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Forget Me Never

Page 18

by M J Rutter

  I listened to him breathe and smiled. He was mine, he had declared his love and assured that nothing had changed, my fears for a holiday fling were finally eradicated and I hoped for good. We had a future to embrace and to do that, the old, insecure Grace had to cease to exist. I didn’t want to lose him ever and if I wanted to keep him, then I had to stop worrying about losing him, I pushed Kevin away and I would not do that again.

  I woke alone, the room was lit dimly and a line of light peeped though the curtains. I sat up and realised that I needed a bathroom and quick. Only Alec hadn’t showed me where that was. I pushed off the quilt and hurried out onto the landing. The first door I pushed opened revealed a gym of some sort, with a running machine and weights. The walls were lined with mirrors and the floor was highly polished, solid wood. Behind the next door I found an airing cupboard, not a towel or sheet was out of place. It took me three more attempts to actually find the bathroom.

  It was white with black tiles dotted around the walls. In the middle there was a freestanding, porcelain bath and in the corner a large shower. I used the loo quickly and splashed water over my face to freshen up. I was certain he wouldn’t mind, so helped myself to a bit of mouth wash to freshen up my mouth.

  When I returned to Alec’s room, he was sat on the bed checking his phone, he needed a shave, but looked amazing in nothing but a t-shirt and boxers.

  “Sorry, I needed the loo,” I explained.

  “Why are you sorry?” he asked and looked up from his screen. “How do you feel?”

  “Still groggy, but I am sure I will be fine are a good night’s sleep.” I replied and pulled on my jeans. “Maybe I should get home.”

  “Do you want to go home?”

  “No, but I need to, I have mail to go through too I expect.”

  “I cooked for you.”

  “What?” I frowned pulling my arms inside of my shirt to put my bra back on.

  “I cooked you something to eat, you must be hungry.”

  “I might be,” I smiled.

  “I am no Jamie Oliver, but I can make a mean omelette.”

  “Sounds delightful,” I beamed. “What is the time?”

  “It’s almost six,” he replied and walked towards me, “You don’t have to go home tonight, you know, you can stay here if you want to.”

  “Or, you could stay at my place,” I suggested.

  “As long as I am with you, I don’t care.” He smiled and planted a kiss on my lips. “I see you found my mouth wash.”

  “Mine is packed,” I muttered.

  “Well, this omelette is getting cold,” he said taking my hand and led me down the stairs once more.

  We sat side by side at his breakfast bar and ate this amazing cheese omelette that was so light and fluffy, it melted on my tongue. After eating I helped wash the dishes and we got ready to leave. I felt like I needed a shower and was looking forward to going home. Alec took a shower, shaved and changed his clothes and when he was ready to go, he phoned for his car.

  David returned with the car and drove us to Chelsea, where I had lived for almost a year. Thankfully, Kevin didn’t even know where I had moved to when he said he wanted a break, I took the first flat I could find and left Lowestoft forever. Luckily my pay was excellent and I could afford to live in London, but I still hated the thought of paying rent money, I saw it as throwing money away.

  The rain had stopped, but everywhere looked so wet and dismal. As we drove up my street I recognised a car outside of my flat. Saffron’s VW Beetle, she was sat in it as we stopped outside of my building and she looked angry.

  “Um, maybe it might be a good idea if you go home,” I muttered suddenly afraid that her wrath would scare him off completely.

  “That’s Saffron I take it,” he sighed.

  “Yes and I am in so much trouble, seriously, Alec, you don’t want her fallout, she is catastrophic.”

  “I can handle her,” he smiled as David opened the car door.

  I climbed out first and stood as David began unloading my bags from the boot. Saffron climbed out of her car behind us and slammed her door shut as Alec stood beside me.

  “I wondered if you’d come back tonight,” she said sourly on approach. Her blonde hair was tied up in a messy knot on top of her head, wearing her striped shirt that hung off her shoulder and black leggings. Her blue eyes looked as cold as ever and she stared at Alec.

