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Loving Daniel (MC Securities Book 3)

Page 19

by Ruby Moone

  “Well, who put him onto us? How did he get here so quickly? Did you call him? Did you know he was in the country?”

  Daniel hesitated. “Yes. Like I say, we’re doing some business together.”

  Asher paused as they caught up with him. “Useful guy to have around.”

  Daniel nodded.

  Christian looked at both of them. “You knew Bryce was in the country.” It wasn’t a question.

  Both shifted uncomfortably.

  “And you didn’t tell me?”

  “I didn’t want to worry you. Spoil your holiday. I only found out this evening.”

  Christian raised his eyebrows and held out both hands. He had no words. “Will you stop mollycoddling me?”

  Daniel grimaced and Asher looked away and cleared his throat.

  “Fuck’s sake. Let’s just go to bed.” Christian didn’t have the energy to argue. He was simply relieved they were all okay, not being flung in jail, and he wanted to curl up in Daniel’s arms. He’d find energy to be annoyed later.

  “Good plan.” Daniel stood close beside him. Close enough for him to feel the warmth from his body, and they trooped off in the direction of the hotel.

  “D’you think Daly killed Bryce?”

  Daniel shook his head. “No.”

  “Who did then?”

  “I’m not sure we’ll ever know.”

  “Unless Daly tells us,” Asher said with a small smile.

  The streets were deserted. The air was cool and still, filled with the scent of flowers that Christian couldn’t name. He breathed it in and hooked his little finger around Daniel’s. He didn’t pull away.

  They all declined food and followed the proprietor to the rooms. Daly had arranged one for each of them. Asher took his key and disappeared. Daniel took the other keys and the proprietor left them to it.

  “You can have your own room.” Daniel handed Christian a key. He wanted to wrap him up in his arms and hold him all night, but he knew he couldn’t. Christian took it and turned it over in his hand.

  “I’d rather not be alone.”

  Daniel’s chest hurt. “No problem.” He took the key from him and opened the door. It was a lovely room. Spacious and cool. Once inside, Christian peeled off his clothes and headed for the shower. When the water started running, Daniel sat on the edge of the bed and scrubbed his hands over his face. He was going to want answers. Daniel rubbed a hand over his mouth and wondered if he could bluff it out? Pretend he’d no idea what Bryce was talking about. He closed his eyes. His head hurt.

  The water stopped, and Christian came out. One towel around his waist, rubbing his hair with another, as he always did. He slung the towel around his neck and raked his fingers through his hair until it slicked back in big spikes. His eyelashes were still clumped together with water, and droplets sat on his shoulders. Daniel wanted to taste them. He wanted to put his arms around him, hold him close, and love him. Protect him. He’d been a fool to think he could lie for the rest of his days. He knew it was coming, he just didn’t know what he was going to do.


  Daniel looked up. Christian stood in front of him.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah.” Daniel hauled himself to his feet and attempted a smile. “Just knackered.”

  Christian reached out and touched Daniel’s face, then dropped a soft kiss on his lips. “Go shower.”

  Daniel let his forehead rest against Christian’s for a moment, then headed for the bathroom.

  Daniel took his time in the shower, hoping that maybe Christian would be asleep when he got out and he could slide in the bed and wrap himself around him. When he could delay no longer, he wrapped a towel around his hips and opened the door cautiously. Christian was sat on the bed with just the towel around him. He looked up as soon as the door opened but his eyes were tired.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” Daniel murmured as he moved into the room. Christian’s answering smile was weary. “Let’s get some rest.”

  Christian heaved himself off the bed, and they pulled down the sheet. Daniel hesitated, but then dropped his towel to get in. He wasn’t hard. He was too worried, too heartsick, and too guilty. When Christian dropped his, he clearly didn’t have the same problem. Christ, but he was gorgeous. They climbed in and lay side by side with the sheet covering them. Daniel’s heart thudded in his chest. He couldn’t imagine how Christian was feeling. He’d been attacked, nearly died, and tonight he saw another man shot to death. Now, now there was most certainly a massive question in his head about the death of his father.

