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Page 45

by Sienna Valentine

  I squeeze his arms around me, pulling him tighter. That was the right answer. If I had doubted my feelings towards him before, he’s just solidified them. I turned around, still holding onto his arms to make sure he doesn’t let me go.

  “I love you, Chase Anderson.” His eyes light up, and a smile starts to break across his face, but my lips don’t give it time to finish before they’re on top of him. He kisses me back as my fingers begin to pull urgently against the front of his pants. All of a sudden I’m anxious to demonstrate my own version of generosity.


  “Holy shit, Lila,” Chase gasps. I’ve already pushed him back into the room and yanked his pants down, dropping to my knees as I wriggle them to the floor. They were tight enough that his boxers came down with them and his cock is already semi hard in anticipation of what he surely knows is to come.

  I look up at him as I grab the tip, extending his length so that I can run my tongue along his hardening shaft.

  “That’s so hot,” he pants, keeping his eyes fixed on mine. “Look at me as you suck my cock.”

  Cupping my hands around his heavy balls, I give them a tight squeeze as I lift myself up on the balls of my feet a bit to envelope him from the top. He lets out a groan in response, and his hands grasp my head, fingers burying themselves within the loose strands of my long hair. One of my hands grasps him by the root, holding him steady now that he’s as hard as a steel bar, and the other slides around his ass. I grasp his cheek firmly, using it for leverage as I try to swallow as much of his girth as possible. He’s always been large, and it isn’t easy to take him all in, but I love the feeling of fullness whenever I try.

  I use my tongue to swipe along his tip, pulling back a hot bead of pre cum to swallow into my throat. I want more than that, though. I want all of it. The hand that encircles his shaft squeezes tighter as I bob up and down, twisting and pulling on him in an effort to coax the prize from his balls.

  “Fuck Lila, if you keep that up I’m going to come in your mouth.” It’s more of a statement than a warning. Hopefully more of a promise.

  I speed up even more now and his fingers tighten in my hair. By the sounds he’s making, I can tell he’s close. My grip on his ass tightens, pulling him deeper into my mouth just as he lets out a huge groan of release. His cock swells as the first hot jets fill me, and I make my own sound of satisfaction as I swallow greedily at his essence.

  I keep holding him tightly until I can suck the last few drops out of him. Only then do I let him free so that he can collapse down onto the bed.

  “Fuck, Lila. That was incredible. You’re so fucking good at sucking my dick. Just let me rest for a minute-”

  “Shh,” I say, cutting him off with a finger on his lips. “Go to sleep. Don’t worry about me. I’m happy.”

  I am. It’s taken me time to realize it, but I really am happy. With my head down on his chest listening to his heavy breath slowly settle, I close my eyes in contentment.

  Getting to Macau took forever, and I don’t want to even imagine how much it cost Chase for two first class seats on a flight with two connections and about a day’s worth of travel. We had a stopover in Zurich and then another in Beijing before finally getting to Macau, and after checking into our fancy hotel, we both crashed for about twelve hours.

  Now that we’re awake, I haven’t a clue what day it is, and I’m not even sure if it’s AM or PM when I look at the clock until Chase gets up and pulls open the blackout blinds. With sunlight flooding the room, it seems as though it’s just before noon on whatever day of the week it is.

  “I’m starving,” Chase says. He’s standing in front of a floor to ceiling window completely naked without a care in the world. There’s a beautiful skyline behind him, but my focus is on his even more beautiful cock. He’s right, though, I’m famished as well. I have no idea how long ago it’s been since we last ate.

  “What are our options,” I ask, tearing my eyes off of his package long enough to raise an eyebrow at him.

  “Given where your mind is, I think my suggestion is room service.”


  I giggle at him, throwing the sheets of the bed back to display my own naked body. “Well then, I suggest you order us something and then we find a way to keep ourselves busy until it gets here.”

