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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

Page 4

by Luciani, Kristen

  “Let me help you out.” James started to follow her but Jessica pointed out the group of guys that formed around Lisa.

  “I think we’ve got all the hands we need right now, but thanks. It was really nice meeting you again. Good luck with everything.”

  Jessica saw the disappointed look in his eyes before she turned away. Why is he staring at me like that? He did hear me say I live three thousand miles away, right? And if that didn’t scare him off, there’s plenty more that will send him running.

  She limped over to Lisa.

  But the nagging voices kept plaguing her.

  Twice in one day in California, Jess? What if the universe is trying to save you from yourself after all? Don’t let him walk away. Stop being so afraid. You can’t hide behind work forever.

  With a backward glance, she let out a defeated sigh. James was nowhere in sight.

  Oh well, I guess I’ve officially blown off the universe too.

  “COME ON!” LISA pouted. “We’ll just go for one little drink, I swear!”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. “So now you’re rearing to go? A few minutes ago, you were writhing in pain. That was certainly a miraculous recovery.”

  “Look, I’ll just pop a couple of Advil and it’ll be fine!”

  Jessica shook her head. “Listen, I know you don’t want to disappoint your fan club but I can’t go. I’m too backed up with work that I should have done while I was wasting my afternoon at Stanford and my ass is killing me from that fall. I’m going back to the hotel.”

  “Please?” Lisa clasped her hands. “I shouldn’t go out with strange men, it would be irresponsible of you to let me go without a chaperone.”

  Jessica snorted. If only these poor guys knew what they were getting themselves into. “Don’t try to guilt me. You’re a big girl and I’d be more concerned for them than for you.”

  Lisa flashed a wicked smile. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Sure you don’t.” Jessica pulled the rubber band out of her hair and brushed the thick waves cascading over her shoulders.

  “It would be a really great opportunity for us to spend some time together—”

  “Li, I love you to death but it’s not happening. Come on, you know I have to meet with Charlie and he’s going to be all over me if I don’t get this crap done in time.”

  “Fine.” Lisa zipped her gym bag. “Let’s go back to our boring hotel. But don’t forget the frozen yogurt. If I’m stuck dateless, I need some other kind of treat.”

  Jessica grinned, slinging an arm over her friend’s shoulder. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Lisa threw a wistful glance to her new friends as they left the gym. “I hate you, Jessie.”

  “Trust me, you’ll thank me when you’re not nursing a hangover tomorrow morning. You’ve got a big day too.” Jessica looked around one last time before they left. Still no sign of James.

  “What’s wrong?” Lisa’s eyes lit up. “You were looking at those guys, weren’t you? Having second thoughts?”

  Jessica giggled. “No, I was looking for someone else. You’re not going to believe who I saw tonight.”

  “Oh Jesus, another ghost from your past?”

  “Kind of.” Jessica twirled a strand of hair around her finger. “Remember the guy from earlier today? The coffee, Brooks Brothers…?”

  Lisa gasped. “You’re kidding! And you didn’t tell me? I wanted to get a look! What happened?”

  Jessica felt a pink blush color her cheeks. “He kind of…witnessed me flying off the treadmill.”

  “No!” Lisa erupted into hysterics. “Could you be any more spastic around this guy today?”

  “I know!” Jessica joined in the laughter. “But he was really sweet about it. We talked for a while in the cardio room. He bought me a water.”

  “Must be love.” Lisa winked. “Then what? Did you give him your number?”

  Jessica shook her head and flashed a sheepish look.

  “Why not?” Lisa demanded. “You said he was hot and nice, what’s the issue?”

  “Um, about three thousand miles, Li? Where the heck would this be going? Who knows when and if I’ll be back after this trip is over? You come out here all the time for your job but Charlie likes me where he can see me. And that’s Manhattan. You know that.”

  “Technicality. I’m not saying it would be perfect but not trying is giving up an opportunity to get to know someone who might turn out to be great for you.” Lisa put a hand on Jessica’s shoulder. “You’re not using the long-distance thing as an excuse, Jessie. It’s the same thing you do with your job.”

