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Submission of the Siren

Page 15

by Bella Settarra

  “Yes, I think I’ll just catch up on some notes while we’re waiting,” said Dr. Jay, pulling out his Dictaphone.

  Farris giggled, remembering their previous conversation, but said nothing. The doctor talked into the machine, recalling the procedures and medications prescribed at their visit to the hospital.

  Suddenly some raucous laughter made Ademia jump and she turned to see a crowd of men taking the booth behind them. She rolled her eyes. They laughed again and Dr. Jay switched off his machine with a huff.

  It wasn’t long before their food arrived and they tucked in eagerly. The voices at the table behind them grew louder as more men arrived.

  “There you are, dear boy, come and celebrate with us. We’ve got some great news!” The man who was calling to his friend sounded slightly familiar to Ademia and she leaned back to hear better. Her eyes widened when she heard the conversation.

  “That boat went down, it was on the news. Sunk. They’re looking for survivors as we speak. I bet there are some miserable people on Refrainia today.” It was Zigor Durango.

  “Oh dear, do they know what caused it?” another voice asked sarcastically.

  Ademia grabbed the Dictaphone from beside Dr. Jay and switched it on. He frowned at her but she put her finger to her lip to silence him. Farris and Aitan looked over questioningly, but felt it best not to speak.

  “They’ll never know, dear boy. You covered your tracks beautifully as always. The boat’s at the bottom of the ocean, so no one’s going to be examining it for cut hoses and missing safety equipment, now are they?” Durango chortled and the rest of his party burst into laughter again.

  “You did what?” It was Benat Ugarte’s voice this time.

  “Only cut the tube to the cooling system,” another voice said with a sneer. “It’s not my fault if their knackered old pump couldn’t empty the bilge in time.”

  “Not to mention removing the back-up and manual pumps!” Zigor said with a chortle. “I’d love to have seen that motherfucker, Rechavia’s, face when he realized they were going down!” He laughed cruelly and ordered a bottle of champagne from a passing waiter.

  “Did he actually go down with his ship, then?” Benat sounded genuinely concerned.

  “He must have. Being the biggest ship they brought up the rear, presumably to ensure the others were OK. I saw them leave. Without any flares or safety equipment they wouldn’t have been able to get the attention of the other boats, especially in the dark.” Zigor’s smug sneer was really pissing off the people in the next booth.

  “They didn’t stand a chance, then?” Benat sounded rueful.

  “We left them a few life jackets. It would have been a bit obvious if they were missing and, besides, any discovered bodies would look suspicious without them!” The stranger’s voice laughed callously as they all drank their champagne to celebrate.

  “Do—do we know who was in the boat with him?” Benat asked in a small voice.

  “Not Kally that’s for sure, I made sure of that. A couple of blokes I don’t know and that really fat woman with the massive tits.” Zigor was starting to slur his words already.

  Ademia felt her face go bright red as tears threatened her eyes. Both Dr. Jay and Farris immediately leaned over and stroked her hand as she continued to hold the Dictaphone in position.

  “She was Ligia’s friend.” Benat sounded sad.

  “Was being the operative word, dear boy!” Zigor almost shouted and the whole crowd around him burst into raucous laughter, except Benat, who seethed.

  “So is it definitely over for you and Yera?” the reporter asked when the merriment eventually died down.

  “Of course not. Her mother and I came to an ‘understanding,’” Zigor slurred smugly as he passed a leering look over to his friend. “I agreed to drop my plans to purchase the island and she agreed to allow me to still marry her daughter. However, the mother-in-law may require a few ‘fringe benefits’ from time to time, which I will be happy to oblige with, if you catch my drift!” He winked salaciously and the crowd erupted once again.

  Benat Ugarte rolled his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.

  “But Yera’s hardly a looker,” one of the strangers commented. “I heard that slag from the island was much more beautiful than her!”

  “Don’t you dare call Kalliope a slag, asshat!” Zigor suddenly turned vicious. “Kally is beautiful and, of course, I intend to have my fill of her now that her muscle-bound dickhead of a boyfriend is off the scene. I need Yera for appearances. Not to mention her mother’s bank account!”

