Heart Broken

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Heart Broken Page 10

by Sarah Alabaster

“This is so much fun! Look at them.”

  The dogs met one another, jumping as they collided to get to the Frisbee, barking away with happiness. Roger took my hand as we made our way to the shade of a nearby spruce tree. There was blooming foliage all around, welcoming the summer months as we sat in relief from the afternoon heat.

  “This is nice.”

  “It is nice.”

  Lying back against his chest as he kissed the top of her head, Roger watched as the dogs played together, laughing whenever the puppies overtook the Shepherd.

  “Let’s take the dogs back, freshen up, and then go out to dinner,” he said when we both made our way over to the dogs.

  “I can’t do that, Roger. You know that’s not going to happen.”

  “How about we meet up in about an hour?”

  She stood first, pulling him up by the arm as he dragged her back down into one last kiss before parting.

  “Meet you at the coffee shop, or your place?”


  I was trying to grab Bentley to put her leash back on he finally looked back at me.

  “You are listening to me, right? I can’t go out to dinner with you.”

  “Why not?”

  His genuine look of confusion surprised me. Maybe us being friends wasn’t such a good idea after all.

  “We are just friends, Roger. Nothing more.”

  “I realize that, but friends sometimes have dinner,” he said without skipping a beat.

  The line between what was and what should be to his mind sometimes blurred in reality, I thought to myself, as he walked with his dog back to his car.

  Walking away with both dogs in tow, I made my way back to the Hendersons. Once I rounded the block out of view of anyone, the hair on the back of my neck stood. Feeling as though someone was watching, I started walking faster, now jogging with the puppies to the house.

  At the door, I pounded harder than necessary.

  “Clara what’s wrong?”

  Mrs. Henderson grabbed for me as I stumbled inside, both dogs clenched at my side, noticing something was up.

  “Um, sorry. Just got spooked. I thought…” Shaking my head, looking back to see no one there, I turned again toward Mrs. Henderson. “Never mind. The puppies had the best time. They should be very tired tonight.”

  “Great! Thank you so much. They just love it when you come by.”

  Taking the dogs inside and closing the door behind her, Mrs. Henderson looked through the curtain, probably making sure I was okay before going further into the house.

  Pulling out my cell, I called Paul.

  “Hey baby, I got nervous, and I could really use your calm to settle me down.”

  I left the message, figuring I wouldn’t hear from him until I saw him at his place later. Then my cell rang with Roger’s number on the screen.

  “You okay?”

  He seemed out of breath and shaky.

  “Where are you?”

  “Home. I just got out of the shower. I had to get Bentley’s paws clean after the park, then I desperately needed a shower.”


  That was odd. The other dogs hadn’t seemed that dirty when she’d dropped them off, but maybe she hadn’t been paying close enough attention since she’d been so spooked.

  Looking down, I realized I was a little dirty, but not as badly as he was making out. Nothing that required an immediate shower, at least.

  “Well, you have a great night. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  For the first time, I felt as though he was rushing to get off the phone with me, and it was nice to not be the one to initiate ending the call.

  “Okay, take care.”

  Ending the call, I quickly pocketed my phone, only to have it ring again.

  “How long until you get here?” Paul asked on the other end.

  “I haven’t freshened up yet. I was just dropping off the puppies when I felt someone watching me.”

  “Did you see anyone?”

  “No, but I swear they followed me all the way to the Hendersons.”

  “Where are you? You home yet? Should I come to you?”

  “No, not yet. I’ll come to you.”

  “Ha! Only you would answer like that. Look, baby, I don’t like that someone is out there watching you. How about I come to you instead? I’ll be at your place in about 20 minutes.”

  Thinking it would maybe be better that he did come to me, I quickly responded.

  “Okay, I’m just walking into the door to the building now. That should give me enough time to shower and be ready for when you get here.”

  “Okay, honey, see you soon. And be careful.”

  How careful I needed to be in such a well-guarded building, I didn’t know, but now that I was here, I was sure there was nothing to worry. I didn’t think twice before stepping into the shower to get ready.


  Across the alley, the man stood waiting for the lights to turn on in the bathroom. He knew she’d be there soon. He knew full well what she was doing on the other side of the wall. He wished he could be there with her. Soon. Soon enough they could be together again. Soon.


  Since we’d started hanging out, things had been so good that I didn’t want to jinx anything with demands or thoughts of the future. Instead, I showed my passion and declared my love whenever it seemed fit, unable to hold back at times at the height of ecstasy.

  Still trembling with the thoughts of prying eyes on my every move, I drew the curtains as well as all the blinds in the apartment. It just seemed more secure in so many ways than having them open. It was as though the apartment became a cocoon, closed off to the outside world. Now able to expel an extended breath I didn’t realize I had been holding, I got into the shower and washed away the day’s uncertainty. Renewed, I shut the water off when I heard the buzzer chime Paul’s arrival.


  “Yeah, baby, it’s me. Buzz me in, please.”

  Pressing the button while trying to hold on to my towel, I giggled, my excitement fueled by my desire. I wonder how he’d react to me being in just a towel? With a smile, I thought, Let’s find out!