  Jessica looked at her sneakers. “I know.”

  Lisa sighed. “Sweetie, don’t you see? This situation is perfect! You could get to know each other without rushing things. You could go as slow as you want!”

  “It’s not like he asked for my number, Li.”

  “If I know you, he was probably reading your ultra-clear signal to screw off. Am I right?”

  Jessica laughed. “Not exactly. We were interrupted by your moaning and once I saw you were hurt, that kind of ended things.” She shrugged. “Anyway, he probably wasn’t interested. Like I said, he let me go and didn’t try to find me again. Maybe I didn’t make such a huge mistake by walking away.”

  “Listen, I can’t make all of your fears magically disappear. Believe me, I wish I could. I know you’re afraid and that you’re hurting. But you’re my best friend and I want you to be happy. You deserve it. You can’t avoid relationships because you’re afraid of rejection. Drew is a scumbag, forget him!” She smiled. “So next time the universe drops a hot guy in your lap, promise me you’ll give him a shot, okay?”

  “Fine, I’ll take it under consideration.” Jessica chuckled. “Believe it or not, I want to move on.” But I’m still scared…and even though everyone wants me to be happy, nobody understands what I’m going through. Is it so horrible that I want to protect myself?

  “SO SHE’S THE one you got the dress for? Nice work, man.” Chris panted as he spun around James and dribbled the basketball down the court. He jumped to take a three-point shot. “And…swish!” Chris grinned. “You didn’t ask for her number because…?”

  Because I’m an idiot! James ignored their undeniable chemistry, walked away without so much as a second glance. Yet something about her was so intriguing. Jesus, I don’t even know her last name but I can’t stop thinking about her. What the hell is up with me?

  James snapped into action and grabbed the ball. A rush of adrenaline propelled him down the court and he leapt into the air for a layup. At least my focus isn’t completely shot.

  “Show off,” Chris grumbled as he chased the loose ball.

  James smirked. “She’s only out here on business. Lives in New York. What could happen?” He dove in front of Chris and slapped the ball out of his hands.

  “Hey!” Chris yelled.

  James chuckled as he made the three-pointer. “You’re so competitive, man. Give it a rest.”

  Chris glared as James passed the ball back to him. “New York, huh?”

  “Yep,” James rolled his eyes. “Figures, right?”

  “I don’t know, man. Seems like a dream situation to me. Couple of hot nights, then she’s off to the East Coast. Can’t get too tied down if you live so far apart, right?” Chris snickered.

  James groaned. “Of course you’d see it that way.”

  “Okay, I’ll be serious now. You need to get out of your own head, Jay.” Chris stopped in his tracks and tucked the ball under his arm. “I know the past few months haven’t been easy, but it’s time to get back in the game. You need to stop feeling guilty about your dad and get on with your life. I’m sorry if I’m out of line, but it’s just really good to finally see you excited like this over a girl. You should do something about it.”

  James sighed. “It doesn’t matter. I lost my chance.”

  “No you didn’t.” Chris raised an eyebrow. “You know where she works, r
ight? You can get in touch with her if you want. If she made that much of an impact on you, you should go for it. And do it soon because I need your head screwed on straight. Have you forgotten we’re supposed to be running a multi-million dollar gaming business here?” Chris nudged him with the ball.

  How could I forget? I’ve been burying myself in LazerShark since Dad died. And I’ve done a really good job of keeping everyone out. Until now.

  James stretched his arms overhead and let out a deep sigh. “So you think I’m starved for female companionship?”

  Chris grinned. “I think it could drastically improve your coding capabilities. Way more effective than playing around with your light saber, pretending to be Luke Skywalker.”

  With a snort, James grabbed the ball again and took off toward the net. “Come on, you know I haven’t done that in at least a year.” He leaped up and sank the ball in the net. “Did you forget that you used to play Darth Vader, with your own light saber?”