  “You’ve read my mind,” he laughs, picking up the phone and a menu. We’ve ordered enough room service in our brief time together that he already knows what I want almost better than I do, so I don’t even have to look. As soon as he hangs up the phone, Chase slides back into bed from the far end, coming up between my legs. His skin slides smoothly along mine on his way up my body, and he only pauses briefly to give each of my nipples a quick kiss.

  “Why, hello,” I say, kissing him on the lips as soon as we’re face to face. I feel the heaviness of his cock laying across my thigh and I can tell without looking at it that it’s already starting to harden.

  “Hello yourself,” he kisses me back.

  “So what’s the plan?” I ask, before we get too distracted.

  “Well, I thought I’d start by touching you here,” his fingers brush against my pussy, lightly spreading my lips before his thumb swipes gently across my clit. “And then I thought maybe you’d touch me here.” His hand comes up to take my wrist and he places it on his cock. It’s definitely hard now. “After that, I figure we can just wing it.”

  “That’s not exactly what I meant,” I protest with a smile. “Although I do like the way you’re thinking. I mean, after that, and after lunch, what’s the plan?”

  “Ah, after…” his hand leaves mine on his cock and then moves back down between my legs, his fingers probing once more. “After, I thought we’d do a bit of shopping.”

  “For what?” I try to think about what we might need but my mind is finding it hard to concentrate.

  “Well, the weather here in Macau is quite a bit cooler than Cuba. I don’t think either of us brought the right clothes.”

  He has my attention now, despite his continued distraction. “You want to go buy us new clothes?”

  “Of course, we can’t just walk around here in our bathing suits. I don’t think they’ll let me into the casino like that.”

  “Chase… you know you don’t have to keep buying me things, right?” I look down at his fingers, lightly grazing against my wet folds. “I’m a sure thing.”

  His lips touch my neck as he chuckles deeply and his fingers push past my outer defenses and breach my core causing my eyelids to flutter in response.

  “Okay, well I’ll take that to mean you understand,” I say, breathing deeply, “and I’ll stop talking now and let you get on with your original plan.”

  After all, we have a lot to take care of before the food arrives.


  The shopping in Macau is out of this world, and after a whole day of it with Chase I’m mentally exhausted. It took me a few hours to completely get over worrying about what everything cost and the fact that he was buying it all for me, but eventually I just gave up and let him spoil me. I’ve never had a man treat me so well.

  Now that we’re both decked out and after another day of relaxation, Chase is on his way to the casino today, leaving me to a day at the hotel spa. Since we’re staying in the same hotel that he’s playing at, I ride down to the casino with him to have a look. So far from what I can tell, the casinos here look and sound very much like the casinos in Las Vegas. That is, all identical to each other. Flashy, loud, and over the top. Chase might disagree.

  “Oh, oh. I better call the guys to come play. Everyone always likes to know when there’s a big fish in town…”

  I spin on my heels at the gravelly voice I hear coming from behind me to see an old man in a wheel chair roll up behind us. He’s wearing a big cowboy hat and has on a cream colored button down shirt that looks as if he’d been wearing it at least one day too long. He’s got a big smile on his face, though, and when he sees me look at him he winks.

“Please do call them,” Chase responds with an equally large smile on his face. “We just did a lot of shopping and I can use the dead money they’ll bring.”

  I have no idea what these guys are talking about. Fish? Dead money? I wish Evelyn was here to translate for me.

  The two of them break off their teasing to shake hands after which Chase motions to me. “Texas Tom, this here is my girlfriend Lila Hunter. She’s not a player, so keep your eyes off her purse.” It’s silly, but my stomach gets butterflies when I hear him refer to me as his girlfriend.

  “Lila, this here is Texas Tom. One of the oldest players you’ll ever meet. It’s rumored he had a hand in not only inventing poker, but cards in general.”

  Texas Tom’s barking laughter causes more than a few heads to turn and look at us, even over the sounds of the nearby slot machines. “Oh come on, I’m not that old!” Tom’s wheelchair inches forward and I offer my hand as he reaches for it. He surprises me by giving the back of it a little kiss and a squeeze. “Hello darling. I knew Chase was overly lucky in cards, but it’s not fair that he’s so lucky with women as well. Where did he find you?”

