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Cupid's Dance: Western Small Town Contemporary Romance (Return to Cupid, Texas Book 3)

Page 8

by McDaniel, Sylvia

  "Here, let me do that," Cody said, lifting the leather from the horse.

  "Where's a brush?" she asked. "I'll brush her down and give her some oats."

  When she looked up in the dim light, she could see the surprise on his face. "Over on that table."

  Walking over, she picked it up. "You know, I'm not feeling very hungry."

  The thought of fixing a large heavy meal made her even more spent and her appetite didn't match the need. While it was sweet of him to offer to cook, maybe this wasn't the night.

  "Me, either."

  "What if we just have popcorn and watch a movie?"

  The thought of cuddling up beside him and resting sounded wonderful. The boutique was coming along beautifully, and the entire day she stocked shelves. Spending the evening on a mare left her weary, but refreshed. Now the thought of leaning against this strong shoulder the perfect way to end the day.

  Again, he gazed at her in amazement. "Or we could get naked in the hot tub."

  That was a temptation she knew would be impossible to abstain from. Seeing all his muscles rippling in the warm water would land her in his bed. She promised herself they would not have sex again until her emotions caught up with her physical desires.

  "Oh no. Tired or not, I know where that would lead us."

  "Can't blame a guy for wanting to get naked in the hot tub."

  "No, but I intend to win this bet."

  Taking the brush, she rubbed the mare who almost purred while she stroked the animal.

  "Right now, I want you so badly, I would forfeit," he said, gazing at her.

  His words were more of an aphrodisiac than the dinner he'd prepared to cook her making it hard to resist. For her own peace of mind, she wanted to wait. The next time she gave herself to him, there should be no doubts.

  "Tonight has been trying. But we're waiting. I need this time," she said softly. Before she slept with Cody again, she needed to make certain about the two of them. Since that disastrous one night in college, she’d dated, but sex had been fleeting.

  With a sigh, he nodded, clearly not happy. "So if this is date three, we're ready to go public."

  "No, it's date two, and I'm wondering if you can actually call it a date."

  Standing, he walked over to her, his finger reached out to trace along her cheek. "Tell me what needs to happen to make this count."

  The feel of his touch sent shivers trickling over her and she sighed. "Cuddle with me on the couch, fix me popcorn, and kiss me senseless."

  He grinned. "Your wish is my command. At least until this bet thing is settled. Let me freeze the steaks and we'll have them another time."

  Kelsey stared at the man she could love so easily. What was she waiting for? Why didn't she just tell her brothers about her and Cody? Why did she fear that when they learned the truth, they would ruin everything?

  This time she was holding him near to her heart. Right now, she didn't want to share him with her family. Right now, she didn't want to listen to their objections or even their approval. Right now, she wanted to enjoy this time with this handsome cowboy and slowly fall in love with him.

  * * *

  Kelsey looked around at her friends. Tonight, she gave up time with Cody to be here. Since they'd all returned to town, they liked to meet for drinks or dinner at least once a week.

  "Anyone want to go to Dallas with me day after tomorrow?" Kelsey asked. "I've got to attend market and I could use the company."

  "Can't," Meghan said. "I've got school."

  "I would love to, but I have to stay here and run the restaurant," Taylor said with a sigh.

  "We should plan a girls’ trip," Taylor said.

  "Yes, spring break is coming up in the next week. Let's go to the spa," Meghan said. "I'm feeling the need to get rid of some old dirt."

  Laughing, Kelsey said, "Would that dirt go by the name of Max?"

  "Hell yes," Meghan said, shaking her head. "The man knows how to wound a girl. I can't believe he's inserted himself in my life again after all these years."

  "You're welcome," Taylor said.

  "Okay, so one week from this Saturday we're going to the spa for spring cleaning," Kelsey said, thinking that was after the boutique opened, it would be a good test for the girl she hired.

  "I'll make sure my employees know they are in charge," Taylor said.

