Until Forever Comes

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Until Forever Comes Page 8

by Jerry Cole

  And so, that’s exactly what he did.


  If there was one thing that Roman liked about going out with James, it was watching him hit on women. There was just something so strange about it, so unique. It was akin to watching a lion by the watering hole as it tried to stalk and then pounce on an unsuspecting antelope. And if that antelope escaped or evaded, he’d simply move on to the next and the next until one stuck.

  It was James’ dedication to the cause that impressed Roman the most, and his complete and total belief in himself and his own abilities. When one woman turned him down, there was no self-reflection or inward thinking. It was just a shrug, a scoff, and then another attempt; sometimes at the same woman, and sometimes another. James was lucky in that he was attractive, and reasonably charming, so more often than not his modus operandi worked rather quickly. Roman could only imagine how other straight men must have fared.

  The whole thing stood in stark contrast to the gay scene, which was why Roman found it so interesting. In the gay scene, a man would just have to make eye contact with another. Once that happened, they would know right away if it was on or not. If it was on, then the approach would happen. If not, then they’d walk away. Simple and easy.

  The bar that Roman and James had chosen to drink at was a cocktail bar called The Desert Breeze; one of those speak-easy kind of joints with a grand piano in one corner, a decadent chandelier hanging over the center roof that didn’t work, and dim-lighting everywhere setting the mood. Roman sat at the front at a table with James, only too happy to watch him do his work.

  “There’s got to be something around here for you?” James whined after his second rejection. Neither of the two ladies that turned him down were particularly special, but Roman sensed that James had lowered his standards a touch for their current location.

  “I’m really not interested.” The cocktail that Roman was drinking was one he’d never had before, but it was fruity and sweet, and he drank it quickly so as to avoid having to sit here alone and sober.

  “How come – you're on holidays!” James was dressed in tight jeans and a button-down shirt undone about half-way to show off his hairy chest. He liked to claim he was ‘all man’ and that was why he did it. Roman told him that it was a big look in the gay scene and he’d fit right in.

  “What are you on?” Roman frowned. “We’ve literally been at work all day – you know a holiday is where you don’t work? Just checking.”

  “Even more a reason to get busy.” James started grooving in his chair as if to music. “You know you want to.”

  “I really don’t -- and please don’t ask me why. You know why.”

  James rolled his eyes. “Fine, be a sour-puss. But I want you to know, if I do find myself a woman, I’m leaving with her – and that’s without saying goodbye. So, if you can handle that kind of rudeness from me, be it on you.”

  “When you find a woman?” Roman raised a challenging eyebrow at James. “Honestly, I like my chances.”

  James’ face dropped as he scooped up his beer and started chugging. As he did, his eyes worked over the small bar in search of another woman for him to flirt with. The pickings were slim however as most were here with their partners, and the few women who were with their friends didn’t want to be disturbed by some drunkard. Honestly, the odds of James actually picking a woman up were close to impossible.

  But then his eyes widened with glee and he just about choked on his beer. “Got one!” He coughed up. Beer sloshed down his front, but he didn’t seem to mind. “Check him out. Back corner, sitting alone -- and reading! Who reads at a bar? Someone who is fucking alone, is who.”

  “He?” Roman furrowed his brow. “You must be getting desperate if you’re willing to go down that—”

  “Not for me, asshole. You. There—” He pointed across the bar and over Roman’s shoulder. “Check him out.”

  “I told you already. I’m not—”

  “Just look will you. Do that and I won’t bother you again.”

  Roman rolled his eyes but obliged. He swiveled in his seat, looked in the direction that James was indicating and his mouth dropped to the floor.

  “Told ya,” James cooed proudly. “I don’t know much about men but tell me he isn’t a looker.”

  It was Bryce. It was Bryce! Sitting at the opposite end of the bar, head down and reading – doing actual work by the looks of it – was none other than Bryce Taylor.

  “What do you think?” James continued. He leaned across the table and spoke in a whisper. “Are you going to speak to him – go on. What have you got to lose?”

