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Love Undercover

Page 7

by Nana Prah

  She once told Sarita she’d been brought in kicking and screaming when they picked her up at her workplace.

  “The captain said I have a twenty four hour pass out of my room,” Sarita told her.

  Berlinda wiggled her head. “They should have sent you back into the real world after what happened last night. You could have been killed.”

  One day Sarita would have to ask her what the head movement meant in the Indian culture, because she didn’t do it all of the time.

  “That shit was crazy,” Ursula said. “But I would’ve bashed her head in.” The loud smack of her hitting her own hand emphasized her words.

  “You need to shut up,” Latrice told her. “You would have crawled under the bed and cried like a baby.”

  Everyone laughed.

  Ursula stomped away in a huff.

  “Atherby and Donnelly must be in deep trouble now,” Gladys said. “You know they gave you twenty-four out because they’re afraid.”

  Sarita gave a definitive nod.

  “Of what?” Natasha asked.

  Gladys looked at the woman as if she had no common sense. “That she’ll sue all the money out of this place.”

  Natasha nodded. “Oh.”

  Danson walked over. “Break it up ladies.”

  The small group disbanded.

  Sarita waited in line at the phones with her mind on one thing. Carter. Would he be working the night shift? What if he worked on another unit today, or ended up being off for a couple of days? Missing him had become a bigger pain than dealing with Atherby.

  Jail must be affecting her--thinking about a man when she should be focusing on the mission. But at this point, there was nothing to place her attention on. Until Hana arrived, Sarita had no true responsibilities.

  In her opinion, this assignment was a huge waste of time and tax payer’s money. Who would send their daughter to jail as a punishment? She still couldn’t understand why the Secret Service had to watch her. They had guards in here for that.

  As soon as Corinth answered on the third ring, Sarita asked, “When?”

  “I hope you’re enjoying your small bit of freedom.”

  Of course, the agency had gotten involved. They always took care of their own. “I’d be having a grander time if I was out walking the streets of Washington.”

  “I hear you. Tomorrow the weather is supposed to be chilly but clear.”

  Sarita stood at full attention. “Some good that does me. At least I’ll be able to see the sun.”

  “It’s supposed to be sunny for two days.”

  “That’s good weather. I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Wait, Sarita.”


  “Stay safe.”

  Sarita couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face at her boss’s concern. No code existed in those words. “I will.”

  Sarita hung up and sat alone at a table. The girl would be arriving tomorrow. She’d spend two days being tortured by the uncertainties of prison life before flying off to her country. Hana Rhee would probably be scared too shitless to do anything wrong ever again. One could only hope.

  Gladys slid into the bench across from her. “Did you notice how long it took Atherby to answer your cry for help?”

  “A damn long time.” Anger resurfaced in Sarita’s voice.

  “Know what he was doing?”

  From her room Gladys could see all aspects of the unit so she always knew what went down.

  Sarita snorted. “Sleeping while on duty?”

  “Screwing the new chick from Brazil.”

  Sarita leaned forward against the table. “What?”

  “Yes. Don’t look so surprised. She’s in here for prostitution.” Gladys had never been one to keep good gossip to herself. “She’d been trying to pay her way through college and got caught. She’s a US permanent resident, but if you aren’t a citizen and you’re convicted of a crime, they toss you out of the country. They aren’t joking when they say no chance.”

  Sarita looked around the room until she saw the pretty, young woman sitting on the couch, speaking to another Brazilian. “That’s too bad.”

  “I know.”

  Sarita’s mouth gaped open. She moved closer to Gladys and whispered, “You mean they were having sex in front of everyone and the cameras?” She glanced up at the camera above her head to the right and then at the other one at the far end of the room.

  Gladys chortled. “He’s a jerk, but he’s not stupid. There’s a small area that can’t be detected by either the cameras or any cell, not even from my room. Only the guards can see this blind spot when they’re doing the rounds. That’s where he does the dirty. Has to be standing.” Gladys winked. “He’s strong so he can handle the position.” Sarita’s disbelief must have reflected on her face. “It’s true,” Gladys said. “Wasn’t he all disheveled last night when he came to your room? It took him so long to get there because he had to sneak the girl back into her room first.”

  Sarita squinted at the longest standing resident of the unit. “But the cameras would have caught the whole thing once they left the blind spot. They would have been seen going into the area, too.”

  “Not if he asked one of his buddies to shut off the one directed toward her room for fifteen minutes.”

  “How do you know all this, Gladys?”

  “You don’t stay locked up for a year and not learn how things work. Unlike you, I don’t go to the gym to exercise. Gossip and valuable information is on my agenda.”

  Sarita craned her neck up at the angle of the cameras and then around the room, trying to find this supposed space. Oh crap. Why hadn’t she seen it before? She’d have to let Corinth know so she could inform the authorities.

  But then again, for all she knew it could have been an intentional oversight.

  Gladys angled her head in the same direction as Sarita’s. “You see it don’t you?”

  “Across from the television, a little to the right.”

  “You’re good. That’s where it all goes down.”

  “Does it happen a lot?”

  “More than it should, but, with this group of guards, only Atherby utilizes the space.”

