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The Visitor - The Final Ride 1875-1928

Page 5

by Barbara Svetlick

“What in the world could I ask for that I do not already have other than to turn back time?” Meeks watched her closely waiting for her to continue. “I want to spend my life with you. Nothing else matters.”

  “Then you have enjoyed the last five years?”

  “Tremendously. Sometimes I find myself regretting my marriage to Dominic and wishing I could have those years back. I think out of all of you that you were the least obvious and yet the most endearing. You never expressed yourself in my presence though you always touched me at the most unexpected moments.” Meeks watched as she ran her finger over the snake bracelet then looked up in her eyes smiling. “Do you believe in destiny?”

  “Not particularly.”

  Mirisa leaned across the table and kissed him softly. “You were mine.”

  “Well now that you have found your destiny what do you want him to give you for your birthday?”

  “You sir are mocking me.”

  “I am but it is so easy because you still believe in the man in the moon.”

  “I would like a home closer to my father. I find him to be slower in his gait and thoughts. I’m afraid my time with him is running down.”

  “Well that’s an awfully tall wish with your birthday only a few weeks away.”

  “For a man who stole me out from another’s bed, I think you might be able to surprise me.”

  “I think I stole you at the card table. It just took taking you to bed to convince you that I was better than he could ever be.”

  “Did you ever get along with Dominic?”

  “Not really. I’m not one for taking orders well and I don’t particularly like cruelty when it’s not necessary. I don’t think you ever truly comprehended how badly he treated you because you had nothing to compare it to.”

  The waiter placed their plates in front of them and filled their glasses before bowing and stepping away. Meeks raised his glass to her. “To our future and the possibilities that come with raising four beautiful demanding funny daughters.”

  “You’re going to make me cry.”

  “That’s how I know you love me.” He put his glass down. “I think you should allow me to take you Christmas shopping since you refuse to relinquish control of what you are planning to do for the holidays.”

  “Actually, if you didn’t divert my attention constantly by telling me you love me I could think clearly enough to tell you my plans.”

  “You are easily distracted. Would you like my help with Christmas?”

  “I would love your help. I need two Christmas trees this year…”

  “You aren’t decorating the music room?”

  “No. It is far more comfortable to have Christmas morning in the front room. We’re having a formal dinner on Christmas Eve with family and friends but in the morning we are going to the orphanage to deliver Christmas gifts and the makings for a lovely Christmas dinner. Christmas morning we will attend church and the rest of the day will be with the children as it always is.”

  “How many children are living at the orphanage?”

  “I believe Sister Thomasse’ said they had twenty-two children and five babies. I had a tree delivered with enough crafts that they could decorate it and the cookies the children are making will also be delivered with the gifts.”

  “May I accompany you?”

  “Darling, there is nothing that I do that does not include you being with us.”

  “Mirisa, are you happy with our marriage?”

  “That shouldn’t be a question you need to ask but since you have I think it is time I make you the focus of my affection.” Mirisa reached over and intertwined her fingers in his. “I shall make sure it is a question that never enters your thoughts again.”

  Meeks laughed and asked her if she wanted dessert. She declined as he stood and pulled out her chair. Mirisa loved being out with her husband. The snow was still falling lightly as they went shopping. The streets were filled with the smell of roasting chestnuts and the windows were decorated with evergreens. They stopped at Macy’s window to look at all of the new dolls from Europe.

  “Oh darling look how beautiful they are.”

  “Do we have room for more dolls?”

  “The girls have gone through their dolls, well Lizzie wouldn’t cooperate, and the ones they don’t play with have been put on the shelves. I think they are hoping their father will buy them another one this year. Have they talked to you?”

  “They all cornered me the other morning with a very specific list of things they wanted. They said something about Pansy Blossom, Jessie Jingle, Lillie Lane, Bessie Bright and Nellie Bly but I don’t know what that meant.”

  “They are sets of paper dolls.”

  “Paper dolls?”

  Mirisa laughed and took him into a large book store where there was a large display of boxes of dolls. He picked up the box and looked at it looking at her questioningly. “How do you decide which ones to buy?”

  “Well, we have three girls.”

  “We have four.”

  “Cassie is too young for anything other than clothes. I think Pansy Blossom, Lillie Lane and Bessie Bright.” Meeks picked up the boxes as Mirisa saw ‘The Little Folks Paint Book’. They add three to their basket and looked at the little tins of water paints.

  “Would you like to go in Macy’s tonight or would you much prefer to pick out the dolls by yourself?”

  “Tonight.” They walked up to the doors of Macy’s as the doorman held it for them. The display with the dolls was surrounded by women hoping to get one of the new dolls. Meeks walked up to the sales lady and handed her a hundred dollar bill as she nodded and went behind the counter. She put four boxes in a large bag handing it to Meeks. Mirisa looked at him as the ladies swarmed to the counter as the sales lady politely told them that they only had a few of the favorite left until a new shipment arrived. They all argued that the man had cut in line and bought at least three dolls.

