Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder Page 18

by Amanda Clover

  Which door do you choose?

  The winged lion door

  The human-headed snake door

  Encounter Thirteen - Stop Stroking Her

  You somewhat reluctantly release your hold on Ashara's demonic cock. It jerks and thumps against her flat belly before rising back to a more vertical position. A glistening spot of precum remains just below her navel.

  "You're right," you murmur. "If your plan requires I remain virginal, perhaps tempting myself with your cock is not the wisest course."

  "Perhaps not," agrees Ashara. In a blur of motion her cock is gone and her womanhood restored. "We would have had so much fun though. Sometimes, that sort of pleasure can have incalculable value of its own."

  You stroke her cheek and lay your head against her breast. She cradles you there and pets the back of your head.

  "I will do whatever you ask of me," you say.

  "Then you must go, princess. But first, I will give you the ring that will allow you to contact me and protect you from further danger." She uses a finger to tilt your face up to hers. "I don't want anything at all hurting you, princess."


  Encounter Five - The Slime

  The sound of dripping water might mean flowing water and flowing water might mean a way out of this hell. You open the iron door to the north and step through. Almost immediately, you lose your footing on a steep incline. You slide on your bottom for several feet and plummet into a faint green glow.

  You fall from the ceiling of a chamber and onto ancient, filth-slick tiles. The whole room is tiled, from floor to ceiling, as if this was once a bathing chamber. There is a door just behind you, but it appears to be made from heavy iron that has long ago fused by rust into a single, immovable piece. The pool that might have once been filled with clean water is now partly flooded with black sludge. Bits of metal and pieces of corroded weapons stick up from the muck.

  The unearthly green glow that you saw as you were falling seems to be coming from a large water pipe. It looks big enough that you could crawl into it. Maybe it is a way out. You take a careful step closer and you feel something beneath your bare foot. You lift your heel and realize the object is a ring tangled up with a jeweled necklace. They are covered in a mucus-like residue. You scoop them up and turn them over. On the back of the necklace's jeweled piece you see an inscription that turns your blood to ice.

  "To Jacinda, my songbird."

  Jacinda is your sister's name and your father called her songbird because she was always singing. The ring and necklace belonged to your sister. So...where is she?

  You are pondering the question when you hear a slurping sound that gurgles up the pipe. The glow becomes brighter in the room. You watch in horror as a massive, gurgling slime creature oozes out from the water pipe and begins to spread across the wall. A diffuse green glow seems to radiate from its entire body. Within the quivering, stretching gelatin of its mass, you can make out a single red organ, like the yolk of a huge egg, and alongside it, the last bits of a human skeleton digesting within the slime's loathsome expanse.

  Terror grips you, not least of all because those bits of bone inside the slime might be all that remains of your beloved sister. The slime moves and spreads with seeming purpose. It is creeping closer, although its body still blocks the only exit you can see form this chamber.

  What do you do?






  Encounter Six - Stroke him onto your face

  A smile spreads across your glistening lips as you know exactly what you want. You jack Reemek's hardness with both hands and turn your face so that his cock is just above your chin and aimed right at your lips. You know his hot goo is going to shoot out at any moment and you want to feel it all over your face.

  "Give it to me," you say, looking up at him. "Cover my face with your seed."

  You lash your tongue beneath his ridge, flicking hard and fast and making the big orc gasp with pleasure. Your tug his straining cock with one hand and with the other you cup his tight stones and give them a gentle squeeze.

  "AAaaahh! Take seed! Suck my seed!" shouts the orc.

  A watery burst of liquid splashes your lips. You gasp, surprised that it is so little, and then his cock and balls throb and he launches a fat rope of cum straight into your face. You jerk back, closing your eyes as he splatters you with his hot goo. He thrusts his cock into your fist and batters your face with his cockhead. Thick, tangy gob of his cum ooze into your mouth and he bucks again and sprays you with another huge gush of semen.

