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Unlikely Venture (The Venture Series Book 1)

Page 18

by Luciani, Kristen

  “I don’t even know why I’m listening to this bullsh—”

  “Because you know how it looks, don’t you?” Rochelle lowered her voice and sneered at Jessica. “I know all about your little fling with Emerson. And from the looks of it, he hasn’t forgotten about you. Maybe you should think about your precious, what’s his name again? Oh yes, James. How would he read into this? Does he know about you and Emerson? Isn’t he trying to get funding from Blue Coat? Messy, messy, Jessie.”

  “There is nothing going on here! You are such a bitch.” Jessica clenched her teeth as she spoke the words. Her heart was pounding and her fist itched at her side. Oh how I want to knock the living daylights out of her!

  “Am I?” A malicious laugh escaped Rochelle’s lips. “Come on, don’t play innocent. You wouldn’t have that stricken look on your face if you didn’t feel the slightest bit guilty. Right?”

  “Screw you, Rochelle. Don’t ever speak to me like that again. Just because you’re a low-class two-timing whore, don’t try to typecast me that way so your sorry ass isn’t all alone in Slutsville.” Jessica narrowed her eyes. “I don’t owe you any explanations. James would believe that Paul and I are just friends because it’s the truth and he trusts me.” She winced as she spoke the word. Would he? After she’d been evasive about knowing Paul? No, you moron, he’d be furious that you lied. Because not telling him the truth is just as bad.

  “Trust. Hmm. It’s a nice concept, in theory. But when you go running around behind your boyfriend’s back?” She shook her head. “Tsk tsk. You just never know what the reaction will be, do you?” Rochelle glared at Jessica once again and walked back to a group of young men on the other side of the bar.

  Jessica stared at Rochelle’s retreating back and sighed. What am I doing here? Is all the deceit really what I want to build a career on? Is it worth jeopardizing what I have with James? Is Rochelle…right?

  At least Paul knew things between them weren’t going anywhere. But James would never understand. It was too icky. The connections she could make here weren’t worth the risk to her relationship. She’d just have to figure out another way to find new clients. But now she needed to leave and cut ties altogether with Paul.

  Rochelle would never get over the fact that she lost Drew to Jessica. She’d forever carry a grudge. Too bad she never landed him, it would have served her right to be tortured by that asshole. And vice versa…

  Paul walked over, seeing her alone. “Is everything okay?” He looked around. “Did something happen with Rochelle?”

  “No, everything’s fine. But I think I’m going to head out now. I just got a text from my boss and he needs me to take care of something at the office.” She rolled her eyes, trying to make the fib seem legitimate. “It’s always something with him.”

  Paul looked concerned. “Are you sure you can’t take care of it later? Does he know where you are right now and how positive this can be for your work?”

  “It doesn’t matter to him. His agenda always takes priority. Anyway, thank you so much for inviting me. Sorry I need to take off so soon.” She started toward the entrance but he stopped her.

  “Wait, at least let me walk you out. It’s dark and you’ll need a car.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it. I can find one by myself. I’m a big girl.”

  Paul smiled. “I’m well-aware. But it’s no problem at all.”

  He held the door for her and they continued into the darkened and vacant foyer. Before Jessica could make sense of what was happening, Paul pulled her behind a marble column and kissed her. She yelped and pushed him away, grabbing the column for support. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Come on, Jess. Tell me that you really wanted to keep things professional between us. All the interest in my relationship status, coming out to meet me here tonight when we could have easily had a meeting at my office. Did you really only come here for your job? Or was there some other reason?”

  “It was for business,” she sputtered, her head feeling like it might explode. “I thought I made that clear to you when I saw you in the city!”

  “Listen, the only thing clear to me is the fact that you had the chance to make a clean break the other day but you didn’t, obviously indicating that there was something more on your side.”

  “You told me this would be a great opportunity to meet industry people. That’s why I came. Period!”

  How could I have been so naïve? After everything she knew about his reputation, did she really believe Paul’s intentions were that innocent? Lord knows she wanted to believe it. She took advantage of an opportunity, convincing herself that they could be friends. I can’t believe I let this happen.

