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The Leopard's Witchy Mate (The Mayhem Crew, #1)

Page 6

by Boon, Elle

  He thought he’d relax when the priest announced Merry and Carlton husband and wife, but then it was time for Noelle to head back down the aisle. She had to walk with the fucker who kept eyefucking her. The unease she felt with the male was clear, her posture stiffer than if she’d been prodded with a rod. Ridge instantly knew Noelle didn’t like the male for some reason. His leopard didn’t appreciate the male’s hand on her, and then he nearly leapt out of his seat at the possessive way the human jerked Noelle back to him when she tried to move away.

  “I’ll kill him,” he vowed.

  “Easy, Ridge. He’s human.” Miko put his body between Ridge and the aisle.

  “Get out of my way, Miko. You don’t want to fuck with me right now.” Ridge glared down at his friend.

  Miko shook his head. “I don’t want to fuck with you, but I also know you don’t want to kill a human in front of all these humans,” he whispered close to Ridge’s ear.

  Ridge took a deep breath. Knowing Miko spoke the truth didn’t make it any easier to swallow the fact his mate was walking away with a male she didn’t want to touch her. “I don’t care what rules there are. We are following, now.”

  After the last of the bridesmaids and the groomsmen trailed down, Miko moved out, allowing Ridge to stalk after the group. There were murmurs from the aisles. An elderly woman tried to stop him, but Ridge nodded at her and said, “Gotta piss,” and kept moving.

  Miko’s snort was accompanied by the woman’s words of, ‘Why I never.’ But he gave no care to any of them. His mate needed him.

  Chapter Five

  NOELLE GRIT HER TEETH until they got out of the church. She allowed Jerard to hold onto her arm through the procession even though it was like being bitten by a rattler. Once they were outside, she shook him off of her, ignoring his glare. She pretended to smooth the fabric of the too-floofy dress. Her sister thought she was being crafty or bitchy making her wear a dress that would’ve been better on a child, but Noelle didn’t complain, not once. The pink confection was fine. She wore it without complaint, just like the green-puke dress. Merry was being a total bridezilla, and again, it was fine. She had a couple hours left of the wedding festivities and then she could escape. Goddess, she was tired of fake smiling and pleasantries.

  “Why are you such a tease?” Jerard asked, standing too close for her comfort.

  Noelle stared up at him, shocked at his question. “A tease? How have I teased you?” she asked in a hushed tone, not wanting to upset the wedding party while her sister and Carlton took some pictures.

  Jerard lifted his hand, one finger trailing down her arm. Noelle slapped him away, ignoring his frown.

  “Don’t,” she bit out.

  “You should really be nicer to me. I’m going to be family, Noelle.” Jerard lifted his arm again.

  “I think the lady asked you not to touch her, asshole.”

  Noelle tried not to sigh too loud, but it had been too long since she’d heard that sexy voice. “Ridge, what are doing here?”

  “Excuse me, but who the fuck are you?” Jerard tried to shake Ridge’s hold off of him.

  Ridge laughed. The sound made her body react in a way it never had to any other man. “I’m her date and the man who will break your damn arm if you so much as think to touch her again, feel me?”

  Jerard took in Ridge and Noelle. “Really, Noelle. You sunk pretty low, but I guess that’s due to your...upbringing.” He turned away from her.

  HE WATCHED NOELLE’S lip quiver before she straightened her shoulders. “Really, Ridge, what’re you doing here?”

  Before he could say anything, a woman who appeared to be in charge clapped her hands. “Alright, everyone, get in a line so you can greet the guests. Come on, people. Afterward you can head to the hall and have fun.”

  Merry and Carlton were kissing and laughing while Jerard the dick was glaring daggers at Noelle.

  “Do you have to stand by that asshole?” He nudged her chin up, making her meet him in the eye.

  “I don’t think so. I just want this over.” Noelle licked her lips, taking the gloss off.

  Ridge ran his thumb over her bottom lip, loving the moisture he felt. “I’ll stand behind you. Trust me, Katjie. He won’t fuck with you in my presence.” He didn’t tell her he’d make damn sure he never fucked with her ever again. That would come. For now, he’d reassure her in a way she’d accept.

