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Scornfully Hers

Page 7

by Pamela Ann

  Acting all normal and not at all devious, I strolled into the kitchen with nothing but a pair of jeans on. The second Emma noticed I walked in, I knew she was checking me out. I felt her hungry gaze on me and, I wasn’t going to lie, her heated stare was turning me on.

  “Oh, great, man! Emma wants to turn in. Can you show her to her room?” Brody asked, slightly on the edge.

  Guess he was still planning to tell my sister after all. I gave him a nod of understanding. Brody needed my help and I was more than willing to take Emma away and tuck her into bed. “You’re ready to sleep? It’s still early.” My dark gaze landed on the blonde bombshell, my eyes burning holes right inside her, making her hyperaware that I wanted her.

  Emma looked perturbed. “No. I want to sleep. I’m exhausted.”

  It was a good thing really. I didn’t want her around drunk men. I’d rather have her upstairs, sleeping soundly and safely. “Okay, then. Let me show you to your room.”

  We exited the kitchen and I climbed up the wooden stairs while Emma followed silently behind me. The cabin was huge and Emma could’ve easily gotten lost by the time we got to the second floor. There were three wide carpeted hallways that were adorned with black and white abstract paintings; a striking contrast amongst the woodsy theme.

  I turned to my right before making another turn and straight through the long hallway towards my bedroom. Stopping at the two large, dark-wooden doors, I faced her. My eyes slowly dropped to her lips before looking straight into her eyes. “Here you are, Emma,” I said, opening the doors and ushering her into a massive room with a fireplace, a king-sized bed, and a large lounge area with a bay window that overlooked the lake.

  Emma strode in, taking in the room around her. Awe glassed her eyes before she spun around to face me, frowning when she saw me standing in the middle of the room, observing her.

  “Can I have my phone back?” she carefully asked.

  Not tonight, not until you’re mine again, I silently vowed, looking at her, loving her from here. Did she know that I was in love with her? Probably not, but tonight wasn’t the time to tell her either.

  Pulling out her phone from my front pocket, I dangled it before me. “You mean this?”

  She licked her lips, coveting the sight of her phone, a mere reach away. “Yes. Can you hand it to me now?”

  “No. I’ll give this back to you once you set foot back in Santa Barbara. For the time being, though, you’re phone free.” There, that was a decently fucked-up deal, but that’s all I could offer. If being a dick for a little bit longer was going to help me gain her back, then I was going to do it.

  The feisty Emma emerged and she launched her anger at me. “What the hell is your problem, Carter? I don’t get why you’re acting like a petulant kid!” She made a furious growl before her finger poked my hard, muscled chest. “You. Are. Being. Ridiculous.” She emphasized each word with more finger pokes on my skin.

  Hot and sexy, I thought with lust as I watched the fire in her eyes and cheeks, which were reddening from getting riled up. She was about to withdraw that demanding finger of hers when I took hold of it. “You ask what my problem is?” I leaned forward, closing the gap between us, using my body to my advantage. “You. You’re my problem,” I huskily uttered. The feel of her almost against me was messing with my groin again.

  Emma nervously swallowed, looking sexually affected as well. “You have to let this go, Carter.”

  Wish away, Emma. Fucking. Wish. Me. Away. “It’s not over until I say it is.”

  Anger sparked within her. Almost spitting at me, she yelled, “Well, fuck you! We broke up already. You kicked me out of your house!”

  Did she not remember spewing that lie about getting back with Lewis? Did she not remember how terrible she was when she was telling she didn’t want to be with me, but was moaning my name over and over again to fuck her harder? She fucked with my head, real good. “You wanted out. I didn’t. It was my ego talking.”

  We stared at each other, eyes sparring, each of us daring the other to lash out first. When her lip quivered, I unknowingly reached out and caressed her soft cheek with the back of my finger. “You’re beautiful, Emma. You don’t know how lonely I’ve been without you,” I wretchedly admitted, sadness filled my heart as I recalled the events of the past weeks without her.

  My eyes immediately darted to her cherry red lips when her tongue snaked out and wetted it, giving it some luscious moisture.

