Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder Page 17

by Amanda Clover

  "Commencing suction," says the orb.

  You hear a whir from within the sphere and you feel a sucking at your breast. Your nipples stretch into the tendrils and your breasts are deformed by the pull of pressure. It releases and then almost immediately sucks again. You moan at the intimate contact.

  The sensation is strange, a bit rough, but the pull on your increasingly sensitive nipples is actually quite pleasant. You are about to say something to the orb when you feel a sudden release of pressure from your nipple and watch in shock as white milk paints the inside of the sucking bell. The discharge of warm milk is quickly sucked away into the orb. It sucks again and milk is released by both of your breasts this time. The sensation is exquisite. You drop your hand into your loincloth and slide your fingers over your slick groove.

  "So good," you cry, strumming at your straining clit and watching more and more milk being released by your increasingly massive breasts. "Suck it. It feels so good to give you my milk."

  "That is not necessary," intones the sphere. "I am able to stimulate you."

  Two more delicate tendrils extend from the sphere. They are tipped with small, egg-shaped probes that it slips down into your loincloth. It pulls the fabric away, along with your sword belt, and then presses the eggs to your clit and the other works slowly between your cheeks and presses against your anus. Both quickly grow warm and begin to vibrate.

  "Gods!" you cry, dropping to your knees and jerking the orb lower. "It feels...ohhh...I'm going to."

  Your orgasm hits you almost immediately. You cradle the sticky suction bells attached to your breasts and your nipples erupt with huge quantities of milk as pleasure ripples through your body. As you recover, the vibrating eggs slowly withdraw and the tendrils wrap around your arms and shoulders. You are lifted into the air, still twitching with pleasure as the milking continues and the orb carries you into the darkness above.

  The moaning grows louder and you see that each sound is a woman, bent over and seemingly hanging beneath one of these orbs. The hindquarters of each woman trembles and shakes as it is pressed against the wall and you faintly see pneumatic silver cocks invading their bodies and pleasuring them as the orbs they are attached to continue to drain their milk.

  There are larger orbs, their color closer to gold, and these stop every so often in front of a woman being milked. You watch as the woman eagerly opens her mouth and the golden orb slithers out a fat tendril that sinks between her lips. You can see her throat working as she gulps whatever it is feeding to her.

  The orb carrying you reaches and empty spot between a huge-breasted drow woman and a huge-breasted human. Both look at you and moan in low voices almost like cows. You see a small seat for your bottom extending from the wall and through this seat is a long, hooked phallus that gleams silver. The orbs turns you and lowers you onto this before you can object.

  "Aaaah it hurts!" you cry as the huge cock invades your body, piercing your maidenhead.

  "Remain calm," says the orb. "The pain is only temporary."

  Your huge breasts dangle as you hang from the tendrils of the orb. Your breasts squirt milk into the cups with each pump of suction. The cock inside you begins to work slowly in and out. As promised by your silver captor, the pain fades almost immediately, replaced by a dull but growing pleasure. It cannot quite overwhelm the horror you feel as you realize that you have just been turned into a milk cow in a massive, magical dairy.


  Epilogue - The Beggar Queen

  It is by the force of your will, your magic, and the support of your sisters, that you establish yourself as the ruler of Tarol. At first it is a kingdom of ruins. Most of the men are dead and the women enslaved by various factions of Madreg's army.

  The elderly and young children who hid out from Madreg's horde are suddenly the majority of the populace, along with dozens of sick and injured. Even your magic cannot help them all. It is a dismal fall trying to save as many as possible, rebuild the ruins of Tarol, and protect your citizens from the marauding remnants of Madreg's army.

  You seek allies where you can find them, which means some very unpleasant arrangements. You legitimize the guild of thieves in exchange for their protection. It's a deal that requires your sister, Camilla, to become the lover of Lisandra, the so-called "Queen of Thieves."

