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Forget Me Never

Page 8

by M J Rutter

  Meeting Alec made me realize that yes, maybe five days is very early to drop the ‘L’ word, to me though, I honestly believed that Alec was my first real love.

  “Come over here,” he said.

  “Why?” I asked coyly as I swam on my back.

  “Because watching you with the water washing over your insanely, sexy body is driving me crazy.” I stopped swimming and stood up in the water. He raised one eyebrow and smiled again. The sun danced in his eyes like flames as I slowly and seductively swam towards him. As soon as I got within reaching distance I could see his erection under the water, were we going to have sex in the pool? He pulled me towards him, pausing briefly before kissing me. “Relax, no one can see us.”

  “I know, but…”

  “If you don’t want to, its fine, I just thought that, well, I never have before in a pool and all the times I have been here, you are the first girl I have slept in that bed with much less skinny dipped in here with, I want to try everything with you.”

  I thought for a few moments, “Are you sure no one can see or hear us?” I checked.

  “Positive, this is the only room up here, and then the roof,” he smiled. I bit on my bottom lip and moved forward before I rapped my legs around his waist. He spun me around so that I was against the side of the pool and slipped inside of me.

  He left for his meeting after we had a small breakfast in his room. I dressed and headed back to my room and once there I took a long, hot bath. My legs were a bit sore and I could only put it down to all of the sex I had been having. My legs may have hurt, but my soul was on fire, burning with a desire I had never known, sex was great, it made me feel wonderful and as long as it was with Alec, then I would do it every day for the rest of our lives.

  After dressing in some clean clothes, I decided to head into the city and go shopping. I wanted to buy something to wear to go with the new me. I had saved for two years for this holiday and hadn’t really touched any money since I had arrived. The main desk gave me the directions to punch into the sat nav and I hit the road. I found the mall and parked the car.

  I don’t know what I was expecting at the mall, but I was surprised by how small it was. I think I was expecting something the size of Bluewater shopping centre in Kent. I recognised a few stores from there and back in London and remembered how much I hated to shop alone.

  After an ice cold smoothie from one of the stands in the food court, I made my way back to my car with the new perfume I had bought. Just before I got to the door I found a store I had only seen in the movies. Victoria’s Secret, the world famous lingerie store that had recently opened a shop in London. I gazed at the beautiful displays in the windows, all of the different colours and styles, lace, silk, thongs, French knockers, shorts. All of them looked amazing and I wondered if maybe Alec would like some, well, some on me.

  “Hi, how are you doing today?” the young looking sales assistant asked as I drifted in to the shop.

  “Uh, I’m alright.” I nodded and pulled a turquoise bra off the rack.

  “That is a pretty colour, but uh, well, with your colouring, I am guessing this would suit you better.” She held up a coral bra set, it was beautiful and my mother always said coral was my colour.

  “Do um, do men still like this sort of thing?” I asked taking it from her. It felt so soft, even though most of the fabric was lace, it felt as soft as cotton wool between my fingers.

  “Men will always like pretty, sexy yet tasteful underwear on their beautiful girlfriends,” she beamed. I looked at it again, “We have a BOGO sale on today, buy one, get one, so you could buy the coral set and get the turquoise set for free.”

  “You had me at BOGO,” I smiled and lifted the turquoise set from the rail.

  I left the store feeling somewhat happy with myself. I had never bought so much just for me before, then a pang of guilt, I hadn’t bought anything for Alec, but smiled to myself as I realized that technically I had. I felt certain he would enjoy the underwear and it placed excitement inside.

  Arriving back at the hotel, I climbed out of the car and hid the Victoria’s Secret bag in with my new shoes. As I entered the hotel, the receptionist waved to catch my attention.

  “Miss Matthews,” she smiled.

  “Yes,” I frowned.