  “I think you should go. I want to rest,” Emma said, breaking my line of thought.

  I hesitantly dragged my eyes away from her lips and brought my darkened gaze to her vibrant blue one. “If you want to, go ahead. You can use the right cabinet to unpack, mine’s on the left.”

  I saw the look of horror in her eyes when she realized what I just told her. If she knew me at all, she should’ve known I was going to play dirty to get her back. I didn’t want out then and I sure as hell didn’t want out now.

  “You’re sleeping on the couch. I’m not sharing a bed with you!” she muttered darkly, almost hissing at me.

  I may not know her mind well. I may not be that much acquainted with her heart either. One thing I did know about Emma, though, was how her body reacted when I was around. I had to choose my weapon well and I was going to exploit it until I broke through to her. It was bad, but she was playing dirty and I had to do what was best for us.

  “Too bad, I’m sleeping in the bed. Don’t worry; I’m not going to touch you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” I shot out, shrugging before I strode towards the bathroom for a shower.

  While in there, I was tempted to a jackoff session, but held off, knowing I wanted the next one to be with her. I hadn’t been laid since Emma broke up with me and I was tight with blue balls, in frustration, and needed a release as soon as possible, but I knew I needed to wait because Emma wasn’t ready yet.

  It wasn’t that I hadn’t had the offers to get a good hand-job, head or over-enthused pussies. Hell, I’d had naked women offering themselves to me, but I wasn’t even interested in a quick nut. It was bizarre. Carter Mason, not interested in messing around with twins? What the fuck, right?

  The more I thought of Emma’s body, the more it was getting impossible not to touch my hard pole. Grudgingly, I turned off the dial and walked out of the shower. The cold shower sure as hell didn’t do jackshit for me.

  “Think of something else other than Emma, man!” I hissed at my naked figure in the mirror. How the hell was I going to hide this massive erection?

  Pulling my sweatpants on, I tried to tuck it in against my stomach, barely concealing the bulge. “Guess, this will do,” I muttered under my breath before walking out of there.

  I instantly saw Emma by the windows, staring out. “Bathroom’s all ready for you.” She spun around, jumpy, before rushing straight to the bathroom like she was being chased by something bad, most likely me.

  After ten minutes, Emma came out, dressed in a pair of white, cotton shorts and a large, soft-pink, cotton shirt with a huge heart in the middle. I was on my side of the bed, staring at the ceiling, but I could still see her in my peripheral vision as she strolled towards the bed. When she slid between the sheets, she turned off the light and gave a pleasurable sigh the second her head hit the pillow.

  I counted down from a hundred before starting a conversation, but when I heard her deep breathing, I knew she was on her way to a deep slumber. How the heck did she do that? Guess she really was exhausted.

  Scooting over to her side, almost touching her silky skin but not, I silently whispered a few inches away from her ear, “I’ve missed you. Goodnight, baby.”

  My body was tight, and I was fighting off the urge to pull her against my body and kiss her. I really was going crazy if I thought I should wake her up just so I could get laid. Sighing, I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling again.

  From a distance, I could hear chants and a few squeals coming from outside. Glancing back at Emma again, I made s
ure she was asleep before I left the room and joined the party downstairs.

  A Lethal Dose of Seduction

  I looked for Brody and Cooper everywhere, but the men weren’t around.

  “Yo, Mason, man! Come out here and join us, bro!” Sam from the basketball team hollered.

  I joined their party, and he immediately handed me a lit up blunt and a new, opened beer. “You need to chill, man. What the hell happened to you? You’re becoming an old dog. Show us some love, right, girls?” he directed at the women lounging and dancing around, drunk, with Amanda amongst them.

  I wasn’t even surprised that she was around the wildest bunch out of the five different groups around, partying their drunk asses off. Warren, who was on the same team as Sam, ordered a bunch of girls who barely had their clothes on to dance right in the middle of the circle. Thirty minutes later, all tops were off and they only had on their thongs.