  Roman knew that it was Bryce he had seen earlier walking outside too. He knew it! Even though it had been dark and his face was obscured, somehow, Roman had just known. He could sense it.

  “I’m good.” Roman spun back in his chair and picked up his drink. He then buried his face in it like that might stop James from talking.

  “You’re good?” James scoffed. “Trust me, mate. You are anything but that – and I saw how you looked at him. I bet if you stand up right now, you have an erection the size of the fucking Rock.”

  How long had it been since Roman had last seen Bryce? Three years? Surely it hadn’t been that long?

  It was three years ago that the two had bumped into one another randomly at the airport and spent three hours together. Three whole years ago! It had been a good three hours too, peaking with a bathroom blowjob that had rocked Roman’s world... and Bryce’s too, he was pretty sure.

  In fact, up until that point, Bryce hadn’t even been certain he was gay. Surely by now he was out of the closet? He had to be. The way he had sucked Roman’s cock... it got him hard just thinking about it.

  A very large part of Roman wanted to go and speak to Bryce. Not only was there a connection there, both sexual and mental, but the two were old friends and saying hello just made good sense. Not to mention it being polite and the right thing to do. But another part, a smaller yet louder part, told Roman not to. Right now, that was the part he was listening to.

  Roman was fresh out of a pseudo-relationship. He was also here for work. And he also didn’t know what Bryce’s situation was. Even if he was openly gay now, he might have been seeing someone. It had been three years after all. For all he knew, Bryce might hardly even remember him. And if that was the case, and Bryce shot Roman down... Roman was far too fragile for such a thing.

  “I have to go.” Roman stood quickly.

  “What?” James went to stand, but then stopped himself. “Where are you going?”

  “Bed. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Without another word, Roman charged across the bar, head down, going straight for the door.

  “Roman!” James called out after him. “Roman!” But he didn’t give chase. No doubt the chance to pick up a lady tonight far outweighed his desire to make sure Roman was all right.

  Which was fine, because Roman was all right. Or at least he would be. But he knew that seeing Bryce wouldn’t help the matter, and would most likely just hurt it more, so why bother? The two had shared two great days together that would live on in memory forever, so there was no need to risk ruining that. Roman had changed a lot since then and no-doubt Bryce had too.

  Best to let old memories die. It’s not like the two were soulmates or anything.

  Chapter Nine

  Bryce heard Roman’s name being called from across the bar. At first, he barely paid it any attention. His head was buried in a stack of legal documents that he’d spent the day compiling and, as was par for the course by now, his brain was beginning to turn into mush. The fact that he could even open his eyes was a miracle. But then he heard that name.

  Naturally, Bryce just had assumed he was imagining it. It wouldn’t be the first time he found himself thinking of Roman Nowak, and it wouldn’t be the last. The first time the two had met, they’d kissed on the lips. It was a small peck, but it was the first hint Bryce had ever had that there might be more to the world than girls... that he m
ight be gay.

  The second time they met was a step up from the first; more like a leap than anything. What had started as a random encounter soon escalated to Bryce receiving his first ever blowjob from a man... and giving his first ever one too. It had been exhilarating in a way that Bryce hadn’t been able to imagine. It had opened up doors that he didn’t even know existed. And most importantly, it had given Bryce the confidence to finally admit that he was gay and move on with his life.

  So, when he thought he heard Roman’s name being called out, Bryce barely even flinched. He was so close to being done with the work he’d set for himself for the night, that he didn’t dare look up lest he lose his spot and have to start again. But then he heard the name shouted a second time. It was real.

  Bryce dared a glance across the dimly lit bar. Right away he saw who was being called to and right away his mouth dropped open and hit the damn floor.

  It was Roman Nowak. It had to be Roman Nowak. Oh sure, he wasn’t dressed in his usual all black attire, and he had his back to Bryce, and it was a little too dark to make him out clearly. But it was him. There was no doubt...