  "Yesssss," you cry, reveling in the hot shower of the orc's seed. You stick out your tongue and the next burst paints a creamy rope over your cheeks, onto your shoulder and across your tongue. You finish him with both hands, milking his cock until every drop has spattered onto your face, your body or onto the smooth stone around you.

  Then it is over, your face covered with his hot frosting and his cock slipping from your grasp. You breathe deeply, his smell and taste invading your body. He hands you a ragged cloth to clean your face.

  "Pretty human," he says. "I help you. Come with me."

  He gives you a moment to clean up and tie on your loincloth and then he is helping you up the rope ladder. Beyond the pit is a vast, dark chamber filled with machine sounds and the sighing of women. Reemek leads you towards a wall of shadowy movement. As you step closer, you realize that it is dozens of women bouncing against the wall, a silver shaft impaling their cunts and their hunched bodies suspended beneath silver orbs. Each woman has huge breasts and her breasts are clamped with glass-like bulbs that fill with milk and suck it up into hoses that lead into the silver spheres.

  "The dairy," says Reemek. "Madreg feed army and make powerful magic with human milk."

  "It's sick," you say, looking away from the awful scene.

  Reemek shrugs and leads you to a heavy iron door. He opens the combination lock and swings the door open. You are struck by a wave of heat and the sounds of a jungle.

  "Is this the way out?" you ask hopefully.

  "Courtyard," says the orc. "Be careful, princess. Goblin tribe and even more dangerous things live in jungle. Gobbos is cowards. Scare them if you see them. Other thing...don't go looking. Go out door if you find."

  You have many questions to ask your new ally, but he shoves you through the door and begins to close it.

  "Wait!" you say. "Thank you, Reemek."

  He nods, seemingly ashamed that he is not offering you more help, and he slams the iron door closed, trapping you in the sweltering jungle. The walls of the dungeon are far too high for you to have any hope of climbing out. You must venture into the jungle and hope to find the door the orc spoke of.

  A heavy, monsoon rain begins to fall, washing away your sweat and other filth clinging to your almost-naked body. You head into the jungle, cautious, but hopeful you can find your way out.


  Encounter Six - Give him a kiss

  You are not sure why you are feeling such depraved lust in the presence of an orc, but your ardor will not be denied. You saunter up to the orc, stand on the tips of your toes, and plant a soft, pouting kiss on his scarred lips. He smells of sweat and, oddly, milk, but it does nothing to deter your lust. He pulls you into an embrace, your sensitive nipples rubbing against the bands of his leather cuirass.

  Reemek's tongue forces your mouth open and you yield to him, feeling his hot muscle press between your lips and slither over your tongue. His rough hands trace the curves of your body and land on the roundness of your ass. He squeezes your soft cheeks as he devours you with his lusty kiss. Your pulse races. You feel a sick desire for the orc.

  His tongue retreats from your mouth and he pulls his head away. You gasp for breath. He smiles knowingly.

  "Human can never resist orc once she feels," he says.

  He drags your hand to the bulging front of his loincloth. You can feel the thick hardn
ess within.

  "You like?"

  You bite your lip and nod to him. You rub his hardness through his loincloth. He looks you in the eyes as he reaches down to your hips and unties your filthy loincloth. It drops down your thighs and you feel cool air across your mound.

  "I like!" laughs Reemek. "I taste human."

  He drops to his knees and slides his hands around your thighs to hold you by your bottom. He pushes you back against the sheer wall of the pit and presses his face between your thighs. You cannot help but moan as his hot tongue follows the glistening groove of your slit. His tongue works a devilish magic, teasing your swollen lips and flicking against the buried bud of your clit until it stands out like a pink bean. You lean your shoulders back and watch the gray orc tonguing your virgin quim. His spit and your juices soak your thighs. Your orgasm is building swiftly.

  "Don't stop," you moan, caressing his bald head. "Suck it."