  Chris folded his arms. “Touché. You know what I’m saying. Going out on a date would be good for you. Anything else that happens would be icing on the cake.” He flashed a wicked smile. “Find her, Jay. You need more than an Xbox One to keep you warm at night.”

  James took a swig of water. “You’re a real ass, you know that?”

  “Yes. But I keep things interesting.” Chris trotted toward him and smacked the ball away. “Think about it, man.”

  Finding her wouldn’t be too difficult. But do I even want to start anything? I don’t know when she’s heading back to New York, if she has a boyfriend or whether she’s even interested in seeing me again. It’s not like she gave me her number or anything. Hell, I’ll look like a stalker. Is it really worth the risk?

  He drained the last of his water, lost in thought. She’s gorgeous, no question about that. But her looks aren’t what drew me in. It’s her passion, her intensity, her drive. She’s so strong and secure, that aura is sexy as hell. That’s what I want, she’s what I want. So yeah, I think it’s definitely worth the risk.

  JESSICA FINISHED BLOW-DRYING her hair just as the phone rang.

  “Hey!” A smile spread over her face. “How are you? Enjoying jolly old London?”

  Haley giggled over the phone line. “This city is insane! I’m in love with it! I’m thinking of relocating.”

  Jessica groaned. “Noo, what would I do without you? That whole “just across the pond” thing really isn’t super-convenient.”

  “I know. Don’t worry, I’m not packing my bags just yet. But I can’t promise I won’t entertain a move in the future. It’s too outrageous. You have access to everything!”

  “Of course I’d want you to go if you had the chance. It would be an amazing opportunity for you.” With a sigh, Jessica fluffed out her hair. “I’m sorry, it’s just—”

  Haley’s voice softened. “Jess, what’s wrong? Is Dad on your case again?”

  Jessica sat down and toyed with her brush. “No, but then again I haven’t spoken to him since I left the city.”

  “He’s just worried about you.”

  Jessica snorted. “Well, he’s got a strange way of showing it. I can see him being overprotective but he’s downright nasty sometimes. He really has become insufferable over the past few months. I’m so done with it!”

  “Um-hm. I know. But that’s just the way he is. This whole thing with your MS has him on edge. His little girl is sick and he can’t do anything about it except hammer into her ways that she can protect herself. He wanted to kill Drew for leaving you like that. Literally. Mom and I had to talk him off the edge.”

  “Well, I got a very different reaction.” She shuddered and mimicked her father. “Jessica, you really didn’t see this coming? Did you really think Drew was in this for the long haul?”

  Haley sighed. “I know, it was harsh. But I think it was more his frustration with the situation. He was hurting for you and since he’s not the warm fuzzy type, he just reacted with misdirected anger, making you feel a whole lot worse. Believe me, Mom let him have it afterward.”

  “The thing is, I should have seen it coming, Hal. But I was so wrapped up in everything going on with the wedding that I missed the glaring signs. Or maybe subconsciously I just chose to ignore them.”

  “Listen, don’t blame yourself, Jess. He was a loser and him walking away was the best thing that could have happened. You need to find someone great, someone who sees how unbelievable you are and wants to be with you no matter what.”

  Jessica huffed. “It’s hard to dig out of my life enough to find that guy, Hal.”

  “You need to try.” Haley paused again. “How’s Charlie treating you these days?”

  “I can’t escape assholes in my life, in some capacity or other.” She snickered. “I’m working as hard as I can for that promotion. I refuse to let him or anyone else stand in my way. I need to figure out how to rise above his lackey crap so the partners can see how much I’ve done with this consulting practice.”

  “You’re so talented, Jess. I know it’s going to happen for you.”

  “Dad keeps reminding me that I need to keep my focus on work, so I can be self-sufficient and independent. I don’t want to rely on anyone.” She bit her thumbnail.

  “He wants you to be strong so you don’t get hurt again. That’s why he’s so matter-of-fact about your job. He wants you to feel confident that you can sustain yourself, that maybe it’ll help fill the void, you know?”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. “Jeez, Hal, maybe you should tag team with him. He spits out the directives and you sugar-coat them so they’re easier for me to swallow.”

