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Craving It All: The Craving Series

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by Cherry Folkes

  At first I visualised him to be like a Norse god with flowing blond hair, a broad chest and the muscles of a movie action hero. Then I pictured a studious geek who would whip off his glasses and instantly turn from Clark Kent into superman. In my minds eye he would stride masterfully into the room and sweep me off my feet. Then I could visualise him as the perfect gentleman taking me to sumptuous dinners in restaurants that I had only ever dreamed of visiting, it was over the romantic meals that he would woo me until I fell into his arms.

  He must have kept me waiting a matter of a few minutes but in that short time my imagination had created a multitude of alternatives.

  The reality when he appeared in the doorway was not displeasing. He may not have been as muscular as my fantasy creations but he was certainly well toned. He was rather shorter than my fantasy heroes but still stood several inches taller than me, and I had been told that I had enough height to become a fashion model.

  Parker was all in all very pleasing to the eye. He had blond hair but it was cut short at the sides with just enough length on top to allow him a few spiky waves. His face was strong, with an angled jaw line and a regal nose. His eyes were probably his most striking feature, pale green and piercing.

  He was wearing tailored black trousers and a short sleeved, white shirt that revealed well toned arms.

  He walked across the room as if he owned it, which I guess was fairly easy for him because he did own it. But I got the impression he could enter any room this way. And wherever he was he would walk as though he owned the place.

  In short he exuded confidence and I was immediately excited by him. I pushed away the little voice I could hear at the back of my head, it was Sarah - “Just be careful with Parker. He likes to get his own way and he can be very persuasive.”

  “Well screw you, Sarah” I thought, “perhaps you could have been a better friend and briefed me as well as you briefed him”

  Parker chose to sit on the same sofa as me and he turned so that he faced me and our knees just touched, “So here is the next part of your interview. If you pass this part the job is yours.”

  “Not so fast, Parker. I want to know more about the job before I go any further. What will I actually be required to do? Oh and I also want to know what the salary will be and what will my terms of service include.”

  “Very well.” He scrutinised my face and was clearly amused. “That sounds fair. You will start on the same salary as Sarah finished on, and she was a very good negotiator. You will be allowed time off at the end of each assignment but while you are travelling you could be on call 24 hours a day. You will also receive a bonus at the end of each assignment of no less than 10% of your salary. If you perform well in your duties the bonus will be considerably more. If you pass this stage of the interview you will receive your first bonus.”

  I turned my face to one side to indicate that he had my interest, “first tell me what my interview bonus will be and then tell me just what it is you want me to do.”

  “You admired the Kandinsky on your way in. Pass this stage of the interview and the painting is yours.”

  “Are you crazy that painting has got to be worth …” I stopped as I didn’t really have enough knowledge to value the magnificent work of art.”

  “I believe the insurance value is $23 million. It might be worth more.”

  I wasn’t even close with my thoughts of hundreds of thousands. “Now I know you are crazy. Nobody gets a 23 million dollar painting just for passing an interview.”

  Parker just shrugged off my comment, “I like to have the best and I think you will be the best. If the Kandinsky would make you happy then you are welcome to it.”

  Now the warning bells began to jangle in my head, “He likes to get his own way and he can be very persuasive.”

  “So now tell me about the job.”

  “As I said I have very little to do here. My managers operate very well without me. I just get in the way. I need someone to create excitement in my life. I need someone with vision and imagination. I want you to create fantasies and then together we will make them become real.”

  “So you want me to tell you my fantasies and then act them out with you.”

  He pressed the tips of his fingers together to form a steeple and then rested his mouth on his finger tips, his eyes were locked on mine and it felt like he was invading my soul.

  The silence between us felt so tense that it became almost a tangible entity.

  “But you know my fantasies almost always contain physical contact. I fantasise about sex. Are you saying you want to pay me to have sex with you?”

  He stood and broke away as though I had slapped him, “absolutely not. I do not need a prostitute.” He managed to make his voice angry and offended all at one time.

  “So just tell me how this will work.”

  Almost instantly he was calm once again and he slowly walked back and perched on the sofa, “You describe the fantasy and then we create it. We find a location, we travel there and then the fantasy begins. We take it as far as either of us wants to take it. If you want it to stop you say the safe word that we agree on before and that is the end of that fantasy.”

  “And that is the end of the job.”

  “Not at all. We return here and we create again. You will be under no obligation to do anything that you don’t want to do… of course if we both want the fantasy to continue…”

  He didn’t need to say any more. The fantasy could of course end in a sexual union between us. But it would always be a fantasy, just a fairy story that could come alive.

