Until Forever Comes

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Until Forever Comes Page 7

by Jerry Cole

  “Again. Nice.” Roman didn’t take his eyes off Bryce’s erection. He eyed the thing like a snake as he moved closer, dropped to his knees and shuffled up so close that Bryce could feel his breath wafting on the head.

  Bryce had always been proud enough of his penis. About a handful-and-a-half long, it was about as thick as a decent sized carrot and right now, just as hard. The only concern he’d even had was his foreskin, which was still there. It was a worry he’d had a few times in his nonexistent sex life and now that he was here, with Roman, he hoped that Roman didn’t care. Fuck, he hoped it was normal.

  “Just so you know...” Roman reached up and slowly wrapped his hand around Bryce’s throbbing member. Bryce shuddered, then stiffened and grabbed onto the disabled rail as Roman squeezed. “... I love guys that are uncut.”

  A sudden surge flowed through Bryce’s cock and it seemed to grow by an inch. “You do?”

  “I do.” Roman was still looking at the tip of Bryce’s penis; the foreskin sat open just above where the head was, allowing the reddish-pink helmet to just peak out. “That way I can do this.”

  “Wh — fuuuuuuuck!”

  With two fingers gripped just under the head, Roman slowly peeled back Bryce’s foreskin to reveal the head, already oozing in precum. He then continued to pull, stretching it all the way down until the entire head was exposed. The sensation was indescribable; Bryce gripped onto the toilet and guard rail, and groaned in pleasure like he never had before.

  But that was only the start, because a second later Roman took Bryce in his mouth. After that... Bryce was never the same.

  Roman worked his cock like he was a pro. It started with him taking the entire thing in one big mouthful. Bryce could feel his cock poking into the back of Roman’s mouth. And when he eventually released him, an ocean of saliva came with it. Roman wrapped his palm around Bryce’s member, using the saliva to coat it as he stared into Bryce’s eyes, and then he took him in his mouth again.

  From there it was all a blur. Roman stroked him. He sucked him. He licked up his shaft and over his purple head. He sucked his balls. He stuck his tongue in the hole and slobbered like a hungry puppy. It was wet. It was messy. It was divine.

  But it wasn’t over yet. Bryce had never been so turned on and when he felt himself about to cum, Roman actually stopped. Bryce was going to scream for him to keep going, but a second later and Roman was standing, unbuckling his own pants and taking them off.

  His cock nearly poked Bryce’s eye out. It was bigger than Bryce’s; thicker, more veiny and there was so much precum dripping from it that it looked like Roman has already ejaculated. Bryce had never given a blowjob before. He didn’t even know how. But that didn’t stop him. No sooner was it in his face than Bryce was sucking it for all his life.

  Roman grabbed onto the back of Bryce’s head and pulled him into his stomach. Bryce gagged, but took all of it. He liked the way it felt in his mouth, he liked the feeling of it poking into the back of his throat as he struggled to breathe. And most importantly, he liked how this particular brand of meat tasted.

  Bryce sucked Roman dry in that bathroom; it was his first ever blowjob, but he had Roman cumming down his throat in a matter of minutes. And once Roman had done that, he dropped to his knees and finished Bryce off in seconds. It was the most sexual moment of Bryce’s life, and he could have cried that it was over.

  But it was over. And for a moment, there was an awkwardness between the two men as they both put their pants on in silence and washed their faces. This was something that Bryce hadn’t expected, and now wished to God he had known was coming. If he had, he might have skipped the whole thing.

  “Fuck,” Roman sighed eventually, finally, thank the Lord he did! “Well... that was a blowjob and a half – and you say you’ve never done that before!”

  “I haven’t!” Bryce defended, even holding his hands up in defense.

  “Could have fooled me.” And then, most unexpectedly, Roman wrapped his hand around the back of Bryce’s neck and pulled him in for a big, wet kiss. It was their first ever real kiss, and it might have been hotter than the blowjob.