  He rolled on his side, and Christian turned his head to look at him. “Let me take care of you,” Daniel whispered, and ran his hand down Christian’s stomach, stopping just before he touched his cock. “What do you need?”

  Christian’s smile was lopsided, his eyes soft. “You?”

  Daniel moaned and swept the sheet away, exposing Christian. His gaze travelled down the width of his shoulders, the muscles on his torso, the deep vee of his hip bones, and his long, elegant cock that was now dark red and ready. He took it in his hand, held it up, and swallowed him down. Christian gave a muffled moan and arched his hips, putting his hands on Daniel’s head.

  He used every trick he’d ever learned to make it beautiful for him. He cradled his balls, slid a finger behind to press against his hole, and Christian trembled beneath him. He thrust one arm over his eyes, and his mouth opened in a silent moan, lips pink and flushed. Daniel wanted nothing more than to feed his own cock in between them, but he focused on Christian. Focused on loving him. Satisfying him. That was enough.

  When Christian went rigid, cried out and writhed beneath him, Daniel took everything he had and swallowed him down. He cleaned him with his tongue, and soothed him with soft strokes, then lay beside him.

  “Let me…” Christian reached over, but Daniel took hold of his hand.

  “For you. I’m fine.” Daniel pulled up the sheet and covered them against the cool of the air conditioning. He held up an arm, and Christian lay on his chest. They both shifted until they were comfortable, and in moments, Christian was asleep. Daniel held him and stared at the ceiling.

  Christian wasn’t sure what woke him. He blinked and peered at his watch. Ten forty-five. Daniel was wrapped around him, spooning him, breathing softly against his neck. He lay still and enjoyed the closeness. He hadn’t expected to sleep. Not in a million years did he expect he’d be able to close his eyes and drift off, but Daniel had knocked him out with the best blow job ever, then wrapped him tight in his arms. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. In a pretty short space of time, he’d gone from work filling his days and nights, with the occasional foray into Daniel’s world to seek his help, to being nearly killed, on the run, witnessing a murder, sharing a bed with Daniel, and now waking up wrapped in his arms. Crazy.

  Again, his mind drifted back to what Bryce had said about his father. About him not knowing. He couldn’t move away from it and kept prodding and poking at it like a sore tooth. Daniel had dismissed it as nothing, but he didn’t believe him and that hurt. He’d wanted so much to believe that if they tried again, he wouldn’t let him down, wouldn’t abandon him again, wouldn’t lie to him, but there was definitely something wrong. Daniel’s reaction to Bryce’s words had been to slam him against a wall and put a gun to his head.

  That wasn’t nothing.

  He sighed, and stroked Daniel’s arm as it lay across his middle, and Daniel stirred. He felt him move and kiss the back of his neck, sending tingles all the way through him. His body responded instantly, and a warm, morning rush of need swamped him. He pushed back in Daniel’s arms and shivered when he felt Daniel’s erection hot against his backside. Daniel’s hand slid over his hip and was moving forward, down his groin, when he stopped. He shifted, then rolled on his back and moved away.

  Christian turned over and peered at him. He was staring at the ceiling, but his face was flushed.

  “Morning?” Christian watched him carefully.
  “Morning.” The word was mumbled, and Daniel threw back the covers and headed for the bathroom.

  So much for morning togetherness.


  Christian listened to the toilet flush, water run in the sink, and eventually, Daniel re-emerged. He looked everywhere but at him.

  “Can we talk?” He couldn’t let this lie. Not anymore.

  Daniel froze. He looked over at him, one hand casually over his cock, “Sure. Over breakfast?” He moved to his suitcase and pulled on some briefs and shorts.

  Christian watched him fish around and pull out a slightly rumpled T-shirt. He sniffed it, then dragged it over his head, and smoothed out his hair.

  “I’ll wait for you in the bar.”

  “Daniel, wait.”

  He froze by the door.

  “I really want to talk to you. I need…” He gestured helplessly. “When this is all over, are you going to walk out on me again?” The words tumbled out.

