Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1) Page 7

by Luciani, Kristen

  Jessica let out a small laugh as she searched the crowds for Lisa. I’m so out of my element here.

  Her eyes landed on Rochelle coming out of the ladies’ room and she stifled a chuckle. She looks pretty angry. Wonder who hasn’t been paying enough attention to Her Royal Highness? I bet someone’s gonna pay tonight.

  “You seem a little nervous.” Paul downed the last of his drink and placed the empty glass on a nearby tray.

  Jessica snapped back to attention. Before she could open her mouth in reply, Rochelle sidled up to them with a bright smile on her face.

  Oh my gosh, never thought I’d see the day when I’d actually be grateful to see my archenemy!

  Rochelle held out two bottles of water. “Jessie, sweetie, I thought you might need another! You were drinking water, right?”

  Jessica was taken aback at the false cheeriness in her voice. There’s always an ulterior motive with Rochelle Harrison. Hmmm. Is she making a play for Paul? Sure looks that way.

  “Yes, I was, thanks so—”

  “Great! So tell me, are you having a fabulous time? It’s such a fun party!” Rochelle flipped her long hair and flashed a jubilant smile. “Is there anybody famous you’re itching to meet? I could totally hook it up for you. You don’t want to waste that whole…outfit, do you? Just point someone out and I’ll make it happen. Promise!” She giggled and turned to Paul, not waiting for a response.

  Jessica wrinkled her forehead in confusion as she twisted off the bottle cap. Rochelle, being nice to her? Something was definitely up. They barely acknowledged each other since the whole Drew episode.

  Rochelle tilted her head and flashed him a seductive look. “Paul, so glad you could join us this evening.”

  Aha, there we go. Jessica stifled a snort. Could you be any more transparent, Rochelle?

  Paul nodded, his face impassive. “It’s a great party, thanks for the passes.” His voice was very curt, almost abrupt. Jessica watched his face with curiosity. Men were always falling all over themselves around Rochelle, but Paul seemed impervious to her charms. What’s up with that? She’s exactly his type. Why isn’t he biting?

  “When you get some time, Paul, I’d love to chat with you about some of the press releases we’ve been working on. I think you’ll be really—”

  “Rochelle,” Paul said with a flicker of annoyance. “I think we can probably table that discussion for later in the week.”

  Rochelle looked stricken at his dismissal. “Oh, of course, I’ll contact Alison and set up a meeting.” The toothy smile was back. “Well, I certainly don’t want to interrupt, so enjoy.” She gave Jessica a cool once-over before flitting off.

  “So, how do you know Rochelle?” Paul nodded over to the retreating figure.

  “We went to college together.”

  “Looks like there’s no love lost between you two.”

  “Was it that obvious?” Jessica giggled. She took a long sip of water. “Although I have to admit, her timing was great. I was parched.”

  “Oops, I guess I missed that one. I should be a little more observant next time.”

  Another gulp. Mmm, so refreshing. God, I feel so much more relaxed now. I must have been dehydrated earlier. She gave an exaggerated sigh, swaying closer to Paul. “It’s okay, I can take care of myself. I’m a big girl.”

  “Yes, I’m sure you can.” Paul’s eyes were such a deep blue; she’d never seen eyes like that before. James had blue eyes, too, but they were soft and kind and expressive. Paul’s were different…colder, harder, almost guarded.

  Jessica gathered her hair to the side, feeling a little woozy all of a sudden. Gazing around the room, she lost her balance and stumbled into Paul. It took a long second for her to regain her footing. Jesus, when did the room start spinning? It’s so hot in here. When did they turn up the temperature in the box?

  “Whoa. You okay?” He chuckled. “Too much champagne?”

  She laughed, putting a hand on his shoulder. “I bet you wish I had too much champagne. So tell me, Paul, about this reputation you have.” She widened her eyes and clapped a hand over her mouth but it was too late. The words already escaped. What the hell am I saying?

  “Exactly which reputation are we talking about here?” A sly smile played at his lips despite the mock quizzical tone.

  The room spun faster and she put a hand on his arm to steady herself. Ohh, I need to sit down. Soooo tired. “Come on, I’m talking about the women. What’s the deal?”