  Sarita heard the meaning behind Gladys’ words. Carter didn’t take advantage of the inmates. She nodded and smiled. “Where was Donnelly?”

  “She went to eat. She may be a bitch, but she’s a good guard and wouldn’t let Atherby take advantage of the inmates.”

  Sarita gnarled her upper lip. “She’d only leave me in a room with a psychopath.”

  “She made a mistake when she decided to follow Atherby’s lead on that one. She probably didn’t think there’d be a problem.”

  “Rec is over,” Hanson called out just before the doors clicked open.

  “Enjoy your freedom.” Gladys walked back to her cell.

  Sarita waved her arm around. “This is freedom?”

  “As free as you’re going to get until you get to Columbia.”

  Sarita’s heart wrenched for the poor woman. “I hope they let you out soon.”

  “Me, too. Fingers crossed and prayers said.”

  Sarita focused on the blind spot while the others went to their rooms. The corners of her lips rose. Oh, the things she could do to Carter in that little unmonitored area.

  Chapter 9

  Unable to stay away a moment longer, Matt arrived early for his night shift. When Ryan called to tell him about what happened with Sarita, he’d been dressed with his hand on the doorknob before he realized what he’d done.

  Backing away from the door with his hands up as if caught by the police during an armed robbery, he’d forced himself to calm down and went back to bed to finish sleeping. He couldn’t. Thoughts of her gorgeous eyes widened in fright bounced in his head. He had to see for himself that she was all right.

  He had to get a hold of himself. One temporary woman shouldn’t have so much control over him that he forfeited his much needed sleep. He knew nothing about her and, due
to the nature of his job, he’d revealed even less about himself. Besides, she’d probably be in Columbia before the next full moon. Where would that leave him?

  Love-struck in Washington could be the name of a movie, not the theme of his life.

  The leftover Chinese food he’d eaten for dinner lacked taste, but eating took up some of the time before work. Being thirty minutes early when he got to the staff room to stow his gear wasn’t bad. At least he hadn’t given his colleagues any more ammunition by rushing in to check on her that morning.

  He checked the schedule to make sure he’d still be working on the female ICE unit. A sigh of relief escaped him when he saw it hadn’t changed. The red bold line through Atherby’s name brought an involuntary smile to his face. The jerk had been suspended, not only for almost getting Sarita killed by her cellmate, but from the rumors flying around that he’d been having sex with the inmates.

  Atherby’s suspension would give Matt time to cool off. If he saw the asshole now, he’d haul off and punch him, getting himself suspended or even arrested.

  In a few short months he’d be living out his lifelong dream. He wouldn’t let his temper or someone’s idiocy snatch it away from him.

  Greene opened the door when he reached the unit. Matt strode with purpose to the desk, forcing himself to keep his eyes off of Sarita’s room.

  “She’s fine, Carter,” Greene said.

  Play it cool. “Who?”

  “The female who has you looking as if the doctor told you he has to cut your nuts off in order for you to live.” Hanson’s dry tone belied his laughing eyes.

  Matt saw a sudden movement out the corner of his eye and headed toward the television area. He paused when he saw Sarita sitting on the couch. Her slow sexy smile caused his stomach to tumble. A grin lifted the corners of his mouth before he had the chance to stop it. He wiped it off with his hand and questioned his coworkers. “What’s she doing out?”

  “Captain ordered it.” Green responded. “Twenty-four hours. Tomorrow morning, she’ll be locked down again. Even if she’s in her room, the door is to be left unlocked. She’s alone in the cell.”

  When he got back to the desk, Matt angled his body so he could keep an eye on her. “Aren’t you two ready to split?”

  “More than ready. Been an uneventful day.” The sly smile on Danson’s face indicated that the teasing would now commence. Danson lowered his voice. “After spending a little time talking with your girl, I can see why you like her.”

  “Don’t forget her body,” Greene chimed in, “I thought the Brazilians were hot, and the Africans are whoa, but your woman has a body. Columbia is now at the top of the list.” He high-fived Danson.

  Matt knew better than to react to these two, otherwise the jokes would continue without mercy. He couldn’t deny the words. Struggling to keep his voice even as he said, “You guys are too much.”

  “You might be right, but--”

  A knock on the glass door halted Greene’s comment, forcing him to let the second night guard, Spencer, in.

  The handing over, although thorough, was quick. Greene punched Matt in the shoulder. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Hanson chuckled. “Don’t listen to him, Matt. Do everything.”

  Less than thirty minutes later, females flowed out of the cells when Matt released them for evening rec. He glanced over at Sarita who sat talking to a few inmates. Something pulled at his heart when she laughed at someone’s comment. It would be a long night.


  No doubt about it, Sarita’s joy had made an unexpected appearance. Her freedom, irony at its best, had to be the cause. Tonight she’d spend some time with Carter. Wouldn’t it be great to learn his first name? She’d been thinking about it for days. Antoine, Leonard, and Vincent were out. His name would fit his simple, honest nature. Something like John, Samuel, or Justin would suit him better. =

  Who was she kidding? He’d never share his name. Giving an inmate personal information wasn’t done. Not by guards who valued their lives. It would put him in danger. She couldn’t even be sure if Carter was his real last name.