  “I am sorry Madame but the gentleman was in here early this week and asked that we hold his purchases until he could return tonight.”

  “But I saw him give you money.”

  “I am afraid you are mistaken. He gave me the receipt.”

  “Well, I wish to see the proprietor right away.”

  “As you wish.” The sales lady left the floor and returned with a very distinguished gentleman who introduced himself to the now growing crowd of very boisterous and wealthy women. He politely listened to them and spoke to the sales lady who explained the gentleman had picked them out and paid for them earlier in the week but wished they be held so his daughters did not see them before the holidays. Macy’s offered not only delivery but also they would keep any purchases if the customer so desired. He tried to explain it to the women but he believed he might have a riot on his hands so he told them he would take their names and addresses along with which doll they desired since they were expecting a new delivery before Christmas. This caused a bump and push to which he found very unladylike as they women fought to get their name on the list.

  Meeks took Mirisa into the clothing department and they picked out new coats and bonnets for the girls. Then they bought them all new boots and went through the new scarves and leather gloves for the boys.

  “Alexander did you buy four dolls?”

  “Well, we don’t want Cassie to feel left out.”

  “No we don’t. I talked to James earlier about having her baptized but he didn’t really give me any guidance on his wishes.”

  “Is that why you went up to the music room?”

  “No. I wanted to talk to him about how you really felt about our last two daughters and the fact that I can’t have any more children.”

  “Why didn’t you talk to me?”

  “You are far more open with Garnett and James when you are dealing with something about me.”

  “Why would you want to know now?”

  “Because I have been very selfish and you have been so accepting of my bad behavior out of some notion that you must give
me anything I want.”

  “If we were meant to have more children, we would but I believe four daughters are going to be a handful as it is.”

  “Would you tell me if I do something that upsets you?”

  Meeks measured his next statement. “And here I thought I had done something to upset you. I think we should finish our shopping for a night in your arms sounds better every moment.”

  “Then I shall remind you tonight why I should be the last married woman you seduce while her husband was busy.”

  “You know I really would have shot him for you.”

  “I may still take you up on that.”

  Mirisa finished up her shopping coming home to find two large Christmas trees set up in the house. James was uncrating the ornaments and decorations as the girls sat on the floor watching him. They all looked at their mother as she removed her gloves placing them on the entry table.

  “What have my angels been doing all morning?”

  “We have been watching Garnett and James set up the Christmas tree. They used bad words when one fell over on top of Garnett.”

  “Mommy shouldn’t they be in time out?”

  “Did they apologize for such unbecoming behavior in the presence of young ladies?”

  Maggie looked at James. “James did but Garnett is still trying to fix his cuts.”

  “How in the world did he cut himself?”

  Sara raised her hand. “The tree attacked him on the way down and he said that James should have stopped the damn thing.”

  Mirisa bit her bottom lip. “I see. Why did James not tend to his cuts like he does with you when you are hurt?”

  “Because Garnett was still saying bad words as he went upstairs. We offered to fix him a whisky but he ignored us.”

  “And you believe a whisky would have helped him?”

  “It usually does.” Garnett came down the stairs pulling his sleeve down and went to the bar. “See, it always helps.”

  Garnett scowled. “I apologize for my behavior.”

  Lizzie walked over to her father and touched the scratch on his cheek kissing it. “Better?”

  “Yes sweetheart, it is much better. Thank you.”

  “Is the tree going to fall on me?”

  “No, the tree fell because James let go before it was upright.”

  “You were supposed to have it on your side.”

  Lizzie wrapped her arms around her father and told him that she loved him for saving the Christmas tree and did he get her a music box for Christmas. He told her that she would have to wait until Christmas morning. She whispered in his ear as he locked eyes with Mirisa. Lizzie kissed him and followed her sisters up to the nursery blowing him kisses as she slowly climbed the stairs.


  “Garnett I am afraid that her wily ways are fine tuned because her father always gives into her little kisses. I don’t think any of you understand how much little girls love their fathers.” Mirisa batted her eyes as she removed her coat. “How come you two are home today?”

  “We stopped by to get some papers when the trees showed up so we thought we’d at least stand them up for you.”

  “Thank you. Do you know when the boys will be home?”

  “Dominic said he would have them back after dinner. I think they were going shopping then having dinner. He wasn’t thrilled with having to come to New York to see his sons.”

  “James, is that a direct quote or are you softening his actual words?”

  “You know one never quotes Dominic when he’s in a sour mood.”

  “Then it will be wonderful to see him. I believe I need to spend time with my baby.”

  “She just went to sleep.”

  Mirisa looked at him surprised. “Was she fussy?”

  Garnett poured another shot. “No, James brought her downstairs and played with her.”

  “Then I shall kiss her sweet little cheek because I love the smell of a new baby.” Mirisa went up the stairs as James took the tops off of the other three boxes of ornaments. They were almost finished when Meeks came in through the back door carrying a box of apple pockets and pastry. The smell instantly filled the house with the smell of cinnamon. Garnett opened the box.

