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Hot SEALs: Through Her Eyes

Page 6

by Delilah Devlin

  So she’d been right about his being ex-military. “Why the scope?”

  Wolf laid a hand on her cheek and slid his fingers into her hair.

  She thought he wasn’t going to answer, that he would distract her with a kiss. Which might have ruined their chance to strengthen their connection.

  Then he drew a deep breath. “I’m a sniper. And used to staring down a scope. Except this last time, when I came back, I couldn’t shake the tension.”

  “PTSD?” she asked softly. She didn’t want to think about the horrors he might have seen that left him this way.

  “Guess so. Whatever you want to call it. The only time I could relax, breathe easy, was when I stared down a scope. Handheld or mounted on a rifle. Too many years of training, keeping my breathing even while I waited to pull the trigger…” He shook his head. “Turns out, fucking pretty redheads works well, too.”

  She smiled and lowered her head to his chest, listening to his heart beat like a drum. She could only imagine the things he’d done and seen. Being a sniper explained his intensity, that was for sure. “So, my pussy’s the cure.” Why does that make me tingle?

  He laughed. “Baby, you’re better than any meds the VA would give me. Not that I’ve seen or talked with anyone. This is something I want to handle on my own.”

  “Me or the tension?” She gave him a wide grin. “’Cause I have to tell you now, you’re the only one I want handling me.”

  A breath huffed out before he cupped her chin and tilted her face toward his. His kiss was soft, a rub of lips, but then he bit her bottom lip.

  Surprise. With that one nip, her heartbeat thrummed inside her chest. Beneath her, his cock stirred, hardening against her open sex. Moisture oozed from inside her, and she spread the glaze along his length, slowly rocking forward and back while he filled.

  “Sure you’re not too sore?” he asked, his gaze narrowed, searching her face.

  “When did I complain?”

  “The last time we fucked with you riding reverse cowgirl. Said you wouldn’t be able to walk straight for a week.”

  She pushed against his chest and straightened to sit astride him. “Walking’s overrated.” She rose, getting her feet beneath her, then squatted over his groin. “I may be on top, but you’re doing the work.” Then she gripped his cock and placed him at her entrance, rubbing around and around to wet his cockhead. “Think you’re up to it? Or did I wear you out?”

  His knees lifted behind her—she knew because she felt his thighs against her buttocks. When he began to thrust his hips to spear inside her, she regretted the position, because now she couldn’t control the depth or grind against him. And he wasn’t touching her with anything other than his cock, sliding up her vagina and his thighs brushing her buttocks.

  Not that she wasn’t getting thoroughly aroused, but she’d never get off like this. “Stop.”

  In an instant, he halted and lowered his hips, dragging his thick cock slowly from inside her.


  “Yes, baby.”

  “I need more.”

  “You don’t want to call the shots?”

  She shook her head. “Thought I did, but…”

  “Get off the bed.”

  She stood, then stepped down to the floor. “This another of your To Do list items?” she asked as he swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood. His height and his broad shoulders made her feel so feminine and small. All girlie. For a woman in her profession, that didn’t happen very often.

  “It’s on the list. Now, put your hands against the wall.”

  Sucking in a quick breath, she placed her hands on her hips. “But you’re not a cop.”

  “And you’re not in charge.” He reached out, grabbed an arm, and forced her around to face the wall. “Bend slightly at the waist and brace yourself.”

  She did so, guessing what was coming. Sexy.

  The slap against her ass stole her breath. She leaned closer to the wall, placing her face against the cool textured surface as he spanked her bottom, making it jiggle—the left side, then the right.

  “Didn’t think I’d leave your snooping in my things unpunished, did you?” he asked, swatting her again.

  Biting her lip to keep quiet, Piper walked her hands lower on the wall so she could tilt up her ass and give him more skin to warm. She loved this. Loved that he wasn’t the least bit gentle about it either. The smacks stung like hell, but her pussy was hot and juicy. Something he learned the moment his palm landed on the area.