  Paul shrugged. “Not sure what you mean.”

  “Why are you being sooooo evasive?” Jessica slurred the question as she leaned into him. The balls of her feet were burning. Damn Louboutins. My futile attempt to feel normal. Like that’ll ever be possible. “Come on, we can be honest here, right? Our little thing way back when, you do that a lot, don’t you?”

  “You know what, I think we need to find you a seat.” Paul led her to a couch near the bar.

  Jessica took another long sip of water as she stumbled along next to him.

  “Are you going to be sick?”

  Jessica whooped as she collapsed onto the couch. “I’m fine. Jeez. Don’t you see me drinking all this water?”

  Lisa charged over with an alarmed look on her face. “Jess, what’s wrong? Are you feeling all right?”

  Jessica blinked several times, trying to focus. Why is everything so blurry?

  “Li, hey! Did you meet my friend Paul Emerson? Paul, this is Lisa, my very best friend in the whole world!”

  Jessica giggled again as Lisa and Paul exchanged glances. “Did she drink anything?”

  Paul shook his head. “Nothing but water. I thought she might be ill so I brought her over here.”

  Jessica gave an exaggerated wink. Her eyes drooped as she sank back into the cushions. “This couch is soooo comfy! Li, why don’t you come sit with me? I want to take a nap, okay?” She patted the seat next to her.

  “You know, maybe we should head out. Rochelle said the car is out front if we want to take off early.” She bent to help Jessica up. “Can you stand?”

  “Oh, I don’t want to leave yet. I’m just a little tired, that’s all.” Jessica’s half-open eyes focused on Paul. “You never answered my question…” She wagged a finger at him.

  “Maybe next time.” He lifted her off the couch. “Let me help you get her downstairs.”

  In her hazy state, Jessica heard Lisa protest. “No, no, it’s fine. I’ve got her. Thanks, though.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Jessica gasped. “Are you implying I’m too heavy for her?” Her knees caved in and Lisa grunted as she pulled Jessica to a standing position.

  “He may be on to something, Jess.”

  Paul grinned. “Just trying to be a gentleman.” He put a strong arm around Jessica’s waist and hoisted her up.

  “Hmmm.” Paul and Lisa guided Jessica out of the suite. “And you’re not even getting anything out of this chivalrous deed.” She winked at Lisa, whose eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her head.

  “Shut up!” she hissed at Jessica.

  “What’s the matter, Li? I’m just having a little fun here with my gentlemanly friend Paul. Don’t get all bent out of shape.”

  Lisa glared at her friend. “You are so lucky you’re incapacitated right now.”

  “Oh, you love me.” Jessica lowered her voice to an inaudible whisper, leaning her head on Lisa’s bare shoulder as they ventured out of the arena.

  Lisa spotted their driver. “Look, there’s the car.” She rushed to the door and pulled it open.

  Paul lifted Jessica into the Hummer and laid her on the seat. In her foggy state, she heard Paul talking to Lisa outside. “Here’s my card. Call if you need anything, okay?”

  “Thanks so much. Sorry about this.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Glad I was able to help out. Take care of her.”

  Awww, how sweet. And he’s not even getting any tonight.

  Jessica struggled to open her eyes as Lis
a climbed into the Hummer. “Jesus, Jessie what did you drink tonight?”

  “Mostly water…” She trailed off with a loud yawn.

  “Sure, water.” Lisa let out an impatient sigh. She kicked off her shoes. “We’re gonna have lots to talk about in the morning. Why don’t you rest now?”

  “Just one more thing, Li.” Jessica mustered up as much energy as she had left before succumbing to the fatigue.


  “You’re right, Ashley Marshall’s boobs are totally fake,” she breathed, sleep overtaking her.

  WHY DOES IT matter? Paul raked a hand through his closely cropped hair as he walked back toward the elevator. He never cared what anyone thought of his lifestyle before. So why was he so bothered by Jessica’s insinuations about his sexual escapades?

  Because you’ve got a thing for her, dumbass.

  Paul entered the suite, spotting a group of colleagues over by the bar. He noticed Rochelle trying to catch his eye but he ignored her, reprimanding himself again for letting that body get the better of him. Twice. Never again though. Girl was bat-shit crazy and still hadn’t gotten the message that it was over before it started.

