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Princess to Pleasure Slave Adventure: The Dungeon of the Monster Breeder

Page 65

by Amanda Clover

The parasite does not just penetrate your sex, it invades your womb, spreading and coiling into that inner vessel, filling you with a burning cold. The worst part is not the violation or even the pain. It is the pleasure.

  As the segmented flesh begins to move in and out it has a mucus-like coating of tiny bristles that rub and arouse your velvet folds and stroke against your clit. Even the pain of the cock penetrating your cervix begins to fade to a throbbing pleasure. You begin to move and thrust your body against Telemas. Your nipples strain and rub against the smooth white slab of his chest muscles.

  "Just a little more now," he whispers and nips at your earlobe. "Cum for me, Kirsten. Give yourself to the pleasure."

  You fight it as long as you can, grunting and biting your lip and struggling to escape the reality of what is happening to your body. You can actually see the coils of the serpent writhing in your belly. You can feel its foulness seeping into your flesh and draining the color from your skin.

  But you cannot deny the pleasure. Not forever.

  It rises in you, like a dark shape beneath the ice. Blue and cold. You realize your breath is steaming from your parted lips. You arch against the necromancer. Your orgasm grows even as your heartbeat begins to slow in your chest. The moment you cross over is a crescendo of pleasure and pain. The parasite invades your body, filling your blood and stilling your heart. Your eyes turn an indelible black as you arch against Telemas. Your skin turns shockingly pale and even your nipples take on a blue tinge of color.

  "So beautiful," whispers Telemas, looking into your black eyes.

  Your mind is changed. Now, shared and altered by the parasite, you feel affection for Telemas. You feel the power of undeath and the potential of your relationship.

  "Yessss," you hiss. "I want cum for me."

  The necromancer's cold facade begins to slip. Pleasure twists his features and he works his hips, thrusting his squirming cock into your slick depths. The ridges bulge and swell. The curling cock thrashes in your womb. You can feel the necromancer's orgasm as a contraction followed by a powerful throb that nearly jerks the horrifying length out from your cunt.

  He pushes deep into you, kissing you and squeezing your breasts in his cold hands as his cock erupts into your undead womb. There is no chance of conceiving. Not now. But the pleasure ripples through you again and you gasp as you feel his squirming seed gushing into you, wriggling like thousands of tiny worms. Awakening new heights of your own pleasure.

  "Oh gods," you wail and you feel an unexpected twinge.

  "Not gods," he cries, kissing your lips and cheek. "Only the Cold Mother. She gives us life and power."

  As Telemas cums deep inside you, even if Madreg's magic does not conquer your mind, you know you will never leave the necromancer's side. You are his queen for the duration of your unlife.


  Encounter Five - Use your magic to free yourself

  The slime begins to suck your legs into the cool weight of its body. You can feel the tendrils reaching into your loincloth and touching the tender folds of your quim. There is no more time to think. You must act.

  Calling upon the magic you were taught by Oriodamus, you scream the words for a fire cantrip. Flames blossom from your fingertips and you begin to chant the words for an enhancement spell. The fire grows. It drips like liquid onto the slime covering your legs. The fire continues to rage, swallowing up your arm, but not burning your skin.

  The slime begins to sizzle. It retreats from your body, leaving a glistening residue behind. The fire quickly burns this away and chases the slime from your legs. You stand up, stilling chanting the words of power as you let the fire wash into the chamber and swallow up the vile creature. You want to laugh in triumph, but you must maintain the chant.

  Flames scour the ancient tiles and boiling the slime away in gusts of foul-smelling steam. Even the nucleus within the slime bursts and deflates. At last, you let the flames slip away and stand panting for breath in the smoky chamber. The last heaps of the slime burn away at nothing.

  You take a deep breath, hoping there are not more of these slimes, and you enter the drainage pipe. It is large enough for you to walk at a crouch. You make your way deeper and reach an iron cistern. There is a hatch on one side of the cistern that might be a way out, but it seems unimportant when you see what else is in the room.