  He stayed, rubbing his hand on her there while she hung, braced against the wall, her breasts quivering beneath her torso with each ragged breath.

  His wet palm smoothed over her ass. Both his hands gripped her hips.

  Anticipation hit, and she took a deep breath, only to have it gust out against when he stroked hard inside her.

  He placed a hand in the center of her back and pushed her down a little farther, then adjusted his stance, coming in closer, his hands working her bottom with slight up-and-down motions as he pounded away.

  All she could do was take it. In this position, she couldn’t back into him. Couldn’t tilt higher. Almost like before. Every movement was controlled by his strong grip and powerful thrusts.

  But she didn’t care, because his cock hit her G-spot just right, rubbing it with the ridge of his glans until her nipples were so tight, her clit so swollen, she wished she could tweak them for relief. As the strokes moved faster and faster, she grew even more appreciative of his athleticism. He handled her like she weighed nothing.

  She began the climb, her whimpers escalating as he jack hammered against her so fast she couldn’t prevent her loud shout at the moment she crested.

  Wolf’s own shout was barely muffled. His fingers dug into her skin, anchoring them together.

  Wincing, she knew she’d be bruised, but again, she didn’t give a damn. The sensation of his cum jetting inside her was too sublime.

  At last, he scooted an arm around her stomach, raised her torso, and stepped forward to trap her body against the wall, his cock still lodged inside her, as he kissed her shoulder, her neck, the shell of her ear. “Thank you,” he murmured.

  A laugh escaped. “For what?” Hell, she should be thanking him. She’d never had better sex, never enjoyed herself so much.

  “For letting me check this off my list.”

  A vibrating hum sounded. Regret slammed through her as she turned her head toward the lit screen on the floor. “My phone.”

  He came off her and bent to swipe the phone from the floor. After handing it to her, he turned her, and then bracketed her with his arms as she slid the green circle across the screen. “Yeah, Calvin. This better be g—”

  “Get the fuck out of there now!” he said, sounding out of breath.

  From Wolf’s quickly sharpened features, she could tell he’d heard every word. Her grip tensed. “What’s happening?”

  “Alana sped by about a minute ago. Was gonna warn you, but then I saw a dark car fly past, three men, all masked.”

  They had three maybe five minutes. “They’re following her?”

  “Would be a helluva coincidence if they weren’t. I’m on my way.”

  As the connection ended, she cussed. “My gun’s in the house. Fuck!” She pushed at Wolf’s chest until he backed away, then rifled through his duffel for a pair of boxers and a tee.

  He dressed quickly, too, pulling on jeans and boots. “You can’t be thinking of going over there.”

  She gave him a glare. “Alana might have questionable taste in lovers, but she doesn’t deserve what’s about to go down.”

  “Come.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her behind him, into the hallway. “Deke, Jax!” he shouted and pounded on the wall.

  Seconds later, two doors burst open. Both men were dressed in boxers.

  “Are there weapons in the house?”

  Without pause, Jax ducked back into his room. Wide-eyed but calm, Suri had pulled a sheet around
herself and stood beside the bed. He lifted the bottom of the platform bed which opened on a hinge. Beneath was a built-in cupboard filled with a supply of weapons.

  Piper shook off Wolf’s hold and bent to pick up a Glock.

  “Hold it there,” Jax said, his hand outstretched. “It’s loaded.”

  “Wouldn’t do me any good if it wasn’t.” She turned back toward the door.

  Wolf snaked an arm around her waist to hold her still. “The woman who owns the house next door will be here in seconds. A vehicle with three armed men is on her tail. She might not know. We have to move fast.”

  Deke had already moved to the window, pulling aside the curtains. “Wolf, you need to stay here. There’s a TAK-50. Watch for your shot. Jax and I will go over there.”

  “Hey, I’m coming, too,” Piper said, frowning. “This is my case. My collar.”

  “Pretty and knows her way around guns,” Deke murmured, lifting an eyebrow.

