Book Read Free

Forget Me Never

Page 10

by M J Rutter

  “Alec?” I frowned.

  “I just need a couple of minutes, okay?” he said moving away from me and hurried into my bathroom. That call explained so much, I didn’t need him to tell me a thing, I just wanted to comfort him. Suddenly, our silly, little spat didn’t seem so important anymore.

  When he emerged from the bathroom some time later, he looked as though he had been crying. My heart burst for him, if I had known, maybe I would have been a little more sympathetic.

  “Are you um…? Sorry, stupid question.” I muttered.

  “Every year she calls me and yells at me, I think it’s her coping mechanism or something.”

  “It doesn’t seem very fair though,” I said as he sat beside me.

  “She thinks I don’t care, I just don’t see the point in going to their graves, year after year with a bunch of bloody roses, its ten years this year.”

  “Maybe it makes her feel better.” I offered.

  “Maybe,” he nodded. “I am sorry about…”

  “Hey, don’t you dare apologise, you have every right to be upset. Your sister was out of order.” I added as I wrapped my arm around him and pecked his cheek. I could taste salt and it made me want to hold him. He turned his face so that his lips could meet mine. As we parted his gazed into my eyes. “Shall we get in to bed.”

  He frowned, “Yes, but uh, I really need to sleep, I am exhausted.”

  “Me too.” I stood and walked around the bed, he closed the curtains and climbed in beside me. I cuddled into his warm body as he pecked my forehead. Within minutes he was sleeping soundly. I closed my eyes and drifted away.

  We woke sometime later that day, ordered room service for a late lunch and watched movies until it got dark outside. We ordered a pizza later that evening for dinner and washed it down with ice cold cans of Dr Pepper.

  He talked about his parents and the life he had before their untimely death. Their family holidays and how proud his father was when he passed all of his exams coming top in the school.

  He also talked about Emily and her husband. How they met in Rome and she came home telling everyone she was going to marry him. It seemed impulsiveness ran in the family.

  “What are your niece’s names?” I asked.

  “Scarlett is the eldest at twelve and Paige is seven. She’s the boss of the house too. Mark can’t get a word in when she starts.”

  “Mark is your brother-in-law?”

  “Yes, he’s a headmaster of a junior school in Abingdon.” He replied. “I’ll take you to meet them when we get back, if you want to of course.”

  “I’d like that.” I nodded. “My family is quite boring really.”

  “I am sure they’re not.”

  “When we have a family function, even the DJ leaves early.” I chuckled.

  “You have quite a sense of humour, don’t you?”

  “Have I?”

  “Yes you have,” he smiled. “It’s a good thing too, because when you meet my brood, you are going to need it.”

  “Now I am really scared,” I said playfully. “Right, well, I stink, so I am going to take a shower.” I added standing from the sofa and lifting the pizza box.

  “I didn’t want to say anything,” he smiled, “but yes, you really need a shower.”

  “Cheeky sod,” I smiled. “You stink too, you know.”

  “In that case, let’s help out the economy and shower together.”

  “I’ll start the water.” I smiled.

  Once in the bathroom, I started the shower and pulled my nightshirt over my head.

  “Wow, they are sexy.” Alec said from the door admiring my new thongs.

  “I got them yesterday,” I said as he sauntered towards me. He lifted my arm above my head and spun me on the spot.

  “They are the sexiest thongs I have ever seen, or maybe it’s because they are on you.” He smiled admiringly.

  “I bought the bra to match and I got another set in turquoise.” I explained.

  “That is my favourite colour on you,” he said taking me into his arms. “Just the thought of it is turning me on.”

  “First though, I need a shower.”

  “I’ll put up with the stink, honestly, I don’t mind.”

  “Ha, ha.” I chuckled and pushed off the thongs before climbing into the shower. In seconds, literally, I turned around under the warm water and he was there.

  He lifted the shampoo and squeezed some into his hand, “Turn around,” he told me.

  I did as he instructed and he began massaging my hair with the shampoo, not only did the shower fill with this wonderful scent, but it felt amazing. If that wasn’t astonishing enough, he then conditioned my hair sparking all of my nerves alight.

  As he ran his fingers through my wet hair, he pressed against me from behind, I felt his erection push between the tops of my legs, slick and warm. My instant reaction was to open my legs and allow him to push further, so that he was almost inside of me, as his soapy hands moved around my waist and across my pelvis until his fingers found me, throbbing for him.

  He kissed my neck and sucked my ear lobes until a moan escaped from my lips, my aching burst into wave after wave, causing my body the arch against him. I turned around and he pushed me against the tiled wall of the shower, lifting me up and lowering me onto his erection, where he moved inside of me fast. I linked my ankles together causing him to push in deeper, riding me up and down against the wall as warm water sprayed our bodies. Moments later, he groaned loudly in my ear as he came, holding me there for a few sweet seconds.

  Once he relaxed the grip he had on my backside, something I hadn’t noticed until I felt him let go, I kissed him deeply and smiled against his mouth. I had read about the steamy shower scene over and over again and now I had actually had one for myself. It certainly was one thing I would never forget.