  “We landed this morning,” I replied, “But we went to Alec’s and fell asleep, we didn’t sleep during the flight.”

  “Well, at least you’re back,” she huffed and turned around.

  “Don’t you want to come in?” I asked.

  “Am I welcome?” she asked.

  “Of course you are,” I smiled. “Saffron, I’d like you to meet Alec Richards.”

  Alec held out his hand, “It is nice to meet you properly, Saffron” he said as she shook his hand.

  “And you,” she smiled slightly. Though she was not letting me off, it was a start.

  “Let’s get these bags inside,” Alec suggested lifting my case and hooking my flight bag over his shoulder.

  David drove off as Saff and I carried the rest of my bags down the steps to the front door of my basement flat closely followed by Alec. Saff had her own key, she was keeping an eye on my flat while I was away, and informed us that she had kindly got in some milk and bread.

  I opened the door and switched on the light. The place was as I had left it and I expected no less. Alec gazed around the living room and smiled at my pictures on the walls. I had also kept to mutual colours, the flat didn’t need to be made darker with colour. Saffron put on the kettle and I removed my jacket and kicked off my canvas pumps.

  “You can sit down,” I told Alec.

  “Thanks,” he smiled and sat on my cream sofa.

  “So, how was Vegas?” Saffron asked returning from the kitchen.

  “Amazing,” I smiled.

  “I believe I owe you a huge apology, Saffron,” Alec added. “The whole trip to Vegas was my idea and because I kept Grace so busy, it slipped her mind to call and inform you. So, I am extremely sorry and will reimburse you with everything that wasted trip to Gatwick cost you.”

  “Thank you, but it’s fine. After I calmed down a bit I realized that had I been in Grace’s shoes, I would have done the same thing.”

  “None-the-less, please allow me to at least pay you for the fuel and parking cost.” Alec insisted pulling out his wallet.

  “Tell you what, you treat us to a takeaway and I’ll call it quits.” She smiled and looked at me, I was forgiven, her cold eyes had softened and we were besties once more, thank you, Alec and your incredible charm.

  We ordered Chinese food and Saff popped down to the shop for some wine before it arrived. Alec seemed to relax in my home and that was reassuring, because the last thing I wanted was for him to be on edge or feel uncomfortable there.

  After eating far too many chicken balls and rice, we sat on the couch and talked about our trip. I showed Grace my pictures and gave her a huge bag of gifts, she sprayed the perfume around the room and it did smell nice, but I think Alec would disagree seeing as it made him cough. After the she finished her one glass of wine she said she was going, I walked her out to her car,

  “He is every bit as charming as you claimed him to be,” she smiled. “Not to mention drop dead gorgeous.”

  “He is wonderful,” I agreed, “I think he is the one, Saff, I am truly, madly and deeply in love with him.”

  “And any fool can see that he feels the same about you.” She grinned and hugged me. “I have missed you, but I am so glad you found your prince.” We said goodbye and I watched as she drove away.

  When I got back inside, Alec had removed his shoes and stretched out his long legs, resting his head back on my couch. I collected the glasses and plates and took them out to the kitchen, placed them in the sink and began filling it with hot water.

  “Need a hand?” he asked.

  “No,” I s
hrugged, “I’ll wash these and then I am taking a shower. I feel yuck.”

  “You don’t look yuck,” he remarked, I turned my head and smiled at him. “I love your flat, it’s not as bad as you made it out to be.”

  “Wait till tomorrow when it will be daylight and we’ll still need to put the lights on, that’s if you want to stay of course.”

  “Try stopping me,” he smiled. “I’ll finish those, go and take your shower.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I am not above washing a few dishes, you know.”

  “I know,” I smiled and dried my hands on a tea-towel. “Thank you,” I added before leaving him in the kitchen.

