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Scornfully Hers

Page 11

by Pamela Ann

  “Why do I get the feeling that I’m not going to like this?” Brody threw out, taking me aback.

  “Emma had a false alarm.” I was shaking my head when Cooper popped out from the sliding frame, early enough to catch the conversation. “That shit was messed up, man. You don’t understand. I thought I was about to be fucked. Thank God that wasn’t the case. I just need a good drink with you idiots.”

  “Emma okay, though?” Cooper asked, thoughtful as he sat on the bench, watching me.

  Of course she was; why wouldn’t she be? We almost threw our lives away. “Yeah, she’s cool. I just needed to get away from her for a few hours and breathe.”

  All three beeping phones immediately got our attention. We were silent as we read Russo’s forwarded message.

  Russo: 48 hour beach and pool party @ Amanda’s. Bring sexy not ugly!

  “You guys going?” Cooper asked, somewhat addressing Brody, but not directly.

  It was weird seeing these two fight because of a woman. Granted, the woman in question was my sister, but still, it was disheartening. Coop was a good friend, to both of us.

  “No idea,” I responded before glancing at Brody. “What about you?”

  “I have a family dinner I can’t get out of. You guys go ahead, though. Maybe I’ll catch up with you later on,” Brody said, glancing from me to Cooper.

  Good thing they were at least trying. “Guess we could check it out, Coop. We’ll leave in an hour? I need to shower and get ready.”

  An hour later, Brody left to drive back to his family’s estate in Montecito. Cooper went back into his room to get ready himself, so I was out here, still wondering if I should party at Amanda’s house, knowing that woman was after me, or if I should just head straight to see Emma and spend the night there.

  I was torn, because I wanted to see Emma and hang out with her, but at the same time, ever since we got back together, we were always, —and I mean, always—together. Maybe just this once, I could head out to party amongst friends. I’m sure Emma would understand, right?

  Satan and His Army of Boobs

  Six hours later, at four in the morning, the party was in full swing. As expected, Cece was following me like a puppy when she realized that Emma wasn’t with me.

  I was buzzing good and, for once, it felt amazing to just get drunk and have no care in the world. What happened earlier with the false alarm fucked me really good, mentally and emotionally. It brought back the ugliness of my childhood and the things that I vowed not to do.

  By noon, the house was still packed. People were still lazing around the beach drunk, some naked, some passed out, while others were eating and drinking the day away.

  When Amanda and Cece joined forces to annoy me, I was contemplating leaving the party, but Russo and some other guys were yelling that I was “pussy-whipped.” So, to prove a point, I stuck it out.

  I was on the hammock, enjoying the breeze with my shades on and eyes closed when Cooper popped out of nowhere, checking up on me.

  “Thought you were down and out, passed out with some sand in your mouth or something.” He grinned at me, red from the alcohol, not the sun.

  “I’m drunk, that’s why I don’t want to move, because that might just be the end of me.”

  “Hey, Cece and Amanda are talking about you, just letting you know. Don’t do anything stupid, okay, bro?”

  Okay, I knew he meant well, but that just rubbed me the wrong way. “Shut the fuck up, Coop. I’m not going to. What the hell?”

  He barely gave me a shrug before his eyes wandered somewhere else. “Good. I’ll be back in a few hours. I think the girl that I saw earlier just reappeared again,” Cooper rushed out, leaving to seek out the woman he’d apparently been eyeing.

  Needing to pee, I got up and finished my bottle before striding towards the palm trees at the farther end, away from peeping folks. I released a sigh of satisfaction.

  I spun around, about to zip my pants up when Amanda and Cece came out of nowhere. I stared in shock as Amanda got on her knees and pulled my cock out of my boxer slit before sucking it, hungrily. Cece was behind me, cupping my ass while she licked and nipped around my neck.

  “Stop!” I screeched, commanding them to halt their antics, but they weren’t paying attention to me.

  To my disgusted horror, I was getting so turned on while I watched Amanda gobble on my dick like it was her last meal. “Please, stop,” I pleaded, somewhat moaning.