  The lithe older woman is very fond of Camilla and you can see your sister changing, hardening, the longer she shares the bed of Lisandra. You cannot stop their relationship. You rely on the thieves and the information they provide you to safeguard your kingdom.

  The Temple of Sygur, burned and looted by Madreg's horde, needs to be rebuilt to give your people some hope. There are no priests of Sygur or any of the other gods of justice. You are approached by a fat patron of Bacholet, one of the old gods, whose priests are healers, but also degenerates. They worship luck, gluttony and pleasure.

  For several nights you wish you could forget, you entertain the patron of Bacholet in your keep, feasting with him, drinking, and sharing your bed. You can still hear his awful slurping from between your thighs echoing in your spacious bedchamber. But your sacrifice is rewarded with a new temple. Larger and more handsome, in its perverse way, than the temple of Sygur that stood before. Though the priests preach overindulgence and erect obscene statues, they heal the sick and tend to the spiritual needs of the community.

  The final sacrifice made by you and your sisters is one often made by princesses. Tarol suffered some of the worst fighting and pillaging in the war with Madreg and it is among the slowest kingdoms in the north to recover. In order to help your people, and to prevent famine by arranging trade deals, you and your sisters engage in a series of strategic marriages.

  Jacinda is married to a nearby prince who is kind, but simple-minded. His family supplements your force of guardsmen and farmers. Heidi is sent far away to wed a Kornasi horse lord. The man is huge and speaks to you through a slave. He promises grain and meat, as well as an impressive gold dowry, and the offer is such that you cannot refuse. Heidi weeps uncontrollably as she is taken away.

  You are the last to marry, finding a husband among a delegation from the Lakelands. He is only a duke and he has cruel eyes, but he is fabulously wealthy and eager to become the king of Tarol. You agree to the marriage so long as you continue to rule domestic affairs.

  Your husband is sadistic in the bed chamber, tormenting you and forcing you to watch him fuck servant girls. He buys devices to torture you with when no servant girls are about. It is so dark that you fantasize about some of your encounters in Madreg's dungeon and turn more and more to magic for your relief. Summoning forbidden creatures is always dangerous, but that is part of the thrill. Tentacles squirm around your breasts. Grunting creatures from the abyss mount you like a bitch in heat.

  The creatures you summon are not your only satisfaction. You take a handsome priest of Bacholet as a secret lover, adding to your growing depravity with his devotional excesses. Lasindra warns you that word is spreading of the queen's dark appetites. You charge her with keeping such rumors quiet.

  Meanwhile, your husband prepares your nation for war, conscripting men and adding to your struggles in saving the kingdom after its hardships. You have no idea what the future will hold, but you will face it with the same determination you have faced every obstacle in your life.

  Your adventures seem to only be at their beginning, but this story is at an end!


  Encounter Six - The Silver Sphere

  You wear yourself and your knees out crawling through the tunnel, the sound getting louder and louder and the light brighter with each moment. You feel as if there is a room beneath the clay-bottomed tunnel you are in, but you cannot be sure. You near the light. It spills into the tunnel through a small hole ahead of you.

  Just as you approach the light, perhaps a body's length before you can reach it, the floor suddenly gives out beneath you. Pieces of clay and dust plummet with you into a huge darkness that
echoes with the sound of machinery. As you fall, you hear another sound, a moaning that you realize is a multitude of women crying out and gasping in exhaustion.

  You land against a smooth surface of stone, the breath jarred from your lungs and your head dazed by the impact. You catch your breath and roll onto your life just as bright lights flare above you and shine their beams down at you. The lights sweeps over the landscape as they approach and you see that that you are lying at the bottom of a pit perhaps twice as deep as you are tall, with smooth, steep sides. It does not seem as if you will be able to easily climb out of the pit.

  The lights converge on you, surrounding you and blinding you with their brightness. You shield your face from them. A silhouette appears in the blazing light. It sinks slowly down into the pit and you see that it is a smooth silver sphere no more than a meter across. It continues to descend, now almost to arm's reach above your head. You can see your face, reflected and distorted in the sphere's surface.

