slightly salty, but all man.

  “Fuccckkk,” he hisses out, and within seconds he is back on top of me, condom in his mouth. He rips the packaging open and smoothly sheaths his cock with it.

  “What do you want Lottie? Hard and fast, or soft and slow? I don’t really care I just really need to be inside your hot pussy as quick as possible. Otherwise, I think I'm going to fucking blow,” he tells me seriously.

  “Hard and fast, baby. Definitely hard and fast.”

  He moans in approval, before he grabs my calves, places them over his shoulders, and with one thrust, he buried himself inside me… To the hilt.

  “Holy Fuck!!” I shout.

  “Oh God,” he growls. “You're so fucking tight; your pussy is squeezing me like a mother… Jesus.” He slowly withdraws and pushes back in, feeling me.

  I felt so… full. I had never had sex with someone as big as him, and I think I was stretched to the max.

  Blake dips his head down and kisses me, simultaneously moving his hips back and forward, thrusting his cock into me the same way he was thrusting his tongue into my mouth.

  “Mmm, harder Blake. Fuck me harder baby,” I tell him and run my hands down his chest, over his six-pack, scraping my nails along his hipbones and around to his sexy arse. Shit, he had a nice arse. I give it a squeeze and then roughly pull him into m
e more.

  “Oh yeah!”

  Blake, who had been sucking on my nipple, lifts his head up. “You want harder, Lottie?”

  “Mmm, just a little, you're going a little slow for me–” But before I can finish my sentence, he grabs my ankles and spreads my legs open, which makes me lose my grip of his delectable bum, and he starts slamming into me.

  “This better for you, Charlotte? Huh? This fast enough for you and your greedy pussy?”

  He was going so fast and hard that the whole bed was shaking. I don’t think I could get a word out of my mouth even if I tried.

  “Oh God, Lottie. You feel fantastic. So fucking tight. You ready Beauty?”

  All I could do is nod. I was on the brink of coming. I could feel it deep down in my core.

  Suddenly, Blake– somehow– picks up speed. Then, he does something with his hips and as he did, he hits my G-spot and I exploded around him.

  “Fuccckkk!!! I'm coming. I'm coming, Blake!” I shout.

  He quickly bends his head and kisses me, swallowing my cries.

  He does that hip thing again, and he stiffens as he comes, too.

  “Holy fuck, Lottie.” He collapses on top of me, panting heavily.

  His weight was welcoming, but then after a minute of him trying to get his breath back, he pulls out of me and rolls over onto his back.

  I suddenly felt empty, like something was missing…

  Shaking the thought from my head, I rolled over too. We were chest to chest.

  “Hi.” I was unexpectedly shy all of a sudden.

  What the hell?

  “Hey there, beautiful.” He grins at me.

  I didn’t know what to say, it wasn’t awkward, but the silence in the room was palpable.

  “So…” He mumbles.

  And… the ice was broken.

  I laugh, him joining in with me after a second.

  He leans forward and gives a soft chaste kiss on my lips.

  “Thank you for going out with me again tonight. I know you were mad at me before, but I'm so glad you agreed to come out on the date our mom’s set-up.”

  “Yeah, well… I thought I'd give you a second chance. I don’t generally do that. Once you fuck me over, I will wash my hands of the person. I can’t be dealing with drama, I don’t need it nor do I want it. But, when my dad told me my mum and your mum had set this up– I'm not going to lie. Initially, I did say no. I really didn’t want to go out with you; you had really pissed me off last weekend.” I tell him the truth– there's no point sugar-coating it, honesty is the best policy. “But then, I knew my mum and dad were really just trying to help– they think I'm lonely or something– and I thought I could at least ask you why you had acted like a dick,” I laugh at the face he pulls at me.


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