  My bathroom was nowhere near as extravagant as Alec’s, but the best room of the flat in my opinion. My shower was a stand-alone and I had a bath big enough for two. The walls were tiled in sky blue and he floor white ceramic. I allowed the warm water to wash over me, washed my hair, massaging tropical shampoo and conditioner through my curls.

  After showering, I wrapped my hair and body in towels and brushed my teeth, it woke me up even more than the shower did and just what I needed. I put on a small nightdress and my robe before returning to the living room. Alec was watching the news at ten and smiled as I entered the room,

  “Better?” he asked.

  I nodded and sat beside him, “Much.” I replied and began to yawn.

  “Shall we go to bed? I am exhausted.”

  “Me too,” I nodded.

  He cuddled in behind me and began kissing my shoulder, his hands began to wonder across my body, stroking it lightly, finding ticklish spots causing me to wriggle.

  “I thought you said you were tired.” I smiled.

  “I am, but not so tired that I can’t ravish your body. It always helps me sleep and it will be our first time in London.” He added.

  His hands moved lower over my pelvis and his long fingers slipped inside of me, a moan escaped my lips and already throbbing, I opened my legs to allow him to explore. Pushing my nightie off over my head, he threw it across the room, and keeping his hand and fingers moving around me, he managed to slip inside from behind, I hooked my leg over his waist as he began to move, kissing my neck, caressing my body with his free hand.

  Unable to take any more of his teasing, I moved away from him slightly, pushed him back onto the bed and climbed across his waist so that he could entre me once more. As I rocked with his pelvis, he caressed my breasts, playing with my nipples, then as he grew inside of me, he held on to my shoulders, pushing me harder against him. The pressure burst between us and we came together, groaning loudly as we peaked. Every single nerve in my body was on fire, burning with desire and tingling as came to rest, I leaned towards his mouth and kissed him deeply. He stroked his hands up my body and smiled.

  “That didn’t take us long,” he said breathlessly.

  “No,” I smiled. “I love you, Alec.”

  “And I love you,” he smiled and kissed me again.

  Entwined in the sheet, our naked bodies, weary from jet lag and lack of sleep, were finally relaxed enough to fall into a blissful sleep.

  I woke early the following morning, still entwined with Alec’s body and the sheet. I turned my head to look at him. He slept soundly beside me and as I tried to reach my phone so that I could check the time, he began to stir. I froze so as not to wake him. The birds sang from outside and I could tell the sun was shining by the golden glow radiating from my small courtyard garden outside of my bedroom window. It was the one thing that lured me into renting the flat in the first place. A completely private garden, surrounded by breeze block walls and fruit trees. It was no bigger than a few feet, but it was mine and it caught the sun first thing every morning for about an hour or so. My own private piece of heaven.

  The beds in America were comfortable, but none of them fit quite like my bed. I smiled as I gazed around my room, glowing lavender from the curtains at my window. I stretched out my arms as Alex moved from the dead lock, hold he had on my body and I slowly sat up.

  “Where are you sneaking off too?” he asked.

  “The loo,” I smiled and pushed off the sheet. He traced his fingers slowly down my spine as I lifted my robe from the floor.

  “Hurry back,” he said as I stood and wrapped my robe around my body.

  “Would you like a cup of tea?” I asked.

  “No, I want to seduce my woman,” he winked his eye. “Hurry back.”

  I freshened up in the bathroom and brushed my teeth before returning to him, he was led back against my headboard.

  “There is a spare toothbrush in the bathroom if you want to use it,” I explained sitting on the bed.

  “Do I need it then?” he asked.

  “Well,” I smiled, “I didn’t want to be rude.”

  “Is it a used spare toothbrush or…?”

  “Brand new, I got it for… well, he never used it, I think it’s still in the wrapper.”

  “I would rather let my teeth fall out than use a toothbrush you bought for Kevin,” e huffed. “Has he slept with you in this bed?”

  “No he has not,” I frowned. “He doesn’t even know where I live.” I stood from the bed, “Look, forget I mentioned about the stupid toothbrush, I was trying to be helpful.”