  So, Bryce was gay. And where he used to worry about admitting it, now it just seemed right. Fuck, if every other gay experience of his life was half as good as that one, then sign him up. It was a relief to admit... but one that was soon undercut when the two men exited the bathroom, hugged their goodbyes... and then walked away from one another.

  Bryce would never see Roman again. But he would also never forget him. The man had just changed his life, undoubtedly for the better. Maybe, one day, Bryce would get to repay him. But somehow, he doubted it.

  Chapter Eight

  Several Years Later…

  Roman had just assumed that the desert was hot all year round. Wasn’t that the whole point? He had pictured sweltering heat, gusts of wind that burned the face, and so much sand that it was impossible to not swallow a mouthful with every breath... well, at least that last part was accurate. The rest however couldn’t have been further from the truth.

  It was fucking freezing, is what it was. This was in spite of the fact that it was the middle of the day, that there wasn’t a cloud in the blue sky, and that the sun sat high and full, shining down on Roman as if it were mocking him.

  “This is fucked,” Roman complained as he rubbed at his exposed arms. They were covered in goosepimples and felt like ice blocks to the touch.

  “What did you expect?” Roman’s director of photography, James McGuinness, laughed as he continued to fiddle with his camera. He was bundled up in a thick looking sweater and scarf. But his hands were blue on account of the lack of gloves. Unfortunately for James, he needed his hands free, otherwise he would have had them wrapped too.

  “We’re in the middle of the desert, mate.” Roman started jumping up and down on the spot so as to warm himself up. “I expected heat so bad that my skin would just break out in boils – I even packed my speedo for the pool!”

  James laughed again. “Firstly, please tell me you don’t actually have a speedo packed?” He waited for a response, and Roman raised an eyebrow as if to say, “of course I do.” James shook his head and moved on. “And secondly, we’re still on planet Earth you know. What, did you think Ayers Rock existed outside of the seasonal changes or something?” he chuckled and went back to his camera.

  “I thought that... you should go fuck yourself, is what I thought.”

  James was right, of course. Just because Roman was in the middle of Australia, a location known for being as hot as anywhere on Earth during summer, didn’t mean that it skipped winter altogether. In fact, he had been told before leaving that it got even colder here in winter than anywhere else too. Roman had just refused to believe it.

  The current location was the literal middle of nowhere. To the left of where Roman and James were parked was desert. To the right was desert. Behind them was desert. And in front of them... well, ordinarily it was just desert too. At the moment though, there was a small tent set-up some three hundred feet away with two jeeps parked next to it.

  Roman eyed the tent with loathing. It wasn’t the tent he was angry with though, but the people inside. There were six crammed in that little tent, and two of them were very close to bearing the brunt of Roman’s wrath.

  “Are they ready yet? Fuck,” he complained. Still jumping up and down on the spot, Roman wanted to get this over and done with so he could go back to his hotel room. “Otherwise I’ll camp out in the car.”

  “I’ll just check.” Leaning against the hood of the car, James put his camera down and pulled out his radio to speak into. “Yo, is the talent ready?”

  There was some static on the other end before a brisk, “Five more minutes, chief” came through.

  “All good. Let us know,” James spoke back into the radio. He then turned to Roman. “He said that —”

  “I fucking heard.” He then kicked the car in frustration.

  James chuckled, shook his head and we
nt back to his camera like there wasn’t a care in the world. But that was just James. He had always been the easy-going of the two, hard to ruffle and almost never showing any signs of, well, anything. He was as cool as a cucumber and had a look to match it.

  Indeed, were James gay, Roman might have been into him. Fuck, even though he was straight, Roman was still into him. He was tall and burly with tanned skin, a constant five o’clock shadow and a chin so hard it looked like you could light a match off it. To Roman, James had always reminded him of one of those 1950s fighter pilots you used to see in the movies; a real man, back when real men existed.