  She lifted a huge bouquet of flowers from behind the counter, “These arrived for you today.” I gazed at them, lilies and roses of white and yellow. I pulled the card from the flowers,

  ‘Thank you for an incredible weekend,

  A R xx’

  I smiled and looked at the receptionist, “Someone is a very lucky girl,” she remarked.

  “Yes, I am.” I agreed. “Can I have something to put them in please?”

  “Of course, I’ll send someone up with a vase worthy enough for such an impressive array of flowers.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled again and took the flowers from her, the sent filled my nostrils as I hurried to the lift.

  When I got to my room I struggled to get the door open, almost tripping over my bags as I stumbled into the room. I laid the flowers on the table and lifted my bags from the floor. I kicked the door closed as my phone buzzed in my bag.

  Hurrying to the bed I rooted around to find my phone, by the time I found it, the ringing had stopped, I missed a call from Alec. I pressed the screen to dial his number and waited for him to answer.

  “Hello,” he said smiling, I could tell it in his voice.

  “Hello,” I replied. “Thank you for the flowers.”

  “What flowers?”

  “The flowers you sent me.” I began to panic; I mean A R could have been anyone really.

  “Oh, so someone else is sending my girlfriend flowers, are they?” I frowned, “Of course they’re from me, you are very welcome.” He chuckled.

  “I am glad you owned up, because it was going to be embarrassing trying to track down that other guy?” I grinned.

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes, Adam Roberts,” I jested, “amazing guy, really sexy bum.”

  “Do I not have the sexiest bum you have ever seen?” he asked.

  “You did… right up until I met Adam.” I retorted playfully.

  “Oh, ha, ha Miss Matthews.” He giggled.

  “You think I am joking,” I grinned. He didn’t respond, the line went quiet, but I could hear him breathing. “Okay, so you can wind me up, but I can’t do the same?” I demanded.

  “Sorry, but you have no idea how much the thought of you meeting someone else upsets me.” He admitted.

  “Well, you have nothing to worry there, it’s more like I should be worrying about losing you.”

  “Why would you think that?” he asked.

  “Well, look at you, you are gorgeous, charming, sexy, all of the above and I have nothing to offer you… Any woman would fall at your feet.”

  “Grace, I am in love with you. No other woman has ever made me feel the way I feel when I am with you and I would not risk losing that for anything, okay?”

  “Okay,” I muttered, his words rang in my ears. He seemed too good to be true at times, but I didn’t care, he made me feel wanted and who wouldn’t want that?

  “All I want and need for you is you. Never forget that.”

  I smiled, “I won’t.” I promised.

  “So, have you called your boss yet?”

  “Bugger,” I frowned, “no, I’ll call her now.”

  “Good, because I have found a hotel right on the strip.”

  “She might say no,” I sighed.

  “Does she know what you have been through?”

  “Yes, I had to take a couple of days off work off when he uh… well, yes.” I grimaced at the memories.

  “She’ll understand, Grace. She’s a romantic.”

  “I can only ask,” I nodded.

  “I need to get back to my meeting. I’ll see you in a couple of hours, I am taking you out tonight, so I hope you haven’t got any plans.”

  “I do now,” I smiled
. “I’ll see you later then.”

  “Yes you will. Before I go, please wear that knock out dress from the other night, it makes your boobs look amazing.”

  “Only my boobs?”

  “Well, it makes all of you look amazing, but to be honest, I could barely tear my eyes away from your boobs.” He admitted.

  “In that case I will. Now, go back to work you slacker.”

  “Charming,” he chuckled. “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” I grinned twiddling my hair in my fingers.

  “Until later, my love.”

  “Until then.” I ended the call and flopped back on the bed, sighing loudly. Being this in love with someone felt amazing, exhilarating and extremely exciting, but also petrifying at the same time, what the hell was wrong with me?