  This time it’s my turn to laugh, although I can feel my cheeks get a little warm as well. Chase smiles at me in a way that tells me Tom is harmless.

  “You can’t be from Vegas,” he continues. “I know all the pretty girls in Vegas.”

  “I bet you do,” I laugh back. “And you’re right. I’m from Toronto.”

  “Canada? Now there’s got to be a story there that I’m sure I want to hear.” Tom has a big wrinkled smile that’s impossible not to find endearing. He gives my hand one more squeeze before letting go.

  “Well, why don’t you tell it while I go to the cashier and get my money sorted out,” Chase says, putting a hand on my back. He leans toward me and then says in a whisper clearly intended for Tom to hear as well “Don’t worry, he’s too old to be a danger.”

  He then walks away toward the cashier’s cage to get the chips he needs to play.

  “Are you playing as well today?” I ask Tom.

  “I’ve been playing all night,” the old man replies. “I’m actually on my way back to my room for a nap. Getting old is no fun, my dear. I would suggest you avoid it at all costs. Used to be I could play for two days straight before I’d even think about having a meal, never mind a nap. Now I can barely make it through a single night without feeling like I’m going to collapse. Let me tell you a little secret,” he leans forward in his chair now, but he’s not really whispering. “This chair is more for lugging my big behind around because I’m old and tired than because I have any real issue. But no one questions an old guy in a wheelchair.”

  He winks at me and I laugh again.

  “Although that’s not to say I’m a picture of perfect health. That’s why I have to play poker. Chase plays so he can maintain his playboy lifestyle, but guys like me have to play just to pay for our medical bills. We don’t all live in Canada with free doctors and such. Speaking of which, tell me your story. How does a Canadian meet the famous Chase Anderson? Did you come to Vegas with a bachelorette party and meet him at one of those fancy clubs he’s always going to?”

  My face turns into a grimace now, but I sigh it away. It’s more of a habit than a real feeling of loss now. “Not quite. I was there with my boyfriend at the time. The short version is that it turned out he was a jerk and Chase was there to save me from him.”

  “Ah, the knight in shining armor routine. That gets them every time.”

  “So you think it was an act?” I ask, playing along. Seems no matter how old a man is, he still takes pleasure in needling his friends even when they aren’t around.

  “Well, you do know he’s a professional liar, don’t you?”

  “Oh, I thought he was a professional poker player.”

  “Do you think there’s a difference?”

  I purse my lips to suppress my smile. It’s funny how it sounds now, coming from him, but how serious I was when I was saying essentially the same thing back when I met Chase. “So you think I should watch out for him, then? He’s bad news?”

  Tom belts out a laugh again, his round stomach quivering in front of him as he does. “Honey, I’ll be honest with you because you’re Canadian and I think honesty is part of your national identity. If you were ever going to trust a poker player, you couldn’t have picked a better one to trust than Chase Anderson.”

  I smile at him in agreement.

  “But, that being said, he is a poker player, and a damn good one. You don’t win millions if your opponent knows what you’re thinking, if they even suspect which cards you’re really holding. If a poker player wants to lie to you, you can be sure you’ll never even suspect it.”

  “Hmm, so you’re saying I can never truly believe anything a poker player tells me.”


  “Aren’t you a poker player also, though?”

  Texas Tom laughs heartily again. “You are a quick one dear. I can see what Chase sees in you. You’re right though. You can’t believe anything I’m saying either. Maybe Chase underestimates you when he says you’re not a player. You sound like you know how to keep your eyes open and question everything, like any professional. I’d hate to have to face you at the tables.”

  I blush at the compliment even though I know he’s just an old charmer.

  “Anyway, like I said, Chase is one of the good ones. My point is just you have to know who you’re with. There are poker players that can’t separate real life from the game, and you never know whether what’s coming out of their mouth is the truth or some bluff their running for god knows what purpose. But I don’t see Chase doing that. Mind you, if he did lie to you, you’d probably never know it, but I doubt he’d ever do it maliciously. In a way it’s a good thing.”