  Haley giggled. “I know he’s tough. But what did you expect from a guy who just wants to protect his little girl? He’s also not one to accept weakness and he uses reverse psychology to strengthen your resolve.”

  Jessica laughed. “Are you sure you’re an editor for Cosmo? Because I think you may have missed your calling as a psychologist.”

  “It’s always good to have a backup plan.” Haley snickered. “You never know when I’ll get tired of haute couture and swag.”

  Jessica’s eyes widened. “Okay so speaking of swag…”

  Haley laughed. “I was waiting for you to ask! There’s a package already on the way. Now do me a favor, forget about all of the bullshit that’s weighing you down and go find some hot guy to smooch. You need that. Actually you need way more than that, but I’m willing to accept baby steps.”

  “Lisa tells me the same thing. You guys are a bad influence.”

  “Whatever. With the two of us looking out for you, there’s no room for an angel on your shoulder. So get out there and do it already!”

  Jessica smiled. “I’ll think about it.” Her thoughts involuntarily wandered back to James. Much as she hated to admit it, the thought of kissing him sent delicious chills down her spine. What are the odds I’ll get a third chance to make the right call?

  JAMES WALKED INTO the kitchen with an assortment of plastic bags. “Hey, Mom, I picked up your favorite.” He dug around in one bag and pulled out a chocolate lava cake.

  His mother kissed him on the cheek. “What would I do without you?” She pulled away with a concerned look. “Honey, is something wrong?”

  James collapsed into a chair. “I met a girl the other day. Actually, I met her twice. She was pretty amazing.”

  His mother’s eyes lit up. “That’s great!”

  “Not really.”

  “What do you mean?”

  James let out a loud sigh. “I didn’t get her number. She’s out here on business and she’s going back home, to New York.”

  “Ohh.” His mom sat next to him. “And…there’s no possibility that—”

  He shook his head. “I kind of missed the boat. I had a chance to get her number and didn’t. Chris thinks I should try to get in touch with her since I know where she works. I’m definitely intrigued but I also don’t want to look like a stalker.” He shrugged. “She really struck a chord with me.
Can’t stop thinking about her. She’s the first one who makes me feel like I need get back in the game. But I’m still not sure I’m ready.”

  His mother sighed and took his hand. “Jay, the past few months have been hard for both of us. You’ve been such a tremendous help and I’m so thrilled you’re home. But you made a lot of big changes in your life and I’m not sure that you’re really happy.” A concerned look came over her face. “Are you?”

  James fiddled with the tablecloth. “I’m happy, Mom. I love you and I want to be here for you.”

  “You need to live your own life, sweetie. I know you miss Dad a lot, and now you think you need to take care of me since he’s gone. But I’m doing okay. You can’t use that as an excuse to hide from life, and you can’t use LazerShark either. It isn’t healthy. I’m only telling you this because I’m worried. It’s a good sign that you met this girl and had some kind of connection, don’t you think?”

  James ran his hand through his hair and leaned back. “Maybe.”

  “Your Dad wouldn’t want you to become a monk.” She smiled. “He definitely wouldn’t want you to miss out on living because you were mourning him.”

  “I hate myself for missing that last weekend with him. I let LazerShark take precedence and I lost the last opportunity to see him and tell him I love him.” James held his head in his hands. “I messed up and now he’s gone.”

  “Jay, you cannot go on berating yourself for that. It was circumstantial and he understood. He knew how important that meeting was and he was so proud of your success.”

  “But I—”

  His mother held up a hand. “Stop. You need to move on. Life doesn’t always turn out the way we plan. There will always be scenarios we wish we’d handled differently. This won’t be the last for you, I’m sure. But don’t let it cloud everything. You have to come to terms with it. It’s what he would want for you.”

  James nodded. He’d been so burdened with guilt over the past months. Such a useless emotion. Dad’s gone and nothing can bring him back. Mom’s right. I can’t keep hiding from life. It’s time to move on. Besides, I’m not doing myself any favors by wallowing in regret. He wouldn’t want that for me.


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