  I could have quite easily drifted off to sleep, but I made myself sit up. I wanted to pamper myself, I wanted to prepare and ensure that everything would be perfect for Alec. After a long soak in the bath, I straightened my hair and put on my new coral underwear. Gazing at myself in the mirror, it looked incredible with my tan. Not that I would ever admit that to anyone else. Until I met Alec, I never considered myself to be attractive, so hearing him say that I was beautiful was something I had rarely heard before.

  Kevin never complimented me, he was always too busy admiring himself or brushing his hair, he even checked his own reflection in my sunglasses in the summer and never left his house without a hairbrush in his pocket. The monster I had created by telling him how good looking he was and getting jealous when he flirted with other girls, who rarely told me he loved me and when we had sex, it was as if I wasn’t even there half the time, he would never know how he almost destroyed me. But I had known him since I was seventeen and I was comfortable with him. He was my first and only lover, so I was unaware that girls got enjoyment out of sex until I spoke with Saff about it, I honestly thought that sex was all acting. I didn’t know any different and assumed this was how relationships were meant to be.

  Tearing my mind away from Kevin, I decided to let go of all of the pain he had caused because it had consumed me for so long. I had Alec now and I was going to make damn sure I didn’t take it for granted that he’d always be there. For that moment though, I was determined to enjoy every minute, no matter how long it lasted, I would always have LA.


  Alec had called to say he would knock for me at seven. I dressed in the blue dress he had said he liked so much and sprayed on my new perfume. I had spent a few minutes almost begging Kim to allow me another week,

  “Alright,” she said sourly, “what’s his name?”

  “Alec Richards.” I answered.

  “Alec Richards, formally of Armitage and Gould Holdings, now the Managing Director of A.K. Richards’ Investments?”

  “I um, well he said he sets up international companies.”

  “Yes, that’s him, he is a self-made millionaire by all accounts.” She muttered, my mouth dropped open, it explained so much. “Okay, Grace, seeing as you have never even had a day off sick, I’ll honour another week. Sounds like you have landed yourself a real Prince Charming, I really hope it all works out for you.”

  “Thank you, Kim.” I smiled slightly, “I’ll see you soon, okay?”

  “Okay, just don’t forget about us while you are jet setting around America.”

  “Of course not.” I insisted and ended the call.

  So, Alec was millionaire, I suppose it made perfect sense and it certainly explained a lot regarding why he didn’t drive himself and such. It didn’t change a thing though, I thought it would intimidate me, but it didn’t because although he was rich, he never acted that way and as long as that didn’t change, then I was not going to worry about it. I didn’t need his money, I worked hard for all I had and I would continue to do so.

  He arrived at seven as he promised, wearing a pair of light grey trousers and a dark blue shirt, he smiled warmly as I opened the door,

  “You look sensational,” he said and pecked my cheek. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes,” I nodded, “I spoke with Kim and she has agreed to allow me another week of leave.”

  “That is fantastic news.” He grinned. “Are you ready, we have a table booked for seven-thirty?”

  “I will just get my bag.” I said and hurried into the bedroom. I took a couple of composing breaths and returned to him.

  “Are you sure you are alright; you seem a tad on edge?”

  “I am fine, Alec, honestly.” I insisted.

  “Okay,” he smiled slightly and held out his elbow, “Shall we?”

  “We shall,” I smiled and linked my arm with his.

  Daniel drove us into Beverly Hills and stopped at a prestigious looking restaurant, he opened the door for us to get out and smiled as I used his hand to exit the car. Alec took my hand in his and led me into the restaurant, the place was packed, LA’s finest seemed to be there dining on expensive food and champagne.

  The staff all seemed to know Alec and chatted as they led us to our table and took our drink orders.

  “Grace, tell me what’s on your mind.” He pressed.

  “I keep thinking I am going to wake up and you, this, this is all just a dream. I’ll be back in my flat and it’s raining outside. My heart will be hurting and news that came through the night before of him with his new girlfriend has crippled me again. I hate going on about him, Alec, but it all feels so raw still and then you, you are perfect and I can’t believe you love me. How can this be real?”