  “Grace, I am mucking around,” he smiled.

  “Well, how am I meant to forget about him completely when you keep bringing him up?” I demanded sitting back on the bed.

  “You can’t forget about someone who was the most important part of your life for such a long time. I am actually glad you met him first.” He added.


  “Yes, because now I can show you the right way to treat a woman.”

  “So you are glad that he hurt me and humiliated me?” my eyes filled with tears. “Do you know how many times I have been home since I found out about his cheating? Once, once. I am petrified of bumping into him and my worst nightmare will come true and I will see him with her.”

  “No, Grace,” he moved towards me and took me into his arms, “I would never be glad of anyone causing you pain. How could I be? He is an idiot, a complete and utter arse and he will get his, Kama always prevails. I meant that I am glad he let you go because I have you now to show you what it’s like to be loved, truly loved.” He pecked my cheek and wiped away the escaped tears. “Don’t cry, my love, don’t waste anymore tears on someone who doesn’t deserve them, okay?” he swept my hair out of my eyes.

  “Okay,” I sniffed. “I’m sorry.”

  “Look, let’s get up and go out for breakfast we can make the most of our last few work free days.” He pushed off the quilt revealing he was still very much naked. “Mind if I take a shower?”

  “Of course not,” I smiled slightly. “There are clean towels in the cupboard by the door.” I frowned wondering how he could tolerate Kevin coming up in conversation all of the time. Why couldn’t I just drop it?

  “Care to join me?” he asked, disturbing my thoughts. I turned my had and he grinned raising his eyebrows.

  “My shower is tiny,” I said and stood from the bed, “I’ll make some tea and jump in after you.”

  “If you are sure,” he shrugged and left the room.

  “Alec, I will stop talking about him, comparing everything to him, it’s just going to take a bit more time.” I added before he left.

  “Well, I am not going anywhere.”


  We went to the café on the corner of my road and had a massive fry-up, bacon, eggs, tomatoes, all washed down with tea and I loved every bite. We then returned to my flat where I unpacked my cases and began the arduous job of washing everything. My mother called after lunch as we waited for David to arrive to take us back to Alec’s house. He also had a few things to do and asked if I would stay the night. How could I refuse? Besides that, I didn’t want to go home yet.

  I felt foolish for getting upset over the toothbrush thing and I suppose it aired out a few things that had been niggling
at us both. Everyone said that what happened with Kevin was not my fault, but when I thought we had a perfect relationship, it was hard not to think that. I just didn’t want to make the same mistakes that caused me to lose Kevin and for him to seek comfort between another woman’s legs.

  Mum and I chatted about our trip and I told her that Alec and I were still seeing each other. She sounded so pleased for me and said she couldn’t wait to meet him. That meant that I would have to take him home which was the last thing I wanted to do. What if I saw Kevin, what if he saw me? Worse than that, what if Alec met him and Kevin told him that I was not worthy of love, I would lose him… No, I could not take Alec home, I couldn’t risk that happening. So I suggested she visit with my father and she promised to talk to him about it. That meant that it would be a no, they never wanted to leave Molly, the family King Charles, with Mrs Kitchener next door.

  David arrived just after my call finished and I threw my overnight bag over my shoulder and locked the door behind me. We drove across London in the Saturday traffic and it seemed to take ages. Even Alec got fed up after a while.

  “I want to invite you to Oxford next weekend, do you have any plans?” he asked.

  “No,” I frowned, “is this to meet your family?”

  “It is, but I also have a few other things to do.”

  “Okay,” I smiled weakly.

  “She’ll love you, I promise.”

  “My mum hinted about us going there also, they want to meet you.”

  “Alright, we’ll go the following weekend.”

  “Great,” I smiled again and pushed my hand into his. He squeezed it before lifting it to his lips and gently kissing the back. I had no choice now, I had to go home.

  We finally got to his house and I followed him inside. A woman in her forties smiled as we entered the house.


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