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Trusted by You

Page 31

by Amy Muscat

  I nod my head. “I fucking love it,” I tell him and see him relax at my words. “I fucking love you,” I say bending my head and placing a kiss over the burning-hot tattoo.

  I look up at Blake. “Make love to me, please. Don’t fuck me; we can do that later, but right now? I really want you to make love to me.” Before I could take my next breath, Blake's mouth was on mine, hands in my hair, and we were horizontal again. I could feel him on my thigh, big and hard for me. I run my hands down his upper body, feeling all the dips and grooves when I get to his abs, and then I get to his belt and I unbuckle it. I can't hear it when I pull his zipper down because our breathing is too heavy.

  Blake quickly stands up and pulls his pants down along with his boxers, and out springs his big, hard dick. He crawls back over to me, and I sit up bending my arms behind my back to unclip my bra. I fling that… somewhere, anywhere, who actually gives a fuck? Blake's lowers his head and suckles one of my nipples while his hands skirt their way down my belly until he reaches my knicker line. He slowly pulls the lacy material down my legs, then he gently spreads me, and I feel him right there. I can feel his hardness at the apex of my thighs and I feel him rub against the slit. Up and down, coating himself with my wetness.


  “God, Lottie,” he groans. “I've missed this.” He places his lips back to mine just as I feel him nudge at my entrance. “You ready, Angel?”

  I lean my head up and press a kiss to his tattoo once more. “Yes.”

  One word, but that one word brings me so much pleasure for the next couple of hours, that I think I might just get the word tattooed to me.

  I'M LAYING IN BLAKE'S strong arms, basking in my post-sex feelings. And let me tell you; I'm heady with happiness.

  Blake had done what I'd asked of him and made love to me. It was beautiful. There was no dirty talking or screams and shouting, but there were pants of breath and whispers of love as he slowly rocked into my body.

  I was tracing Blake's tattoo with my pointer finger when he spoke for the first time since he had reached orgasm.

  “I love you, Lottie,” he states in the softest tone I've ever heard come from him.

  “I love you, too Blake.”

  “It killed me when we weren't together. All I kept thinking was how much I had hurt you, and then every night I would dream about you in a relationship with another man, and it ripped me apart.”

  “I couldn’t be with another person, Blake. In actual fact, I was contemplating swinging the other way,” I say laughing when he wiggles his eyebrows at me. “No seriously, I didn’t even think about it. My Mum and Dad were really worried about me.”

  He sees my grimace and asks why.

  “When I first landed in New York, and after I had dropped Hayley off, I went straight to your flat but you weren’t there. I waited for ages, tried to text and ring you, but you never answered. Then I did the same thing the next morning but still nothing, so I went and met up with my Mum and Peyton, had lunch and talked. Then that night, I had just jumped out of the shower and I heard my phone beeping. I thought it was you finally getting back to me, my heart had taken off in a sprint and I was all excited, but then I see the unknown number…” My voice breaks and my tears start to fill up again. I feel Blake tense under me, and his arms hold me tighter, almost to the point of pain.

  “You don’t have to say anymore, Beauty.”

  “No, it’s fine.” I take a shuddering breath and wipe my eyes. “I received some cryptic text. It said something like, ‘Hey Lottie. I didn’t want to do this, but I thought you should know.’ That fucking whore actually said, ‘We're the same now’, I mean is she fucking for real?!” I laugh sarcastically. “Then she said for me not to worry, and that she took real good car of you. Fucking slag. But you know what tops it? She actually typed a winking face at the end! A motherfucking winking face!” It’s still disbelieving how she was nasty about it and so casual.