  He reached his hand across the table, knocking his silver wear out of the way, taking my quivering hand in his he smiled, the candle flame flickering in his brown eyes,

  “Does that feel real to you?” he asked.

  I nodded, “Yes.”

  “Why do you think this isn’t real?”

  “Because you are everything I have ever wanted in a man and things like this don’t usually happen to me.” I replied.

  “Me neither,” he muttered. “Grace, my beautiful, Grace, this is what I like the most about you. You are so natural and so real, there are no hidden secrets. I ask you a question and you answer me honestly, but I am a little concerned tonight, it’s as if your mind is elsewhere and it scares me.”


  “I keep pinching myself too, not believing that I am lucky enough to have found you and not knowing what would I do if I lost you.”

  “Okay, so tell me something about you, not your sister or her children, I want to know about you, Alec.”

  “Uh, I am twenty-eight on the fifth of July, I don’t actually have a middle name, the ‘K’ initial I use is from my dad’s first name, Kieran. I love the colour red, I listen to all kinds of music, but Coldplay are my most favourite band. I also enjoy a good film at the cinema now and again. As you know, I don’t drink too much anymore and my best friend, Lance Helier has been at my side most of my life. My first real girlfriend was called Sofia, she was an Italian law student at Oxford and two years older than me, she was also my first lover and taught me everything I needed to know. I love chocolate, all kinds, and Quavers crisps and I hate fish and popcorn. I am not really into sports at all but I do have a gym in my house and train as much as I can, but because I want to and not because I am obsessed or anything like that.” He smiled, “Your turn.”

  “Um, my birthday is June the thirtieth and I’ll be twenty-seven, my middle name is Louise which I hate. I like the colour blue, all shades and I also enjoy movies especially Rom Coms. I love music and sunsets because I am a hopeless romantic. I adore cheesecake, all kinds and can’t hold alcohol at all. I have always been known as Grace the lightweight since I can remember. My best friend is Saffron and we have been friends since school.” He smiled looking slightly amused, “What?”

  “Our birthdays are five days apart.”

  “So it is,” I smiled. “Well, we’ll have to do something together then.”

  “It’s a date,” he winked his eye.
  Our drinks arrived and we ordered the chicken for dinner. The evening flew by and I decided not to worry about his wealth, it was nothing to do with me and if and when he chose to tell me I would tell him it didn’t matter, if he was penniless and homeless, I would still love him. He ordered a slice of the black cherry, baked cheesecake for dessert and two spoons. We shared this amazingly soft and creamy cheesecake with a zing in its tail as the bite of the sour cherries burst in our mouths.

  As we left with the lingering taste of an incredible meal in my mouth he took my hand and smiled,

  “Thank you for a wonderful dinner, Alec.”

  “You are most welcome.” He replied. “My meeting today was with a new partner for a company I assisted in setting up, but I have known him for years. He is having a party on his yacht tonight, I said we’d drop by, is that all right with you?”

  “Of course.” I replied as Daniel climbed out of the car and opened the door for us.

  He drove us across the city to the marina and stopped on the docks along said a huge white and black Sunseeker Yacht. As Daniel opened the door, I could hear loud music, glasses clinking together and laughter.

  Alec took my hand and led me up the gang plank. You wouldn’t have known we were on a boat on the sea as it barely moved at first. A waiter offered us pink champagne as we walked towards the party. We each took a glass and were greeted by a woman dressed in a white, tight fitting dress with long blonde hair and bright red lipstick.

  “Alec,” she beamed and pecked his cheek, leaver a smear of red on it, “so glad you could make it.”

  “I promised Warren we would,” he smiled and let my hand go. “Elisa White, this is my girlfriend, Grace Matthews.”

  “Wow, so you are the talk of the team,” she smiled slipping her small, cold hand into mine. “It is nice to meet you, Grace.”

  “And you,” I mustered, my throat had almost closed as I replayed her words in my head. Talk of the team?


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