Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Page 6

by Luciani, Kristen

  PAUL MANEUVERED THE Alpha Romeo into a parking spot, his thoughts scattered. He made sure all the paperwork was tucked into his briefcase and got out of the car. The board wanted to discuss some final details around his donation before the dedication ceremony next week. He admired the architecture of the newly erected building, a momentary wave of sadness washing over him. It was a bittersweet reminder of everything he’d overcome to get to this point in his life, a horrifying past he longed to bury forever.

  The ringing iPhone jolted him out of his daze. “Emerson.”

  “Paul, it’s Mia. I just wanted to let you know the paperwork for Secure Transact is completed and we’re filing on Monday.”

  Mia Bradshaw was one of his newest senior associates. She looked more like a model than a financial genius but her brilliance was worth every penny he paid her.

  “Great.” Paul looked at his watch. “I’m headed into a meeting now, so give me a call later if you need anything else for the filing.”

  “Got it. Thanks.”

  He had time for one more call before the meeting. Paul dialed Rich Blakely’s cell phone number.

  “This is Rich.”

  “Rich, it’s Paul. I have some good news. All the paperwork is complete. The filing is scheduled for Monday morning.” And Androtti’s livelihood is about to go up in smoke. Paul’s ex-business partner, Ray Androtti, was the sole investor in Secure Transact and as of next week, he was about the lose the last profitable investment in his portfolio. You don’t cross Paul Emerson and expect to escape unscathed.

  “That’s great! I took care of the consultant this afternoon, too. She won’t be coming back.” Rich snickered.

  “Refresh my memory, which company was this again?”

  “DMC, looking to charge boatloads to help take us public.” He snorted. “I’m sure that Jessica somebody or other won’t be barking up this money tree anymore.”

  Paul furrowed his brow. Jessica? Had to be. “Listen, Rich, we agreed Blue Coat doesn’t get mentioned as a partner until after the dust settles. Right? As of now, we’re silent partners, got it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, don’t worry about it. I won’t mention this to anyone. I just want to make sure my clients don’t panic when all this blows up.”

  “Don’t worry about it, that’s why we pay for publicists.” Christ, I don’t want Jessica to find out about Blue Coat’s involvement with Secure Transact. He preferred to keep the details of his somewhat unscrupulous business dealings classified, not wanting them to damage his chances with her.

  And Androtti? He’s not going to know what hit him.

  “JESSIE, THE CAR’S coming in ten. Enough with the laptop. Finish getting ready!” Lisa raked a brush through her long blonde hair and finished the glass of chardonnay in one long gulp.

  Jessica sent one last email and closed the lid. “Li, I’m ready.” She sipped her water. “Why are you so antsy?”

  “I had a rough day, okay? I wasn’t lucky enough to be swept off my feet at Kinko’s. Nooo, I’ve been buried under valuations for days, to the point that I can’t see straight anymore. I’m blinded by numbers.” Lisa pulled on a pair of tall black boots and then poured another glass of wine.

  Jessica giggled. “Don’t worry, a few more cocktails and you’ll be blinded by a whole lot more than numbers.”

  “So when’s the big date?” Lisa shot Jessica a knowing glance.

  “Tomorrow.” Jessica’s cheeks warmed.

  “Crazy, right?” Lisa shook her head in disbelief. “But I’m so happy for you. It’s a very good thing, Jess. I’m glad you finally took my advice!” She squeezed Jessica’s hand. “He sounds great.”

  “I get a good feeling about him, Li. I could be completely off base, but there’s something between us, this amazing spark. I felt it the first time we met and you’re right. I owe it to myself to find out what it is. I deserve to have a little fun.” She clasped her hands.

  “It’s about damn time, Jessie.” Lisa’s phone beeped with a text and she yelped. “They’re here. Let’s go!”

  A sleek black Hummer limo was waiting outside. Jessica let out a long whistle as some of the passersby slowed to see if any celebrities were inside. “No way.”

  Rochelle stepped out with a champagne flute in-hand. “Ladies, shall we?”

  “Wow, Rochelle, you look hot.” Lisa hurried to the car with an appraising glance at her ensemble.