  “I'm so sorry, Angel, she should’ve never done that to you. I should’ve never spoken to her in that bar. I just want to point out that I wasn’t ignoring you; when I came back here, I went to my apartment and left my cell here. I didn’t want to take it with me, I just wanted to be left alone and drown my sorrows in liquor. When I woke up with her next to me, I couldn’t remember anything. Then I… I noticed we were both naked. I jumped out of bed because I had to hurl, I quickly showered totally forgetting about Lucy in my bed. Then when I saw her, I asked her what she was doing here. I told her to get out and to stay the fuck out. Then Keller called me and he told me about the pictures, the texts you had sent me, and how devastated you were. I did that. I stupidly put myself into that situation because all I wanted to do was get drunk and try to forget about you. I just wanted the pain to go away; I needed to feel numb. And I will be sorry about that for the rest of my life, Lottie.” Blake croaks. He pulls me up and over his body so we are laying chest-to-chest, and face-to-face. I wipe the lone tear that runs out from the corner of his eye, and he does the same to me.

  I bend my head and place a kiss to his lips.

  “Wait,” Blake pulls away from the kiss. I stare down at him with a confused expression, one to match his own. “You said that your parents were worried about you, why? What happened?”

  “Oh! Erm… it’s nothing too bad or anything,” I rush to reassure him. I don’t want him thinking that I was suicidal or anything. Jesus. And going by his anxious expression, I would say that ran through his mind. “I was a state; I was drinking a lot, I wasn’t showering or eating. Unless you can count the tubs of ice-cream I went through, and I started smoking cigarettes again.” I tell him, pulling a face.

  You know it’s strange, but from the moment I was in Blake's arms earlier at the hospital, I didn’t have a craving to smoke. Which I suppose is a good thing.

  “Smoking? You smoke?” He asks baffled.

  “I used to smoke when I was younger, and then the day after you left my hotel I bought a packet and just started smoking again.”

  “I thought I could smell that on you earlier, but I just thought you had stood next to someone who had been smoking; I didn’t think it was you smoking.”

  “But I don’t feel the need to smoke now,” I tell him.

  “Good, ‘cause I don’t really relish the thought of kissing you with cigarette breath,” he says with a scrunched up face.

  I laugh at his disgusted face. “Don’t worry, I'll stop. I think it is just mind over matter, and now I have something else to keep my hands busy…” I say trailing my hands down and over his strong chest, my lips following.

  “Mmm… I like this thought process,” he growls. As I reach his hard dick, I give his angry looking head a lick, but just as I'm about to give him a blowjob his phone starts ringing. “Shit! Just ignore it, Lottie.”

  But I don’t. “What about if it’s about Tillie and the baby?”

  He groans, but this time it’s in agony. He quickly bends down and pulls his phone from the pocket of his trousers. “It’s Mel,” he says showing me the front screen. “Hello? Yeah… She is? Okay, we’re on our way now… yes Mel, uh huh, of course, you are,” he says rolling his eyes and laughing a second after. “Okay, I'll see you in a little while.” He hangs the phone up and says what I thought he would say. “Tillie’s eight centimetres and the doctors think she’ll deliver the baby in the next thirty minutes, so we better get a move on.”

  “You want me to come with you?” I asked shocked. I mean, it was a family event really.

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  “Lottie you are my the love of my life.” Swoon. “So my family is your family.” My head felt light as I nodded it and started getting dressed.

  If someone would have told me all those months ago at Ivy's birthday party that Blake Walker, the player, the man who had tried to hit on me with his terrible chat-up lines, would be standing in my bedroom telling me that I'm the love of his life; I would have laughed in their faces and told them t
o keep dreaming.

  I walk over to him and grab his face in my palms, startling him, and press a hard kiss on his lips that leave us both breathless.

  When I pull away, he smiles a soft but confused smile at me.

  “What was that for? Not that I'm complaining or anything.” He grins and kisses me once, twice, three more times.

  “That was because I love you more than anything,” I reply with a dopey smile. He places one last kiss on my tingling lips, smacks my arse and carries on getting dressed.

  NATHAN KYLE WALKER was born at 9:46 pm, and he was absolutely beautiful. He had a mop of dark hair and blue eyes. Blake had gotten emotional when Tillie asked Blake if he wanted to hold Nathan. He had hesitantly let Frankie place the baby in his arms, once he had sat down in the chair.

  Seeing him holding a baby made me start thinking about having babies with Blake in the future. But I shook that thought away. Blake and I had only been together a couple of months, and technically we hadn’t even been back together again for twenty-four hours yet. So I shouldn’t be getting broody.