  “Jess.” He leaned in so close that their lips were almost touching, his eyes so dark they looked black in the twilight. She felt nauseous as the scent of his aftershave hit her nostrils. “Tell me you haven’t thought about that night at my apartment. You knew exactly what you were doing when you walked in here tonight.” He slid his hand under her jacket and tried to pull her closer.

  Jessica recoiled as he tried to kiss her again. “No! Look, what happened between us was months ago. I had no agenda tonight, Paul. I actually hoped we could be friends. I’m not interested in you! How many more times do I need to say it? Or are you just not used to hearing the word no?”

  Paul sneered at her. “Friends? Really? Do I look like the type of guy to keep a whole lot of hot little girl friends?” He stood there shaking his head. “Grow up. You missed out on a tremendous opportunity tonight. Good luck trying to jump start your little project now.” He turned and stalked back to the dining room.

  Jessica stood there in shock. Did that really just happen? What an idiot I am! How could I think Paul was actually being sincere? She was a complete fool for coming to this party. All the stepping stones in the world couldn’t make her as happy as the one person she longed to be with at that very moment.

  Her face burned with anger as she walked into the cool night air. Paul was a complete bastard. Did he really think she was stupid enough to fall prey to his sleazy ruse, saying the right things to make her feel comfortable seeing him again, and then taking advantage of the situation? He probably thought he’d done her a favor and that she’d be grateful to fall into his bed again.

  Her phone beeped with an incoming text from James. Hey, beautiful, how’s it going? You making a lot of connections?

  Jessica’s eyes filled with angry tears. If he only knew. But he wouldn’t…he couldn’t. She didn’t want to even think about explaining this whole situation to James. This was way worse than keeping her illness from him. It started out as a bad judgment call on her part, but she made it so much worse by not telling him the truth from the beginning. Now it was too late. But, at least it was over now anyway, really and truly over.

  JESSICA TIPTOED TO James and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Hey.”

  He turned around, his blue eyes twinkling. “I hope I didn’t drag you away from a very important client meeting.”

  “Nah, nothing that can’t wait until after lunch. So. What are you in the mood for? I have to say, I do love a romantic, impromptu picnic at the park.” She fluttered her eyelashes and flashed a seductive smile.

  “Your schedule can’t accommodate what I really want right now.” He smirked. “So we’ll just have to settle for something simple like a sandwich, until I can get you home tonight.”

  Jessica giggled and pointed to the bag he was carrying. “Okay. I see you already stopped at the deli. I guess you didn’t want to be tempted to steal me away, huh?”

  “Well, I need you to get these clients so you can stay out here. That means keeping you both nourished and focused. We’ll save the juicy stuff for after work hours, what do you say?”

  “Great plan. Although I do hate waiting…”

  “Don’t do this.” James groaned. “Come on, I’m being so good!”

  “I’m just playing. I do have four meetings this afternoon, booked soli
d.” She took his hand. “But you’ve got me now. What are you going to do with me?”

  He slung an arm around her shoulders and led her towards a grassy knoll. “Awesome. I’ve got a whole set-up for us.”

  Jessica clapped her hands together. “James! This is so perfect!” She ran to the red-and white-checkered tablecloth spread out on the lawn, kicked off her shoes, and sat on her knees. “Don’t keep me in suspense any longer…what’s in the bag? I’m famished!”

  He grinned and pulled out two subs. “I went out on a limb here and got you an Italian because I know how much you love pepp—”

  “Oh yay! That’s my favorite!”

  He laughed. “I was nervous, so I got a few others just in case, like turkey and cheese, roast beef and cheese, ham and—”

  “Cheese?” Jessica laughed. “I am a cheese fiend. Cheese and pepperoni.”

  He handed her a bottle of Fiji water. “Thirsty?”

  She nodded, taking in the scenery. “It’s so beautiful here. This was a great idea.”