  As soon as he reached my door, it flew open and his eyes widened in disbelief.

  “Jesus, you’re beautiful,” he whispered, rushing inside and closing the door behind him.

  “I have an idea.”

  “You do now, huh? I bet I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Really?” I wanted to tease him a little and see how far he’d let me go.

  “You want to play monopoly, too?”

  “Wait, what?”

  Surprised at his words, I threw my head back in laughter.

  “Cute,” he said as he tried to grab for me, but I sidestepped him, backing into the bedroom calling over my shoulder, “I’ll be a few minutes. Make yourself at home.”

  Smiling as he watched me leave the room, he returned to the kitchen to wait for me by the island.

  “Seriously, let’s just stay in,” he said as his erection grew more intense, sitting there thinking about me in the towel.

  “Don’t cook!” I blurted out without thinking. “I don’t think I could handle it.”

  He wasn’t sure of my history with Roger, but from the stories he’d got from Brian and Bethany, I’m sure he didn’t even want to know.

  Making my way back into the living room, dressed comfortably but still in clothes I would wear out, I sat down next to Paul.

  “No cooking, got it. Don’t worry, I’m not that great of a cook anyway. Only things I make well are steak and potatoes.”

  I looked at my hands, wanting to say the words that had come between us for so long. Before the words could come out, though, I began to cry.

  “Oh, baby, it’s okay. No, I won’t cook. Don’t worry. Whatever happened before, don’t worry. I won’t do anything that would scare you.”

  He lifted my head to meet his eyes. When he kissed my lips and pulled me into his arms, I could te
ll he had realized that I was shaking uncontrollably. Trying to sooth me the best he could, Paul pulled me onto his lap so he could fully engulf me in his arms, helping me to feel safe and secure.

  “I hate that he did this to you.”

  “It wasn’t just that, it’s everything. I’m nervous someone is watching me all the time. The dinner thing is a very small piece of the anxiety I’m feeling right now.”

  I pulled his arms around myself more, trying to find the peace he brought me just from his proximity.

  He shushed me as he felt me whimper my fears and overwhelming emotions.

  “I have to ask.”

  “It’s okay, just ask.”

  “Do you always feel as though someone is watching you? Or is it just during certain times?”

  “I’m not sure. I just feel it, and then try to move to get rid of the feeling. It’s hard to explain.”

  Nodding his head, I felt him hesitate as he weighed his words carefully.

  “Baby, I think we need to start documenting the when, where, why, and how you’re being watched, as well as the feelings you’ve been getting.”

  Puzzled, I looked up at him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Here’s what I’m thinking: If we document the incidents, I can make a map of them and see if there is a pattern.”

  “I don’t understand. How will that help?”

  “Well, it will give us the places and even times. Maybe there is a pattern that we just aren’t seeing.”

  “Oh! Do you really think there’s something we’re missing? Or do you think I’m just being paranoid?”

  “Whoa! Hold on.”

  I tried to extract myself from his lap, but he just wouldn’t let me go.

  “Clara, take a breath before you get angry with me for suggesting it. Let’s think this through. You get these feelings that someone is watching you, but you can’t place from where or when they seem to start or stop.”

  I reluctantly nodded in agreement before he continued.

  “The times you’ve called me scared seemed to happen when you were across the campus.”

  Thinking about it for a few moments, I nodded again. I was still listening, but now I was wondering where this was going.

  Inhaling as he breathed in the smell of my shampoo, Paul closed his eyes as he exhaled.

  After a few heartbeats, I lifted my head up and claimed his lips before I looked into his eyes. We both smiled when the kiss ended, then we leaned our heads close together.

  “Okay, now please let’s discuss how we can work on this before you continue distracting me with your sexiness. I just want to figure out if there is a pattern.”

  “Since you’re the only one that we know of with these feelings, I would like to record these reactions you’re having so we can pinpoint the locations.”

  I lifted my head at that, narrowing my eyes.

  “Look I’m just trying to help. I…”

  “No, you’re right. I’m sorry, I was just getting so upset until we took a breath. But I see your point, and you’re a genius. Yes, let’s do it.”


  “Yes, it’s worth a shot. It wouldn’t hurt to try it, plus I know you’ll figure out what’s going on. You’re fantastic with puzzles.”

  We moved to settle on the couch so we could be more comfortable.

  “They’re so disturbing. You just don’t understand how unsettling it is to feel like someone is watching your every move.”

  “Is that why the curtains are drawn? Because baby, I know it’s night, but it’s still really dark in here.”

  Laughing as I kissed the corner of his mouth, I moved next to him, making him groan from the friction.

  “We are definitely staying in tonight.”

  He burst into laughter as he pulled a pillow over his lap.

  “Hush, you’re too desirable for me. What can I say?”

  “Oh, my God, your insatiable!”

  I smiled as I watched the blush spread across his cheeks.

  “Well, you’re just too damn hot. And I’m just a guy with needs, by the way.”

  The corner of his mouth lifted a bit as his eyes dilated. With lustful thought in my mind, I leaned over, teasing him just a bit more, soliciting a tortured moan as his lips parted.

