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Submission of the Siren

Page 17

by Bella Settarra

  “Looks like Hermandine got away with it,” Kalliope whispered to Ligia, who immediately studied the gathering. She wasn’t there.

  “He did say most were present. Perhaps she’s in gaol? I feel sorry for Benat, he didn’t realize half of what he was getting into,” Ligia whispered back.

  “The police will have sussed that out. It’s on the tape that he was ignorant of the full extent,” Kalliope assured her friend. “He definitely had something to do with detaining Governor Abrams, though.”

  Rechavia and Aitan nudged their women as they noticed the judge peering in their direction. The girls froze.

  Judge Stiles then went on to say that they had all of the suspects in police custody where they would remain and would be sentenced at a later date. He continued by expressing his concern that the matter had involved people generally regarded highly in public opinion, and that the incident had brought shame and disrepute to them and their families.

  “Eastland’s own governor, Dunixi Osabene, is included in this abhorrent, despicable crime,” Judge Stiles went on, indicating to a dark corner where the Governor was obviously trying to hide. “Shame on you, Governor.” Osabene looked mortified. He had evidently thought he could secrete himself in his hiding place, but his plan had been thwarted big time.

  “Mrs. Jakinda Loidi, president and owner of Loidi Industries, has also been involved. As Mrs. Loidi is now in the custody of the police pending her hearing, it has already been decreed that ownership of her business is now passed to her only daughter, Yera Loidi.” The judge nodded to Yera with a sympathetic smile, before grimacing at her disgraced mother. Jakinda Loidi stared at her podgy feet.

  The judge continued his rant, naming and shaming all those involved, and promising justice would be served. He went on to proclaim that Durango would compensate the islanders of Refrainia for the ship that he had sabotaged, as well as the extra expenses that had been incurred through its loss. He ended his speech by proclaiming that Zigor Durango would serve a minimum twenty-year gaol sentence for conspiracy to murder, among several other charges.

  There were gasps from the crowd, as Durango’s stunned expression had the officers holding him up in case he fainted. He stared at the judge and then at the floor. He had obviously anticipated a lighter sentence.

  Kalliope nudged Ligia and indicated Durango’s lawyer, on one of the front benches, nodding to another man. The outcome did not seem so surprising to him.

  Rechavia squeezed Kalliope tightly, concerned that she might be a little upset with the result, but he needn’t have worried. She smiled up at him and planted a kiss on his cheek. Rechavia relaxed and smiled back. Neither had forgotten what that scumbag had said about her on the recording.

  The islanders barely contained their reaction until the judge left the courtroom and then let rip. Fists punched the air and whoops and hollers filled the room as the prisoners were led away. Once outside, they hugged each other in celebration, before making their way to a nearby tavern to toast their victory.

  Rechavia was approached by a couple of men while in the bar, and went outside with them to talk. He returned a short while later with a massive grin on his face and a newspaper tucked under his arm. He muttered something to Aitan and handed him a small package for safekeeping, unseen by the rest of the islanders. Arriving at their table he ceremoniously displayed the paper in before them. The front page was plastered with the headline ‘Durango in Murder Conspiracy’ and some very unflattering photos of the man himself, as well as Mrs. Loidi and Governor Osabene.

  “Hmm, I wonder how they got hold of these pictures.” Rechavia grinned conspiratorially at Aitan, who winked back.

  The article continued well into the paper and detailed the whole operation, including a transcript of the evidence which finally nailed them, taken from the recording in the tavern.

  “Well done to Ademia,” Kalliope said, smiling as she raised her glass in a toast to her friend. The other joined in, Dr. Jay and Farris grinning proudly. Rechavia studied his girl and smiled. Kalliope had changed such a lot in the past few months. They finished their drinks and set off back to Refrainia.

  “Are you OK, pretty maid?” Rechavia asked Kalliope when she had finished handing out snacks to everyone on board.