  Bryce didn’t even realize he was doing it. Before he could stop himself, he was packing up his things – a couple of folders and a pencil case -- tucking them under his arm and chasing Roman out of the bar. He didn’t know what he intended when he caught him, or what he expected of Roman. He just knew he had to say hello.

  “Roman!” Bryce called out the moment he was out of the bar.

  The bar was built just off the side of the lobby to the hotel; a little alcove that was so hidden you might miss it if you didn’t know it was there. Seeing as it was nearing ten o’clock at night, the open space was just about empty, save for the two men. At the sounding of his name, Roman slowed down, his body sagging as he turned around.

  “Seriously, James, I’m not in the – shit.” Roman didn’t look as surprised to see Bryce as he should have been. Oh sure, he was obviously surprised that Bryce was calling out to him. But not that he was here, in this part of the country, at this time.

  “Shit to you to.” Bryce stood about fifteen feet back from Roman. He wore a sly smile on his face, careful not to look too excited. “And hey, while I’m at it.”

  “Bryce...” Roman blinked himself back into the moment and then smiled. “I didn’t -- what are you... are you stalking me?” he finished coyly.

  “Obviously,” Bryce joked. “And I thought that Sails in the Desert Resort, the lobby at this hour, was the perfect time to spring my trap. Wickedly clever, right?”

  “Well if your plan was to surprise the fuck out of me... congratulations.” Roman gave an awkward chuckle. Bryce followed suit and for a moment, the two just sort of looked at one another as if waiting for the other to make a move. “Will you come here,” Roman sighed. He held his arms out and walked right on up to Bryce.

  “Gladly.” Bryce followed suit and soon the two men were wrapped in a warm embrace. Bryce had been worried that too much time had passed and things would be weird. With that hug though, all tension seemed to melt like snow under the sun.

  “I just can’t escape you,” Roman joked as the two men pulled apart.

  “I couldn’t believe it when I saw you,” Bryce agreed. The lobby was just about empty, which Bryce was glad for. He never did like crowds and always felt like people were watching him, even when they weren’t. “I thought I was dreaming.”

  “Do that often, do you?” Roman raised an eyebrow.

  “Dream of you?” Bryce scoffed. “Nice try – you just can’t help yourself. Always the flirt.”

  “I’m working on it, I swear.” Roman held his hands up in defense. “Trying to reform.”

  “Don’t work too hard.”

  Although that the initial tension was now gone, there was also a certain underlying sexual tension that hung onto every word spoken. Steam seemed to build between the two men, even if they didn’t mean for it to. That was just how it was sometimes, and Bryce was more than aware. He could feel it!

  “How long are you here for?” Bryce pivoted. “Knowing our luck, you leave first thing in the morning?”

  “For once, no,” Roman laughed. “I’ve got another couple of days yet. I’m here shooting a commercial for – don't get too excited,” he hurried when Bryce’s eyes widened with enthusiasm. “It’s nothing major. Just a gig to get me a paycheck. But enough of that. Why are you here? Honeymoon?”

  “Hardly.” Bryce blew through his lips and rolled his eyes. “I fly out tomorrow night though – late,” he finished. He made sure to emphasize that he was leaving late too, as if that meant anything. “I’m here for work, also.”


  “Unfortunately,” Bryce sighed. He then caught Roman’s frown and explained, “I’m kidding,” he tried. “It’s a good job, it is. Just a lot of work... like fuck, a lot of work.”

  “And you hate to work too,” Roman joked.

  “Can’t stand it,” Bryce beamed back.

  “So, because I’m an idiot. You’re going to have to explain what kind of accounting you do? The only accountant I know is the one that does my taxes. But I can’t imagine why he’d have to come out here – there's not a convention on is there?”

  Bryce laughed at the joke. “No, there’s not a -- I’m a liquidator. It means that we find small businesses that aren’t making money for whatever the reason and then... I guess we kind of break them up and sell off the pieces to other larger companies.”

  “And then the smaller company, what?”