  “She’s a bounty hunter.” Wolf’s arm tightened on her waist. “Don’t suppose you’d stay with Suri? Let them handle it.”

  “I have the security code to get inside. And Alana knows me.” She angled against his hold. “Let me do this.”

  He released her and bent to pull a rifle from the cupboard. “Don’t get between me and my targets. I’ll take them out. I’m good, Piper. Let me do what I’m best at.”

  The eerie calmness of his tone nearly brought her to tears. Who is this man? The peace he’d found with her was shattered. Now, he was back in sniper mode.

  No time now for regrets about what she’d brought down on him. “Let’s go.” Then leading Wolf’s two friends, she ran for the stairs.

  Chapter Seven

  WOLF HAD ALWAYS hated the waiting, but this time, the passing minutes were pure torture. Every scenario possible flashed through his mind. And since, he’d pretty much seen battlefield carnage at its worst, his imagination painted pictures of the worst possible outcomes.

  He had to get a grip. Had to calm down. With the rifle stock propped on his hip, he strode back to his room. He wrapped a tee around his hand and hit the window glass. It fell in jagged spears to the ground. Next, he dragged his comforter and folded it several times, listening for any sounds from the house next door, as he knelt and got into a kneeling firing position.

  As soon as he stared down the scope, he expected to feel calmer, but his blood still pounded in his ears. Like he’d done so many times before, he drew in several deep breaths, forcing them to be even and long, but he couldn’t get hold of the tension gripping his body.

  The sound of the garage door lifting sounded just as he saw Piper and his two buddies at the side door. She quickly punched in the code, and they were inside. Because the lights were still blazing, he had full view of everything. Deke and Jax took up positions, concealing themselves from the view of the kitchen door leading into the garage.

  Piper held her Glock against her thigh and stood in front of the door.

  The door opened, and the bottle blonde’s eyes widened. Her smile froze when her gaze dropped to Piper’s weapon.

  He could only imagine what was being said. Alana was talking fast. The woman’s mouth opened around a gasp, and she looked fearfully behind her.

  Then Piper turned her head and jerked it.

  Both men stepped out from where they were hiding. They pointed to the stairs and the blonde rushed up them. Then, they turned to Piper, bodies stiff, jaws firm. They must have told her to get her ass up there as well, because she frowned, but gave a nod, and then glared through the window in his direction.

  He almost smiled, but the men were turning off the downstairs lights, and again moving to concealed positions. Lights went off upstairs.

  Piper pushed Alana through her bedroom door, pointed to the closet, then turned off the bedroom light. With tears streaming, Alana dashed into the closet while Piper hid behind the bed, her Glock resting on the mattress. But she was careful to keep out of his direct line of sight for the door.

  “Good girl,” he muttered.

  He never heard a sound. Not of a car door. Not of attempted entry. Not the pops of the first shots fired. Lights flashed from muzzle-protected weapons. The glass of the window facing him shattered. Then he heard a loud explosion and saw a quick burst of light. They’d dropped a stun grenade into the living room. He didn’t have to time to wonder why the gunmen would need that kind of ordinance to take out the blonde.

  Dark figures entered the room, and Jax and Deke returned fire.

  But Wolf couldn’t be sure all three of the enemy were engaged in the gun battle. Confident his buddies could handle themselves, he trained his gaze on the bedroom, lit only by the sliver of light from the bathroom, that earlier Piper had used to begin her tease.

  The bedroom door burst open. He closed his eyes as another flashbang grenade was dropped. When he opened them again, he saw Piper firing wildly toward the door, no doubt blinded by the blast.

  But from where he knelt, he could see perfectly. He aimed for the head, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.

  The large round shattered the window and exploded against the man’s forehead. He sank to his knees and fell forward.

  Piper scrambled over the bed, rolled the man to his back, and took off his ski-mask. Her head turned toward the closet door.

  Alana peeked out and shook her head.

  Piper stood and dashed out the door.

  “Son of a bitch.” Wolf jumped to his feet and ran past Suri who stood outside his doorway, a hand at her throat. He leapt down the steps, swung open the door, and ran for the gate.