  But later that night as I was once again laying in Blake's arms he said something that shocked the life out of me.

  “I want that with you one day; a family.”

  Stunned into silence, I don’t say anything for the next couple of minutes. As each second goes by I fell Blake getting tenser and tenser, but I can’t say anything to reassure him because my head is stunned with the information he just said to me.

  “Lottie…?” He says hesitantly.

  Getting my bearings together, I finally reply. “I would love that,” I breathe. I feel his muscles loosen considerably. “I was thinking just the same thing in the hospital. When you were holding Nathan, I more or less swooned right there, and it made me become all kinds of broody. But…”

  “What? But what?”

  I smile at his anxiousness. “Stop worrying so much, Blake. All I was going to say is that I don’t think we should have a baby right now. I think we need to be with just each other for a while. I hope you don’t think I'm selfish by saying this, but I don’t want to share you right now. I think we need to grow and explore and live selfishly… at least for a while. I mean if it happens before then, then it happens and I'll be happy, but… until then; I want you all to myself, okay?”

  He grins an all-white tooth smile. “That’s perfect. You're perfect.”

  He rolls me over and shows me just how perfect he can be; in the bed, with taking care of my body, and of loving me…

  “I'M COMING! I'M COMING” I shout down the phone.

  “Will you hurry the fuck up,” Blake moans. “Oww fuck. Will you stop scratching my arm?”

  There’s muffled talking, but I'm sure I heard Peyton saying, “Man the fuck up.” I started laughing; this was going to be fun. Peyton wasn’t one to swear profusely, but I had been on the phone to Blake twice now and both times, Peyton had been swearing like a sailor.

  Keller, the big strong, army man, had fainted when Peyton had said her water had broken. Luckily, Blake had been around their house at the time and had caught Keller before he had hit his head.

  Peyton had said that the pains were coming every half-an-hour, so she didn’t need to go to the hospital right now. I had been at work when I had gotten the phone call, but for the last hour, I had been stuck in a shit load of traffic.

  “It’s about fucking time you woke up you pussy!” Blake shouts and startles me from my thinking.

  I hear a muffled male groan, and I deduce that Keller has woken up.

  “What… what happened?” Keller mutters. I can just imagine him rubbing his head with a confused expression on his face. “Shit– Peyton!”

  “She’s fine, bud. Well other than when a contraction hits and she rips my arm to pieces…”

  “Blake. Blake, hello?” I say down the line.

  “Lott's I can hear you, there's no need to shout Angel.”

  “Well, freaking answer me then, dopey.”

  He chuckles. “Okay, sorry, what did you want to say?”

  “I'll be there in about fifteen minutes, I'm almost off the two-seven-eight so I shouldn’t be long,” I tell him. “Tell Peyton that too!”

  “Okay, I'll tell her.”

  “I'll see you soon, handsome.”

  “Love you,” he replies, and I hear the smile in his voice.

  “Love you,” I say with a grin.

  “I'M HERE!” I ANNOUNCE as I walk straight into Peyton and Keller's house.

  “In here,” Keller's distressed voice calls out.

  I follow the talking and find myself in the living room. Peyton is sitting on the sofa calm as Hell, her hands rubbing along her belly. Keller is pacing, running his hands down his face in worry just like I had predicted, and Blake is sitting next to Peyton clearly amused by his best friend. I shake my head at the scene and walk over to sit on the other side of Peyton giving her a kiss on her pink cheek and then leaning over and pecking Blake on his lips.

  “Hey, Keller?”

  “Yeah,” he answers absentmindedly, never taking his eyes off of Peyton.

  “Can you do us all a favour?”


  “Sit the fuck down and calm down, please?” I ask in a sweet voice that makes his head snap up to me with a frown, but when he see’s my teasing expression; he stops and blows out a breath. “You're not doing Peyton any help pacing up and down, mate.”