  “So if you wish to proceed, here are the rules for the next part of the interview. You will describe one of your fantasies in detail. You will not leave out any detail. I need you to describe the situation in detail. I want to be able to see what you are describing and to feel every part of the dream. I want you to talk slowly and allow me time to visualise. And just one more rule. I want you to include yourself in the description and if a man enters the fantasy I want it to be me.”

  I would like to say that I wrestled with the idea before deciding to go ahead, but the truth is that I found the whole idea exciting. I had played these games in my mind for several years and now for the first time I was going to be sharing the details of my most intimate thoughts with another.

  My fantasy was going to take this man to the heights of pleasure that I had only ever experienced alone. And there was a strong possibility that in the very near future one of my fantasies could become real.

  Chapter Four

  Parker settled himself on the adjacent sofa with his head resting on the arm and his arms folded across his chest. He closed his eyes. It felt faintly comical, almost as if he was waiting for his bedtime story. I took a deep breath closed my eyes and began to describe the pictures as they formed in my head.

  “It begins when I wake up on the white sand of a deserted island. I’m not really sure where I am or how I got there but as I gain consciousness I quickly realise that I am on an island and as far as I can see I am alone.

  I look around me. The clear blue water is lapping onto the white sand. Further up the beach I can see a line of trees with a steep hill rising up behind them. As I look more carefully I can see there is a simple hut just in front of the trees.

  It is when I start to move towards the hut that I first get the feeling that I am being watched. I am wearing nothing but a robe, but I pull it closely around my body. At first I think it must be someone watching from the hut but that is not what all my other senses are telling me. You know it’s just that feeling that there are eyes on me; eyes watching my every move as I walk towards the hut.”

  I paused and looked across at Parker trying to see if he is enjoying listening. I suppose I wanted some sign that I was doing well. I had an overwhelming desire to please him. At first I thought he had fallen asleep but after a few moments of silence he encouraged me to continue by raising one hand and twirling a finger in a gesture that clearly meant continue.

  “I go into the hut cautiously, but there is no need, the hut is uninhabited. It contains a simple bed made of timber lashed together with straps. The bed is comfortable with a soft mattress and pillows but I am most interested in the straps that hang from each of the four bed posts. They are part of the construction but it looks like they have been left deliberately long.

  I start to explore outside and once again I get an overwhelming feeling that I am being watched. There is a stream close behind the hut and the water tastes fresh and sweet so I collect some in a flask that I found in the hut. I also find coconuts at the foot of one of the trees and fruit on some of the bushes. I gather enough to last me the evening and as I can see the sun is beginning to fall in the sky I retire to the hut for the night.

  Once the sun has set it is as dark as it ever can be. I search around the hut for anything that could give me light but there is nothing and before very long I cannot even see my hand in front of my face. I decide the only thing I can do is retire to bed and I soon fall into a deep sleep.

  When I wake it is still dark. I have no idea how long I have slept or how long it will be until the sun returns.

  Something feels different in the hut. I can’t see a thing but I can sense that there is someone there in the darkness.

  I try calling out but there is no reply.

  I hold my hands out before me and feel the air but I don’t make any contact with whoever is there.

  I am frightened, but only a little. The feeling I have is more one of excitement. Then I feel a hand. It is soft and gentle and it touches my cheek. I immediately react and grab the wrist but another hand pushes my arm to my side.

  I whisper, ‘who are you’ but there is no reply.

  The hand continues to stroke my face. And then it moves down, brushing the line of my neck.

  I feel an electric tension spread over the surface of my skin and I will that hand to continue it’s journey. I want it to explore my body. I want it to discover me and to delve into every crevice of my body.

  After an agonising pause the hand continues to move, pushing my robe to one side as it begins to caress my breast. I can feel the blood rush to my nipples, they harden and tingle. I pray that the hand will give me some relief. At that moment all that I can think of is that hand taking my nipple between two fingers. I want my nipple to be squeezed and tugged but the hand just gently cups my breast and massages my skin. It teases my nipple by drawing circles on my skin that pass tantalisingly close to the nipple but never make contact. It then begins to continue its journey down across my torso.

  Once again my hand instinctively grips the wrist of the exploring hand. This time my hand is moved firmly and stretched above my head. I can feel one of the straps being wrapped around my wrist. I can feel the strap being tied and realise that I am now unable to move that arm.

  The hand returned to its journey and although I command it not to my other hand reaches out but is grasped and tied to the other bed post.

  Now my arms are completely tethered I can feel the strangers hands pulling my robe open. Then I feel lips brushing against my skin. I feel the strangers head move down my neck and the lips and tongue brush against my flesh.