  Rochelle smiled. “Thanks, Lisa. You two look…really nice.” She smoothed the front of her black Hervé Leger bandage mini-dress as she regarded their outfits with a trace of disdain.

  What a bitch. Jessica snorted. “I didn’t get the memo about dressing like prostitutes.”

  Rochelle’s lips turned up into a frosty smile. “I have a certain image to maintain in my line of work. Maybe one day you’ll get there too.”

  “I didn’t realize your line of work was managing a brothel,” Jessica shot back.

  “Okay guys… You’re crushing my buzz. Can we please get into the Hummer and have another cocktail? I’d really like to start this night.”

  The disgust on Rochelle’s face evaporated and she led them into the limo. “I already poured the champagne.”

  Jessica felt her phone buzz and pulled it out, smiling at the unexpected message from James. Hey, thought you might be interested in this. Looking forward to tomorrow. Hope you have comfortable clothes.

  The text contained a link to an article was from the Technology section of the Wall Street Journal. It talked about how difficult it was for smaller companies to navigate the IPO process. It was a great piece to plant into the partner presentation. Maybe it’ll help make more of a case for my work, especially since the numbers are so flat without that signed contract. She shook her head. Nope, not thinking about that tonight. But I definitely need to investigate that comfortable clothes comment. Do I even have anything that can be classified as comfortable? Other than my ripped running tights?

  Thanks! What’s the plan for tomorrow? She kept the response light, not wanting to appear too high-maintenance by asking specifics about his outfit requirements. Does he really expect me to wear sneakers on the first date?

  I’ll pick you up around two. Trust me, it’ll be better than what you’re thinking right now.

  Jessica bit her lower lip. Shit. She wasn’t the outdoorsy type. Faking it would only cause problems later. Ignoring her uncertainties, she shot off a reply. Can’t wait. I’m sure it’ll be great!

  How bad can it be? Just please let it not be rock climbing! A fear of heights coupled with a French manicure would make that an action-packed adventure she’d much rather someone else enjoy on her behalf.

  “Um, hello, earth to Jessica, are you with us or what?” Jessica looked up, startled. “Or are you with…someone else?”

  “James,” Lisa confirmed as Jessica felt a blush color her cheeks.

  “Just making plans for tomorrow. He told me to wear comfortable clothes, what’s that all about?” She ignored Rochelle’s curious look. That’s right, I’m not giving you the satisfaction of a single detail, you witch!

  Lisa wrinkled her nose. “So no hooker heels for your first date? Are you okay with that?” She reached out to pat Jessica’s arm with mock concern.

  Jessica laughed, pushing her hand away. “I can be flexible. Sneakers aren’t so bad.”

  “Big date planned?” Rochelle lifted a perfectly threaded eyebrow as she sipped her champagne.

  “Yes.” Jessica had no intention of divulging more information than necessary. “I met someone and we’re going out tomorrow.”

  “How awesome is that?” Rochelle’s voice dripped with insincerity. “Only too bad you have to fly home soon. Do you think you might see him again?”

  Annoyed at Rochelle’s nosiness, Jessica clenched her teeth. “Well, I guess we’ll have to see how things go tomorrow, won’t we?”

  “Well, we can certainly hope for the best. How unfortunate that it had to happen while you’re away on business. I know i
t’s been so long since that whole mess with Drew.” Rochelle refilled her glass, a haughty smile plastered on her face.

  Jessica curled her toes, her fingers itching to fling one of her stiletto heels at Rochelle’s face. “What’s the matter, Rochelle? Still sour grapes over the fact that you couldn’t land him after we broke up? As I recall, that was the second time you tried and failed, isn’t that right?” Take that, you trashy whore!

  “Okay ladies! Enough please!” Lisa’s voice rose in desperation. “Can’t we just pretend to get along tonight?”

  “Of course, Lisa, we’re all adults here, aren’t we?” The edge disappeared from Rochelle’s voice, at least for the moment. “Jessica, it’s wonderful you met someone, but just be careful. You know guys. If he calls, it’s probably because he knows you’ll be gone in a couple of days and wants to take advantage of the situation, no strings attached.”