  “Come on, Noelle. I need you to do your job. God, you’re the worst maid of honor, ever.” Merry tossed the words out, complete disdain coloring her tone and face.

  Ridge wanted to bite the older girl as he saw the way her words hurt Noelle. What an utter bitch.

  It took forever for the guests to file out. Noelle smiled, hugging those who came by. Merry accepted the congratulations like they were her due. Ridge was sure he’d rolled his eyes so much they had to have rolled all the way back to Nowhere, Virginia by now. Miko, Goddess bless his friend, stood across the room, his arms crossed, ignoring everyone who tried to engage him. He was on edge, as was Ridge. Finally, the last person filed out, leaving the wedding party.

  “Noelle, tell your guard dog he isn’t welcome at my reception.” Merry stared at Ridge with hate in her blue eyes.

  He went from relaxed, to on alert. “Is there a reason you don’t want me at your reception, Merry? I was invited,” Ridge said, holding his hand out toward Miko who had the invitation.

  Zelda swept in, her hard glare stopping Merry’s next words. “What’s going on here? Come, the limos are waiting. Noelle, you ride with Ridge and his friend. I have a surprise waiting for Merry and Carlton. You do want your surprise, yes?”

  Ridge watched one red brow wing upward. Zelda was dressed as only a witch who loved expensive things could dress, to the nines. He noticed the bottom of her heels were red and would’ve thought that clashed with her pale-pink-and-black outfit, but he had been schooled on the meaning of the red-bottom shoes.

  Of course, what that surprise was he didn’t know, didn’t think he wanted to know either. Hell, he was a little scared of Zelda the scary witch. Yeah, he’d keep that nickname to himself. His phone vibrated in his pocket, but he ignored it until they got to his pickup. Miko eyed him and Noelle, taking a step back like he wasn’t going to touch her. Smart kitty.

  “I know you can magic yourself right on up in here, but how about I help you?” He didn’t wait for her acquiesce, putting one arm around her back, the other under her legs. She had so many damn layers to the dress she had on, it was a miracle he could find her under all the tulle.

  “Oh,” she whispered, bringing her arms around his neck.

  Ridge settled her onto the bench seat, shifting his arms out from under and around her. “You smell delicious, Katjie. That’s something.”

  Noelle laughed, her head tossed back in happiness, purple eyes sparkling. “Yeah, that’s one way to put it. It’s atrocious.”

  He ruffled some of the layers. “None of the others had quite the same dress.”

  “Nope. I was the lucky one.” She wiggled to buckle in.

  He knew when a conversation was over. Moving backward, he stared at Miko who was hiding a grin. He flipped him the bird before moving around the front of the truck.

  The big block engine fired to life, causing several guests to turn their way. “Whoops, I guess we’re a little different than the upper crust your sister invited.” Ridge shifted the truck into reverse.

  Noelle smiled. “I like that about you. My name is Noelle,” she said, turning toward Miko.

  “That’s Miko.” Ridge maneuvered them onto the street, eyeing the sky as thunder rolled overhead.

  “Nice to meet you, Noelle. I’ve heard a lot about you from Alpha Ridge.”

  The sweet smell of happiness rolled off his mate. Fuck, he and his leopard wanted to claim her.

  “Um, you’re the Alpha?” She turned in the seat, her eyes wide.

  He looked over her head at Miko, daring him to open his mouth again. Some females
were scared to be with an alpha for one reason or another. “I’m just Ridge, baby.”

  Noelle snorted. “You’re not just anything, Ridge Jackson.”

  Miko slapped his leg, laughing. “I just thought of something fucking hilarious.”

  Ridge had one hand on the wheel, the other resting close to her leg, kind of. The damn dress was so voluminous, it was hard to say how close he actually was. “Remember, I can reach across this seat and slap you like an unwanted stepchild.”

  His idiot friend continued to laugh, stuttering something about being sorry, Miss Jackson.

  Noelle eyed Miko then Ridge then back. “Do you want me to zap him?”

  Ridge opened his mouth to agree, closing it as Miko glared at him. “No, as much as I’d love to see you zap his furry ass, his mama would cry.”

