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Submission of the Siren

Page 2

by Bella Settarra

  “You’re so beautiful when you’re angry.” He was smiling at her.

  She frowned at him. “Is that why you upset me so much?”

  His smile was replaced with concern. “Upset you? Pretty maid, we’ve just had wonderful sex. Now it’s time to get on with our chores, that’s all. You can stay and help me if you like. It would be lovely to have your company all afternoon.”

  That wasn’t the point.

  “I’m not working in a hot, mucky field all day!” She sneered, looking over at the patches of earth, which they were cultivating for more vegetables.

  “Then help pick flowers with the women, we’ve got a big order to fill by tomorrow.” He gestured up the field where they could just see a crowd of girls in the distance, preparing the beautiful white flowers for shipment over to Eastland.

  The look Kalliope threw him was enough to tell him that he was flogging a dead horse!

  “What are you going to do all afternoon, then, pretty maid?” He put an arm around her shoulder, stroking her gently.

  She bristled. “Well I would have liked to make love again, but you obviously have better things to do!”

  He chuckled, hugging her close. She tried to push him off but he was a big man with a lot of strength.

  “The others are coming back,” he murmured into her ear, while he licked and sucked his way around its shell.

  Something started to burn inside her again, as the sensations shot down to her girly parts.


  Rechavia obviously read her mind, as he sniggered.

  “We’ve been helping with the flower-pickers,” Ligia announced happily, as she strolled toward them carrying a small posy. Her other hand held Aitan’s.

  “Great, how’re they doin’ up there?”

  “They’ll be finished in a couple of hours.” Aitan gave a satisfied nod. “They’re doin’ a great job.”

  “I thought Kally might want to help them out for a bit,” Rechavia teased, giving her a squeeze, “but I don’t think she’s too keen.”

  “We should both go up,” Ligia chirped in delight. “They’re having a real fun time, Kally, it’ll be great.”

  Kalliope wasn’t convinced. She shot an angry look to her friend. “I need to get back,” she announced curtly. “I’ve got things to do.”

  Chapter 2

  By the time Ligia and Kalliope reached the stone huts, Ligia was breathless. Kalliope had hardly spoken at all as she strode all the way home, fuming.

  “For goodness’ sake, Kally, what’s wrong?” Ligia panted, as she opened the door of the small stone hut she shared with Aitan.

  “He is!” Kalliope didn’t follow her friend, so Ligia turned back around to face her.

  “It looked to me like you had a good time.” Ligia smirked.

  “Well you don’t know anything!”

  The beautiful redhead grinned at her petulant friend. She was well used to Kalliope’s moods. She always had been a live wire.

  “Tell me, then.”

  “You wouldn’t understand.”

  “You need to calm down. Why not come in for a drink, and think about joining me for choir practice? You might enjoy it, and you are probably the best singer on the island. We could win those competitions hands down if you helped out.”

  “I’ve got better things to do. I’m off.” Kalliope marched to her own hut that stood next door.

  Ligia sighed as she closed her door. She and Kalliope had been friends since they were babies and it was odd not to be doing something together. She set about putting her flowers in a jar of water, then swept the floor of her tiny home with a twig-brush which Aitan had made for her. She peered out of the glassless window as she heard the slam of the next door, and her dark-haired friend stormed off down the tiny track toward the sea.

  Kally was certainly in one of her moods today.

  Kally. It was funny that she now thought of her as Kally, rather than Kalliope. Before the sailors had settled on the island a few months ago, they would never have thought of shortening their names. The sailors seemed to do it all the time. In fact, some of the sailors seemed to only have short names, she had never heard some of them being called by anything other than one syllable. She mused about it as she busied herself dusting the room with a thick leaf. She hummed happily as she worked away, preparing the house for when Aitan would come home.