  “Like I said, it’s not my ideal but it’s a nice break from a hectic day. Hey, are you okay with meeting Chris for a late dinner tonight? He’s all over my case to bring you around, so I figured a public place would be safe.” James snickered and twisted off the bottle cap.

  “Of course! That sounds great, I’d love to get to know him. I’m flattered he wants to get together.”

  “He’s pretty curious about you. If I keep putting him off, he’s going to torment me until I finally give into his demands. So really, you’re doing me a favor. He’s unrelenting.”

  “I can’t wait. It’ll be fun.” She sipped her water, her lips still tingling from the hot cherry peppers spilling out of her sandwich. “This is super-spicy! I love it!”

  “I’m glad.” James put his sandwich down and looked into her eyes. “Jess…you’re really incredible, you know that?”

  Jessica felt her cheeks flush. “That’s a really sweet thing to say.”

  “It’s the truth.” James crawled over to her. “You’ve kind of turned everything upside down for me, but in a good way. A very good way.” He twirled a lock of her hair around his finger.

  She cocked her head. “Can things really be this perfect?”

  “I wouldn’t have believed it before. But being with you is amazing. I feel like this was meant to happen, like you’re the one I’ve been waiting for. This whole thing…it’s just…right.”

  “I never thought this would happen in a million years. I was sure it was going to be a little fling, something that would fizzle out as soon as I left California the first time.” She flashed a nervous smile. “You know what happens when you get too hot too quickly.”

  “What? Like you need to take a cold shower or something?” He chuckled and took another gulp of water. “I’m kidding. I know what you meant, and I get it. But sometimes…you just need to let things happen. Don’t question whether something’s too good to be true. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  “I’m kind of a control freak.” She met his eyes. “I don’t usually throw caution to the wind.”

  “I know. I figured that out the first time we met.”

  Her voice dropped to a whisper. “But there’s something about you that makes me want to take that leap, to fly blindly through the air, not knowing when or where I’ll land.” She cupped a hand to his cheek. “Because I know you’ll be there to catch me.”

  James leaned back on his hands, a playful smile lighting up his face. “Yes. Yes I will. Unlike someone I know who let me fall out of a kayak not too long ago.”

  “SO, ARE YOU sure you’re ready for this? I mean, we’ve already established the fact that I have no control over what comes out of this guy’s mouth, at all.” James grinned at Jessica as he held open the door to Joya.

  She giggled. “Yeah, I’m sure. I don’t scare too easily. Is he here yet?”

  James shook his head. “Doubtful, but we’ll get a table in the meantime. It’s packed and I don’t want you to stand around in those shoes.”

  Jessica snaked an arm around his waist. “Such a gentleman.”

  The lounge was packed for a Thursday night, but James pointed out an empty corner table. “Perfect, let’s grab that one.”

  “It’s really crowded here, is something going on?” Jessica shrugged off her jacket and hung it on the back of the chair.

  “Don’t know.” James picked up a menu. “I’m starving. Want some yucca fries while we wait?”

  Jessica wrinkled her nose. “Mmm, how did you guess? That’s exactly what I’d pick.”

  “Come on, if it’s in fry form how bad could it be?” James smirked and looked around for a waitress.

  “Hey guys! When did you get here?” Chris descended on the table and slapped James on the back.

  “About five minutes ago. I figured we wouldn’t be seeing you for at least another thirty.”

  “Normally you’d be right, smart ass, but I decided that I needed to make a good impression after the Kinko’s incident.” Chris winked at Jessica. “So here I am, primped, polished and on time.”

  “I’m honored.” Jessica smiled. “No date tonight?”

  “Nope, taking the night off. Good thing, too.” Chris turned to James with a knowing look. “Guess who’s here?”

  James shook his head. “Who?”

  “Emerson. He’s in the dining room with a group of suits. Oh, and there’s a smoking hot chick a table away from them. Looks just like Avery Hunter. You know, CEO of CrowdRock, that social networking site for aspiring musicians and singers to connect and perform online? Brilliant concept. Landed some pretty big recording contracts for her members, too.” Chris chuckled. “Maybe I should go and introduce myself.”

