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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Luciani, Kristen

  Lisa giggled. “That’s true. Now, what am I going to do without my roomie for a whole month?”

  “You’re not headed out here in the next couple of weeks? I figured you’d probably be making a trip soon.”

  “No, probably not. There isn’t much going on right now.”

  “Bummer. Let me know if anything changes.”

  “Okay. Hey, by the way, I spoke to Rochelle the other day and mentioned you were back in Cali. She may give you a call to hang out.”

  “Seriously?” Jessica groaned. “I have no desire to see her. She’d better not call.”

  “Well, if she does call, you can actually talk to her.”

  “No, I can’t.” Jessica picked up on Lisa’s disgruntled tone but she plunged ahead. “Because she’s just a malicious bitch and I don’t want to be around her at all.”

  “I wish you guys could work things out.”

  “Not going to happen. Too much has happened, I’m done.”

  Lisa sighed. “She probably won’t call anyway. I wouldn’t worry about it.”

  The office manager’s voice drifted into the office. “Jessica, the new consultants are here.”

  Jessica covered the mouthpiece. “Thanks, I’m on my way down.” She lifted her hand. “Li, I need to run. Time for work. I’ll let you know if I hear from the doctor.”

  “All right, have a good day, sweetie. Call me later. I want more juicy details!”

  Jessica laughed. “You’ve got it. Bye.”

  After briefing the consultants on the new clients, it was after noon and she decided to head out for lunch. Another beautiful day in Palo Alto, the perfect complement to her sunny mood. Jessica sauntered down El Camino Real and surveyed the restaurants lining the street. Her mouth watered from the smells permeating the air. She pulled open the door to Salad Works and heard her phone beep.

  Can’t stop thinking about you. Maybe we can actually make it out sometime this week? I still owe you dinner…

  Her heart caught in her throat. She thought for a moment and shot off a reply. Food’s overrated. I barely ate this weekend and I feel fantastic.

  Within an instant, his response appeared. Cool, let’s not eat together tonight, how about 7? The words sent a chill racing down her spine. Oh, hell yeah!

  Fantastic. I’ll make sure to fuel up. I like to be prepared.

  Stepping inside, she surveyed the spread. Okay, Jess, we need lots and lots of protein.

  JAMES TOSSED HIS phone onto the nightstand after his last text from Jessica, feeling more relaxed than he had in months. His body begged him to stay put, but he had a team meeting at one-thirty. With a groan, he rolled out of bed and took a quick shower before heading to the office. It was great being his own boss.

  Chris pounced on James before he’d even had a chance to remove his jacket. He wandered into the office with a knowing smile on his face, arms folded across his chest. “So. How was the weekend?”

  “It was good.” James tried to be evasive, but it was a futile attempt at best.

  Chris closed the door. “Oh yeah? It was just good? What did you end up doing?”

  James grinned. “I was with Jessica.”

  “Uh-huh. And?”

  “And…it was really nice.” James pulled out his laptop and fumbled with the power cable, hoping to distract Chris.

  “Nice?” Chris recoiled, looking offended at the word choice. “Were you crocheting and drinking tea together? What the hell does nice mean?”

  James laughed. “Why do you always do this? You know it drives me crazy when you badger me.”

  “Listen, I know I’m not the only one who’s made you crazy in the past couple of days and all I want are a few little details. I don’t ask too much, do I?” Chris raised an eyebrow at James. “I’m just trying to find out a little about the girl who has clearly stolen the heart of my best friend. Jesus, Jay, you can’t even stop smiling, what the hell happened to you this weekend?”

  James looked at his friend and shook his head. “I don’t know, Chris. It was pretty intense. We didn’t leave the apartment at all.”

  Chris’s eyes widened. “Awesome. I knew you had it in you. How was it?”

  James sat back in the chair, tapping his fingertips together. “We had a great time together. She’s smart, fun, and sexy as hell, so different from any other girl I’ve met.”

  Chris hooted and flashed a devilish smile at James. “All weekend! You dog!”