  Getting nothing out of James, Roman started running on the spot and kicking his knees up as high as they would go. It helped the blood pump a little bit faster through his body, but he was still cold. Oh yes, that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

  When he was a kid, Roman had always wanted to check out Ayers Rock. That was back when he was a loner, where the idea of this massive monolith sitting all by its lonesome in the middle of nowhere appealed to him on a more personal level. Now that he was twenty-six, he just wanted to check it out because it was supposed to be cool.

  And it was cool too. Ayers Rock was literally a giant rock, standing some thousand feet high and another six miles in circumference. Even Roman had let go an audible gasp when he first saw the great rock in the distance. It was surrounded entirely by flat plains too, which only made it stand out more and added to its splendor. Even with the cold, when Roman first laid eyes on Ayers Rock, he was glad to be out here.

  Better too that he wasn’t even at the Rock for a holiday, but for work. Since moving to Brisbane three years ago, Roman had slowly worked his way up the ladder of his industry. His ultimate goal was to be a film director, but he was still some way from that.

  As of right now, he and his best friend/Director of Photography, James, owned and operated a small production company that made commercials. These were usually silly little videos for some product that no-one had ever heard of, and brought with them little real creative freedom or control. But this job now was supposed to be different.

  Voyages Resorts and Hotels had hired Roman and James to film a short promotional video for the hotel chain built some five miles away from the Rock. And although the job wasn’t a big one by any stretch of the imagination, it was to run for three whole minutes, which was huge for a promotional video. Better still that Roman had gotten to pitch his own vision for the video. Although the job itself wasn’t anything major, it was a huge step in the right direction, and that was what Roman chose to focus on.

  Right now though, he would have been happy to have given it all up for a warm bed, a drink, and maybe somebody cute to snuggle up next to... and do a little more than that. It was midday, he’d been up since dawn and he was very quickly losing the feeling in his extremities.

  “Can’t wait to get blacked-out drunk tonight,” James groaned as he checked his watch. “Did you see the thing that signed us in – Oh daddy, the things I would do to her. Wonder if she’ll be at the bar.”

  “You want my advice?” Roman could see his breath as he spoke. “If you do manage to strike up a convo, don’t refer to her as a ‘thing.’ Women tend to not like that.”

  “Pfffttt. What would you know?”

  Roman raised a condescending eyebrow. “Why? Because I’m gay?”

  “Ah, yeah.” James seemed to think this was all the argument he needed.

  “Please, babe. I’ve hit on enough queens in my time to know how to speak to them. You think women are much different?”

  James gave this a moment of thought. “Apart from the dicks? Probably not,” he shrugged. “Any other pieces of advice from the oh so wise, Roman? While we have the—”

  Static started to cry out from James’ radio and a moment later there was a voice on the other end telling them the talent was ready. Roman could have kissed James he was so happy. But he didn’t... not after what happened last time. Instead, he said a silent thank you to whoever was listening, and the two friends finally got to work. Fuck, hopefully that would go some way toward warming Roman up.

  The shoot lasted the rest of the day, only coming to an end about thirty minutes before sunset. Unfortunately, the drive back to the resort was about that time which meant they wouldn’t be getting in until it was dark.

  The resort that the two were staying at, Sails in the Desert, was one of about five spots, all built next to each other in a little town called Yulara. This was a tiny village that ran about one mile from end to end. As well as the five resorts that it contained, there were a handful of bars, a few retail stores and a single supermarket. It was as backwater as a town could be, which didn’t bother Roman as he sure as fuck wasn’t living there.

  As their car pulled into town and slowly made its way down the road and toward the resort, Roman looked outside and watched as handfuls of tourists wandered back into town after a day of hiking. Most of them were in a couple... which stabbed at Roman in a way he hadn’t been expecting.

  “What about you?” James suddenly asked from the driver’s seat beside Roman.


  “You going to join me for a few once we get back in? Maybe find yourself some strange?” He elbowed Roman and winked.

  “I’m good.” Roman offered a tight smile then went back to looking outside. The car cruised at just above walking pace, as if doing so on purpose so that Roman could see each individual couple they drove past.

  “Come on,” James pushed. “What? You’re going to go back to your little room and cry yourself to sleep – it’s been three months, mate. Time to put up and shut up.”