  * * * *

  Kalliope strode down to the shore and began throwing stones into the sea. She had left her flip-flops and shawl at home in defiance of the men’s insistence that the women take care of themselves, and relished in the heat of the sun on her shoulders and back. The sun had passed its peak now, it must have been mid-afternoon, so she didn’t see the point in covering up anyhow, though the sand was still quite hot under her bare feet. She smiled to herself, thinking how cross Rechavia would be if he found out.

  Just the thought of him made her throw the stones harder and farther into the rippling sea. Her aggression eased as she tired, and her arm began to ache after a while.

  “Looks like you could do with a drink.” A man’s voice behind her made her jump.

  Startled, she turned around to find a rather nice-looking fair-haired man with pale blue eyes and even paler skin smiling at her. He looked to be around forty, a good few years older than her and Rechavia.

  “Sorry, I didn’t meant to scare you,” he said, offering her a bottle of something.

  “You didn’t,” she replied indignantly, then studied the bottle in her hand.

  “What’s the matter, don’t you drink?”

  “What is it?”

  “Beer. Don’t you have that here?” His smile was mocking her now.

  “Of course we do. We just don’t drink this stuff during the day, that’s all.”

  “How quaint.” He was laughing now.

  She fumed.

  Kalliope watched him take a big gulp of his beer, seemingly daring her to do the same. She did. It was cold and refreshing, and little bubbles burst in her throat. She had tasted quite a lot of beer since the sailors had come to the island, but none quite like this. It usually tasted a lot more sour. This was lovely.

  The man smiled at her approval.

  “Good, isn’t it? I only drink the best.” He smirked at her. “I’m Zigor Durango, by the way.” He politely held out his hand to shake hers. She had seen people do this on Eastland, men mainly, so she held out her hand and shook his. His hand wasn’t as rough and callused as Rechavia’s. It was smooth and his nails were shaped a little like the Sirens’. She looked at it in surprise. His thumb caressed her hand, as his large fingers wrapped around her dainty ones. She felt his warmth.

  “And your name is?” he prompted, still holding her hand.

  “Kalliope.” Lost in her thoughts, she almost forgot to speak. “Kally for short.” She looked up at him. Although not as handsome as Rechavia by any means, there was something compelling about this confident, slightly older man.

  “Kalliope, what a beautiful name,” he said, smiling.

  She smiled back. Then, remembering that they were still holding hands she pulled hers free. Her mood seemed to have lightened with the arrival of the stranger, and the beer. She took another big gulp and heard him chuckle.

  “Hey, you’d better go easy on that if you’re not used to it.”

  “Of course I’m used to it. We drink it all the time. Just not usually this early, that’s all. Normally we don’t drink beer until the evening when all the work’s done” she replied indignantly.

  “Ah, I see,” he said, nodding indulgently at her. “In that case, enjoy it. I’ve plenty more.” He gestured behind him. A little way up the beach there was a peculiar-looking box. It wasn’t made of wood, as she would expect, but some other kind of hard material. She guessed it was where he kept his beer, and smiled.

  “Perhaps you would like to take a walk with me?” he offered.

  “Maybe just a short way,” she said, eyeing the box.

  “Of course,” he
said gallantly, and linked her arm in his.

  The tide was slowly coming in, and she relished the cool water on her feet as she sloshed through the shallows.

  “It really is very beautiful here,” Zigor enthused, looking first at the emerald sea, then the fields of beautiful flowers that rose up from the beach.

  “I suppose it is.” Kalliope shrugged. She was used to the island and, although she no longer saw the beauty that strangers saw here, she had seen the mainland and knew that she could never live in such an ugly, overcrowded place.

  “And you are very beautiful too, Kalliope,” he continued, gazing at her.

  She flushed. Although she knew she was beautiful, and had been told so many times, she hadn’t expected such a compliment so soon from the enigmatic stranger. “Thank you,” she said, looking away from his staring eyes in embarrassment.

  “I am so sorry, Kally. I didn’t mean to offend you,” he gushed as they stopped. “I realize that you are most probably a married woman, one as gorgeous as you wouldn’t stay single for long, after all. I merely meant it as a compliment. Please forgive me.”