  “She really would, bless her heart,” Miko agreed, crossing his arms over his chest.

  “I’ll be sure and tell her you said that.” Ridge lifted his hand onto Noelle’s thigh, her heat barely felt through the layers of fabric.

  “This is a horrid dress.” Noelle shifted on the seat while Miko growled next to her promising dire retribution if Ridge told his mama he said anything about her.

  They pulled into the parking lot where the reception was being held much too soon for his liking, knowing it meant Noelle was going to have to play some part of the wedding party. “How long do you have to stay for this shindig?” he asked.

  Noelle’s hand came over his, entwining their fingers. Neither of them paid any attention to the fact that Miko got out of the vehicle, leaving them all alone, not even when the door shut.

  “There’s the introduction of my sister and Carlton as man and wife. I think she plans to do a first dance right then and then they’re going to cut the monstrous cake and go straight to the head table. The groom’s best man is going to give a speech. I was saved from doing that because Merry didn’t want me to feel pressured into a public performance. I think she just didn’t want all eyes on anyone except her. Which is fine, really. I hate being the center of attention. After that we’re supposed to eat and then there’s dancing. Oh, wait, she, Merry that is, has to toss her bouquet after Carlton does the same with the garter belt.” Noelle rubbed her temple.

  “Does your head hurt?” He reached around her neck with his right hand, rubbing the tense muscles.

  “I would do anything to avoid going in there.” She blinked sparkling amethyst eyes up at him.

  “I can put my truck in reverse and take us somewhere else,” he offered.

  She shook her head, small wisps of white hair escaping from the intricate do she’d had it in. “My sister would never forgive me if I didn’t make my appearance inside. She may not want me or anyone else to steal her limelight, but if I don’t show up, people will question my whereabouts, which would then be deemed me doing just that.”

  He nodded, still rubbing at her neck and shoulders. “Well then, we will go in and make ourselves as unnoticeable as possible. Whenever you’re ready to get the fuck out of there, you give me the signal, and we’re out.”

  Her laughter was like silver bells, making his heart ache. “There is absolutely nothing unnoticeable about you, Ridge Jackson. In fact, I think everything about you shouts notice me.”

  “Is that good or bad?” He stopped massaging her neck, worried he’d fucked up already.

  She shifted in the seat, so she was facing him, lifting her left hand to his cheek. “It’s a good thing. Well, good for me, bad for my sister because you’ll be taking attention off her.”

  Before he could say another word, she moved onto her knees, covering his lips with hers. He could tell she hadn’t been kissed a lot—hell, he was fucking happy as hell to teach her exactly how—but then all thoughts fled his brain. His little kitten licked along his lips then bit down on his bottom lip, soothing the little sting with another swipe of her tongue. His leopard rumbled beneath his skin, but he forced the animal back.

  A tap on his driver’s window had him pulling away with reluctance. He’d smelled Miko approaching with a human female but had hoped his friend would have the smarts to steer clear of them. “We’ve got company, Katjie. As much as I’d love to sit here and continue what we were doing, I fear the male on the other side of the window will get stupid and then I’d have to kill him. That would lead to questions, and your sister’s wedding would be forever marred by a cat massacre.”

  Her laughter was exactly what he’d hoped for. Of course, his dick was still hard, but it had gone down marginally at least.

  “I just pictured FatFat and Mrs. Noseby going at it, and not like at it in a got-in-the-catnip way, but...oh Goddess, I’m shutting up.” She buried her face against his chest.

  Ridge longed to bury his hand in her hair and do so much more that he couldn’t do, in the front seat of his truck. “I’m going to need to know who FatFat and Mrs. Noseby are, but that’ll be for another time. Let’s go before I change my mind.”

  “Goddess, I wish. Never mind. Let’s go before I let you.” She sat back, grimacing at her dress.

  He shoved his door open, hitting Miko, chuckling at the grunt coming from Miko. “Oh, my bad, brother, didn’t see you standing there.” When he turned back toward Noelle, he was a little stunned to find her dress not the same as seconds ago. “Nice,” he murmured.

  “I’m sure my sister will throw a fit, but I wore the hideous thing yesterday and then all day today the frock she chose. I’m done being her whipping girl. Ready?” She held her hand out, her eyes sparkling like the richest gems.