  “Alright?” he asked breathlessly as our lips parted.

  “I am,” I nodded. “That was really something.”

  “I can only agree.”

  We showered our bodies and headed to the bedroom where we began yet another night of making love. He showed me other positions, some I had never heard of, some were okay and others, well, if it weren’t for the fact that I was so turned on, I probably would have just laughed. He also bought me to orgasm in his mouth, something else I’d never had before and I can honestly say that my mind exploded.

  I reciprocated of course, Kevin liked nothing more than oral sex, he just never gave it back. Alec was so gentle, unlike Kevin, who always rammed his way to back of my throat, Alec allowed me to do the work and pulled me from him so that he didn’t explode into my mouth, something I had never liked and was thankful for.

  We fell into a blissful sleep, our exhausted bodies entwined in a bed sheet and didn’t move all night.

  I woke sharply when my phone rang, bloody Saffron again. I swear she knew I’d be sleeping. Alec woke as I answered the call,


  “Did I wake you?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I frowned.

  “Sorry, but isn’t it eleven over there?”

  I pulled the phone from my ear to check and she was right, we had slept right through. “So it is.” I remarked.

  “How are things? I am dying to know.”

  “Things are good,” I smiled at Alec. “No, better than good, they are fantastic, Saffron, absolutely fantastic.”

  “Glad to hear it,” she replied. “So, you are still seeing him then, getting lots of hot sex and stuff?”

  “I most definitely am,” I took Alec’s hand and pecked his fingers.

  “Oh-my-God!” she screamed into my ear so loud, I had to pull the phone away again, Alec began to chuckle. “That is awesome, Grace, I am so happy for you.”

  “I am happy too,” I agreed, “really happy.” Alec began to draw circles with his finger on my tummy, it tickled and I began to wriggle, trying to push his hand away. “Stop it.” I mouthed to him.

  “I want to play,” he whispered
and began kissing my collar bone.

  “So, what have you been up to?” Saffron asked.

  “Um,” I surpassed my smile as he began trailing kisses down my body, across my breasts, taking a nipple into his mouth and lightly biting it, “Um, well, shopping and site seeing… the usual, st-stuff.” He kissed my pelvis, I wriggle again and tried very hard not to allow it to show in my call, but I was about to scream.

  “I get the impression that you are not alone,” she said slowly.

  “That would be correct,” I said clearing my throat. “Al-Alec,” Oh God! He found me, lifting my legs, he pushed his tongue inside of me and I held my hand over my mouth briefly, “Alec, is um, he-here with me.” He began sweeping his tongue around, much more than he had the night before.

  “Oh, my bad, sorry. I’ll just, um, I’ll speak to you later, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  “That doesn’t leave me a lot.” I smiled as his hands found my breasts as the throb intensified, I could hardly breathe, “Bye,” I said quickly and ended the call just seconds before heat rushed through my body and my ache burst open filling my head with sparks. “Oh. My. God!” I cried out. He looked up and smiled, “I can’t believe you did that,” I smiled as I began to melt against the bed.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear,” he said raising an eyebrow, “I wanted to make you scream.”

  “Great, but why do it when I was on the phone?”

  “When Little Alec demands attention, Little Alec gets attention.” He knelt up and pushed the sheet from his body, “I mean, look at the little fellow, he needs some TLC.”

  I smiled as I gazed at his huge erection, standing to attention, “He certainly does,” I agreed and pulled him on top of me.

  We bathed together that morning, well, actually it was gone twelve by the time we finally got out of bed. After dressing, Alec hurried up to his room to change, so I sent Saff a quick text.

  ‘Sorry, but he um, well he would not wait for me to get off the phone. Oh my God Saff, AGGHHH!!!!:-)’

  Not seconds later and a reply came back,

  ‘I am so happy for you, Grace. Speak to you soon, :-)’


  When Alec returned he was wearing jean shorts, a white polo shirt and deck shoes without socks, and as always, he looked extremely handsome. As we were both starving we decided to go out for the afternoon and find somewhere to eat. Walking while holding hands through the hotel, we headed out to my car and drove up Route One, north through California.

  While we drove, a group of Hell’s Angels passed us on their Harley Davidsons and Goldwing motor bikes with a huge roar, vibrating through the car as that passed. We continued up the amazing coastal road, passing huge beach houses and palm trees until we found a small seafood restaurant and I pulled over to stop. Climbing out of the car, Alec began to pat his pockets frantically.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I forgot my phone and my wallet.” He frowned. “We’ll have to go back.”

  “Why? I have money.” I shrugged.

  “No, we can go back, its fine.”

  “Well, I am about to pass out, all that sex and no food, I am sure there is a law against it. Even sex slaves get fed.” I smiled and took his hand. “I will buy us an amazing meal and then if you really want your phone, we’ll go back, all right?”

  He heaved a deep breath, “It’s not right, a girl should never have to pay for dinner.”

  “Poppycock!” I scoffed and towed him towards the restaurant.

  We were shown to a table and sat opposite each other, he reached across the table and took both of my hands in his.

  “Do you know what I would really like?” he asked.

  “Alec,” I smiled, “the place is half full, there are too many people around.”