  "I'll make the appointments and the hot massage guy is mine," Kelsey said. A shiver of distaste went through her leaving her baffled. Why did it feel like she didn't want any other man near her? All she wanted was Cody.

  "Great! She's already laying dibs on the only man we'll see," Meghan said.

  "Did you want him?"

  Frankly, she'd made an offhand remark and Meghan was welcome to the massage boy.

  "No, but it seems you always get the hot, sexy ones," Meghan replied.

  "Girls, I don't want him either, so Kelsey can have him," Taylor said.

  Kelsey laughed. "I'm the only one who doesn't have a hunk chasing after them and you guys get upset because I called dibs on the masseuse?"

  A frown formed between Meghan's brows. "I don't have a hot guy chasing after me."

  "I don't either," Taylor said.

  With a shake of her head, Kelsey said, "Meghan's been complaining about her ex being back in her life and you," she turned and faced Taylor. "I've heard rumors that a certain sheriff in town is hot on your trail."

  "Not mine," Taylor said.

  "Then why is his patrol car seen a lot of nights in front of your townhouse?"

  Worry filled her as she gazed at her friend to watch her reaction. Taylor seemed so elusive that Kelsey became suspicious. She thought something was going on between her friend and the cheating sheriff.

  The boy had cheated on her. Hopefully, Ryan had learned his lesson and wouldn't cheat again, but she needed to warn Taylor without telling her the reason. At her family's insistence, she kept the reasons for their breakup quiet. Now, she didn't think it was her place to spread gossip about the sheriff.

  "Why don't you drive," Meghan asked.

  "I could, but look outside. I'd have to put a lot of nickels in those parking meters because there is no parking in the back. Not unless I want my car sideswiped by a delivery truck."

  "He's trouble, Taylor."

  "Our sheriff has been doing his duty by making certain I arrive home safe and sound. Nothing more. Not like Miss Meghan, who is sitting over there with one of the greatest NFL players chasing her."

  "He's retired. And he's nothing more than a high school football coach who I share a disturbing past with."

  "And he'd like to make it your future as well," Kelsey said.

  "Maybe. But maybe not. Either way, it doesn't matter because I don't want a future with him. We have too many trust issues to try to resolve and I'm over him. What about you Kelsey? You've not said how your brothers reacted to hearing you were streaking through town."

  A heavy sigh released from her. "I'm not certain what is going on. Cody Graham picked me up, but so far, he's kept quiet. You know, if he wasn't my brothers’ best friend, he might be kind of nice. But dealing with my brothers is way more than I want. Yet, Cody is a nice guy. He's been coming over and helping me in the shop."

  "Whoa, there," Meghan said, her brows drew together in a frown. "You've known this man for twenty years and you're telling me he's suddenly a nice guy? Last time we were all together, you were talking about his Superman underwear."

  "Well, he's nice. He even kissed me the other day, but I could never get seriously involved with him. He's my brothers’ best friend. They would know all our business."

  For once, Kelsey hadn't told a soul about Cody. Obviously, she didn't tell her friends the truth regarding their relationship for fear of jinxing her growing feelings. There was so much she refused to talk about and she didn't care.

  This was her life, her time and her pleasure. When she thought the time was right, she would confess to her friends everything, but not now. Not when she
wanted to hold these special moments close.

  Meghan shook her head. "Not buying it. You like Cody, but you're afraid."

  "Am not. I kissed him."

  "On a scale of one to five with five being it was a really great kiss, tell us what you thought," Taylor said,

  "It was a six," she said quietly, thinking if they only knew the truth. Like a six on the Richter scale. No one reported an earthquake, but she certainly felt the earth move.

  "Oh," Meghan said. "There is more to this story."

  "No. It cannot happen between me and Cody. Jim would love it."

  Though she portrayed Jim as a bad guy, he had the best intentions. It's just that if he cared about you, he wanted to take care of you. Her oldest brother had the tendency to be a little overbearing and way into her business, but she loved him. Had she ever stood up to him? Had she ever told him to back off? At her age, the time had come for her to tell him, enough.