  James rolled his eyes. “Shut the hell up, Chris. You’re so damn loud! I don’t want the whole office to get a play-by-play.”

  “All right, all right, I’m not going to pump you for any more info. Jeez, you’re like Fort Knox. I guess the rest has to be left up to my imagination.”

  James chortled. “Whatever, man. So, have we gotten a call back yet?”

  Chris shrugged his shoulders. “Nah, not yet.”

  “I’m being too overanxious.”

  “Yes, you are, Jay. I told you not worry about it. Just keep nailing your pretty girlfriend, and be patient. It’ll happen. I promise.”

  James sighed. “Okay, okay, fine. Now that you have what you came for, get the hell out so I can meet with my team.”

  Chris backed out the door, giving James a little salute. James snickered as he headed to the conference room. Jesus, the guy is relentless. But I shouldn’t really complain. He may be insufferable at times but he’s also a hell of a salesman.

  JESSICA SQUINTED AT the early morning sunlight streaming through the windows. She slammed the alarm before it went off, not wanting to wake James. His tousled head was buried in a pillow; his shirtless, tanned body sprawled next to her. Biting her lip, she recalled every minute of their salacious night together. The weekend was intense but last night was unreal. The carnal desires they exhibited, the insatiable need to pleasure each other again and again… Her pulse raced just thinking about it. I definitely need a replay, right now.

  James let out a low moan and burrowed himself deeper into the pillow. His long muscular legs moved as he kicked at the covers. It didn’t look like he received her telepathic message though, so Jessica decided to make some coffee before taking a cold shower.

  She padded to the kitchen and popped a K-cup into the Keurig machine. Her laptop hummed as she checked email. Lots of company announcements and spam; nothing important. More interesting was that she hadn’t heard a peep from Charlie in days. What’s up with that? He must be busy with his offer from Benton McCauley.

  Jessica munched on a few Mini-Wheats and finished her coffee. Somewhat caffeinated, she peeked into the bedroom on the way to the bathroom. Damn. Not stirring at all. Is it so unrealistic to think he’d jump out of bed and ravage me again?

  She tiptoed into the bathroom, admiring the spacious layout. All this marble and Corian must have cost a fortune. Her gaze rested on the Jacuzzi tub at the back wall. Definitely need to take a swim in that sometime soon. I’m thinking wine, candles, bubbles…and James.

  The steam from the shower rose from the enclosure, heating the room in seconds. Jessica dropped her robe and ducked under the hot spray, wishing James were awake. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and jumped when the shower door opened.

  James stepped in, a mischievous smile on his handsome face. “Were you expecting someone else?”

  “No. I just, I mean, it didn’t look like you’d be waking up any time before noon.”

  “What do you mean, noon? It’s still the middle of the night, isn’t it?” He gathered her in his arms.

  She giggled. “Sure, whatever. Of course it is.”

  He eased against her, eyes dark with lust. “I want you, Jess. Right now. Your body feels so incredible.” He nuzzled her earlobe. “I just can’t get enough.”

  His thick erection grazed her thigh. Ohhh, yes! She shivered under the warm spray, unable to control herself. “Mmm, don’t tease me anymore.” Her fingertips closed around his swollen shaft, lightheaded at the thought of it being inside her.

  James pressed
her into the cool tile wall. He let out a low moan. “I love when you touch me like that.”

  He devoured her heaving breasts with his mouth. Each light nibble shot pangs of pleasure throughout her body. She gasped, her knees buckling. “Oh please, now.”

  James produced a condom. He struggled with the wrapper but it kept slipping out of his hands. A sheepish grin spread over his face. “Not so easy to do in the shower.”

  She let out a soft giggle and drew him closer for a lingering kiss. His fingers continued to fumble with the wrapper until he got it open. Her body hummed with eager anticipation. “Mmm. James…”

  He rolled on the condom and grasped her backside. “Are you ready for me?”

  “Yes.” Jessica moaned as he filled her. “I want you so badly.” She squeezed her eyes shut. How can he do this to me over and over again? He makes me feel so amazing. Every rotation of his hips made her body quiver. I don’t ever want it to end.