  His entourage exploded into fits of laughter yet again, attracting the attention of customers on nearby tables.

  Aitan’s fist clenched and his jaw tensed. Dr. Jay noticed his ire and nodded to Farris. “Time to go.”

  Ademia switched off the machine and they quietly rose from their seats and left.

  “Well done, baby,” Dr. Jay said, once they were safely outside. He took his Dictaphone from Ademia’s trembling hand and gave her a big hug. “Let’s find the police station.” He led them off up the street and into another large building.

  “We need to report an attempted murder,” the doctor explained to a man sat behind a large counter, wearing a smart uniform.

  The policeman looked askance at the group, but straightened when Dr. Jay showed him his ID card, and scurried off to find a senior officer.

  It wasn’t long before the four islanders were seated drinking tea in a cosy office, explaining the whole story to a very interested couple of officers. When they played the disc with all the evidence on, the cops grinned widely.

  “We always knew that poncy businessman wasn’t legit, but could never prove anything until now,” the most senior officer said. “Now it looks like we can nail him once and for all.”

  The other officer took a copy of the evidence from the doctor’s Dictaphone while they all had more tea and cake, and they were eventually ready to leave. Dr. Jay left details for the police to contact them on the island’s computer, and they all shook hands before the islanders made their way back to their boat.

  Aitan took extra care to check the boat over and ensure that everything was as it should be, before they all hopped aboard and he took his position straddling the seat by the motor and set the throttle. Farris was still a little worse for wear following his visit to the hospital, where they had discovered a few cracked ribs, so his friend was only too happy to take over the helm for their return journey.

  Ademia sat on the bench between Farris and Dr. Jay, who cuddled her off to sleep. She had been given some strong pain killers, as her arm had been broken in two places. With the soothing heat of her two large men, she was peaceful and comfy as she drifted off.

  The men chatted quietly about their eventful day, and lit the small lamps before arriving back at Refrainia’s little harbour. Rechavia and the girls came to meet them, eager for news of their visit. Ademia woke to the sound of excited voices just as Aitan moored up, and they all made their way to the big house.

  Kalliope knelt gracefully at Rechavia’s feet while Melantho served up warm griddle scones and tea. The others sat on the comfortable sofas and poured out the developments of the day.

  “I’ve got the conversation here, but I’ll warn you now it’s not pretty. That bastard’s really insulting toward our women,” Dr. Jay said through gritted teeth. Farris squeezed Ademia and kissed her forehead.

  “Bring it on, he can’t hurt us now,” Kalliope said, pressing against Rechavia’s leg. He stroked her long, black hair proudly as he nodded to the doctor to proceed.

  The button was pressed and the listeners seethed in silence.

  “I knew it! The fucker’s going to pay for this big-time!” Rechavia shouted when the recording finished.

  “The best part is he’s assuming you’re all dead so he’ll be completely blindsided when we all show up in court,” Aitan said with a wicked grin.

  “Hell, yeah! Do we know when it’s happening?” Rechavia asked th

  “Soon,” Dr. Jay replied with a smirk. “The officers were eager to get onto it right away. They’ll Super-Skype or e-mail us to let us know exactly.”

  “Well done, Ademia. That was ingenious of you to record their conversation,” Kalliope said, smiling warmly at her friend.

  Ademia flushed. She wasn’t used to getting compliments from Kalliope.

  Dr. Jay winked at his girl, and Rechavia smiled as he planted a kiss on top of Kalliope’s head. Ligia grinned widely. It was good to see Kally being nice to someone for a change.

  “Dinner’s ready,” Melantho announced from the doorway. No one had noticed her working away while they chatted. She was so quiet and unassuming, but always so busy.

  “You are an angel!” Dr. Jay got up with a massive grin. He put an arm around the young girl, making her blush ten shades of red.

  “I’m starving!” Farris said, following them out of the door, still holding Ademia’s hand.