  I gasp as I feel the first kiss on my breast. I can feel the tongue exploring my curves, but once again my tingling nipples are given no relief as the tongue moves past them and on to my torso, pausing for a short while to whip around my navel before moving down further.

  I feel the hands gently part my legs and then I feel the warm tongue meeting with my warmth. The tip of the tongue twirling around my folds and finding my most intimate regions. Now my folds are tingling and throbbing more than my tortured nipples. The kisses continue and I feel my warmth spreading as I become damp and then begin to flow.

  By this time I am moaning and my arms are straining on the straps as my body convulses with pleasure.

  Then I feel the stranger kneel between my legs. Part of me wants what is about to happen but some of my instinct still tries to close my legs to protect myself. One by one my legs are also bound and I am left exposed and vulnerable. Nothing is hurried, you take your time and ensure that each of my legs is firmly held in place. I love the way that my control has been taken from me completely.

  I just want you. I mean I want the stranger. I want him to enter me. To take me. To possess me.

  I feel his arms either side of my body as he takes his weight and lowers down onto me. I think he is going to penetrate me. I feel his shaft brush against me. It is held in the opening between my lips but then the body moves upwards and I can feel the solid erection brushing the skin of my belly and then moving upwards touching my breasts and then on to my face. I willingly open my mouth and take the shaft across the lips of my mouth. I close my lips and hold the cock firmly, moving my head and taking him further into my mouth so that the head of the shaft rubs against my tongue and the palate at the top of my mouth.

  I hear him grunt with pleasure and it is the first sound he has uttered since entering the hut.

  Then he is moving again. There is light stubble on his cheeks and chin and as his face explores my body the gentle scrape stimulates my skin. Every nerve ending is tingling; the stimulation is so intense it is on the edge of being unbearable. I strain on the straps that hold me on the bed, I want to hold him in my arms to point him in the direction that I now desperately need him to go and to take his shaft and guide it into me.

  Then his body is once more between my legs. One hand gently lifts my head and I feel his lips press on mine, his tongue probes into my mouth and I meet it with my tongue.

  I can smell his natural musky odour mixed with the scent of coconut oil. His hand moves away from my head and grips my buttock, lifting me slightly as he thrusts forward with his hips.

  He slides gently but firmly into me, I feel his length as he enters. His rhythm is slow and strong and it sends me to heights of stimulation that I have never felt before.

  Waves of sensation build deep inside my stomach and spread their warmth throughout my body. As the rhythm builds in intensity and speed I scream to release the tension.

  I am writhing on the bed; my hips are in perfect synchronisation with his and then I feel him judder and we hold perfectly still so that we can both concentrate on the spontaneous ripples that spread throughout our bodies.

  Then he is gone.”

  When I stop speaking I realise that my body is now glistening with perspiration. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Parker looks serene as he lies on the couch. After a few moments his eyes flicker open.


  I just allow him a few moments to return to room and become grounded once more. I was in no state for conversation. The intensity of the description had left me feeling physically tired. After several minutes of silence he spoke again, “You are very, very good Evelynn. I think we can safely say that you have earned yourself a Kandinsky. Can you start work on Monday; I don’t like to start too early. Shall we say 10 am?”

  It seemed strange to return to a business meeting after telling my new employee some of my most intimate sexual dreams but I pulled myself together, we shook hands and I headed back to the elevator.

  Chapter Five

  The first thing I did when I left the office building was to phone Sarah. It went straight to her voicemail.

  “I got the job. You could have prepared me a little more for that experience Sarah”

  I also sent her a message, “Wow. No wonder you never spoke much about your job. Thanks for putting me forward for that one. I never thought working would be that much fun.”

  My phone pinged while I was riding the bus home; it was a message from Sarah.

  “I knew you could handle it. I thought it best that you went in cold. Parker likes spontaneity.”

  I tried to phone straight back but it went directly to voicemail.

  I had an unsettled weekend. I expected to be nervous in the days before starting a new job but this was something else.
I swung rapidly from anticipating the start and wishing it could come sooner to contemplating turning Parker down and applying for a job flipping big Macs.

  I phoned my parents and let them know I had got a job. That was an awkward call. As always they both spoke to me at the same time from different extensions.

  “Hi Mom, Hi Dad.”

  “Hello honey.”

  “Hi angel”

  “I just got offered a job.”

  “That’s wonderful, what will you be doing.”

  Now that was a good question. I should have prepared myself for that one.

  “I will be… I am going to… It’s a sort of personal assistant. My boss runs several companies and he needs someone to help organise his life.”


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