  "Who gives a crap about your brothers. You worry way too much about them," Meghan said.

  "She's right," Taylor said.

  Had she ever told her brothers to back away and stay out of her business. Or had she just invited them in? Whenever she needed help, she called on the people she depended on the most. They were her lifelines. If she didn't stand strong, how would she ever make it on her own? Perhaps she needed to take a look at herself. Did she rely on her brothers too much? Could the fault lie with her and not her brothers?

  And did it matter that Cody was their best friend?

  Chapter 7

  The boutique looked great. Everything was in place and the sales girls mingled amongst the guest handing out samples while her new customers came and went. There was champagne, hors d'oeuvre and cookies and punch, whatever the guest's preference.

  Her brothers circulated talking to the people who had come to see what they'd done with the store. The sensual room was closed. Tonight, she didn't want to take a chance on offending any of the city dignitaries who dropped by. And the jewelry, designer, Angela Smythe, was selling out fast.

  Cody walked through the door and her heart swelled with pride at how handsome he appeared in his dress jeans and starched white western shirt. She wanted to tell everyone he was hers.

  As she did with all the guests, she strolled up and greeted the man who made her pulse flutter. "Cody, you came."

  His smile put her girly parts on notice. "Of course, I did. Your brothers invited me."

  Leaning down he kissed her on the cheek and she frowned at him. Turning, her gaze collided with her brother Jim and he raised his brows.

  Whirling her back to her sibling, she glanced up at Cody. "We're being watched. I need to go to Dallas tomorrow, so I can't do dinner. Raincheck?"

  Frowning, he said, "Sure. But soon. Date three. Then we decide."

  A tickle of apprehension gripped her as she smiled and turned back to her guests. What if Cody chose not to date her anymore?

  The touch of his hand at the small of her back felt delicious as they walked toward her three siblings. Part of her didn't want to relinquish him, but she had no choice.

  "Hey, guys. Where's the beer?" Cody asked.

  "She wouldn't let us serve beer," Kyle said. "Only bubbly."

  "Did you buy anything yet?" Drew, her youngest brother, the lawyer asked.

  "Who would I buy for? Remember, I don't have a woman in my life."

  A tingle of disappointment clung to Kelsey's stomach, but he said those words just because she wanted them to pretend. He was playing the part because of the bet. Soon she would give him her answer and they would have a direction.

  The boys all stared at each other and alarm spiraled through Kelsey. Were they suspicious?

  "Well, buy something for you. You'd look nice wearing those pink earrings over there," Kyle said a grin on his face.

  "I'll buy a pair if you'll get the matching green ones," Cody said giving it right back to her brother.

  Kelsey shook her head. "Why do I get the feeling you men are making fun of the merchandise in my store."

  "In the naughty closet, there are some lotions you might like," Jim said, frowning at her and she realized he was trying to embarrass her.

  "Or Cody, for that girl you see once a month, there are nighties, underwear and even some toys," she said, leading her brother down a path that would keep the attention off them.

  Cody's brows came together, and he gazed at her. Surely he understood what she was doing and would play along.

  "Why would she need a toy. She's got me."

  "What girl is this?" Drew asked, glancing at Jim. Kelsey felt certain they had talked about Cody being someone she should date.

  "Some bar hop over at Valentino's. Hell, I'm surprised you haven't seen me dancing with her," Cody said, deepening the idea that they weren't an item.

  Somehow, she wanted to keep her brothers from realizing what was going on with Cody until she was ready to face their inquisition.

  "Bar hops, you men are all alike. Trying to do things the easy way instead of courting a woman. All of you would be happily married if you knew how to treat a lady right," she said and walked away to greet another guest coming in the door.

  "I resemble that remark," Drew called after her.

  Later, after everyone had left and her brothers were helping her clean up, Jim came up beside her. "I think this business of yours is going to do very well. We made over a thousand dollars."


  "Well, I mean you and the shop."