  “Tell me, James. When was the last time you had yourself a girlfriend? Or a girl who was a friend that could stand you more than one night?” Roman didn’t even look at his friend, but he sensed the eye roll.

  “You know I’m not about that life. As far as I’m concerned, relationships are for the lonely, depressed and the hopeless. Of which I am none —”

  “And yet you talk and carry on like you know what you’re on about.” It was a topic that Roman didn’t want to stay on, so he was purposefully short in the way he spoke.

  “Fine, be bitchy,” James shrugged. “But if you feel like a drink later... you’ll know where to find me. Unless I’m deep in —”

  “On the ground after a poor local empties an entire bottle of mace into your eyes, I’m sure.”

  James threw his head back and roared his laughter, and Roman went back to staring out the window.

  Roman was coming out of a relationship... sort of. Truth be told, it had never even gotten as far as a relationship, although that wasn’t for lack of trying. For six months, Roman had been sleeping with the one guy – this was an all-time record for Roman too, as he usually liked to share the love – and for the last four of those months he had pushed to be exclusive. Unfortunately, this desire wasn’t returned.

  It was an irony that Roman was only too aware of. From about the age of eighteen, right on up to when he met this person, Roman was all about spreading himself as thin as possible. Like James, he had thought the idea of a relationship was for suckers and the lonely. But then he met the right guy and his mind had changed. A shame the ‘right guy’ wasn’t that at all.

  It was just three months ago that Roman finally ended it. His hope had been that in doing so, this guy might see what he was missing and quickly change his mind. Well that was three months ago, and Roman had yet to hear from him. The pain was lessoning every day, but it wasn’t gone... not yet anyhow.

  This whole thing was made even worse by the multitude of couples that Roman was forced to put up with at Ayers Rock. Who knew it was such a popular, romantic getaway? Right now for example, Roman could see five – five! -- couples walking hand in hand down the street, most likely on their way to dinner or drinks or just to sit together and bask in one another’s company. It made Roman sick.

  About to look away and thus end his misery, Roman suddenly sp
otted a lone male about two hundred feet down the road. He was walking toward them, hands in pockets, hunched over, looking about as cold as Roman had felt all day. Roman knew him... at least he thought he did. It was dark... the man was looking at his feet, but... yes, Roman knew him.

  He sat up a little straighter to get a better look. The man was getting closer by the second too, any moment and they would pass. In fact, the harder Roman stared, he could have sworn it was --

  The car suddenly turned off the road and pulled into the resort’s parking lot. A moment later and it was parked at the very back of the lot, as far from the entrance to the road as possible.

  “Finally,” James groaned as he threw open the door and climbed on out. “You headed back to the room, then?” he asked.

  “Huh?” Roman was still looking out the window, back in the direction that man had been. He was gone now. But there was something familiar about him...

  “I’ll be at the bar in about thirty minutes and onwards, once I tidy myself up a bit – I tell ya, I smell like the asshole of a dead dingo. Please join me for one, mate. You need it.”

  “Maybe...” Roman tore his eyes from the road and looked back to James, who was now watching at him with deep concern. James liked to play the tough guy, but he had a big heart too, and sometimes he even showed it off. “All right,” he agreed. “Only the one—”

  “That’s the spirit!” James leaned into the car and slapped him on the back. “I’m just going to shower, drop the kids off at the pool—”


  “—spray myself rotten and I’ll see u down here in thirty?”

  Roman nodded and James beamed. But then his eyes flashed pure fear and he turned on his heel and sprinted across the lot and toward the lobby like his life depended on it; he ran with his knees up, pelvis forward and clenching the whole while. Anyone that saw him would know exactly where he was headed.

  And as for Roman? For a moment, he considered running out onto the road to trying to find that man he’d seen, to see if his eyes had been deceiving him. But then he decided not to. Most likely it was a trick of the light, paired with how morose he was feeling. Best to go get changed, have a few drinks and forget all his troubles.


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