  "Jacinda!" you cry as you jump down into the cistern and rush to your sister's side.

  "Kir-Kirsten? Is that you?"

  She lifts her head and seems to try to focus on you, her eyes rolling as if she is in the depths of a terrible fever. Your beautiful sister is naked and covered in sweat and the residue of the slime. She is a few years older than you and her body was more voluptuous, but now it has exploded into the full ripeness of motherhood.

  Your sister's breasts have grown huge and rest atop the bloated roundness of her belly. Her distended nipples are each covered by a hand-sized slime that clings to her breast. The green slimelings are cloudy with her milk as they nurse from her bosom.

  "Gods, what has this thing done to you?" you ask, crouching down beside her.

  There is a lewd slurp and she moans, apparently in pleasure, as another slime begins to emerge from your sister's swollen mound. Its wriggling tendrils emerge first and it begins to climb out of her sex and slither up her belly towards her breasts.

  "They...they are my babies," she moans. "Don't take them from me."

  "Are they hurting you?"

  "Noooo," she moans. "Please. Leave me."

  In her condition, you see no way to take her with you. She should be safe, so long as these little beasties do not grow large enough to harm her.

  "The slime is dead," you say. "I will come back for you, sister."

  "Leave me," she repeats and drops her head back against the rusty wall of the cistern. She brings her hands up to cradle her gooey offspring against her swollen breasts.

  You climb out through the hatch and seal it lightly behind you. The space you are in is the tightest you have yet encountered.


  Encounter Ten - The manticore's lair

  You would rather face a beast than some twisted demon. You open the door marked with the winged lion and step from the tiled chamber to a warm cave tunnel. Ahead, the tunnel curves, but you can see a faint light. The door closes behind you as you step farther into the tunnel, sealing you on your course of action. You wait for your eyes to adjust to this new level of light and then you continue on your way.

  The tunnel winds left and right, the faint light growing brighter and revealing itself as red. There is an increasingly musty smell in the air, like a dirty stable. At last, you reach a large cave chamber illuminated by the burning red gas of a fissure in the cave wall. It is a hellish light that makes you tense and bathes the chamber in an unpleasant heat. You take a cautious step into this cave and spot the exit across the camber. It is a simple wooden door reinforced with bands of iron.

  A dark shape is blocking you from this door. It stirs and stands, yawning with its leonine jaws spreading wide to reveal huge fangs and rows of sharp teeth.

  This is no ordinary lion. It has a black body with fur that shimmers in the red light. Its head is huge, even for a lion, and its snaps open the wings on its back to reveal a massive span and bat like physiology. In place of a lion's tail, the creature possesses a huge, black stinger like a scorpion's tail. It curls upwards with a barbed tip that gleams in the red light.

  "M-manticore," you whisper.

  You have heard of such beasts. You remember that they have a taste for human flesh and their tail's stinger can paralyze a full grown man with a single touch.

  Its head jerks in your direction and it gazes at you with malevolent, savage intelligence. Its roar shakes your bones. By the time you have recovered from the stunning noise, you realize it is coming straight towards you at a purposeful speed.

  Adrenaline thrums in your veins. You may have only one chance to react.

What do you do?






  Epilogue - The Two Queens of Tarol

  "...I love you," you say to Ashara.

  Her eyes widen a bit. She tries to say something, but she is struck speechless. She blushes and that makes you swoon straight into her arms. You wrap her up in an embrace that speaks everything too complicated to say in this moment. Her warmth is reassuring, her body soft and firm in equal parts as she returns your embrace. The kiss is long and passionate and yet chaste. You separate and peer into her eyes.

  "I have only been loved through deception," she confesses. "And I have never loved in return... but princess... you saved. You... I love you as well."

  Your kiss is no longer chaste. Your bodies press together and your tongues intertwine. You stumble her back with the force of your collision and she nearly trips over the pews. Her hands lift you up as you wrap your legs around her waist. She supports your bottom with both hands.