  His chuckle in reply vibrates into the hot channel of your cunt. He sucks at your clit and drives you to a leg-shaking orgasm. You balance against his face, smothering his sucking mouth and hot tongue in your clenching cunt. You cry out in blind pleasure, your eyes nearly rolled back in your head. When you finally manage to regain your senses, Reemek stands and wipes his sleeve over his cum-smeared lips. His hands fall on his fur-lined leather loincloth. He unties the cords and drops it away from his sizable cock. He strokes it, skinning back the gray skin from the pinkish glans.

  "What you do now, princess?" he asks.

  "Ohhhh, gods, I want to fuck you...but if I do...I'll lose myself to the dungeon."

  Reemek smiles at you, slowly working his hand on his cock.

  "But it feel so good. Don't you want to feel cock?"

  A glistening gem of precum forms at the tip of Reemek's cock and slowly drips down towards the floor in a long, honey-like strand. Your body is aching for his cock. You have never felt such intense desire. Not for any human.

  What do you do?

  Lie back and beg him to fuck you

  Bend over and offer your ass

  Drop down and suck him

  Climb atop him and ride his cock

  Encounter Ten - Attack

  Your sword is in your hand and out of its sheath before you've made a conscious decision to fight the beast. Yalak hops back in surprise and you charge at the manticore, hoping to seize the initiative from the aggressive beast. The manticore roars and bares its huge fangs.

  "AAaaaarrrrr!" You shout your fearless reply and attack. Your confident sword strokes are well-aimed, but the manticore is deceptively fast. You manage one slash across a huge paw and you feel a sharp jab into the meat of your thigh. You gasp and look down in time to see a fish hook sized barb plucking at your flesh.

  "Bastard," you cry as the paralyzing poison begins to take hold. You try to swing again and your hand freezes up. The blade goes flying from your grasp and clangs loudly on the stones.

  The manticore snorts and lowers its head, watching as you sink helplessly to your knees. Beneath the huge barrel of its chest, a gray-sheathed cock stirs and emerges as pink, glistening flesh. The manticore prowls closer, waiting for you to completely collapse to take advantage of your helplessness.

  "I... hope...wwwaaa..."

  You can't even form words. Your jaws aren't working properly and your tongue feels heavy in your mouth. You slump forward, utterly defeated. And you see Yalak, the brave little goblin, pick up your sword and throw himself on the manticore's muscular back.

  He wounds the beast and it drives its stinger into Yalak's side. He yelps and falls off the manticore's back. It turns on him, roaring in pain, and he drives the blade into its chest. He drives deeper, somehow undiminished by the manticore's venom.

  The beast snarls in obvious pain and retreats into the darkness of the cave. You wait for it to reemerge, but it does not.

  "Kirsten, pretty," says Yalak, one hand braced against his stung side. "You are alive?"

  He crouches beside you, resting a hand on your breast to check your breathing. He watches your tits slowly rise and fall and is content that you are alive. His hand lingers on your titflesh. His fingers brush your nipple. You become keenly aware that he could take advantage of your paralysis just as easily as the manticore.

  "Stinged in leg?" He strokes your wound and begins to squeeze. Blood and venom wells from the puncture wounds. To your shock, Yalak presses his mouth to the wound and begins to suck. He spits out what he drains from the puncture wounds. "Better. Less venom stinged in body."

  It takes you several minutes to regain any control of your limb. Full sensation is slow to return, but you are able to sit up and speak with a slur.

  "Thank you, Yalak. You saved me."

  "Save both," says the goblin.

  "You must be immune," you say.

  "Yes. Good. Still hurt." He offers you a hug and you accept. "But this too much for me, pretty Kirsten. You must go on no more Yalak."

  You frown at the goblin's defeatist attitude.

  "I thought we were in it together until the end."

  He looks chastened by your words.

  "Scared, pretty Kirsten," he admits. Then something else comes over his face. Almost like mischief. "I know other way. Secret door, use by orcs going to see my friend. Little man Olaf. Maybe..."