  “While I appreciate your concern, I’m not an idiot. I can take care of myself. And if memory serves, I don’t recall asking for any advice.” Jessica sat back with a tight smile on her face.

  “I’m just trying to look out for you, Jessie.” Rochelle pouted. “I don’t understand why you’re so suspicious of my motives.”

  Oh no reason at all, Rochelle. Why would I be suspicious, especially after you tried to steal my fiancé out from under my nose? How could I possibly mistrust your agenda?

  Jessica grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator. She twisted off the cap and took a long drink, willing herself to behave. She wouldn’t give Rochelle the satisfaction of a nasty comeback. Instead, she took the high road. “Thanks, Rochelle. It’s nice to know I have friends looking out for my best interests.” She savored the look of disappointment on Rochelle’s face. Yep, I win this round.

  The girls were quiet for the remainder of the ride and tension was high. Wriggling her toes in the too-tight shoes didn’t help; the tingling intensified. She took a deep breath. It’s getting worse, I know it. Oh God, what if it progresses faster than the doctors thought? Is this how I’m going to spend the rest of my life? Waiting, panicking, praying someone will find a cure? Will I ever be able to really live again?

  “SHE’S GOT SOME fucking nerve bringing him up.” Jessica glared at Rochelle’s retreating back as they followed her into the arena.

  Lisa sighed. “Come on, Jess. You know how she is.”

  “Yeah, I do, she’s a horrible vicious bitch so remind me again why we can’t shake her loose once and for all?”

  “It’s not so easy,” Lisa said. “You know that.”

  “Maybe not for you. But I don’t need to remind you how much more disgusted I get with every minute I spend with her, very unwillingly, I might add.”

  Jessica gnawed a stray cuticle. Lisa slapped her hand away from her mouth. “You just got your nails done, what’s left to chew off? Listen, I know this isn’t easy for you and I’m well aware of who and what she is but you understand that I’m between a rock and a hard place.”

  “I get it, Li. Just do me a favor and leave me out next time, okay?”

  “Fine, Jess. I thought we’d be able to have a good night. I also hoped she’d mellow over time and clearly that hasn’t happened. But now that she’s gone, at least for the moment, why don’t we try to at least have fun?”

  Jessica sighed. “All right. Maybe we can just get lost in the crowd. Let’s go find out who’s in that skybox.”

  JAMES SAT AT his desk reading over some paperwork when Chris invaded the office. “Hey, it’s about time you got back! How’d we do with the accountants? Did you find one you liked?”

  “I actually found several I liked.” Chris sat down, a mischievous grin on his face. “But, yeah, everything’s all set. We’re using the firm that did the financials for my other business. They’re good and I trust them to take care of whatever we need for the Blue Coat meeting. Did you check out the new games yet? How’s the activity?”

  “LazerShark is all over the gaming forums. Members are clamoring for access to the new games and the celebrity fantasy leagues are booming. Check the site stats. We’ve got people logged in from all over the world, twenty-four seven, most of them just watching the competitions. It’s unreal. We’re finally there, Chris. I can’t believe how huge we’ve become.” James thumbed through some gaming magazines on the desk and set one aside. “You know, I really don’t think I could have done all this on my own. Partnering with you was the best possible decision for LazerShark.”

  Chris clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on, Jay, you would have done anything to make this company a success. You built it from scratch and your ideas made it become a reality. I’m just helping out.”

  James smiled. “Is this why we work so well together? Because we’re both so self-effacing and always deflecting praise?”

  “This is only the beginning, Jay. Just wait until we have that investment. The sky’s gonna be the limit for us.” Chris paused. “You know, your dad would have been really proud of what you accomplished. It’s exactly what he wanted for you.”

  James’s expression clouded over. “I know. I really wish he was around to see this.”

  “I know, Jay, me too.” They were both silent for a minute. “You okay?”

  James sighed, stretching his arms over his head. “Yeah, I’m good. So, what’s next?”

  “Well, let’s be a little presumptuous and go out for a celebratory drink. You’ve got a date with a beautiful girl, millions of dollars are about to be thrown at us. And to top it all off, you have one stud of a partner. Things are going our way. Let’s take the team out so we can drink prematurely to our success. What do you say?”