  “Well... it goes away,” Bryce shrugged.

  “So, you work for Satan, is what you’re saying?”

  “You have no idea – what are you doing tomorrow morning?” Bryce asked the question before he could stop himself. He didn’t want to talk about work, and he certainly didn’t want to give in to small talk.

  Roman blinked back his surprise at the suddenness of the question. “Ummm... nothing – I have pick-ups at sunset. But... I suppose I’m free until then.”

  Bryce might have been imagining it, but it had sounded like Roman wasn’t sure if he was free... or more if he was free, but not eager to hang out with Bryce. Were this several years ago and Bryce would have taken that as a sign and turned tail and fled. But Bryce had changed over the last few years. Not a huge amount, but enough to realize his worth in the gay scene... and to want to cash in.

  “Perfect.” He slapped Roman on the arm. “You know, I’ve been here two whole days and haven’t even left the resort yet – except for an evening walk around the block. I know, I know, I like to have a good time,” he chuckled. “But I was thinking. Do you want to... I don’t know?” Bryce shrugged as apathetically as he could. “Do something, touristy.... with me?”

  “Touristy?” Roman frowned and scratched at his chin. “Hold on... you don’t want to actually have fun do you. That’s not like you at all.”

  “Don’t tell anyone,” Bryce laughed.

  “I’ll try and refrain from calling your boss.”

  In actually reality, Bryce didn’t have time to be doing tourist things tomorrow morning. There was a reason he’d arrived two day ago and it had nothing to do with his love of sand and sun. He had a meeting tomorrow afternoon, the one he’d flown all this way for in the first place. Those two previous days had been spent in preparation and planning and would require all of tomorrow morning to be fully ready. But right now, that didn’t seem to matter.

  Bryce wasn’t a big believer in fate. But he also knew that this was too good a chance to miss. He hadn’t seen Roman in years and if their past was anything to go by, he wouldn’t be seeing him again for another few years again. Best to take advantage while he could.

  And yes, buried in the back of Bryce’s mind was the memory of that day in the airport bathroom... and everything that came with it. He’d thought about that moment more times than he dared count, and just the sight of its perpetrator standing so close to him had his pants tightening more than he wo
uld have liked. But that wasn’t why he wanted to see Roman tomorrow. Truly, it wasn’t.

  Bryce always had a good time with Roman. And the fact that he was willing to play hooky just to hang out, was proof of that. Roman brought out a side to Bryce that often lay dormant, so it was nice to take advantage when it reared its head. And if something were to happen? If they did decide to pick up where they had left off? Well, Bryce probably wouldn’t mind that either. In fact, he knew he wouldn’t.

  “Sure,” Roman eventually agreed with a smile. “I’d love to do something ‘touristy’ with you. But you have to pick the spot this time. I’m sick of doing all the work.”

  For once, Bryce was glad that Roman asked for him to pick their date, and that was just because for once he had the perfect idea in mind. But he didn’t pitch it right away. Instead he grinned broadly, not even caring that he was probably looking a tad too excited over the prospect of spending the morning with Roman again. But that’s just because he was.


  The number one reason that anyone bothered going to the middle of the Australian desert was to see Ayers Rock, also known as Uluru. It was an iconic Australian monument and a must-see for anyone travelling out that way. But, for those who wanted to try something a little different, or who had already seen the great monolith, there was another rock formation nearby that was equally as splendid... some even claimed it to be better.

  Kata-Tjuta, or “The Olgas” were a series of large domed rock formations located about thirty minutes west of Uluru, and although neither of the rocks themselves came to anywhere near the size and scope of Uluru itself, together they formed a sort of rocky metropolis just as large in size as the great rock. It was a spot that was worth visiting and walking through for all its own reasons.

  “The Olgas?” Roman had scoffed at the name as the two approached the rocky formation. They were driving there, of course, and were still a good ten minutes away. But even still, the rocks stood tall in the distant horizon and seemed to glow in the morning sun. “What a name.”


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