  He walks over to one of the walls of the cave and begins to feel along the natural rock formations with his boney fingers. You hear a click and he looks back at you with a gleeful expression. His hand seems to disappear into a seam in the rock. A moment later, a human-sized door swings open and reveals a wide, well-made tunnel with a rusty track running down its center.

  "What is this?" you ask.

  "Orcs take cart to Olaf. Secret tunnel go in here and I go to Olaf sometimes."

  "And Olaf will help us?"

  Yalak nods his head.

  "He very nice. He like pretty girl and give us drink."

  You can't believe you are considering trusting this little goblin with his secret passage when you have another door right in front of you.

  Yalak sees you looking at the iron-banded door and shakes his head.

  "That bad way, Kirsten," he says. "Take you to bone man. He very bad."

  Bone man, eh? Not a very welcoming name. Well, you've roped this little beastie into your adventure so far and he is claiming to be able to show you the way out. Or at least the way to this man named Olaf, who is nice and will give you a drink. That's more hospitality than you suppose you're going to get from the bone man.

  "Alright, Yalak," you say, joining him at the secret door. "Lead the way."

  You follow the track for a very long time, sometimes dipping deeper and sometimes crossing wide caverns that howl with subterranean winds. There are branches heading in other directions, but Yalak warns you away and urges you to follow after him.

  "Almost there," he says. "Olaf just through here."

  You reach a heavy iron door and Yalak begins to pound on it with both fists. After a long stretch of intermittent fist-pounding, the door swings open to reveal a natural chamber lit by gusts of flame and the long shadow of something very strange. Your eyes widen as the door opens fully and reveals the thing standing on the other side.


  Encounter Thirteen - Refuse to Suck Her

  "I won't do it," you say, eyeing the enormous appendage. "I want to pleasure you, but that thing is unnatural."

  You carefully prod one of her bollocks. The demoness giggles and her cock twitches in reaction, a dribble of precum spilling down its swollen shaft.

  "I understand," she says, sitting up. "I am disappointed in you, but I understand. Some women are only attracted to the softness of another woman. The surging hardness of a man holds no appeal. In such a moment..."

  She takes your hand and guides it to the heat between your thighs.

  " must handle your own pleasure."

  Her violet eyes flash and she presses your fingers against your clit, eliciting a moan from
your lips. Her guidance sets your fingers in motion, stroking your sex as the succubus retreats from you.

  As you watch and touch yourself, Ashara contorts her body into a most unusual position. Her weight is balanced on her shoulders and neck, her back is curved almost to a vertical position with her legs pulled back so that her feet are beside her head. This position places the huge cock against her belly and between her upside-down breasts so that it is aimed directly at her face. She takes hold of her cock with one hand and stretches a little more, looking at you out of the side of her eye as her cock reaches her plump lips.

  She is sucking herself!

  You have an intimate view of the erotic contortion, watching as her tongue swirls around the fat cap and she moans around that bulging flesh. She bends more and thrusts the cock into her mouth. Her sweet saliva overflows her lips as she begins to wantonly slurp at her own engorged phallus.

  The sight of the lusty demoness sucking herself adds to the growing pleasure of your fingers on your clit. You strum yourself faster as Ashara's oral self-pleasure becomes louder and wetter. Her precum drips from her purple cockhead and she catches it in her mouth and bathes that bulbous tip with her tongue. Owing to her enormous breasts, she can only contort herself to take the first few inches of her massive member, so her hand works furious on her wrist-thick shaft.

  "Mmmmmhmmmm," she moans around her cock, eyes becoming heavy with pleasure.

  You find yourself stroking in perfect time to her bobbing mouth and hollowing cheeks. The pump of her fist up and down her shaft is the metronome of your pleasure as it slowly builds to a crescendo. Ashara's muffled cries grow louder and louder. You buck against your fingers and grasp one of your breasts as you feel yourself approaching that delicious peak.


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