  He was used to women throwing themselves at him. They were usually half his age, half-naked and ready to jump into bed at a moment’s notice. But that night, something changed. He was…indifferent. Is it because of Jessica?

  Steering clear of relationship hassles became second nature to Paul over the years. He thought it was because he was emotionally out to lunch. But maybe that wasn’t the case after all. Maybe I do want more.

  A striking brunette grazed his forearm and his gaze traveled over her scantily clad body. She flashed him a seductive smile and ran a hand through her long hair.

  On second thought, maybe I like things the way they are.

  JESSICA SQUINTED AS the early morning sunlight streamed through the curtains. She looked at the clock and groaned. “Why do I feel like I’ve been run over by a Mack truck?”

  Lisa appeared in the bathroom doorway wearing a disapproving look on her face. “That’s what happens when you consume too much champagne, Jessie. I’m not going to get all preachy here, but was that really a smart move?”

  Jessica sat up, her eyes wide. “What are you talking about? I mean, maybe I had a couple of glasses, but nothing crazy! What happened? I don’t remember very much.” She yelped. “Wait, Paul Emerson was there, wasn’t he?”

  “Um, yeah. He helped me carry you out of the suite when you could barely stand.”

  “What? Li, I’m telling you, I barely had anything to drink at all.” Jessica’s voice rose in a panic and she clutched the blanket around her.

  Lisa looked confused. “You were a hot mess last night, Jessie. Are you sure you didn’t really drink…no shots, nothing? I promise, I won’t yell.”

  Jessica shook her head, looking terrified. “I said I was…tired? To the point that I can’t even remember what happened? Oh my God, do you think it could have something to do with the MS? Intense fatigue is another symptom and the tingling still hasn’t gone away. This is definitely not a good sign.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Li, what am I going to do? I’m so scared.”

  Lisa sat down next to her on the bed. “Listen. Maybe it was because you really didn’t eat yesterday before we left. The champagne may have hit you harder because you were drinking on an empty stomach. Don’t panic yet, Jessie. You’re seeing the doctor when you’re back in the city, right?”

  “Yes.” Jessica sighed and collapsed back on the pillows. “This totally sucks. My stomach is in knots right now. Please tell me I didn’t say anything stupid.”

  A teasing smile formed on Lisa’s lips. “Oh, Jess. I wouldn’t be so concerned about what you said. It didn’t seem to deter him.” Jessica shot her a blank look. “Let me be perfectly clear about this. Paul Emerson wants you. It was blatantly obvious.”

  Jessica snickered. “Li, come on. You know what guys like him are all about. I was just another notch on his bedpost. That’s all he’s interested in.”

  Lisa shook her head. “I think you’re a hundred and ten percent wrong on this one. I could totally tell it was more than just sex. What are you going to do if he wants to see you again?”

  Jessica shrugged. “Well, he was pretty incredible in bed.” She giggled a little. “But, I told you I’m not into him. Didn’t you hear me last night? I have a date with James. He’s going to be my fun fling. Much more my speed.”

  “That’s all fine and good.” Lisa put a hand up. “I just think you should keep your options open, even if Emerson is a man-whore. He’s hot as hell. Take another spin in that ride before you leave the showroom.”

  Jessica scrunched up her nose and slapped her forehead. “Oh no, no, no, no! I was grilling him about that last night! About his reputation and all the women!”

  “Ah, so that’s the question you were trying to get answered. I told you it wasn’t a pretty sight.”

  “Shit, I must have made a complete ass out of myself. Argh!” Jessica moaned, covering her face with the pillow.

  Lisa giggled. “Well, you definitely made quite an impression on him.”

  “Whatever, he’s in another world.” Jessica nibbled off a cuticle.

  “Gorgeous, sexy, loaded, brilliant. I think it’s you who’s on a completely different planet.” Lisa smiled. “Planet fucking insane.”

  Jessica snorted with laughter. “Listen, I can’t explain it. It may not make sense to you, but it’s the way I feel. James is just so…unlike any other guy I’ve met. Painstakingly and refreshingly honest. I believe he’s a genuinely good guy. Paul gives off a completely different vibe. It’s almost conflicting—like excitement versus distress. And I really don’t know if the pleasure is worth the potential, and probable, pain.”