  “You have a dirty mind,” he smiled and blushed slightly, “I was actually going to tell you that I don’t want this to end, being out here with you, away from my phone and computer, away from those idiots I work with. Just us, no one knows who we are or where we are, it’s my idea of Heaven.” He looked around, “But now you got me wondering if they have a big enough bathroom here where I can rip off that dress and ravish you against the toilet wall.”

  “Not very romantic or clean, but sounds exciting,” I beamed. “The part of being here with you though, well, there is nowhere I’d rather be.”

  After eating our club sandwiches, we went back out to the car, we were just across the road from the beach so I asked if he’d like to walk off some of the food we had eaten.

  “I think if we drive a bit further up, there is a lovely part of the beach we can walk on and we won’t have to cross this road.” He suggested. “I haven’t been up this far for a while, but it should still be there.”

  “Lead the way,” I smiled.

  After driving a few more miles up the road and stopped in a parking area that overlooked the beach. Then hand in hand we walked along the shoreline, allowing the cold waves to cool us down. The orange sun was set low and the sky a light lavender colour, the sea gulls swooped around us and I don’t think we had been together so peaceful before.

  “I can’t believe how amazing this week has been,” he said disturbing the silence.

  “I know,” I agreed. “In case I forget, Alec, thank you.”

  “Thank you for what?”

  “For bringing me back to life. Seriously, I see now that the last nine months have been nothing more than existence for me, so thank you.”

  “In that case, thank you for showing me that someone as amazing as you are worth taking a chance on. Disaster that you are and all of that, you are pretty remarkable, Grace Matthews and we are only just getting started.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I smiled, he spun me around so that I was facing him. Pushing his hands into my hair and cradling my head, he gazed deeply into my eyes.

  “I love you, Grace,” he said and before I could respond, he pressed his lips to mine.

  As we walked back towards the car I notice the distinctive colour belonging to my favourite flowers.

  “Oh wow,” I gasped dropping his hand and racing over to them, dotted on the cliff face. “Forget-me-nots,” I smiled bending down to touch their tiny petals of blue.

  “You like Forget-me-nots?” he asked.

  “Yes, they are my favourite flower.”

  “Grace, they were my mother’s favourite flower also.” He said. I stood back from them and turned to him, his eyes filled with tears, “I keep waiting for something to tell me that I was making a mistake with you. I haven’t been lucky in love ever, which is probably why everyone feels so protective of me. But the more I discover about you, it all shows me just how much we should be together, like we were destined to go through all of the bad stuff to find each other and appreciate the good. My mother always told me that if I ever found a girl that merges with my heart, mind and soul, never let her go because I have found my soul mate, its less than a week and I already know that I can’t go a day without you in my life.”

  “Well,” I smiled wrapping my arms around his body, “I am not going anywhere.”

  The following day we took a tour on a sight-seeing bus that took us all through the main attractions of LA and ended the evening at a Hard Rock Café. I made him leave his phone behind again and it was nice that we were ‘off the grid’ as it were. After returning to the hotel, we went up to his room and had an early night.

  Alec had to leave at seven the following morning, Thursday meant that my first week of my holiday was over, so waving him off with his kiss lingering on my lips and out last love making session still tingling inside, pinched a little bit. He had to fly down to San Francisco and wouldn’t be back until Saturday morning. I had no idea of what to do, I didn’t want to go shopping alone again and I certainly didn’t fancy anymore sight-seeing. I had seen enough of LA.

  I took a shower and put on a bikini deciding that for the first part our time apart I would top up my tan. He left me his pass code
so I could use his Penthouse while he was away, so I thought I would take him up on the offer, lifted a bottle of wine that we brought up from the restaurant and a glass, my half read book that I hadn’t touched since that first day and headed up to his room.

  I hadn’t fully taken in all its beauty the first time I went up there, the huge bed that we made love in so many times, with white covers and sheets, the perfect light coloured décor around the small apartment looking room. His bathroom, with the huge sunken bath and Jacuzzi sung to me and I planned on making good use of it too.

  I slid open the doors and placed my wine and glass on the table beside a lounger. Dropped my towel on the floor and dived into the pool. I swam the length of it so many times, I had lost count to try and burn off some of the food I had eaten with Alec.

  I had never been overly skinny, I did put on a bit of weight when I was on the pill and it left me slightly curvy even after I stopped taking it. When I first broke up with Kevin, I stopped eating for a while and it scared everyone how quick the weight just dropped off. But I kept thinking that if I lost weight, he’d want me back. If I looked better, he would want me back. He noticed and remarked on my weight loss so at least it seemed to have worked in one respect. Then I found out about her, Tracey the Tart, as I named her. She was so thin and I suppose that’s what he wanted to go with his new thinner body. When I think about it, he had said several times that he could never love a fat girl. Ouch!

  Alec had only said how beautiful I was and how I had an incredible body, I didn’t want to risk losing him too because of a little weight gain and decided that if I wanted to keep my body as appealing to him, I had to work at it. So when I felt I had swum enough lengths, I did five more. After I got out I laid back on the lounger and lifted my book, just as my phone began to ring.


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