  “You might want to rethink that since I’m going to tell the girls I’m home.”

  “Didn’t you bring enough for everyone?”

  “I didn’t think either of you deserved anything since you were supposed to pick up the files and come back to the office.” Meeks looked at the tree before he called the girls telling them he brought them pastry. Mirisa came out behind them and took Lizzie’s hand so she wouldn’t fall.

  “Mirisa, I have seen you when you are wanton but that’s the first time Garnett has come out the injured party.”

  Mirisa wrapped around her husband and whispered in his ear. Sara yelled back that Garnett was attacked by the tree. Before they made it to the table, the maid came out and told them she would bring them into the front room with milk. They all headed back to the front room waiting patiently.

  The maid brought out a tray with the apple pockets on little plates and cups of milk before returning to the kitchen and bringing out a tray of coffee and éclairs. Garnett sat down as James told Meeks the file was still on the desk. Meeks walked in the library and Mirisa followed him closing and locking the door. The sound of the lock echoed across the room and Maggie just rolled her eyes which made Garnett almost choke on his éclair.

  Mirisa slowly unbuttoned her jeans as Meeks turned to face her. She stopped and bent over sliding off one leg then the other. As she stood up his eyes followed her toes up her ankles to her legs until he reached the top of her black stockings then he looked in her eyes. Mirisa was reaching up and untying the black silk ribbon allowing her hair to fall down around her shoulders. Meeks loved her shorter hair because it made her look so seductive when it was down.

  She walked across the room and ran her fingers through his temples breathing softly against his cheek as he took in the scent of roses. Meeks didn’t think he could ever walk in a rose garden without wanting to have sex. His hands moved from her hips to her waist as he warned her and she laughed at what she called a feeble warning if she had ever hear one. Meeks cleared the desk with one hand causing everyone to turn to the library.

  Mirisa took in her breath as he rolled her over on the desk and took her with such command that they fell off the desk but never noticed. She wrapped around him as he pinned her to the floor and told her that she should never tease a man in the middle of the day.

  “Alexander, I love when you want me so much you can’t wait.”

  “I love when you surprise me in the middle of the day but I’m not sure how you are going to get out of the library with your eyes so green and your hair in such disarray.” Meeks stood up and she ran her hand up his thigh as he reached down and pulled her up against him. The feel of her warm body against his was so pleasing. He slipped on his pants before he bent over to pick up all the things on the floor putting them back on the desk.

  “One day you are going to break something you like.”

  “Darling, I haven’t put anything breakable on my desk since I discovered your love of being in a library in black stockings.” He picked up Mirisa’s jeans and handed them to her. She sat on the desk and watched him as he redressed.

  “Did you bring me something from the bakery?”

  “I brought éclairs but I believe that you took a chance that there would be any left.”

  She wrapped around him and told him that she got exactly what she wanted as she slipped on her jeans. When she opened the library door the girls were gone but James and Garnett were facing the door sipping on whisky.

  “Been a long, long time since you have had that sinful library look going on.” Mirisa walked up to James and took his whisky away. “It’s been a long time since you have taken my whisky.”

  “I have missed you Mr. Alcorn. Tell me are you giving me diamonds for Christmas?”

Is that what you want?”

  “Maybe or maybe I want emeralds to match my eyes.”

  “I don’t know that they sell emeralds that dark.”

  Meeks leaned against the doorframe as she leaned in nose to nose with James and told him he was too handsome to be single. Mirisa headed upstairs to check on the girls.

  James turned to the library and stopped at the look on Meeks’ face. “What’s wrong?”

  “Not sure I want to talk about it.”

  Garnett turned toward him and looked back up the stairs knowing that whatever it was probably was something that none of them wanted to talk about. He got up and walked into the library and stood looking out the window. Meeks came in and put the bottle on the table. James felt his stomach sink but he closed the door before he leaned against it. No one said anything as Meeks lit his cigar and wondered how he was going to handle the problem.

  Garnett didn’t turn. “Who is she?”

  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Garnett turned. “Probably not but what does matter is why.”

  “I can only say it was like the night at the card room when my anger came out all at once and I wanted to punish someone.”

  “Is this about us?”

  “It is about the fact that I went into the marriage without being honest with Mirisa or even myself. It is about admitting that even though Dominic was the worse example of a husband, he was right about my being wrong to allow her to be promiscuous.”

  “Why in the world didn’t you talk to us? We have always had control over everything that has happened. Why would you jeopardize everything when the answer was simple?”

  “I can’t answer you because you are right. I can’t explain what I have done and I can’t find a way to make it right.”

  James closed his eyes and leaned back. “What now?”

  “I have to talk to her.”

  “No you don’t.”

  “She knows something is wrong and my guilt is just eating me like maggots on a dead carcass.”

  “You are no better than Dominic who will be not only conciliatory but will undermine your relationship with everything he can throw at you.”

  Garnett turned and sat on the window seat. “Meeks what do you want?”


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