  She sank her fingernails into his back. Tingling sensations pulsated through her as he plunged deeper. Faster and faster, each slight motion made her cry out.

  James ran his hands over her legs. “I need you closer…”

  Jessica jumped into his arms, locking her legs around him. The sudden movement sent him skidding on the slippery tiles.

  She banged the back of her head as they crashed into the wall. “Ow! Real smooth,” she murmured. “You’re lucky I’m so turned on right now.”

  “Mmm, you’re not the only one.”

  She raked her hands through his hair as her tongue penetrated his eager mouth. He moved faster and harder, making her body quiver. That’s it! Right there! Please don’t stop! She clenched her muscles and screamed. Bursts of light flashed behind her eyes as the erotic sensations consumed her body and mind.

  The thrusting increased as James devoured her neck. He clutched her tightly as spasms rocked his body. A loud groan emerged and he exploded against her.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and let out a satisfied sigh. “How is it that you can do that to me when I know you were sound asleep ten minutes ago?”

  James let out a deep breath and grinned. “Because you’re amazing and sexy and I want you all the time? And because even sleep pales in comparison to you?”

  “Very good answer.” Pushing his hair out of his eyes, Jessica gave him a seductive look. “How about breakfast?”

  He smiled. “I thought we already had that…”

  She turned off the faucet and handed him a towel. “I think we’re both waterlogged.”

  “Definitely.” He winked at her. “What time is your meeting?”

  “Nine,” Jessica responded. “I still can’t believe you’re up so early! What time did we finally go to sleep last night?”

  “I don’t remember. Wow, I may actually end up at the office before ten. Nobody is going to believe it!”

  Jessica laughed. “It’s great to be up before noon, isn’t it? There’s so much more of the day that you get to enjoy!”

  “If I could wake up to this every day, I’d be an early bird for sure.” James took her in his arms and kissed her nose.

  “Your day is going to be so much brighter, I promise.”

  “I have no doubt about that, gorgeous.” James winked as he buttoned his jeans.

  “How about some coffee? You definitely deserve it after that performance.” Jessica took his hands and led him to the kitchen. She pulled a coffee mug from the cabinet. “Hey, have you heard anything back from Blue Coat?”

  “No, I’m told I am too overanxious.” James ran his fingers through his damp hair. “I guess I need to be patient or something.”

  “Well, I’d be anxious be too. How could you not be?”

  “I agree. I can’t help it. This is really important. Chris is being really being cavalier but I’m not as confident. Emerson didn’t tell us anything definitive, only that his account lead would be in touch. With what information, we have no idea.”

  Jessica nodded, cringing at the mention of Paul’s name. “I guess it’s good you and Chris both bring something different to the table, huh? Otherwise you’d be at each other’s throats all the time!”

  “Yeah. Chris is way too lax for that.” He took a long sip of coffee. “I’m gonna need much more than one cup to wake me up. It’s still too early. Why don’t we go back to sleep?”

  Jessica laughed and handed him a plate of toast. “Because some of us have to get to work. Here you go.” She reached for her mug, cringing as the numbing sensation crept down her arm. Dammit. A quick switch of the hand prevented the mug from shattering on the ceramic tile floor.

  James leaned over the counter, munching on the toast as he scrolled through emails. She let out a relieved sigh that he missed her near-drop. I’m not prepared for questions right now.

  He didn’t bother with a shirt after their shower and his jeans were slung low on his hips making her pulse race. God, he’s so gorgeous. He smirked when he caught her staring. “So what are you doing tonight?”

  “Um, I don’t know. Maybe you?”

  James laughed. “Not that I think that this is a better suggestion at all, but maybe we should try again to make it out of here tonight? You know, before we execute on your plan?”

  Jessica nodded. “Sounds great. Where should we go?”

  “I’ll take care of it. We’ll go someplace fun.”

  “Awesome.” She sidled up to him and grazed his lower back. Oh the power of suggestion… “Okay, time to get ready.”

  She winked and skipped back to the bedroom. James scooped her up and she squealed with amorous delight. There was still plenty of playtime left before the reality of the day swooped in on them.