  "Mmmmm," she turns aside from your kiss. "Much as I would love nothing more than to behave like a couple of drunken whores here on the floor, I fear we must leave. Let us go and save your sisters before this cursed place comes crashing down on our heads."

  As if to underline the urgency of escaping, the cathedral shakes around you and a crack appears in the massive statue that serves as the altar. You release Ashara from your leg hold and drop back to your feet. You hurry to exit through the door and find Oriodamus emerging with your sisters in tow. Heidi bursts into tears and Jacinda and Camilla hug you and look in surprise at the nude demoness beside you.

  "This is Ashara," you say to Heidi. "She won't hurt you. I love her."

  "You cannot love a demoness," growls Oriodamus.

  "She can love whoever she chooses," says Ashara, pointing a finger at your former instructor. "And I am free to love her in return, old man."

  "A demon lecturing of love! What do you--"

  You slap Oriodamus across his face. His nostrils flare and his eyes go wide in surprise.

  "Do not speak ill of Ashara. Do not speak to her at all! You would have left her to die, knowing nothing of my feelings." Your expression softens. "I will make you understand, old friend. She is different. She is not cruel. But now you must go, the cathedral seems as if it might come down with Madreg dead. Take my sisters to safety."

  Oriodamus nods and hurries through the door. Heidi casts a last glance over her shoulder, tears spilling from her eyes. When they are gone, you turn to Ashara and take her hand.

  The succubus leads you through the tunnels and out of the dungeon. You encounter others, orcs and trolls, escaping from the dungeon. They seem to want no fight with you and the demoness so you pass them by without incident. You arrive on the surface in the midst of Madreg's camp. Pandemonium has broken out and monsters are loose among the warriors of Madreg's army.

  "Whatever happens, do not let go of my hand," says Ashara.

  She leads you through the bewildering chaos. Human slaves are rising up. Orcs are fighting with reptilian lizardmen. Ogres are battling with giants. Dozens of skeleton-like demons are battling with a multi-headed hydra. Panic has broken out among the rest. The laborers and slave girls are fleeing in every direction, cowering in terror, or simply watching helplessly as destruction and fire spreads through the camp.

  Ashara dispatches any beast that stands in her path with her powers. You do not know how much of her life force she is expending by using such abilities as she tosses creatures out of her way and carries you into the air for short leaps over burning tents. You help here where you can, wielding your magic to blast away a juvenile wyvern that swoops in your direction and using a force wall to shield you both from a volley of arrows.

  After an exhausting struggle, you emerge across a misty field strewn with the corpses of hobgoblins. The madness continues behind you, but the way is clear for you and Ashara to escape into the woods. It is only as you reach the tree line that Ashara's hand slips from your grasp and the succubus falls to her knees.

  "I cannot keep going," she murmurs. "I have used too much of my strength to get us out of Madreg's camp. Leave me and--"

  You lift her beneath her arms and hold her on her feet.

  "Stop telling me what to do, Ashara," you scold. "I know what you need. So take it. Just don't take my life."

  She tries to object and you kiss her, forcing the issue. She resists for a moment and then begins to drink. You feel it as a tingling on your lips that spreads through your body. Your strength flows into her, a sweet lavender smoke that you taste on your tongue as it presses into her mouth. You are no longer holding her upright. The equilibrium shifts and she is holding you, pinned against her breasts, hungrily devouring your soul.

  You feel yourself slipping, drawn into that warm, sweet tunnel of her kiss, rolling over the inviting carpet of her tongue. Down... down...

  Darkness swallows you up and you are dimly aware that you are falling. If this is doom, then you are glad it is Ashara's kiss that claims you.

  The darkness slowly becomes a gray light. You blink away the gauze that seems to be covering your eyes and try to sit up. You groan. Your entire body is sore and the back of your head is pounding.

  "Shhhhh. It's alright, Kirsten." Ashara kneels beside you and helps you to sit up. "You're fine, my dear."

  "W-what happened?" you groan.

  "You passed out and hit your head on the ground." She lifts a broken shell filled with water to your mouth. The water is cool and strong with minerals. You drink greedily. "I carried you to a cave in the hills. You gave me so much of your strength... I was worried."