  “We have a few surprises in the boathouse, baby. How does three more willing girls sound?” Cece rasped out in my ear, licking while her hand toyed and scratched my torso, making me hiss deliriously. “Five girls for you to play with… fuck with, Carter. This will be our little secret, no one will know.” She then directed towards Amanda, who was attached to my cock, never letting up. “Is he ready for us?”

  Amanda bobbed her head, sending more delicious currents all over me. Five girls and no one would know? Fuck, should I? God, I was so tempted, but Emma. I couldn’t. This has to stop, I thought with new determination, but that was before Cece got on her knees too and started to suck on my balls. Both girls were sucking, saliva dripping on the sand, milking my cock like it was their king, their reason.

  I was losing my strength, my battle of resistance, because my orgasm was a suck away and having two girls was just fucking insane. It didn’t surprise me that I was ready to pass out after I came. When I was led to the boathouse like I was under a spell, though, seeing the three naked girls waiting on me, I knew I really was fucked.

  The orgy went on for hours. I simply lost track of the time. We would sleep, wake up and get drunk, fuck then sleep again.

  I should’ve seen it coming, but I was so messed up that my brain wasn’t even functioning well. When Emma appeared out of nowhere, I swear, I saw my life flash before my eyes.

  “MOTHER FUCKER!” she screamed like a banshee, halting our movements.

  My heart broke when I saw the tears falling off her beautiful face. Right then it dawned on me, how disgusting this was, how disgusting I was.

  “Emma, baby!” I started, wanting to explain, but what did I have to say? That it was too hard to resist? There simply wasn’t an excusable reason I could come up with to rationalize this without losing Emma.

  “FUCK YOU! Now you won’t be fucking anyone tonight! We are through!” she bellowed at me before stomping on my dick, full force.

  I wanted to vomit! Holy fuck, this was beyond painful. “What the fuck, Emma!” I yelled before I curled up, cupping my balls.

  I wasn’t sure what happened next because I was so caught up with my own injury to listen to Emma spitting fire at the rest of the women.

  Stupid mistake that was, and hours later, I was at home mourning the loss of my love. She wouldn’t pick up my calls.

  There was no doubt in my mind, Emma was not going to be forgiving about the incident she witnessed, and I was a messed up person. With Emma, I knew fear. And tonight, I was locked into a nightmare.

  Albeit, a nightmare of my choosing.

  You’ll Always Be My Girl, Emma

  For a few months, I chased after her, begging for forgiveness, but she was completely shut off.

  Grudgingly, I gave her space, knowing that she needed it. Time, I was going to give her a breather, but not enough to completely forget me.

  Those who knew me well should have known that I wasn’t going anywhere. Once my mind was set, it was programmed for life.

  In some ways, this entire suffering only brought to light how much I really loved Emma. I agreed with what most of the people said, that I didn’t deserve her, but they didn’t know me. They didn’t know what was in me, what I was feeling then, yesterday and today.

  Admittedly, I made a huge monstrous mistake and I have been suffering for it ever since.

  She wasn’t going to forgive me. It wouldn’t even surprise me if she chose to be with Bass, thinking she made the right choice because of this mistake, a big fucking mistake.

here I was, back in my old bedroom in Montecito, staring at the one thing that would prove my love and my loyalty. Yes, I wasn’t going to sleep with another woman until Emma was ready. Extreme? Maybe. But I deserved this punishment and I was willing to pay my dues.

  As my grandmother used to tell me as a kid, “You have one life to live. Never give up because you only get this one chance. So live it, learn it, own it and accept it. Conquer it.”

  I’m never giving up, Emma. Might as well kill me because you’ll always be my girl, whether you want to be or not.

  So it begins….

  The Torn Series:

  Scornfully Yours (Emma)

  Scornfully Hers (Carter)

  Frayed (Trista)

  Blasphemous (Emma)

  Scorned (Lindsey)

  Fixated On You (Emma)

  Crushed (Amber)

  Untitled Novel (Carter or Bass)

  Other books by Pamela Ann:

  Lily’s Mistake

  Chasing Beautiful

  Chasing Imperfection

  Connect with her online:




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