  The look she sent him, hopefully let him know where this conversation would go. Taking a deep breath, she released it slowly. "Jim, thank you for all your help in getting the store ready. The paperwork, the bank, the setup. Without all of you, this wouldn't be possible. That's done now. This is going to be my business."

  "You're still going to need help," he said.

  "Yes, from time to time, I may come and ask for some brotherly advice, but the bottom line is my success is dependent upon me. No one else. For the next year, my living expenses are paid and if the boutique doesn't work, then I'll find another advertising job."

  "We'll help you," he said, calling the other two over.

  "No," she said empathically. "You have done more than enough. Now it's up to me. This is my project, my business, and the rest of the way, I'm on my own."

  The playboy brother, Drew studied her. "Are you saying you don't need us?"

  "No, I need your love and your emotional support, but this is my deal. Drew, you have your law practice, Kyle has his veterinary practice and Jim has the ranch. Your jobs are what make you happy. Now let me make mine a success."

  Gazing at her brothers, all three had a curious frown on their faces. Their minds churning with the urge to say something.

  Kyle especially seemed to be struggling to find the right words. "Sis, now that the boutique is up and running, maybe you should start dating."

  Oh, here it comes.

  "We'll help you find someone to take you out," Drew said, looking for his brothers to rescue him.

  "You don't think I can find my own dates?" Kelsey asked.

  "No, of course not. But, we know the men around this area and could steer some good ones your direction," Jim said. "Reintroduce you."

  "With the opening, people will remember me."

  "No man is going to come into a frilly woman's shop," Jim said, running his hand through his hair. "At first, we thought that you and Cody would be a good fit, but you two don't have that spark needed for a marriage."

  Unable to stop herself, she busted out laughing. Giggling hysterically, tears rolling down her cheeks as she faced these overprotective men who loved her. She really should tell them. She should come clean and tell them the spark between her and Cody could light up a city.

  There were still a couple of things she needed to take care of, questions of herself she still needed answered. Before the truth came out, she must decide if Cody and she had a chance.

  * * *

  Cody walked throug
h the door of the Braxton family restaurant and looked around. Starving, he wanted to pop in, grab a bite to eat, and head for home. Glancing at the back of the cafe, he saw Kelsey. The hair on the back of his neck stood as she leaned forward talking to a man sitting with her. Obviously, they had been enjoying lunch.

  The urge to storm over to her table and confront her roared within him, but he waited and watched. Trying to assess the situation before he jumped in and looked like a bloody fool.

  Had her brothers already found someone for her and set her up with a man? A trickle of alarm radiated through him and he clenched his fists, wanting to rush over and pound the man. Kelsey was his woman. No, he couldn't claim her publicly, but that would soon change and until then she was still his. Keep your paws off my woman.

  Shocked at his response, he took a deep breath. God, he was in deeper than he thought. Gazing at Kelsey, his chest ached with a familiar pain that he recognized as feelings developing for the beautiful woman. What if she ran back to Dallas? He hadn't felt these emotions in years. Not since before his wife left him.

  Fear bubbled up inside, only one other time in his life had he known this intense longing. Stunned, he understood he was quickly falling in love with his best friends’ sister. The flighty and flirtatious and fun girl, who they didn't think would ever settle down had won his heart. Would she stay in Cupid or leave him at the first sign of trouble?

  Things between them had to change soon or he would be drowning in his need for her. While he thought of marriage and babies and happily ever after, he didn't have a commitment from her to even date him. His second time out of the gate and he didn't want to make another mistake. Yet his heart was crossing the finish line, ready for him to sink down on bended knee and pledge forever.

  So far, they hadn't been out on the third date and his brain screamed, he loved Kelsey Lawrence.

  Standing in the door, he stared as she turned toward the man, her face all innocent, but her brows rose. Not a good sign with Kelsey. Usually that meant trouble.

  A shiver went through him as he realized how well he knew her to recognize her anger signals. As her eyes darkened, her facial muscles tightened, he knew the man had no idea of the strife about to come his way. Serious strife.


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