  “You're right, you're right.” He bends down and runs his hands over Peyton's belly, before stopping and laying them on top of hers. “I'm sorry, Pie. I'm a bit of a mess,” at Blake's snort, Keller gives him a glare and amends his last statement. “Okay, I'm a hot mess right now, but that’s only because I'm scared something might happen to you. You're going to be in pain, and you know how I hate for you to be in pain.” I watch his face crumble, and I'm pretty sure his head had just taken him back to when he found Peyton unconscious and bleeding the day Andrew had taken her.

  I feel like I'm intruding on their private moment, so I stand up and gesture to Blake to follow me. He does and I walk into the kitchen and grab a cup of ice chips in the freezer for Peyton.

  “Hi, Angel,” Blake's husky voice says from behind, and I spin around to see him closing in on me.

  “Hi handsome.”

  He steps closer to me until his pelvis hits mine, and I'm gently pushed back onto the counter. “I missed you today, Beauty.” He says bending his head and pressing his lips to mine, in a hot searing kiss.

  He nips at my bottom lip, promoting me to open my mouth. He slips his tongue into my mouth, and softly strokes it along mine. We tangle and twine until I'm breathless and have to pull back for air.

  “Mmm… You must have missed me,” I say with a smirk.

  “I did.”

  “I saw all your hard work outside,” I tell him. Peyton had asked Blake if he would help Keller out putting up the Christmas decorations. Dyker Heights was very well known for their extravagance over the holiday season. Peyton had said that she wasn’t out to outdo anyone, but that she’d like her house to sort of blend in with everyone else’s. That and she wanted Ivy's Christmas to be perfect. It would be the first one she would get to spend with her Dad, and her little brother and sister.

  “Yeah? It looks good right? We’ve yet to turn the lights on to see how it looks because Peyton interrupted us by shouting out to Keller that her waters had broken,” he rolls his eyes. “The idiot let go of the ladder I was climbing and ran into the house like she was pushing the babies out that very second. I mean, come on; I haven’t got a child and even I know that a baby doesn’t come straight after the waters break… and I know Keller has read a ton of those books.”

  “Be nice, he’s excited.” I shake my head at him and pick up the cup of ice for Peyton.

  “I am nice!” Blake calls out from behind me, and I laugh quietly at his tone. I turn my head and see him pouting at me, but when I wink at him, his lush lips turn up.

  I hear his foot
steps following me. We walk back and see Peyton and Keller talking when another contraction hits Peyton.

  “Shit, fuck!” Peyton shouts.

  Keller snaps back into panic mode, but before anyone can say anything Peyton grabs a hold of his t-shirt and yanks him to her. “If you don’t sit down and relax, I'm gonna hit you,” she growls. I have to muffle my laughter as Keller dutifully sits down next to Peyton and winces as she claws at his arm. We all wait with our breaths held as she rides out the contraction.

  “Okay, that one was only ten minutes after the last one Pey. I think we should get you to the hospital,” Blake says. When I look at him, he has a piece of paper and a pen in his hands and he is jotting down the time her contractions hit.

  Oh… I just love him.

  Blowing out a breath she says, “Okay, let's go then.”

  Keller helps Peyton to her feet and runs to collect her suitcase for the hospital stay while Peyton rings her Mum and Dad. They have Ivy with them, as Peyton didn’t want her to be around while the guys were doing the decorations, as she wanted it to be a surprise.

  “Blake will you call Rob for me, please? Let him know that we’ll be at Downtown Women. Thank you,” Peyton says as she tries to put her shoes on but can’t get the back to go around her ankles. I rush over to help her, hearing Blake greet his boss on the phone.

  “Here you go, love.” I help bring the backs of her shoes over her feet. “Why don’t you just put a pair of house slippers on? It’ll be much more comfy.”

  “Yeah, okay. That would be better, huh?”

  “Yeah, girl, it will be.” I move to the stairway and grab her slippers, just as I see Keller coming down the stair suitcase in tow.

  “Hey, calm down Keller. We don’t need Peyton worrying that you might lose your shit, and have an accident or anything, okay?”

  He comes to a stop at the bottom of the stairs, inhaling a breath. “Yeah, I know. I'm just scared Lott's, what about if something goes wrong? What about if I'm not good enough in that room? What if Peyton ends up thinking I'm a failure?”


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