  “I told you, the only way I’m leaving is if you tell me to go.”

  Christian nodded. Why didn’t that make him feel any better? It was as though Daniel was curtained off from him. Shuttered. Just like last time. He wanted to yell at him. Demand to know what was wrong. Throw himself into his arms. Anything. Just not this cold, detached man staring at him. He sucked in a breath and made himself respond calmly.

  “I’ll see you in the restaurant.”

  Daniel nodded.

  “I need to talk to you about what Bryce said. About my dad, but I’m not going to talk about it in front of Asher. We can talk later.”

  Daniel was very still. His face carefully blank. “Sure, but there isn’t much I can tell you.”

  “Let’s give it a go, hmm?”

  Daniel nodded. “Like I say. I have no idea what he was talking about.”

  “Why do I get the feeling that you’re lying?”

  Daniel closed his eyes and groaned. “I have no idea.”

  Christian observed him as dispassionately as he could. “It’s like you hide behind a wall. Over the last few days it’s almost as though you’d come back out and for a little while, I had my Daniel back.”

  Daniel’s eyes were blank, but there was a flicker of pain he couldn’t hide at Christian’s words.

  “Now, now it’s like you’ve disappeared back behind your wall and I’ve no idea where you are.”

  “Look. I’ve no idea what Bryce was bleating on about.” Daniel didn’t even try to address what he’d said. Ignored it.


  Daniel rubbed the back of his neck. “I know you’ve had a rough few weeks and I’m sorry I’ve put you in this position. Really, I am. But it’s done now. It’s all okay. Let’s have breakfast and think about what we need to do next.”

  Christian swallowed, feeling ridiculously close to tears. “You go down. I’ll join you when I’ve showered.”

  Daniel hesitated. “Are you okay?”


  “You don’t sound fine.”

  “Shit, isn’t it?” Christian got up and headed for the shower. “When you know someone is lying and they won’t tell you what’s going on.”

  Daniel’s face closed up again and a scowl pulled his eyebrows down. He shook his head. “Fuck’s sake,” he muttered.

  Christian’s eyes widened, and Daniel’s cheeks flushed as though the words had just slipped out. He headed for the bathroom and slammed the door.

  Christian walked into the dining room, the soft tap-tap of his flip flops loud in the quiet room. Daniel sat with Asher talking quietly but intently. At his arrival, they both looked up.

  “Morning,” Asher said.

  “Morning. Sleep well?”

  Asher nodded.

  The waiter brought hot coffee and Christian smiled gratefully. He listened while he explained the breakfast buffet, but he couldn’t eat anything.

  “I think we might be better heading back home,” Daniel said after a moment. “We’re free to go, so I’d like to get back and see if we can make any sense of what’s going on. I need to oversee the solicitors dealing with Kenneth estate too.”

  Christian nodded and took a sip of his coffee. “Fine with me.”

  “I’ve managed to get us on a flight early evening. It’s not the private jet, I’m afraid, but I’ve got us extra leg room.”


  Daniel hesitated. “I’ll see my mother today and explain what’s happening. Maybe we could have lunch with her?”

  “That would be lovely. We could see Tassos too.” Christian looked at Asher and smiled. “I think he’s got a crush on you.”

  Asher frowned. “He’s gorgeous, but I’m way too old for him.”

  Christian nodded. There couldn’t be much more than ten years between them, but hey. It was Asher’s decision.

  “Can we get to the villa to pick up clothes and personal stuff?”

  Daniel frowned. “Not sure. I’ll speak to someone.” He frowned some more. “I need someone who speaks fluent Greek.”

  Asher nodded and rolled his eyes. “Tassos.”

  Daniel picked up his phone, scrolled through, hit dial as he walked out of the room with the phone pressed to his ear. Christian watched him leave.

  “You two okay?” Asher’s question was quiet.

  Christian hesitated, then shook his head. “No. No, we are not.”