  “Yeah, so what’s new?” The doctor smirked.

  Farris threw him a look.

  “Come on. Let’s eat.” Rechavia indicated to Kalliope to stand up and he put an arm around her as he led her out to the fire.

  “They seem to be getting on better,” Aitan murmured into Ligia’s ear as they settled on the grass outside the house. Ligia beamed knowingly.

  Dinner was delicious and Melantho was certainly in her element as she served everyone with a plate of hot food. This was so obviously her forte, although Dr. Jay made a mental note to show her more appreciation in the future. This girl was golden!

  After a hearty meal and great conversation the girls got up to tidy away.

  “I’m going to get back to Sapphire,” Melantho informed Ademia, who was stacking the last of the pots with one hand.

  “Good idea, I hate to think of her being on her own,” her friend said with a smile. “I’ll get my stuff.”

  “You’re coming with us, little lady.” Farris growled, walking up behind Ademia. She jumped, having not noticed him there.

  “But Sapphire’s been on her own,” protested Ademia, frowning at him.

  “And now she’ll have Melantho for company,” Farris said firmly.

  “We should get back too, pretty maid,” Rechavia came to join them, smiling at Kalliope.

  “Does that mean we’re going home too?” Ligia turned to Aitan, who nodded.

  “Looks like it’s all settled then,” Dr. Jay said with a grin, as he put out the fire.

  They helped put everything away and all walked up toward the huts together. Thunder rumbled as they said their good-byes and they hurried into their little homes just before the first few drops of rain began to fall.

  Rechavia pulled the shutters over the bedroom window while Kalliope slid into bed.

  “Rechavia, I need to talk to you,” she said as his big, warm body snuggled next to her.

  “What is it, pretty maid?” Even in the dark, she could see his brow furrow as he turned to face her.

  “I’ve been thinking about what happened,” she began slowly, not quite certain how to put this.

  “Go on,” he urged quietly.

  “Well, I think I was wrong. Oh, Rech, I love you so much and I want to be with you forever. I don’t want anyone else. I love it when we’re together, especially when it’s like it was today…you know, rough and exciting? No one’s ever made me feel like you do. I love you, Rech, I really do.”

  “I love you, too, pretty maid,” he said with a small chuckle and touched the tip of her nose with his finger. He pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head.

  “You don’t understand,” she said with an exasperated sigh. “What I mean is…well…I want us to be together. I want to marry you, Rech, like you said. Can we? Can we still get married?” Her deep green eyes were large and hopeful as she stared into his. Even in the dark she could make out his expression as his reply shattered her world.

  “No, pretty maid, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  Chapter 15

  Kalliope had a fitful night’s sleep as she lay in Rechavia’s arms. She was vaguely aware that he’d tried to console her with words about still loving her and wanting to stay together, but she wasn’t really listening. She eventually drifted off into lonely dreams and the realization that she had brought it all on herself, and woke up early feeling like she had been awake all night.

  As usual, Rechavia was already awake, and he kissed her head as he got up and washed. She lay in bed gazing at his muscular body and beautiful face as he dressed and prepared himself for the day ahead. He winked when he caught her gaze, and gave her a wicked smile. Her heart leapt. He was so gorgeous. She had forced herself to stay in his bed last night, when her first instinct was to run away feeling rejected and hopeless. Something in the way he had touched her and held her so tight convinced her that they could work this out if they just stayed together. The way he looked at her now reaffirmed that feeling, though she wasn’t quite sure why.

  She got out of bed just as he turned to leave the room.

  “It’s still early, pretty maid, why don’t you get some more sleep? I’ll be back later, I’m only going to the bottom field.” His voice was soft and cajoling, but she was determined. She knew she wouldn’t sleep if she stayed there anyway.

  “It’s OK. I’ll get your breakfast,” she said, elegantly revealing her naked body as she stood up.

  “Only if you’re sure?” He smiled, gazing at her perfect figure.

  She nodded. “Just give me a minute.”