  Kalliope wasn’t used to the company of such a gentleman. The only men she knew were sailors, and although some, like Rechavia, were not common by any means, they seemed to have a down-to-earth quality that this man certainly lacked.

  “Oh no, it’s fine,” she said, concerned that she had made him feel bad. “I’m just not used to such generous compliments.”

  “Not even from your husband?”

  “Oh I’m not married,” she said with a coy giggle. Perish the thought!

  “Well, now you have shocked me,” he said with a surprised expression. “Although I have to admit to being more than a little pleased. If you have no husband awaiting your return, perhaps you would like to join me in the shade for another beer or two?”

  She nodded and followed him up the beach to where the box of beer stood, shaded by a nearby rock. To her surprise, he took a large sunshade from behind the box and, opening it, dug it into the sand behind them. The shadow, which it cast on the hot sand, was most welcome.

  Zigor offered her another bottle, and casually placed an arm around her back as she drank it. The cool liquid hit the back of her hot throat, and she licked her lips in satisfaction. It was very refreshing. It wasn’t long before he was exchanging her empty bottle for another full one.

  “I can see you are a woman of discerning taste, Kally.” He smiled as she relaxed lazily back into his arm, enjoying the cold drink. “I, myself, prefer the better things in life. I can see we are going to get along quite nicely.”

  She giggled. She liked this man. His voice sounded funny. She had never met anyone quite like Zigor Durango before. He appeared rich, eloquent, and classy, the total opposite of the sailors.

  Her head was starting to feel a little muzzy all of a sudden.

  “Ooh,” she said as her vision wavered, and she almost dropped the bottle.

  “Here, allow me.” Zigor took the bottle from her hand and helped her lie back on the sand. “That’s better, my dear,” he crooned, settling down beside her. She giggled again, resting her head on his chest.

  He wore a casual but very well-made white shirt and fawn, tailored shorts. She could smell his cologne, much muskier than she was used to. It smelled expensive. He stroked her cheek casually with his thumb. She felt content.

  “I was expecting more people to be around,” he said lazily. “It really is very private here, isn’t it?”

  “They’re too busy working,” Kalliope replied drowsily.

  “What do they find to do on a small island like this?”

  “Since the sailors came to stay they do all sorts. They’re cultivating some of the land, turning it into fields of vegetables and fruit. They’re still growing loads of those white flowers everyone goes on about. Apparently they’re rare, only grown here. That’s how they make so much money selling them on Eastland. There were lots of girls picking them this afternoon for a big order they’re taking over to the mainland tomorrow. Stupid if you ask me. I don’t know why they didn’t leave things as they were.”

  “And how was that?”

  She yawned, her eyes already closed. “When we Sirens were responsible for getting food and supplies none of us had to work. We just had sex. It was great. None of the elders bothered us as long as we did our job. After the salvage party raided the ship, and we got rid of the bodies we could just sunbathe all afternoon. It was lovely. Now it’s not half as much fun. Even the sex has gone downhill now that the men are working all the time. If they’re not working they’re tired.”

  As she drifted off to sleep, she was blissfully ignorant of the interest that she had sparked in her companion.

  * * * *

  When Kalliope awoke an hour or so later, she was mortified to find her hand clutching Zigor Durango’s hard cock. Her head, which now felt much clearer, was still resting on his chest, and she could hear his rapid heartbeat. Surely I would remember if I had done anything untoward? As she went to remove herself from her compromising position, his large hand covered hers, stopping her in her tracks. She lifted her head slightly to look at him.

  He was gazing at her with half-opened, sultry eyes. He really was quite handsome. He leaned forward and she felt his soft lips brush against hers, his smooth, cold tongue dipping into her mouth, slowly exploring.

  “Kiss me, Kalliope,” he whispered seductively against her mouth.