  From inside the living room still came the pops of rounds going off. By the time he reached the shattered window and cleared the last shards of glass to step through, the battle was over. He raised his weapon to his shoulder just as the lights came back on.

  Deke and Jax stood facing him, then lowered their weapons. Two men wearing masks lay on the floor, both wounded, although not mortally by the amount of cussing coming from them.

  The garage door burst open, and a large black man stepped through, quickly raising his handgun above his head as he spotted the ex-SEALs.

  “Don’t shoot him!” Piper shouted, stepping out from behind a corner. “He’s with me.”

  “Son of a bitch,” Calvin said, breathing hard and placing a hand over his heart. “I’m too damn old for this shit.”

  AFTER PIPER LOADED Alana into a taxi—she was too shaky to drive herself—she went back inside the beach house. Destruction was everywhere, and she winced as she took in the damage. Windows shattered. Furniture and walls riddled with bullet holes. Pérez had targeted Alana because he was cutting connections, preparing to run, because he knew it was only a matter of time before the bounty on his head proved too attractive to everyone around him. Without Diego Guzman’s influence to scare people away, he was a hunted man and Alana knew his habits too well.

  The Policia were still taking pictures of the crime scene and giving them all glares. The long, bloody streak mark on the carpet was evidence that they’d moved someone.

  By now, Calvin, with Deke’s assistance, was aboard the small plane they’d chartered, heading to Brownsville where they’d turn Gustav Pérez, who’d been among the gunmen, into the authorities to stand trial. Best part was, Charter group wouldn’t claim any of the reward money despite their agents’ involvement. One of their suits was already on the scene, smoothing ruffled feathers with stacks of American money.

  “Why would Charter do that?” Piper said, rubbing her arms against a sudden chill. She’d changed out of Wolf’s underwear, and now wore jeans and a long-sleeved tee, but she was still slightly chilled by the sea breeze wafting through the gaping windows. The adrenaline was wearing off. “This has to be costing them an arm and a leg.”

  “The price is worth it to them if they get me,” Wolf said with a shrug.

  “And will they?” she asked, raising her gaze to lock with his.

  He nodded. “I like the
way they handled this. Quietly. No questions past the initial phone call Jax made. No bullshit.”

  “You’ll have to thank them for sending Deke along with Calvin.” She narrowed her eyes. “I could have gone with him.”

  “That wouldn’t have worked well for me.” He smoothed a hand down her arm. “And they’re eager to please me.”

  “Must have something special planned.”

  He shrugged. “Won’t be in Mexico.”

  Piper felt a painful knot lodge inside her chest. He’d be going somewhere dangerous. Somewhere in the world, a location she’d never learn. And she’d have no clue whether he lived or died. Did he have people who would mourn him?

  Jax wandered off to talk to the suit from Charter. Suri sat on a couch with fluff hanging out of bullet holes, not looking particularly concerned or frightened. Which made Piper wonder how that could be so.

  “Suri and Jax are going back with Reynard,” Wolf said, pointing his chin toward the suit.

  “You staying?” Who would want to after all this drama?

  “Depends,” he said softly.

  The way he said that single word, then the way his hand gently closed around hers to pull her closer, had that knot inside her chest loosening and melting away. “On what?” she whispered past the lump in her throat.

  “Whether you’ll keep me company. I know your work here is done.”

  “Yeah, it is.” She lowered her gaze to his chest, half afraid to read his expression. Would it be one of his shuttered masks, or his sexy look—that hard, intense expression that managed to set her heart aflutter?

  He tipped up her chin then gently pinched it to keep hold of her gaze. “Stay with me.”

  “So you can finish your To Do list?” Not that she had any qualms about his sexual experiments, but she really, really hoped he wanted more. If he wasn’t feeling anything stronger than lust, then maybe she needed to walk now. For her own sake. Although, she thought it might already be too late.

  Wolf stared down at her, unblinking.


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