  "Do not be afraid," it speaks in a cool, even voice that sends a chill up your spine. "I am here to help you. Please do not interfere or attempt to run."

  It continues towards you.

  What do you do?






  Special Encounter - Refuse the Drink

  Your sisters are still trapped in this dungeon and Madreg's evil schemes are still at work. You don't have time to sit around by a fire swilling brandy with a goblin and a gnome. Possibly getting up to all sorts of perverted pleasures and discovering a side of yourself you never knew existed. A slutty side, that realizes pleasure is not bad, and that it is something you deserve. No, there definitely is no time for that.

  Olaf emerges from his ramshackle house carrying a bottle of brandy and three wooden cups. Yalak is already seated and looking at you expectantly.

  "I hate to disappoint you, gents, but I fear I must be on my way."

  Olaf is obviously crestfallen. Yalak looks at him and pleads forgiveness with a shrug of his goblin shoulders.

  "Nothing I can do to convince you to stay, lass?" asks Olaf.

  "Afraid not. I owe it to my sisters to find the way out of here so that I can rescue them." You raise an eyebrow. "I don't suppose you know the way to the surface?"

  "To freedom?" Olaf snorts. "If I knew that, I would join you, believe me. Back the way you came, there's a bit of a turn. Follow that and it will lead you somewhere else, but I know not where. It's not freedom. Not... exactly."

  "Are you coming?" you ask Yalak.

  "Yalak have enough adventure," says the goblin. "Like Kirsten bunches. Give hug?"

  "Yes, alright," you say opening your arms.

  The goblin hops up from the bench and scurries over to embrace you. His height puts his face at chest levels when you lean forward a bit and he takes full advantage, burying his face between your dangling breasts and nuzzling against them. You squeal in surprise as he snuffles between your tits and suddenly squeezes them with both hands.

  "Aahhh! You little pig," you laugh and push him away. "Farewell, Olaf. Thank you for your hospitality."

  "Goodbye, Kirsten Sungbaard." Olaf is already pouring consolation drinks for himself and Yalak. "May good fortune carry you to freedom."

  You return to the door being guarded by the immobile iron giant. You slip past the immense suit of armor and pluck a fresh lantern from the wall. After quite a long distance you come upon a side tunnel.

  You follow this lesser branch and begin to feel very cool, fresh air entering the tunnel. Ahead you see moonlight and your heart soars as you approach some exit from the caves into the exterior.


  Encounter Eleven - Surrender

  The creature visibly tenses as you draw your sword. You lift the blade from its scabbard and toss it to the floor with a clatter. You bring up your hands, palms facing the purple-skinned man with the bulging yellow eyes and tentacles on his face.

  "I surrender," you softly say, "and I beg your mercy."

  The creature cocks his head to one side and its tentacles ripple. It makes a wet, wheezing stutter that raises prickling gooseflesh on your neck and arms. You fold your arms over your breasts as you realize the creature is laughing at you.

  "Apologies, pretty girl thing," rasps the creature. "I have never had a human surrender to me so willingly before. Usually I have to persuade them with my potions."

  You want to run from there. You want to scream and fight. Some part of you has made a firm decision that your fighting and running is over. Your struggle has ended. You will place your fate in the gaunt, purple hands of this creature.

  "I mean what I said. I do not want to fight you and I will not run away."

  "Of course, my dear." The creature seems to glide across the stone, its steps are so light. "I have a little injection I would like to give you, just to ensure you are a good girl. I always need more assistants. But since you are so deliciously compliant, I suppose there is no point not enjoying your company a bit first."

  His hands are extremely warm as they cup your breasts and roam across the heaving swells of your titflesh. He gathers both pink nipples in his fingers and gives them a pinch and then a stretching tug that makes you gasp in surprise. Yet you do not offer him any resistance.