  The sense of her belonging to him had grown stronger. She shook her head at the disturbing thoughts as she showered during evening rec. Fully dressed in her dreadful uniform, she stepped out of the shower. Her gaze collided with Carter’s.

  Moments ago, she’d been naked with only a thin shower curtain separating them.

  Everyone disappeared as she got lost in his eyes. His gaze seemed to pierce through her, but she couldn’t look away, not until she got her fill of this gorgeous man who’d captured her heart.

  He came to his senses first and shifted his eyes. Her face burned with heat as she looked around and saw Gladys observing her with a knowing smirk. Too damn observant for her own good.

  Sarita walked to her cell plunking herself down on the bottom bunk Get a grip, girl. You’re here on assignment, not to fall in love.

  She took deep breaths, trying to expunge her feelings for Carter with each exhale. You love him, Sarita. Stop fighting it. She stood, shaking her head as if that would remove her unwarranted feelings.

  Hana would arrive tomorrow. Sarita would have a mission to focus on, leaving her in the prison for no more than three days. Then she’d be able to return to her barren, loveless life on the outside. She couldn’t risk exposing her feelings to the other inmates, or to Carter, so she spent the rest of the time in her room.

  When Spencer called the end of rec, she left the cell with a book, a pillow, and her blanket while the others trooped in for the night.

  They shared a round of goodnight wishes as she passed the other girls. Gladys caught her eye, jerked her head toward the privacy area, and winked. In spite of the butterflies in her belly, Sarita smiled as she wished her friend sweet dreams.

  Plopping herself down on the couch, she scrutinized the area. The television had been left on, but the action movie held no appeal. She needed her nerves to settle. She glanced over at the guard’s station and immediately regretted it when Carter entered her line of vision. Her nerves wound tighter.

  Spencer went around to each room and did a head count. She’d always liked him. From what she had heard other inmates say when she visited the library or the gym, most of them respected him. He did his job effectively, with a strict but fair hand.

  “Enjoy being out while you can,” Spencer told her.

  Sarita looked up at the second most-handsome guard in the building. She would’ve rated Spencer third, but Atherby was too much of a loser to warrant second place. Spencer’s wavy, chestnut-colored hair made his vivid blue eyes stand out. His uniform couldn’t hide his toned body on such a tall frame. His positive reputation, kind manner, and physical qualities placed him on the high end of the hunk category.

  She pouted. “This is your idea of a good time, Spencer?”

  “Would you rather be in your cell?”


  He’d always been easy to get along with. Unlike one take-her-breath-away-handsome, mixed-race man with perfect lips that she could nibble on all night long if he gave her a chance. A man who affected her much more than he should.


  By twelve o’clock in the morning she’d dubbed Spencer a talking machine. He reminded her of a girlfriend, only hot and manly. She covered her mouth after guffawing at another one of his jokes.

  “Stop it. You’re going to make me bust a lung.”

  “I aim to please.”

  He stood and turned to Carter who hadn’t participated in the conversation even though they’d attempted to cajole him. He appeared to be sulking the night away at the guard’s station.

  “I’m going to do a once around and then head down for my break. Or do you want to go first?”

  “You can go.”

  Sarita opened her book, but the words entered her vision as a tangled mess of letters. The brooding man sitting watch over her held all of her attention. She glanced over at him and caught him staring a
t her. She gasped at the look of hunger in his eyes.

  He turned away, but she could still feel the heat of his gaze had incited.

  Spencer wrote, what she could only presume to be his observations, on a clipboard. “The number’s up. We know Cerez can get wild and out of hand, so if you need backup you know how to get me.”

  As soon as Spencer left, she sauntered to the desk. “Can I ask you a question, Carter?”

  “I can’t promise to answer it, but you can ask.”

  “What’s your first name?”

  He blinked a couple of times as if surprised. “You know I can’t answer that.”

  “It never hurts to try.”

  If he’d told her, she would’ve lost a little bit of respect for him. As an agent, she appreciated the rules that protected them.

  “Okay, since you couldn’t answer that question. I get another chance.”

  At his smirk, she moved back to sit on a bench because her legs morphed into jelly. Having to look up at him would be better than embarrassing herself and sliding to the ground every time he smiled.

  “Why did you become a prison guard?”

  She could see the wheels rotating in his mind and half expected him not to answer.

  “Ever since I was young I wanted to be in law enforcement.”

  “So you became a prison guard?” Had she just offended him?

  “It’s a solid profession,” he defended. “The pay is good and the work is honest.”

  She presented her most unrelenting stare.

  The poor man shifted--the first nervous move she’d ever detected. “It wasn’t what I aspired to be, but it suits me now.”

  “That’s more like it.” She nodded once. “What was your dream job? Let me guess. A sheriff who wore a big shiny badge on his chest.”

  He chuckled. She made a mental note to make him laugh more.

  “No. A Secret Service agent. Their lives looked exciting, plus they got to travel all over the place, obtaining information and protecting important people. I learned later that for the most part their work is pretty routine, except for a spectacular case here and there.”


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