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Craving It All: The Craving Series

Page 10

by Cherry Folkes

  When we emerged from the lift we were once more the centre of attention. I was hardly dressed to blend in.

  We made our way to the top observation platform with its terrifying glass floor. An attendant approached us and produced a large iron key before leading us to a small doorway. Once through the doorway we left the crowds of tourist behind.

  It was truly a sky-high apartment. It was still decorated in the opulent style of France in the 1800’s. As soon as I entered that apartment I could see why Parker thought my dress was appropriate. I was transported back through the years and suddenly I was a glamorous visitor to Eiffel’s secret world.

  The first room was like a small Victorian parlour, with a large iron girder running up the centre and reminding me where I was.

  Parker had already moved through to the second room. It had a large observation area and was equipped with antique scientific instruments. It was awe inspiring to think that I was looking at equipment that had been used by Eiffel, Edison and other great minds of the time.

  “Take a look at this view Evie.”

  I squeezed past Parker, the satin of my dress rustling against his legs. He settled behind me and wrapped an arm protectively around my waist. There were windows, but when Parker threw them open we were rewarded with the full spectacle of the view across Paris. I leaned out as far as I could and Parker increased his grip to support me.

  If I stretched out and looked to either side I could see the other tourists safely enclosed behind glass. They might be able to see the same view as me… but I was fully experiencing it. The wind pulled at my hair. I felt like I could have flown up into the sky and circled around the top of the tower.

  I felt exhilarated and alive and suddenly I wanted to fully experience my trip to the secret chamber at the top of the worlds most famous tower.

  I moved slightly away from the window and turned to face Parker, “This is magnificent.”

  I slipped a hand behind his head, drew him into me and pushed my mouth firmly onto his. The location had elated me and some of the passion it had released was now transferred into that kiss. I wanted to consume him. I pressed my tongue deep into his mouth; I felt my teeth brush against his. My body pressed up against his and he staggered back against a wall. My hands tugged at his belt. I had a frantic urge to experience him.

  Parker was momentarily taken by surprise but he soon caught on and my urgency spread to him. I felt his hands close around my buttocks. Massaging and moving my flesh. His mouth broke away from mine and for a moment he found my neck and then our mouths were locked back together.

  This was nothing like the tenderness we had enjoyed the night before. This was pure lust.

  Finally I managed to break through his coverings and curved my fingers around him as he hardened to my touch.

  Parker was desperately trying to unfasten the bodice of my dress; finally he gave up and wrenched the material from my shoulders and pulling it down, releasing my breasts so that they surged into his hands. Still partially restrained by the dress, they looked larger and firmer.

  His fingers found my nipples and I gasped through the kiss as he gently pinched them.

  Then I felt his hands pulling the skirts up. His hands probing further up and I wanted nothing more than to be touched.

  He broke away and turned my body away from him, lifting my skirts and exposing my buttocks to his hands.

  He moved me to the window and bent me over the sill.

  I could see the whole of Paris spread out in front of me.

  In the room Parker had bent onto his knees behind me, he was parting my cheeks and using his tongue to encourage me to moisten.

  Then he stood and grasping me firmly with one hand around my waist and the other exploring my breasts he entered me in one smooth action. The whole of his shaft slid into me taking my breath from my body.

  I gripped the sides of the window to give me something to push back against.

  Our bodies crashed together as he rapidly pushed into me.

  Then he slowed his pace. He still held me firmly and he still entered me rhythmically, but now his movement was slower, more deliberate. I became intensely aware of his length as he moved into me and the intensity inside built to a crescendo.

  I thanked the designers of the observation deck for thoughtfully installing thick sound numbing glass as I screamed across the Paris roof tops.

  “You see Parker.” I gasped as I turned back to face him, “I told you that Paris was the city of love.”

  We used Monsieur Eiffel’s facilities to freshen up a little and I pulled my gown back into shape. It hadn’t suffered too badly though I was going to have to use a needle and thread on a few of the buttons. When we looked reasonably respectable and my colour had returned to pale we rejoined the tourists on the main deck.

  I was naturally still drawing some stares. I couldn’t help but think that some of them may have caught a glimpse of my breasts surging out of that secret window and that gave me a delicious feeling of wickedness.

  Parker glanced at his watch, “No time to catch any more of the view we have a table booked at ‘Le Jules Verne’ its one floor down.

  Le Jules Verne restaurant at the Eiffel tower would be in the top ten of any list of top places to dine with a view. We had a table by one of the windows and the lights of Paris were flickering down below being reflected in the water of the river. The Arc de Triomphe looked magnificent lit up for the night.