  "I wasn't," you say. "I thought I was dead. But what a way to go."

  "Mmm, I don't like you talking like that." She takes the emptied shell away. "You're not prey for me. I didn't even want to feed from you. If I had killed you..."

  "What do we do now?"

  "We wait here. It may take a few days for the fighting to break up in the camp. When it has, we'll escape and find a village or a city to lie low."

  "I don't want to lie low," you say, taken again by her exquisite beauty. "I want to dance with you at the finest parties and drink the sweetest wines. I want to live my life with you to the fullest."

  "Allllright," she laughs. "Let's focus on the living part for now."

  "Mmmmm I am focused on that part," you murmur, pulling her closer.

  Her lips are as soft and sweet as the kiss the nearly killed you, but she is not drinking your life force as she presses you back onto a bed of soft ferns. Her warm hands stroke your breasts and down to your thighs. You gasp as her fingers find your slit.

  "I want you inside me," you moan. "I want you to claim my body."

  "One thing at a time, princess," she laughs as she kisses over your breasts, lingering at your nipples, and begins to move lower. She teases your piercing with her tongue and spreads your thighs. Her licks find your aching bud and she begins to drive you wild. Her demonic skills are on full display, lapping and tasting your nectar, punishing your clit and giving it little sucks that drag you over your limit. You arch and thrust against her hungry mouth, spilling your juices down her chin.

  Her cock is intimidating as it rises from where her quim was only moment before. She rises on her knees and shows it to you and you eagerly suck it. Your fingers gently squeeze her heavy bollocks. You bob on her hot cockflesh, moaning with lust.

  "Are you certain this is what you want, princess?" asks Ashara, watching you suck her cock.

  You pop your lips free of her cock and murmur, "I have saved myself for you."

  You lie back and spread your legs wide for her. Your fingers open your outer folds and she lines up her cock against your perfect pink. Your eyes meet as she thrusts into your virgin quim. Her fat, demonic cock pierces your maidenhead. You whimper with pain and she groans with pleasure, filling you with her rigid cockflesh until her bollocks are pressed against the hot divot of y
our anus. Your channel flutters against Ashara's hardness and you catch your breath as she remains still inside you.

  She knows exactly when to begin moving atop you, thrusting in and out with great care and coaxing you across the line from pain into a hot, slick pleasure. Her cock swells inside you, touching you with her ridges and stroking every inch of your deflowered tunnel. With each stroke your breasts sway in sympathy with the motion of hers. She leans lower, her nipples grazing your chest with each stroke of her cock deep into your quim.

  You cum quickly and suddenly. She is still moving slowly and your body begins to spasm. You twist your head and writhe your hips, taking her deep and pushing yourself onto her cock. She moves a bit faster, bulling her hot cock past the clench of your quim. You grab her ass with both hands and pull her even deeper. Her strokes grow more and more forceful and she drives a second orgasm into you almost right after the first. Her kiss smothers your cries of release.

  "I can feel your cock swelling," you gasp as you recover from a third orgasm. "I want you to spill your seed inside me, my love."

  "A demon's seed almost always finds its mark," she warns.

  "Would our child be a monster?" you gasp, yearning for her to fill you but afraid of her answer.

  "She would be half of me and half of you." Ashara slows her strokes as if she is only barely holding back her seed. "So she will be painfully beautiful and her heart will be at least half filled with goodness."

  "Goodness? Is that what you think fills my heart?" Your hand squeeze her ass and pulls her demonic cock deeper. You press a fingertip against the hot clench of her anus. "Love is not always good. Love can be very, very naughty."

  She cries out, her ass clenching against your finger as her cock throbs inside you. Her demonic seed is almost painfully hot as it gushes against your depths. Hot rivers of her cum pour into you, washing your cervix and coating your inner walls in her slick warmth. Each stroke of her spewing cock slurps loudly into your creamy quim and her load overflows your churned channel. You gasp against her, cumming again in reaction to her orgasmic release.


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