  Rechavia went into their main room and pulled the wooden shutters from the windows. The rain had stopped and the sun was just rising, throwing bright amber light into their little home. He looked around at the tidy space, making a mental note to get a table, like Ligia and Aitan. He smiled to himself as he remembered the massive changes in Kalliope lately, she wasn’t the best cook but she tried and that was what mattered. She had become adept at cleaning and their hut was always fresh and tidy. She even kept a jug of fresh flowers in one corner, and their smell wafted around the hut. A large grin spread across his face as he remembered her kneeling at his feet while he worked on the laptop. She even went naked when they were alone now. God, he loved her body!

  Kalliope walked into the room and grabbed a pan from the side where they now kept all their kitchen equipment. She took a bag of flour and some other ingredients from a small cupboard and smiled at him as she headed out to build the fire.

  He cursed at himself for not lighting the fire himself. He had been so busy daydreaming it hadn’t occurred to him. Not like him at all. Frowning, he followed her outside. He needn’t have worried though, she had a roaring fire going within minutes and was soon busy cooking over it as she hummed a sweet refrain. He loved her voice.

  Despite last night’s disappointment, she smiled at him and scurried about making him tea and toast while cooking fresh pancakes, which smelled delicious. Rechavia sat on his usual rock to eat his breakfast, while she settled on her knees at his feet. He fed her from his plate, a routine they enjoyed whenever they dined alone.

  When they were both finished he sat back, stroked her silky black hair, and rubbed her shoulders. She closed her eyes to enjoy his touch for a while before a voice disturbed their reverie.

  “Morning you two. Are we still checking out the bottom field?” Aitan stood over them with a big grin on his handsome face.

  Kalliope opened her eyes and went to get up but Rechavia’s firm hand on her shoulder held her still. She took a deep breath.

  “Just coming, bro,” Rechavia said calmly, smiling up at his friend. He rose slowly to his feet and helped Kalliope up.

  “We won’t be too long, pretty maid,” he promised, kissing her hard on the lips. She gasped and smiled as she watched them go.

  “You look happy.” Ligia came over and helped her gather the dishes.

  “I am,” Kalliope admitted, although she couldn’t help wondering if she should be, given that her lover had only
told her a few hours before that he no longer wished to marry her. She felt strangely at peace, though, and so full of love for Rechavia she could burst.

  They spent the morning helping to clean each other’s huts, before packing up some food and drink for their men and heading off to the bottom field.

  “We’ll get fresh flowers while we’re down there,” Kalliope said, as they filled the basket with freshly baked griddle scones.

  Ligia smiled and went over to check the laptop before they left.

  “Wow, look at this!” She gasped as the e-mails fired up, one by one. “Looks like all the publicity has worked in our favour. Look at all these flower orders,” she said, staring at the screen.

  “Brilliant. Looks like it’s a good job that bastard didn’t get the island, this lot will be worth a fortune,” Kalliope said with a large grin. “Come on, let’s tell the boys.”

  Rechavia and Aitan were hard at work when their girls arrived. They were clearing a patch of soil in the bottom corner which had previously grown flowers, and were discussing their plans as they smoothed out the earth, both glistening with sweat which rolled off their shirtless, muscle-bound bodies.

  “We can pick up some more seed potatoes on our next trip to the mainland,” Aitan was saying, as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand.

  “You might want to plant more flowers,” Ligia shouted up as they neared them.

  “Have you seen the top fields? We’ll have more than we know what to do with soon,” Rechavia said, grinning as he watched the beautiful ladies approach.

  “I don’t think so,” Kalliope said with a conspiratorial smile, going up to give him a hug. Even covered in sweat, she loved the smell of her man.

  “What?” Aitan kissed Ligia after taking the basket from her.

  “It seems all the recent publicity has sparked an interest in our flowers, we’ve got tons of orders through already!” Ligia explained with a radiant smile.

  “Really?” Rechavia couldn’t hide his relief. He hadn’t voiced his concerns, but had worried that the publicity would have an adverse effect, and that they might lose orders from the mainland altogether, especially as Zigor Durango was so well connected.


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