  Good food always makes a perfect end to a perfect day and we had a magnificent meal that evening.

  Parker was keen to know that I had enjoyed my Parisian adventure and it wasn’t at all difficult to reassure him. He asked what I had enjoyed most and I wanted to say our night of tender love but I didn’t want to break the magic so I settled on my trip to the top of the world.

  “I would like to make a toast.” Parker signalled to a waiter who immediately came to our table with a tray holding two bubbling champagne flutes.

  Parker insisted on linking arms as we drank but as I lifted my glass I was to get my final Parisian surprise.

  At the bottom of the glass and moved gently by the bubbles was a ring. It was the most beautiful piece of jewellery I had ever seen. A superb diamond surrounded by sapphires and set in platinum. It rested in the bottom of my glass and sparkled brighter than the bubbles from the champagne.

  I looked up into Parkers eyes and he had a serious look on his face that I had never experienced before.

  “Evie… I want to be with you forever. I want us to be equals and to enjoy being together. Evie will you…”

  I was speechless but I gave him the answer he was waiting for by leaning across and stopping his words with a kiss.

  Our trip to Paris ended with a ripple of applause from the other diners.

  Craving Pleasure – an erotic romance

  Turning Point

  I have a dilemma

  Until this weekend life was good. Some might say that I should now be feeling that it has got a whole lot better.

  But you see I just don’t know.

  A couple of months ago I landed my dream job. I got a job working for a successful billionaire businessman, and all he wanted me to do was something I already loved doing.

  I should explain. For as long as I remember I have enjoyed creating fantasies in my head involving the people I pass on the street. I might be sitting next to a hunky looking guy on a train and in my head I take him and me to the heights of sexual ecstasy. I can take my fantasy companions anywhere in the world. We could enjoy each other on a tropical beach or at the top of a mountain. In my mind just about anything goes; there are no limitations.

  Parker, my billionaire boss got to hear about my fantasies from my best friend Sarah and he decided to employ me so that I could inject some excitement into his life.

  The job was great. I got him to tell me about his deepest desires and I described my fantasy world to him. Then we got to make our wishes come true. It was a simple business relationship that
worked well for both of us.

  I wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea. There is nothing in my contract that compels me to have sexual contact with Parker. I would be fulfilling the terms of my contract if I just created the fantasies. But Parker is incredibly good looking and a very considerate lover. He has a body that anyone would crave for. He has strong handsome features. Taking the fantasies into reality and enjoying all that Parker has to offer is just one of the perks of the job.

  And that is why I have a dilemma. I liked things just the way they were. After this weekend, everything has changed and as the old saying goes once the genie is out of the box it is very difficult to put him back. For our last adventure we went to Paris and I sensed early on in the trip that something had changed. It was little things like the way I caught him looking at me or the way that he kept using the word ‘love’. He didn’t ever actually say that he loved me, but the word just kept slipping in; ‘that’s what I love about you’ and things like that.

  Not that the change was one sided. I also noticed I was enjoying being with him in a way that felt different, and then on one of the nights we made love. I really mean we made love. Before that time sex with Parker had been fantastically erotic. It had been full of lust and passion. We had stimulated each other in every way possible. Then there was that night; it was tender and loving. I felt that we completely connected and that our bodies had united. It was the greatest feeling I had ever experienced.

  Then it got even more complicated. On our last evening in Paris he gave me a ring. It wasn’t just our feelings that had changed. He wanted the whole relationship to change.

  The thing is I wasn’t sure that I wanted anything to change. There didn’t seem a need. We had everything that we could possibly have wanted. We travelled, we fantasised, and we had great sex.

  I decided to contact Sarah. She had got me into this whole thing and now she could help me sort out my head and work out what I was going to do next.

  Sarah had been really elusive since she had set up my interview with Parker but I was determined I was going to track her down.

  Actually she surprised me and picked up her phone the first time I tried to ring her.

  “Evelynn, I hear congratulations are in order.”

  “News travels fast.”

  “You must be elated.”

  “I really don’t know what I am feeling.”

  “Evie? Are you alright?”

  I was fighting to control the emotions that were bubbling up inside, “No Sarah, I don’t think I am.”

  “Are you at home? Stay right there, I’m coming round.”

  I knew I could rely on Sarah; we had been best friends since school. We didn’t always agree and we had been known to have had a few big bust ups. But when things were really getting serious I knew I could always rely on her.

  I spent the time I had tidying my apartment and then tidying my face. I hadn’t actually got the puffy eyed after a good cry look, but I looked tired. It was nothing that some concealer and foundation couldn’t cure.

  When Sarah arrived both the apartment and my face looked respectable.