  JESSICA MADE IT to the Secure Transact office with five minutes to spare. Today is going to be a great day. That was her mantra du jour. Things started off in the right direction, now all she had to do was sell, sell, sell to keep the momentum going.

  She opened the door to the Secure Transact office and furrowed her brow. Something’s wrong. The receptionist was standing at her desk, looking down the hallway. Other employees gathered in the direction of a very heated exchange drifting from one of the conference rooms. Jessica approached the receptionist, who greeted her with a wide-eyed stare.

  “Do you know what’s happening?”

  The receptionist shook her head. “I have no idea. Rich Blakely came in here a few minutes ago on a tirade. He pulled Andy Sykes and Margaret Reynolds into a conference room and then I heard him yelling something about the company ownership and a software patent. I couldn’t make anything else out, though.”

  Jessica was flabbergasted. What about the software patent? What’s going on in that conference room? She stood there for what seemed like hours. Something told her not to leave, so she waited.

  The office was silent except for the yelling. Employees exchanged blank stares, visibly panicked about their jobs. A few minutes later, Andy emerged from the conference room, looking pale and dejected. Rich followed, a nasty smile plastered on his face.

  Andy held his head as he addressed the team. “Folks, I apologize for the commotion this morning. There are going to be some changes, changes that—”

  “Changes for the better.” Rich pushed past Andy to take center stage. “Changes that are going to make Secure Transact the biggest name in the financial services industry for security software.”

  Jessica didn’t grasp the magnitude of Rich’s words. She turned her attention to Andy. He looked crestfallen, but somehow he managed to smile and reassure everyone that delivering on the company objectives was still the top priority.

  This doesn’t sound good.

  Andy gave another weak smile to the group and walked out to the lobby in a daze. Margaret still hadn’t emerged from the conference room.

  I knew that guy Rich was an asshole.

  “Andy?” Jessica went over to Andy and put a hand on his arm.

  He looked up, his eyes struggling to focus.

  “Oh, Jess
ica, I’m so sorry for all of that…and for our meeting. It’s been, well, a rough morning for us.” Andy collapsed into a chair, letting out a deep sigh.

  “Andy, don’t worry about it. Are you okay?” She sat down, hoping he’d answer the multitude of questions racing through her mind. It doesn’t look like there’s even a client to sign anymore.

  He rubbed his temple and looked at the receptionist. “I’ll be okay, but Margaret…has Margaret come out yet?”

  The blonde girl shook her head, eyes wide. “Should I find her for you?”

  “No, that’s all right.” Andy turned back to Jessica, who was becoming more puzzled with each passing minute.

  “Andy, what’s going on?”

  “It’s a long story. But basically, Rich was somehow able to re-incorporate the company in his name only.”

  “I don’t understand. How could he do that without you and Margaret? You’re all partners, aren’t you?”

  “Well, yes, we were all equal owners, but that was after Rich got the patent on our key software product. Before we incorporated, he showed us an amended patent application, one with all our names on it. Turns out it was a fake. I guess he was doing it to protect himself. We moved forward with a large chunk of funding from a venture capital firm here in California. Rich wasn’t happy about it, but he was overruled by me and Margaret.”

  Andy took a deep breath before continuing. “We went ahead with the deal, thinking we were well on our way. But Rich became very belligerent, and he was uncooperative with the new investors. He didn’t want them to be involved with any of the decision-making, I guess because he felt a certain ownership over the technology he developed. He became paranoid and thought Margaret and I were trying to edge him out. And he was one step ahead of us all.”

  “Were you and Margaret intending to push him out?” Jessica bit her lip, bracing for the answer.

  “Not at all! We would never have done that! Rich is delusional, and now everything we sank into this company, all of the hours and hard work and personal investment…it’s all gone. We’ve got nothing.”

  “I’m so sorry, Andy.” She got up to leave, not wanting to run into that prick Rich. “If there’s anything I can do, please let me know.” She had no idea what else to say to a man who had just lost his entire livelihood in an instant.


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