  Lisa nodded. “I get it. Just don’t make any rash decisions yet, okay? Go with it. Why not take advantage of all opportunities presented to you? You haven’t done anything wrong.” She paused with a sly smile. “Except…you’re just a slight bit sleazy for sleeping with Emerson the same night you met him without even knowing his name, just a teeny tiny bit. Just saying.”

  Jessica gave Lisa a little hug. “You’re such a bitch, but I love you anyway. And I am giving things a shot, just not with Emerson. You’ve got to start rooting for the super-hot geeky gamer, okay?”

  OH PLEASE PLEASE please don’t be at the office yet.

  Jessica wasn’t in any mood to deal with Charlie. Somehow, she’d been able to escape him at the hotel since they went their own separate ways after work hours. He and Derek were flying home on the red-eye and she was happy to be rid of them even though she knew Derek would use every opportunity to shove his head further up Charlie’s ass in order to set himself up for that promotion. I have to believe the partners will see all the progress I’ve made and reward me for it. Charlie’s not the only one with a vote.

  She had a lot of catch up work to do at the office. Charlie had inserted himself into her work more than necessary during the entire trip. She made a mental list of what she had to get done before her big date with James and it did not include any of Charlie’s administrative bullshit.

  Dammit, she didn’t know anyone at the Palo Alto office well enough to call and check on Charlie’s whereabouts. She was on her own, grasping a nonfat chai latte with impending dread.

  The floor was quiet as she headed down the corridor to her mobile office, which was situated next to Charlie’s. As Jessica approached, two male voices traveled into the empty hallway. She recognized Charlie’s arrogant tone. Who is he talking to? She remembered him saying his schedule was clear that morning. Is it a business meeting? She crept closer to the door. No, this conversation was anything but client-related. Hmmm.

  Jessica tried to catch snippets of the conversation. Not that she really cared, but Charlie sounded flustered and she loved to see him sweat. What could have your briefs in a bunch on this beautiful morning, Charlie?

  “Jackson, I’ve had it with
these assholes. It’s high time for me to take control of things.”

  Another voice, higher pitched. Jessica didn’t recognize it at all. Who’s Jackson?

  “It’s completely understandable, Charlie. You’ve worked so hard for this, why shouldn’t you reap the benefits?”

  What the hell? Reap the benefits of what? Is he talking about the new consulting practice?

  Charlie sighed and grumbled some more about “his vision.”

  “Listen, you’re really talented and they’re going to be sorry to lose you, trust me.”

  Jessica’s ears perked up. Is Charlie leaving DMC? Oh what a way to start the day!

  She recognized Charlie’s sarcastic laugh. “Well, they’ve screwed me for too long, and out of too much. It’s time to make a change. I’m glad that things worked out this way. Fuck all of them.”

  Jessica slinked into her office and closed the door. She danced around the room without a sound, pumping her fists into the air. Charlie is out! This is it! My chance to run the show! A brand new consulting practice for the company; money would come rolling in because of her efforts. She could almost taste that promotion. Finally! And maybe Dad will get off my back once and for all.

  Jessica settled into her chair with a triumphant smile. I can suck it up for a little while longer. Two weeks’ notice and Charlie would be out of her life for good.

  JAMES ROUNDED ONE of the hiking paths at Foothills Park, his feet pounding on the rough terrain. He collapsed onto a nearby bench, laying his head back until his breathing eased. It wasn’t the smartest idea to run the trails since the ground was so uneven, but the nature preserve was his refuge, much more so in the past several months.

  He closed his eyes, feeling the hot sun beat down on his already-bronzed skin. It was warm that morning, not typical for northern California. Water would be great right about now. Too bad the bottle in his car would be anything but refreshing by the time he got there.

  James sighed, remembering how he and his dad hiked to this park every Saturday morning when he was younger. “Mom works hard all week. Let’s give her a break,” Dad would tell James. They were so close, he and his dad. Such a good man, he was taken from them way too soon. He’ll never know how much I loved him. I didn’t do a good enough job of telling him. And I blew my last chance because of that stupid meeting.


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