  She breezed in with her usual bright energy. “Now let’s sit down and you can tell me everything. Is it too early for wine…? Shall we have coffee?”

  I went through to the kitchen and started to get coffee things together, Sarah followed me through. “So is it true, he actually proposed?”

  “Actually no. He didn’t actually ask me, I kissed him before he could say anything.”

  “But you’re still wearing the ring.” She took my hand and lifted it so the ring caught the light and reflected its deep colours.

  I was still wearing the ring. My mind had been in turmoil for the last 24 hours but through it all it had not occurred to me to take the ring off. Did that have some sort of deep meaning? Deep down did I really want this relationship to move to the next step?

  “So what’s the problem? Can you not see both of you in happily married bliss?”

  “It all happened so quickly, it just wasn’t something I was expecting.” I’m not sure that was entirely true, I had noticed the changes. I had suspected that he was falling for me. Maybe I was just expecting to become his girlfriend for a while.

  “Do you like being with him?”

  “Of course he’s great company.”

  “Are you attracted to him?”

  “Physically do you mean? Yes I am… who wouldn’t be?”

  “So what is it that is holding you back?”

  That was the million dollar question. Trust Sarah to cut through the crap and get right to the heart of the matter. “I just liked things as they were. I knew where I was. If I marry Parker I’m just not sure where I would be.”

  Sarah leaned forward and raised an eyebrow to encourage me to continue so I went on, “I’m just worried that I would just be Mrs Parker. I’m worried that I would no longer be me. He’s just so rich and so powerful. Where would that leave me?”

  “Knowing Parker it would leave you as his equal. Have you talked to him about this? Is it all about who would be in control, if that’s what it is you sort it before you get married. You work out how things are going to be. You get yourself protected with a contract.”

  Without realising it Sarah had hit right on the problem. Of course it wasn’t what she thought. It wasn’t about the money or who would call the shots about how we lived. To me it was about control, but it was about control in our love life. I didn’t want to settle into happy ever after marriage with loving sex every Saturday night. I still wanted excitement. I still wanted the passion. And I still wanted the fantasies.

  My mind was racing. Sarah had come up with a solution. I needed to negotiate a contract, but it had nothing to do with money. It would be all about fun. I needed to know that we would continue to have our adventures. I wanted to know that fantasy would still be part of our lives. I could accept having tender loving sex once in a while, but I also wanted to make sure that we would have passion. I wanted to know that there would be variety in our love life and that we would still be able to experience lustful variety. I wanted games to be in our contract. If I was going to marry Parker he was first going to need to prove that he was going to live up to all my expectations. This could be a fun ride.

  I leant across and gave Sarah a kiss on her cheek. “As always you have come up with a solution.”

  “I don’t think I came up with anything. What are you up to Evie; you have that look on your face?”

  I just smiled back mischiefly, “one day Sarah I will tell you just how much you helped me? I might even tell you the details of my plan. But until then tell me what you have been up to and who you are seeing. Look at the time I think it is just about wine O’clock.”

  Terms of a Contract

  Once Sarah had gone I sent a message to Parker, I wanted to meet him on neutral ground so I suggested we meet for dinner. I get the feeling that Parker had been waiting for me to contact with his phone in his hand. His message pinged back almost immediately, ‘great idea. I’ll book somewhere. I’ll send a car at 7.30’

  I thought about it for a few moments then sent back a reply, “No need for a car or a booking. Meet you at Pizza hut at 8.”

  It was important to set the agenda right from the start. If this whole thing was going to work it was important that Parker was able to relinquish control and step outside of his comfort zone. He came from a very rich background I bet he had never set a foot inside a pizza hut in his life.

  Actually I was wrong on that one. I clearly had a lot to learn about Parker. When I arrived at the hut Parker was already there and chatting to one of the waiting staff. He looked completely at home.

  “Hi Parker, how are you.” I reached up and kissed him gently on his cheek, then realised I had only done that to claim territory in front of the waitress

  We were shown over to a booth.

  “You look at home here?” I scrutinised his face

  His eyes dropped, “Act
ually Pizza Hut is my little guilty pleasure. Our nanny used to bring us here after school on some days. I loved it. Sometimes I sneak out of the office and come over here.”

  Pizza Hut clearly took him back to his youth he looked like a teenager who had just been caught doing something sinful.

  “I wanted to talk to you about this.” I held up my hand and displayed the ring.

  I saw panic pass over his face, “You’re going to give it back aren’t you. You don’t want me. I understand I took it too far too fast, can we just forget all about the ring and go back to where we were.”

  I sat in silence while he ran out of steam.


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