  James rolled his eyes at Jessica, who panicked at the thought of coming face to face with Paul after their encounter the night before. That egomaniac jackass was the last person she wanted to see. She gulped, hoping that they didn’t get seated anytime soon. What would Paul do if he saw me with James? Would he pull the plug on LazerShark as revenge? Dammit. Please don’t let him come over here.

  “Chris, stay away from him, would you? Don’t corner him here.” James tapped his fingers on the table. “We haven’t heard back from him, he must still be deliberating with the team. Let’s not ruin our chances.”

  “Relax.” Chris gulped down the rest of his beer. “I’m not going to visit his table. But…if he happens to stop by the bar and I happen to be getting a drink…I can’t promise I won’t say something. I’ll be subtle though.”

  James groaned. “Great. I’m so relieved now, since you’re about as understated as a nuclear bomb.” He turned to Jessica with an apologetic smile. “Think you can handle him while I get us some drinks?”

  Jessica giggled. “I’ve got it, no problem.”

  Chris turned to Jessica once James was out of earshot. “So…you’re back.”

  “Looks that way, probably for at least a month.” Jessica flashed a wide smile. “I’m really happy to be out here.”

  “In all seriousness, Jay’s the best guy I know. You’re a lucky girl. He’s completely into you. I’ve never seen him act like this before. Ever.”

  “He’s fantastic. I’m still a little in shock at how quickly things happened but…it’s been incredible.”

  “I’m glad for you guys. You seem really happy together. I’m telling you, he’s a different person these days.” Chris grinned. “I’m sure he told you about this pitch meeting we had the other day. Golf of all things. Why not basketball instead?”

  Jessica giggled. “I heard all about it. How do you think it went? Think you’ll get the funding?”

  Chris gave a confident nod. “Oh definitely. Paul Emerson is a successful businessman and he knows a good investment when he sees the magic numbers. He’s got a reputation for leaving companies hanging, kind of like a control thing with him. Whatever. It’ll happen.” He leaned in, his voice dropping. “For the record, I’m not about to corner him here
. I just like keeping Jay on his toes. But don’t let him know that.”

  James walked back with their drinks. “It’s definitely Avery Hunter, by the way.”

  “Aha! I knew it! Now why don’t you just cut the crap and admit that you secretly want Emerson to notice us and hand us a check?” Chris sat back and took a long sip of his Corona.

  “Fine, you’re right, so sue me.” James grinned. “Just promise me you’ll stay away from him, okay?”

  Chris raised his bottle. “I’ll think about it. In the meantime, I’m going to check on our table.”

  James turned to Jessica with an apologetic smile. “He’s a handful, I know. Sorry.”

  “Please. He’s hysterical. And he’s also a really great friend. I’m happy to be here with you guys.” She planted a lingering kiss on his lips. “But in full disclosure, I can’t wait to get you out of here.” Their foreheads touched as they gazed at each other, lost in their own world.

  James gave her hand a squeeze. “I promise it’ll be well worth the wait.”

  “Ahem.” Chris returned and cleared his throat. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything…” A teasing smile played at his lips.

  Jessica laughed and covered her mouth. “Oh no! We’re that couple now, aren’t we?”

  Chris nodded as he sat down. “Looks like. But fortunately for you, I’ve been on the other side so many times that I now owe your guy. I’ll reserve my comments.”

  James nuzzled her lips again, making her pulse race. She murmured against his ear, “This is so bad, PDA in front of your best friend?”

  He chuckled as Jessica settled back in her chair and snuck a look at Chris. She didn’t want him to feel uncomfortable at all, but it looked like his attention had just been diverted.

  Oh. My. God.

  Jessica gulped hard as she came face to face with Paul Emerson.

  CHRIS HOPPED OFF the stool and pumped Paul’s hand. “How’s it going, Paul? Good to see you again.”

  “Mr. Callahan, Mr. Camden.” Paul’s lips curled up into a tight smile as he regarded the table.


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