  "Amusing," he says. "You do not cry out for me to stop even as I...squeeze and pinch...the sensitive erectile flesh of your udders. I must test your willing subservience further."

  You let out a sharp cry of surprise as the creature drops its face into your cleavage and splays the slimy tentacles of its mouth across the breadth of your tits. The tentacles do not have suckers like an octopus, instead behaving more like slightly sticky snakes that slither across your breasts and wind around your nipples.

  Beneath this mass of purple tentacles, you feel hard lips against your nipple. He opens his mouth, stroking you with hot double tongues that lick and pinch at one of your fat nipples before he sucks the whole thing into his mouth and covers the sight with his squeezing tentacles.

  "Gods," you moan. "Your mouth is nearly hot enough to burn me."

  His golden eyes stare up at you, as round and inhuman as a fish's. He lets out a wet slurp and sucks hard at your nipple. The wet heat of his mouth and the sharp suction nearly distracts you from his hands, which slip to your hips and then unwind your loincloth from your waist.

  With a loud slurp and pulling of your flesh, the purple-skinned creature detaches his face and tentacles from your cleavage. He has left behind glistening slime that slowly oozes down between your tits and over your nipples. Despite your fear of his inhuman touch, you feel your arousal growing.

  "Wh-what do you want me to, um, do now?" you ask.

  "I am Xinophus," rasps the creature, "but you will call me 'master' for as long as you have a voice."

  "Yes, master," you say, lowering your gaze.

  Xinophus opens his robe and peels it away from his slick, amphibian flesh. He is impossibly lean at the waist, with slender bones and long limbs, but what draws your gaze are his genitals. Both of them. They are arranged vertically, a larger cock that fades from the deep purple of his flesh at the root to a gristle white that ends in a flared, pinkish tip. The smaller cock is more ribbed and curves beneath the other. It shares the same purple, to white, to pink coloring.

  The mindsucker lifts the tentacles around his mouth so you can see his black-lipped smile. He spreads his arms wide.

  "I will show you great pleasure," he says, his tentacles rippling. "Come here, pretty human, and show me what pleasure you have to offer me."

  You have thrown yourself at his mercy. However terrifying you find him, you must now overcome that fear and do your best to pleasure him.

  What do you do?

  Kiss him and stroke him

  Suck him

  Special Encounter - After Your Indiscretion

  You awaken on the floor beside the ash-filled brazier. You are sticky wi
th sweat and a bit sore from your indiscretions with Yalak. It comes as a small relief that the goblin is not cuddled against you. He is crouched in front of the doors, leaning his head against them to listen and studying the symbols carved beside them. It gives you a chance to dress yourself and belt your sword around your waist.

  "Pretty Kirsten," he says, "I think I know what behind doors."

  He points to the door beneath the stone carved with the winged lion.

  "This door is sting beast. It always hungry for flesh and stings will make you go this way." He pantomimes paralysis. "It has wings. Very dangerous. But goblin not get sick to stinger. Maybe Yalak help."

  "What about this one?" you ask, pointing to the other door.

  "Oh, this one is very dangerous. I know some goblin, they go this way in past and never come back." He squints at the pictogram of the snake with a human head. "I hear singing from inside door earlier while you asleep. Pretty woman voice. Not good choose this door."

  "Have you ever been beyond this point?" you ask.

  He seems to consider whether or not to answer your question and then nods. He walks over to a small hatch set into the wall. It is no bigger than your thigh and could not possibly serve as an escape route for a human. It seems too small for even the scrawny goblin.

  "Go this way and see friend. He is small man. I like him."

  "So you told me a little lie when you said you weren't curious about coming this way before." You gesture towards the little hatch. "That's the only other way?"

  Yalak nods. Assuming he is telling you the truth now, you only have the two choices and you're going to have to pick one and hope that your skills and maybe a little help from your new goblin companion will allow you to escape.


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