  Stacy, who was Warren’s girl of the month, had her undies down on her ankles while Warren started fucking her right then and there for everyone to witness. In my horny state, this wasn’t the best place for me to be. I jumped out of my seat when a hand glided inside my sweats and gripped my hard cock. “Let’s go inside. I’ll take good care of you,” Amanda huskily whispered into my ear, stroking me with vigor.

  Fuck. Fuck. Mason, think, fucker! Emma’s upstairs. Fucking get out of here before you lose your shit and fuck Amanda instead, get the hell of out. Grinding my teeth together, it took all the strength in me to pull her hand off my length.

  “Don’t touch me again without my permission, Amanda,” I hissed at her before getting up, in pain, almost limping my way back into the cabin.

  I sighed with relief when I was almost to my bedroom, but a hand pulled me to the side and into a darkened corner before sliding my sweats down. That’s when I saw Amanda on her knees, sucking me off passionately. She gave a moan the second the head of my dick hit the back of her throat, making it vibrate around my shaft, sending delicious shivers up and down my body.

  “Stop, please stop!” I grunted out in vain, meaning the words with all my heart, but dubiously not sounding like I did. Amanda deep throated me, making those nasty slurping sounds that I loved so much. “Fuck, stop!” I grounded out, trying to pull her off by her hair, but she was relentless. “God, damn it, Amanda!” I hissed at the kneeling woman, pushing on her shoulders with great force. Her mouth instantly unclasping around my length. “Stay the fuck away from me!” I blew up, screeching at the evilly smiling woman before me, still on her knees, pliable.

  “One day, Carter Mason. One day, I’ll get to have you.”

  “Go fuck yourself, Amanda!” I huffed out, leaving her there before I went inside my bedroom, locking its bolts before calming the fuck down.

  Hell, I was almost close to coming. I guess, I really was a whore, just as Lindsey said. When it came to sex, even if I didn’t like the woman, I still ended up getting aroused. Glancing at the sleeping woman who was putting me in great misery, I walked past her and went inside the bathroom, washing Amanda’s vile venom off before heading back towards the bed.

  Leaning against her face, I kissed her lips for a few seconds, studying her closely with affection. “Come back to me, baby.”

  God, my chest felt like a massive stone was pressed against it. I was having a hard time breathing. Sinking back on the mattress, I inched closer so that Emma’s breath caught my cheek.

  Her soft breathing calmed my troubled thoughts, lulling me back into her warmth, soothing me to sleep.

  To Hell, Heaven and Back to Hell Again

  I woke up the next day when I felt Emma shift a little bit and gasp sharply. Acting like I was still asleep, I tried to relax my features as much as possible, feeling her heated eyes on me.

  The temptation to see her checking me out was too enticing not to look. When I finally fluttered my eyes open, Emma was close to my face, gazing at me with tenderness. My lips spread into a very pleased grin while I noticed her cheeks flush in embarrassment. “G’morning!”

  Emma was disconcerted that I caught her openly staring at me and mumbled her reply, “Morning.”

  “Guess you slept well, huh? You snored—sort of—they were like these tiny little noises coming from you, it was adorable. I stared at you doing that for hours, I think.” My eyes twinkled, smiling down at her.

  “I did not!” she vehemently denied.

  “Did, too! Don’t worry; it didn’t turn me off, if that’s what you’re worried about. I thought it was sexy—cute sexy—but still sexy, you know?”

  “Shut up, Carter!” Emma smacked my face with a small throw pillow.

  She tried to do it twice more to shut me up, but I was more amused because she was becoming too adorable to handle. When she tried to do it again, I quickly caught her arm and rolled her onto to her back, leaving me on top of her hot, soft body. My hardness was a slight push away from directly touching her cloth-covered mound.

  Our eyes clashed—dark met blue. My body seemed to have a mind of its own because my hips pushed and rolled, grinding our sensitive sexes together. “Baby,” I grunted out, missing the heat of hers, missing her being like this underneath me. My erection was palpable, hard and hot against her before she gave out an unadulterated moan.

  Drowning in Emma’s lust-filled gaze, I went further. “Can I make love to you?” I rasped out.

  I heard her sharp intake of breath. Emma stared back at me, as if mishearing what I just asked her.