  The airplane dipped beneath the clouds, leaving the clear blue sky behind, and plunged into the dreary, grey rain of a Manchester summer. It echoed the dreary feeling swamping Christian. He was sandwiched between Asher who was looking out of the window, and Daniel who had earphones in, eyes closed, head leaning on the rest. His hands were linked over his stomach, long legs spread before him as far as he could. The tattoo that swirled up his neck looked dark in the gloom, as though it too felt the dreariness. He’d put earphones in and closed his eyes when he got on the plane and remained that way for pretty much the entire journey. He couldn’t have made it any clearer. It was done. The danger was dealt with, they could go home and go back to their lives. He’d said he wouldn’t walk away again without being told to go, but he might as well not have been there. Christian wasn’t sure how long he could stand it. One minute they were becoming so close, the next—barely speaking.

  The airplane dipped and Daniel opened his eyes. He stared straight into Christian’s. They looked at each other for what felt like a long time before he pushed up and peered out of the window.

  “Shitty weather,” he murmured.

  “Yeah, awful.”

  Was this it? They were reduced to talking about the fucking weather? Fuck that. He wasn’t letting it go. “Did Eric Daly have any more information about Bryce?”

  Daniel sighed and shrugged. “There’s been a price on Bryce’s head for a few weeks. I didn’t put it there. Someone fulfilled the contract.” He shrugged as though talking about contract killing was commonplace.

  “So, he was shot by a paid killer?”

  “Yup.” Daniel focused on looking at the weather.

  “What does that mean for us?

  “Free and clear. I wind up the estate, the business, hand it over and I’m done.”

  Christian looked out of the window. The clouds were whizzing past faster now, and the ground was visible in patches. “Are you going to tell me what happened to my father? What Bryce meant?”

  “I’ve told you. There is nothing to tell.”

  Christian looked him in the eye. “Liar.”

  Daniel went red. His eyes glittered and his nostrils flared. But he said nothing.

  Christian turned to the window and watched as the airport flashed past. They completed their descent, and the plane bounced gently along the tarmac. He sat still in his seat as they taxied to the building, then pulled out his phone, switched off airplane mode, and sent a quick text to Finlay Masters.

  His phone pinged gently.

  Finlay: About twenty mins away. See you at arrivals gate.

  Christian: Cheers. I
owe you.

  By the time they’d messed about with getting off the plane, cleaning customs, waiting for luggage etcetera, Christian knew Finlay was waiting for him outside. They dragged cases off the conveyer and Daniel pulled out his phone. “I’ve arranged a taxi.”

  Finlay wouldn’t be far away, so when they got to the gate and Daniel headed for the car, he stopped.

  “It’s okay. I’ve organised a lift. You guys grab the taxi.”

  Daniel scowled, and Asher looked elsewhere. “What do you mean? I’ll get you home, or you can come home with me.”

  “No need. I’m fine. Thanks for helping. Again.” Christian’s whole body hurt. His heart ached; his throat ached. They shut up momentarily as they walked through customs and out into the airport.

  Daniel pulled alongside him. “Christian. Please.” The words sounded as though they’d been shocked from him. His eyes were wide and dark.

  “Are you going to talk to me?”

  Daniel screwed his eyes closed and a muscle jumped in his cheek. “There isn’t anything I can tell you.”

  “In that case...” Christian shrugged.

  “Come and get in the fucking car.” Daniel’s voice was low, desperate.

  As if summoned by Christian’s thoughts, Finlay Masters appeared by his side. Finn was impressively hard looking. Years in the military and years on his own had given him a hard edge that was well honed.

  “Hey, boss. Lift’s here.” He inserted himself between Christian and Daniel and reached out to take one of Christian’s bags.

  Christian hoisted his holdall onto his shoulder, silently impressed at Finlay’s nerve. “It was really good to meet you, Asher.” He shot a glance at Daniel. “Thanks again.”

  He fell into step beside Finlay and they walked away. He half expected Daniel to stop him. But he didn’t.

  Finn shot him a sideways glance once they were out of earshot. “Do I have medical insurance in my contract?”


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