  Tom’s right, of course. I never would have guessed that Chase didn’t own that house, and if the owners hadn’t surprised us I probably never would have found out. He would have bought it secretly and then one day we’d go and it would have actually been his. I get that his intent wasn’t malicious on that, but it was scary how easily he fooled me. How easily he could lie about it. “How can it be a good thing?”

  “Well…” Tom paused for a moment before his face split into another grin. “Think of all the surprise parties he can plan for you that you’ll never see coming.”

  I smile back, but this time it’s a little bit forced. Those better be the only lies he ever tells from now on. But how will I ever know for sure?


  “I never thought I’d tire of the spa, but there are only so many treatments a girl can get…”

  Chase is buttoning up a deep purple shirt and looking at me through the full length mirror of the bathroom. From where he’s standing he can see me sitting on the bed, staring at my manicured nails. He turns away from my reflection to look at me directly.

  “Am I spending too much time at the tables? Are you feeling neglected?” I can see in his eyes that he’s actually concerned and I immediately feel guilty for complaining. It’s not that I have a big opposition to daily massages, but there’s a fine line between pampering yourself and just being spoiled and overindulged. As far as I’m concerned, I standing right on the edge of that line.

  “I’m sorry, it’s a stupid thing to complain about.” From what he’s been telling me, he’s been winning a lot of money at the poker tables this week. Far more than we’re spending at this hotel, or the spa, or the room service. It’s just lonely eating my meals alone. Most nights he’s played so late that I’ve been asleep when he’s come back to the room, and then he doesn’t wake up until lunch. We eat together and then he leaves again. But I get that it’s his job, and I’ve already pulled him away from it enough.

  “No,” Chase says, walking towards me and then grabbing my hands. “It’s not. You’re right. We came here for a vacation and for me to play a bit. The games have been so juicy though, full of businessmen looking for some action and not afra
id to lose obscene amounts of money in return for a story to tell about how they sat down with a television pro. That’s why everyone comes here these days. But you’re right, that wasn’t supposed to be the focus of this trip. I don’t have to play anymore. Let’s just go and do something today instead.”

  “No. You’re here to make money, at least partially.”

  “Okay, I’ll tell you what, let’s go back to the original plan of doing both. I’ll go and play for a few hours today, and then I’ll stop around dinner time. We’ll go someplace fancy. Give you a chance to wear one of those dresses you bought.”

  I smile at the thought of those dresses. I bought three of them, and haven’t had an occasion to wear a single one yet. If we hurry through dinner, maybe we’ll even have time for some of the lingerie I haven’t had an opportunity to model for him yet either. “Deal.”

  Since we have plans to actually go out, I decide that one more trip to the spa is warranted, opting for a facial and hair treatment in order to look my best for our date. Although it has only been a few days, I’m feeling excited and giddy at the prospect of spending time with Chase again.

  As dinner time approaches, I pull on my slinky evening gown, almost feeling like I’m getting ready for the prom and the only thing left to do is wait for my date to bring me a corsage.

  One of the difficulties with having so much time on my hands lately is it’s given me a lot of time to think, and unfortunately one of the things on my mind has been the conversation I had with Tom that first day. It’s not that I don’t trust Chase, but everyone has secrets or part of their lives that they don’t share. Especially with someone they haven’t known for very long, as is true with Chase and me. The house issue itself wasn’t what bothered me so much, of course. It was the fact that Denise had been involved. The lie that hurt the most was the lie of omission, that he was sneaking around meeting her, meaning she was obviously a much bigger part of his life than he led me to believe. I know there isn’t anything going on between the two of them, but I also know that Denise would change that if she could. Hell, she’s probably actively plotting it. And although I trust that Chase is no longer interested in her, I can’t help but worry about what she might try to do to convince him. She is beautiful, wealthy, and lives in the same city he does. She has an air of sophistication about her, when she isn’t being a complete bitch, and I know that probably draws men to her like pollen to a bee.


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