  “Damn right I’m ready. If anyone gives you any shit, point them my way.” He helped her down from his truck, admiring the way she filled out the dress. Although it was the same color as the other one, this one was form-fitting and framed her bountiful breasts perfectly. Her sister was surely going to have a fit.

  “Girl, you—” Miko shook his head as Ridge glared at him. Smart cat.

  “Let’s roll, and stick by my side, Miko.” He hadn’t seen Zelda or Sassy in attendance or smelled canine, but that didn’t mean they hadn’t been there. A hall full of humans could be a danger zone for them, or, in Miko’s case, a field of catnip.

  “Ah, Daddy, do I gotta?”

  Ridge didn’t bother with responding to the whining, not when it made Noelle smile, and the female hanging onto the younger leopard’s arm seemed to enjoy the crazy cat.

  NERVES WERE DOING THE mamba in Noelle’s tummy when they entered the reception hall. Her sister had demanded their parents get the most expensive place in Assjacket. Thanks to Zelda, they were able to do so on such short notice. Her fellow witch didn’t much care for Merry and the others, but she tolerated them for Noelle.

  The first people she ran into were, of course, her sister’s new in-laws. They were every bit as snooty as Carlton, but they came from money, so she did her best to pretend their digs didn’t bother her. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Joyner.”

  Mrs. Joyner nodded at Noelle, pausing as she saw Ridge, and her hand went to the pearls at her throat. “Why, Noelle, who is this with you?”

  Ridge pulled Noelle into his side. “Hello, ma’am, sir. I’m Ridge Jackson. Lovely wedding. Must move along. Seems there’s a good many nice folks waiting to come in.”

  Noelle kept the giggle contained as she allowed Ridge to maneuver them through the hallway, expertly avoiding being stopped until they entered the beautifully decorated main room. “This is so magical,” she whispered.

  “You asked me to make sure it was like a fairytale,” Zelda said.

  She blinked up at the gorgeous witch. “Thank you for doing all this for my sister.” Noelle waved her hand at the twinkling lights hanging from the center of the room, cascading in waves all the way back to each corner with tulle, making the room light up.

  “I didn’t do it for your sister, child. She’s a little twit who I can’t wait to see the back of when she leaves with the Joyners. Oh, did I say that out loud?” Zelda put her hand over her mouth,
her red-painted lips twitching.

  “You did, Zelda dear, but you’re forgiven since you only speak the truth. Goddess, we’ve put up with that twit for three years. Three, count them,” Sassy snarled, holding up her fingers.

  Noelle tried to shush the two older witches, hoping they weren’t drawing too much attention. “Ladies, you can’t say such things.”

  Zelda snapped her fingers; the lights began to flash in the hall, causing the humans to go quiet. “See, they have no clue. They think it’s all part of the pomp and ceremony. We have put up with your sister and her bitchtroop for you. Now that she’s married to that jackhole, we can kick the lot of them off to Whereverville.”

  Sassy held her hand up. “Is that near Whocaresville?”

  Zelda and Sassy slapped hands as they walked off.

  Noelle inhaled, hoping the two ladies wouldn’t make too much trouble.

  “Hey, don’t worry. I’ve known Zelda and Sassy for a little while and well...yeah, they’re both a bit crazy, but they’re still good people to have on your side.” Ridge brushed his thumb over her bottom lip.

  “Noelle York, what do you have on?” Merry’s voice muttered next to them.

  She counted to three in her head before turning to face her sister. “Don’t start, Merry. Your wedding is over. I wore and did everything you’d asked of me until this very moment. I’m done being whatever it is you think I owe you. Now, please walk through the doors so you can be announced properly.”

  Behind her sister, she saw her mother hold her thumb up. Her father gave a nod. They’d done everything in their limited powers to give Noelle whatever she needed to recover after her captivity. However, it was Merry who’d demanded more of their attentions, begging them to take in her friends who’d gone through the same thing she’d suffered. Noelle wasn’t exactly sure what happened to the ladies while she’d been unconscious, but she was done paying for their hurt. She hadn’t been the one to take them.


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