  “I’m fine,” she said, giving him a big smile before snuggling into his bare chest. He tucked a finger under her chin and raised her beautiful face up to look at him as he studied her carefully. She was telling the truth. He leaned down and kissed her hard on the lips. She gasped into his mouth, feeling his passion rise.

  “I think we’ll go into the woods later,” he murmured into her ear.

  She stared at him. “Have I done something wrong?”

  He grinned. “Oh no, baby, you’ve done everything just right.”

  She smiled, feeling a gush between her legs. He held her close and she wondered if he knew what effect he had just had on her. Memories of being tied up and spanked and flogged raced through her mind and she felt her heart quicken. She flushed as another gush escaped her pussy. He chuckled deep in her ear. He knew all right.

  Chapter 17

  The journey back to their island was a joyful one. Everyone was pleased with the outcome of the hearing and the news that the other miscreants had been arrested and placed in custody. They all chuckled about the looks on the faces of Durango when he heard the verdict, and of Mrs. Loidi and the Governor when they were publicly disclosed. The newspaper report was pored over repeatedly, different extracts being read out each time.

  “I hope Ademia’s OK,” Dr. Jay said as they eventually moored up in Refrainia’s little harbour.

  Everyone followed him and Farris up to the big house where the three girls were waiting for them. Melantho handed out cold lemon drinks and snacks as they all sat around relaying the events of the day. Everyone was so relieved and excited about the future of the island. Ademia flushed and beamed as everyone drank a toast to her.

  “Time to go, pretty maid,” Rechavia said at last.

  Kalliope shot to her feet and quickly said good-bye to her friends before following him out. Her heart was thumping as he led her away from the house and up toward the woods. His hand was at the small of her back, just a small gesture, but one that instilled a wealth of excitement and anticipation in the young girl as it reminded her of his dominance.

  He stared at the ground when they arrived at the clearing. She immediately took the sub position, kneeling on the soft grass, palms up, back straight and with her eyes looking down. Her stomach churned as she settled into the elegant pose, and she wondered what delights he had in store for her.

  “Very nice,” he praised, placing a hand on the top of her head.

  Delight swept through her body and calmness washed over her. She realized how much she craved his approval. As she revelled in his acclaim, she was vaguely aware of him moving stealthily around her. It had been a while since they visited their special place, and he evidently wanted to set things up for her. She used the time to reflect on the events of the past few days. She was sure that he hadn’t meant to hurt her by refusing to marry her, but couldn’t help feeling that she had ruined her chances of a long-term future with him. After all, marriage was the only thing that bound people together, right?

  “Stand up, pretty maid.” His deep, authoritative voice melted into her thoughts like warm honey.

  His hand was held out to help her up, and she felt his strength as she took it and rose as gracefully as she could and followed him to the log that had become their spanking bench. Her eyes lit up when she saw it, and she immediately looked around for the rope which would bind her to it.

  “You like this idea, then?” he asked with a low chuckle.

  “Yes, Rech, I love this idea,” she replied with a broad smile.

  “Hmm, OK,” he said thoughtfully, leading her into position. “Remove your clothes please.”

  Her heart lurched as she quickly did as he bade her, and revelled in the salacious expression he had as he
stood back to admire her perfect body. She was proud of her figure, but even more so knowing how much he loved it.

  “Kalliope, I’ve been thinking,” he said, putting her into position astride the log and tying her wrists and ankles together with the soft rope. “When we are playing together like this I would very much like for you to call me sir.”

  She gasped as she took in his request. It seemed very formal for two lovers, and yet, his whole demeanour changed when they were together like this. He commanded her respect and she was only too willing to give it to him. She remembered that she had used the term before, just because it felt right. It made perfect sense.

  “Of course, sir, it would be my great pleasure,” she replied honestly.

  His hand came up and stroked her long, ebony hair in appreciation, and she sighed as a peacefulness she had not felt in a while surrounded her.