  At that moment, I didn’t even hesitate to go in for the kill. With a thudding heart, I crushed my lips against hers and a beastly grunt rumbled in my throat when Emma kissed me back, feverishly. Our tongues tangled, hungry and persuasive, as I started grinding on her pussy, my hardness pushed against her soaked shorts, hitting her entrance vigorously.

  Hastily, I took care of her shirt, exposing those creamy, dusky, pink-tipped breasts before my large roughened hands greedily kneaded them, playing with her nipples as I went along.

  “Carter,” she hissed when I playfully bit into her nipple, using the tip of my tongue to flick over the pebbled bud.

  Her legs quivered as I pushed myself against her pelvis some more, but this time, I pulled my sweats down to free my shaft before continuing to grind against her soaked pussy, wishing her shorts weren’t in the way. Emma let out a husky moan, bringing me to pre-come on her shorts before I slowly pulled back, allowing my hand to slide inside her shorts, pushing them aside so her beautiful pink sex was exposed to me. Using the back of my fingers, I stroked the outer part of her wet folds.

  My eyes took in her beauty, watching in awe as she lifted her torso off the bed, pushing her gorgeous boobs in the air before my mouth took them in, sucking and biting. My hand toyed with one and I used my teeth and tongue on the other, while my other hand was busy on her clit.

  Emma screeched my name, bucking. “Carter!”

  By then, my fingers were pushing inside her silken labia, rubbing against her nub. I let out a purring growl when she raked her nails through my hair before pulling my head down, our lips meeting for a passionate kiss. Our tongues fought while my fingers continued to ambush her sweet mound. Using two fingers, I slid into her moist channel, fingering her, groaning when her muscles clamped down on my digits. Hitting her spot, I fervently rubbed it, my eyes gazing adoringly at my woman who was a few seconds away from coming on my fingers.

  “Exquisite,” I murmured, voice potent with lust and laced with love.

  Emma stilled, blinking a few times before calling a halt to our activity. “Stop! We have to stop.”

  I stilled, inches away from her beautiful face, eyes searching hers for answers; all the while, my fingers were curled and lodged into her core.

  “You’re not serious? I’m so fucking hard, Em. I’m ready to combust here and you want to stop? What the fuck? I don’t find this funny.”

  “Well, I don’t either. Can you please take your fingers out of me?” she spat back, glaring at me.

I hadn’t moved, my fingers were still in the same location they were in a few seconds ago. I wondered how the hell I was going to survive another day without having with her in my arms, but I could compromise. I could do that. “Fine, I will stop… after you come apart on my fingers.”

  “No!” Emma easily denied me; when just a little over a minute ago she was writhing and moaning from my lips and touch.

  Maybe because I was blue-balled again, or maybe I was just plain angry and wanted to prove something to Emma, I don’t really know for sure, but I wasn’t going to back the fuck down. Determined to prove her wrong, my two fingers stroked her and I latched my thumb on her sweet button, unleashing the horny woman within. Emma instantaneously thrashed and whimpered from my relentless onslaught.

  “Look at me!” I commanded, fingers and thumb not stopping so they could end her sweet agony. She sobbed, moaning and panting my name in exaltation. Climbing higher, reaching higher, for the ultimate quaking nirvana.

  My eyes searched hers, but she was apparently having a hard time focusing as my assaulting fingers twirled and slid in and out of her soaked cunny. “Look. At. Me. Emma!”

  “Carter,” she whimpered, following my order.

  Emma fucking loved how I fingered her. She had gotten off with my fingers alone, three times before I took her. So I knew that she was just right there and I wanted her to have her release, so I could just watch her come apart, showing me her true beauty without her guard up and hateful words.

  “Don’t hold it back. Just let go. I want to feel your juices gush like a broken dam on my fingers.”

  Emma growled as she pushed against my fingers, urging me on to dominate her pussy. I shaped my fingers like a hook so that it was a direct hit on her g-spot, thumb on her nub. With my left hand, I splayed over her abdomen, pressing it down against the mattress so her hips would be immovable from my assault. The second I started rubbing and flicking with purpose, Emma was completely out of her mind with need.


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