  “Behave,” he whispered as I sat astride him.

  “Behave, huh? No. We’ll order in.”

  As our lips locked together, Paul tossed the pillow on the floor, giving me full access to whatever I desired most.


  Later that evening, Paul’s inspiration drove his passion as he worked on his laptop, creating the pinpoints that would hopefully aide in figuring out who was stalking her. Though uncertain of the source of these impulses that she felt, patterns in her habits leading to the threats would help.

  At first, he thought it was simple paranoia, but when she called from the Hendersons after dropping off the puppies from the park, the terror he heard in her voice gave him real cause for concern. Even if there was no actual threat, the fact that she felt threatened now was enough for him to take notice. After all, it wasn’t like her to jump at every noise or cry wolf over any little thing. She was strong and very independent, so for her to be this upset was unnerving.

  “Did I wake you?”

  I walked into the living room as Paul looked up from over his laptop.

  “Whatcha doing?”

  Approaching the couch where he sat, I cuddled up next to his side as he went back to typing.

  “I felt inspired, and wanted to start working on this for you. I didn’t mean to wake you, though.”

  I rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes as he went back to work. After another hour or so, I began to twitch, getting restless, so he repositioned me against the couch, placing a blanket over me.

  Once settled, he would glance over often, checking on me at times, placing his hand on my leg, settling me down whenever I started to toss and turn. At about three in the morning, Paul was still typing away when I began rambling on with fears that someone was coming for me.

  “Who’s coming for you, baby? Who is it?”

  Whispering back in response, I could tell he wanted to know who I thought this person was.

  “Him. He’s coming for me, and he’ll get me.”

  Then I burst into tears.

  He couldn’t stand to see me crying, so he lifted me into his arms and took me back to bed. Then he settled in next to me as my sobs turned into whimpers. Finally I faded back into a deep sleep.


  “Morning, baby.”

  He said it with a huge smile spread across his face, and his eyes were gleaming with desire as he watched me make my way next to him at the island.


  “I’d ask how you slept, but I already know.”

  “Yeah, I’m not the best sleeper lately.”

  Grabbing a cup of coffee for me, he made sure I kept my seat next to him at the counter while he worked away.

  “Today I want you to write everything down, even so far as to make notes with your GPS for location, if you could please. Then I’ll input them into the program to see if we can find a pattern.”

  “Do you want me to send you the information as soon as it happens?”

  “Nah, just send me what you have after a few days of activity. The more data, the better, so we can get an accurate calculation for tracking.” He stopped to look at me before he continued. “Just be careful, please. If anything ever happened to you…”

  “I’ll be careful, promise.”

  Kissing the top of my head, he drew me into his arms, but I felt myself shudder.

  Surprised by my reaction, Paul turned his head to the side as he regarded me questioningly.

  “Sorry, I’m just scared,” I said as he tightened his hold.

  “Oh, baby, it’s okay. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right here.”

  The words are comforting, but with no idea of who was watching me, I j
ust felt so unsure that anything would ever be truly okay again.

  I nodded absently, looking past him at the wall opposite.

  “You have class today?” he asks, obviously trying to make small talk. Anything to pull me out of the trance I was under and get me back to him.

  “Yes,” I said, my answer barely audible.

  “Let’s go get some coffee, and your treat. Get our routine back.” He pulled me up with him. “We need everything to stay the same so we can figure out what’s going on. There’s nothing we can do right now except try to keep you safe. Stay in groups. You know the drill.”

  “Yep, I know the drill. Okay.” I smiled at him so he would know I’m okay, but the smile doesn’t quite reach my eyes. “Will you be here later?”

  “Call me after your class. I have a few classes myself, and some consulting work to do, but text me often so I know you’re alright. I may not respond right away, but text me anyway so I don’t worry.”

  Making me look at him, he tipped my head up so our eyes met.

  “I’m serious. Text me often so I know you’re okay. I’ll worry otherwise.”

  “I will.”

  Placing a kiss on his lips, I softly ran my hands up and down his back, soothing his worries away.



  I came back to my apartment to find it completely tossed, with almost all the drawers and items within them removed and scattered across the room. Each room was unique in the carnage inflicted upon it. The once secure sanctuary I had loved so much was now tainted with the stench of another person’s idea of a joke.

  When I walked into the kitchen and closed the cabinet doors along the way toward the fridge, I saw the reflection of something that caught my eye. I approached the open cabinet door, pulling on the handle to draw the object more into view. When I saw what it was, I stumbled back. A butcher’s knife stuck in wood about a quarter of the way, with the handle rocking as though it had been stabbed into the wood very recently. Gasping in shock, I turned around and ran out of the apartment, not looking back.

  I was screaming as I knocked on Bethany’s door. Surely she must have heard all the commotion? She must have seen someone entering the apartment. After a few knocks without her answering, I started to worry. Maybe she had been attacked by the intruder? Maybe she had been at home when he had broken in, and Bethany was now lying on the floor, with blood everywhere. Just as I was about to call campus security to break down the door, Bethany finally answered it.


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