  “Thank you,” his low growl was back. “Kalliope, I am going to spank you today using just my hand. This is for your pleasure and mine, it is not a punishment. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” Her stomach began to burn with excitement. She loved being spanked by him. She felt such a close connexion with him, and the sensations let her forget the outside world and focus only on him.

  “Are you comfortable?” He was running his finger between the ropes and her skin to ensure she wasn’t bound too tight and wouldn’t chafe.

  Her whole body was on high alert, and she was aware of the feel of the soft bark against her breasts, the wood rubbing against her pussy, the area he had smoothed beneath her cheek. “Yes, sir.”

  “Good. Your safe word is red. Do you remember what that means?”

  Her heart beat a little faster. “Yes, sir. If it becomes too unbearable I must say red and you will stop straight away.”

  “Good girl.” He was already stroking his big hand down the centre of her back, causing all her nerves to stand on end. He rubbed both his hands in circles over her ass, warming it and soothing her.

  Thwack, thwack, thwack, he smacked her in quick succession, causing her to yell out, more in surprise than pain, as he immediately resumed rubbing the area where he had struck. Her skin lit up and then soothed to a warm glow before he began again.

  “Very good.”

  Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack. Again he rubbed.

  He continued this way until she lost count. Her thoughts drifted and she became only aware of the calming sensation which he bestowed on her. She felt as if her mind had become disengaged from her body and was floating through the warm air above them, like a leaf on a summer breeze. Peaceful. Silent. Content. She had never felt this way before. Her eyes were closed and her lips tuned up into a satisfied smile.

  She didn’t know or care how long she wafted in this perfect state before she became vaguely aware of Rechavia untying her ankles, then her wrists. He was talking to her quietly, soothing her, as he rubbed her body where the rope had been, before gently hoisting her in his arms and placing a thick elmwood leaf over her as he sat her on his lap on the makeshift sofa.

  Her eyes opened slowly and his beautiful big, brown eyes were gazing into her face. She smiled, not having the energy to speak, and snuggled into his warm, bare chest, breathing in his scent, surrounding herself with him.

  She guessed she must have fallen asleep in his arms as she woke up in the dark, still huddled into him. Not wanting to admit she was awake, she nestled back into his muscular chest, her eyes still closed. He wasn’t fooled.

  “Hi, pretty maid,” he murmured softly in her ear.

  She groaned. He chuckled.

  A finger hooked itself under her chin and she felt her face being turned up to face him. Reluctantly opening her eyes, she stared into his gorgeous face. The moon was up and it cast a faint glow across his glossy, dark hair, picking out his beautiful features. His strong jaw line, his big eyes which creased slightly at the corners as he smiled at her, his perfect white teeth in that luscious mouth. She loved that face. She loved this man.

  “Do we have to go back?” she asked in a whiney voice, not wanting to move. She wanted this moment to last forever.

  “Soon, pretty maid,” he said with a grin. “First I want to talk to you.”

  She frowned up at him. Did I do something wrong? Her brain felt like mush and she tried hard to think straight.

  “It’s OK, there’s nothing wrong,” he said softly, reading her thoughts.

  Thank God.

  She turned her face toward him, giving him her full attention. He held her tightly as he faced her squarely.

  “Pretty maid, I’ve noticed that you seem to prefer it when I’m dominant with you. When I explain exactly what I want you to do, what I expect of you, you seem to be more comfortable. Am I right?” He began slowly.

  “Yes…I mean, yes sir,” she replied.

  He chuckled. “We’re not playing now, pretty maid. You don’t have to call me sir.”

  She nodded.

  “Kally, what we have is a Dom/sub relationship. You do like submitting to me, don’t you?” His face looked very serious.

  She smiled. “Yes I do.” She liked it more than she ever thought possible.

  “Good.” He looked a little relieved and a whole lot happier.