  She felt a slow burn in the pit of her stomach as her mouth fell open to welcome him in. Her tongue tangled with his in a slow dance of sensuality. He rubbed her hand up and down the length of his cock as he stroked her hair from root to tip. She could feel his hand brush the hair over her breast and her breath hitched. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to have a man stroke and caress her, instead of invading and plunging into her. The fire in her stomach continued to burn hotter, and she felt herself panting.

  He slid his hand beneath hers to unzip his shorts, and urged her hand against his hot, wet flesh. She felt the short, soft hairs and stroked them, teasing him, before grabbing his cock and slowly pulling the foreskin back and forth over the massive, bulbous head.

  Zigor kissed his way down her neck and throat, before suckling at her breast. His breath was hot, though his mouth was cold. The sensations were exquisite, and she shuddered as he engulfed her hard nipple in his mouth and tantalized it with his tongue. Her pert breasts were very sensitive, and the nipples became very engorged and dark when she was aroused.

  She felt a gush between her legs and rubbed her pussy against his leg for some relief. His hand left her hair and found its way to the edges of her panties, which he yanked off in one swift movement. She gasped as the air surrounded her exposed pussy, and his fingers slid easily inside.

  “You’re ready for me, I see,” he whispered, releasing her nipple from his mouth momentarily.

  “Yes, oh God, yes!” She was high on a wave of ecstasy, climbing with each seductive murmur, each caress.

  “Let me taste you, my beauty.”

  With one hand he slid his shorts off, allowing his massive cock to bounce free. Then he spun her upside down over his body, so her mouth was over his cock. Before she had chance to cry out, his cold tongue plunged her hot, wet pussy. She gasped. He thrust his cock into her open mouth as she did so.

  Oh my God!

  An ecstatic scream escaped her throat, while her mouth sucked and slurped at his member. She felt him licking all around her labia, then probing into her pussy with his thick tongue. He manoeuvred her by her slim hips, manipulating her as he wanted. The sensations were exquisite. She felt her soul rise higher and higher and she tensed and squeezed her pussy before exploding into his waiting mouth. She shrieked with excitement around his aching dick, and he released his seed into her greedy mouth. Both licked the other clean with long laps of their tongues, while teasing farther as after-shocks resonated through their spent bodies.

  Eventually she slumped down onto
him, her light, slim body affording him no discomfort whatever. They lay panting, dozing and recovering.

  The evening sun was beginning to set, so it came as no shock to either of them when a long shadow stretched over them. That was until a deep voice boomed from it.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  Chapter 3

  Rechavia’s massive hand swooped down and swept Kalliope off the interloper in one easy move. She was stunned, and stumbled in her attempt to stand up straight as he plonked her on her feet in front of him. He automatically held her in place to save her from falling as her head swam in a daze.

  “Hey, leave her alone,” came a shout from the sand as Zigor reached over for his shorts.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Rechavia didn’t try to hide his anger, which boiled from within and overspilled each time he opened his mouth. He deliberately kicked sand into the other man’s face, just for good measure.

  “My name is Zigor Durango,” the man replied, wiping his face with a pristine white handkerchief, which he quickly removed from the pocket of his shorts.

  Durango staggered to his feet, only to be met by Rechavia’s fist in his face, which sent him straight back down onto the sand again, blood splatting from his nose.

  “Leave him alone.” Kalliope found her voice and screamed at her boyfriend.

  “I could say the same to you!” Rechavia shot at her angrily.

  “It’s nothing to do with you. She told me she wasn’t married, didn’t you, my dear?” Durango was most indignant as he wiped the blood from his face and pulled on his shirt. He still hadn’t dared to stand up again.

  “Oh did you now?” Rechavia saw red.

  “Well it’s true, isn’t it? I’m not married any more than you are. So we’re both free to do as we want!” Kalliope hadn’t shouted as loud as she had intended, but was proud of herself for holding her nerve anyway. Although she knew she was right, Rechavia was a force to be reckoned with when his back was up.


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