  James closed his laptop. “Let’s rock and roll. It’s been a long haul.”

  JESSICA COULDN’T BELIEVE the turnout for Rochelle’s event. Much as she hated to admit it, the girl was effective at her job. The enormous skybox spilled over with A-listers, and it was decorated with a glitzy Vegas lounge motif. Lisa was in her element, pointing out celebrity after celebrity, drooling over each and every one.

  “Holy cow! Jessie, look at Ashley Marshall! Those boobs are totally fake—I don’t care what she said in that interview! Do you see Jordan Priestly over there? He is so much hotter in person, don’t you think? Should I go and talk to him? He just broke up with Melissa Travers, I read about it in US Weekly on the flight out here!”

  Laughing, Jessica’s eyes traveled around the crowded skybox, marveling at how many stars showed up to Oakland that night. I guess Dezzie is one hot ticket after all.

  Her smile faded when her eyes locked on Paul Emerson. Oh please, not again...

  “Lisa!” She nudged her friend.

  “What?” Lisa snapped to attention. “Do you see someone else? Is Dezzie in here?”

  “No, not Dezzie. Paul Emerson.” Jessica nodded to where he stood.

  “Whoa,” Lisa breathed. “He’s gorgeous, Jessie, you crazy ass fool. Remind me again why you’re not interested in bedding that perfect specimen of a man over and over and over?”

  Jessica rolled her eyes. “That’s just the wrapping, Li. I’m much more into what’s inside the box, you know?”

  “Look, sweetie, you’ve already unwrapped the package and acknowledged how unbelievable it was. How much better do you think it’s going to get?”

  “That’s not what I meant,” Jessica groaned. She was fighting a losing battle. Lisa didn’t care about substance.

  “Uh, don’t look now, but I guess Emerson spotted you too, Jessie.” Lisa poked her with a long red fingernail.

  “Whaa?” Jessica turned to see Paul walking towards them. Oh crap. “Don’t leave, okay, Li? I’m telling you, something makes me really uncom—”

  Lisa snorted. “Spare me, Jess. If some rich foxy guy had me in his sights, uncomfortable is the last thing I’d feel. Loosen up a little and have some fun with it. You’re young, hot and based on that smoldering look he’s giving you, I’d say you’re pretty damn good in the sack.”

  “Forget it. Yo
u don’t understand.” Jessica sighed with impatience. “Remember James? The guy I have a date with tomorrow? The one I decided to take a chance with? It’s comfortable and fun with him. No pressure. Trust me, Paul Emerson isn’t the guy. I’m not myself around him. It shouldn’t be that hard.”

  “Oh honey, you’re wrong, it should definitely be that hard!” Lisa giggled, taking another gulp of champagne. “Now, you enjoy and I’ll get all the details later!” She sauntered off with an appraising glance at Paul as she passed.

  “Friend of yours?” Paul asked.

  “Yes, at least I think she is.” Jessica smirked. “So, you’re a big Dezzie fan?”

  “Hardly. I work with the owner of Brighton PR. They rep one of our clients. You?”

  “Ah, negative. R&B really isn’t my thing.” Jessica made a concerted effort to ignore the stray cuticle on her thumbnail. Why can’t I relax? Why does this guy have such a bizarre effect on me? I hate feeling this uneasy but he’s so out of my league. She stood there with a smile plastered on her face, unsure what to say next. “Um, so who’s your client? What kind of company is it?”

  Paul grinned. “They’re kind of big for your practice. They’re already pretty deep into the IPO process.”

  “Oh.” Jessica felt a hot flush covering her cheeks. “I wasn’t really thinking that…I mean, I was just curious…to see what kind of company you’d invest in…” Jesus, I can’t even string a coherent sentence together. Why does he have to be so freaking hot? Is that why I can’t speak?

  “Lots of factors come into play when we pick companies for our fund.” He leaned closer and dropped his voice. “But I’d rather not talk business tonight.” Taking another long sip of his drink, he regarded her with such intensity that her mind became a blank.


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