  “Kalliope, I want you to wear my collar. I want you to commit to me, forever. Just me, no one else. And I want to be with only you for the rest of my life. I want to love you, protect you, and nurture you. Will you do it? Will you wear my collar?” His beautiful face, framed in the moonlight, gazed hopefully at her, pleading her to say yes.

  “Is it like marriage?” she asked with a puzzled frown. “Do you want to marry me?”

  He smiled, his perfect teeth gleaming. “Marriage is for vanilla people,” he explained. “It’s a legal contract which they sign when they promise to stay together forever. This is more for people like us, people with a bit of kink.”

  “Kink?” She almost laughed.

  “Yes. What we do, the way we make love, it’s what some people would call kinky. It’s not the way most people do it. Bondage and spanking and so forth isn’t what most people are into. They mostly just have sex or make love and that’s it. It’s different for us, we like the sensations, playing, the pain which turns into pleasure, the exchange of power, all that. Do you understand?” He looked a little concerned.

  “So we are different!” Realization hit her. “I thought it was odd. I much prefer it when you’re a bit…well…rough with me. No one else has ever been like that. Well. Some of the sailors would push us around a bit but not in a sexy way. It never felt as exciting and passionate as with you. They were just drunk. With you it’s wonderful. You’re in charge and you always know just what I want even if I don’t know myself.”

  He smiled. “I know what you need, pretty maid, that’s the difference.”

  She stared at him. “Yes. That’s exactly it!”

  “So, will you wear my collar? Will you commit to me?” he asked, hopefully.

  “Yes—yes please!” She threw her arms around him as he held her tight. He took her mouth in a passionate kiss that caused her girly parts to gush, drenching the leaf she was curled up in, reminding her that she was still naked. She giggled. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered except this.

  * * * *

  A few days later the islanders gathered in one of the flower fields of Refrainia to witness the Collaring Ceremony of Kalliope and Rechavia.

  She was beautiful and wore a plain, white dress over a white bikini, bare feet and a band of white flowers in her flowing, straight, black hair. He looked as handsome as ever and was dressed in white trousers, a white shirt, which was open most of the way down, allowing his chest hair to peep through, and a pair of black boots.

  As the sun glistened on them both, they exchanged vows, which they had written themselves. Rechavia placed a thin, white, leather collar around Kalliope’s slender neck. A single diamond gleamed from it. She touched it gracefully with her long fingers. It was beautiful. They
embraced each other in a passionate kiss, sealing their love, as Ligia and the choir sang a beautiful refrain.

  They all sat on the grass afterward, eating a lovely buffet that Melantho and the girls had prepared in their honour.

  “Such a pity Amaranda and Eban couldn’t come,” Ligia said with a sigh, as she handed the happy couple a glass of champagne each. Aitan had been responsible for liquid refreshments and had used his contacts wisely.

  “Is she still being sick?” Melantho asked with a concerned expression. “That poor girl!”

  “She’s fine,” Dr. Jay called over with a wink. “Morning sickness usually only lasts a few weeks.”

  “She’s pregnant!” Pallas shouted out and they all erupted with whoops and shouts of joy.

  “Don’t you two go getting any ideas,” Aitan warned the lovebirds with a grin.

  They both shook their heads. They had no plans on being parents for a while yet.

  “I love you, Kalliope,” Rechavia whispered.

  Kalliope smiled into his gorgeous face as she replied, “I love you, too, sir.”




  Bella’s love of writing started at a very young age. While at Junior School, she was once asked to write a story that was to be displayed on the window due to lack of wall space (remember Portakabins?) Unfortunately, once she gets going she tends to run with an idea right up until the conclusion—and it has to have a happy ending! The story was so long it covered several windows and caused a blackout in the tiny classroom!

  She is British and lives in the beautiful English countryside with one of her three gorgeous daughters and her wonderful husband, often referred to as her “current husband” just to keep him on his toes!

  They live in a big haunted house. Therefore Bella’s housework is never done, as the ghost keeps moving things around—the bedroom isn’t the only place where things go bump in the night ;)


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