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ROMANCE: PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Coveted by the Werewolves (Paranormal MMF Bisexual Menage Romance) (New Adult Shifter Romance Short Stories)

Page 12

by Hawke, Jessa

  Sarah had no doubt that if she messed up and said something really stupid that Chad and the drummer would be out of there in a matter of minutes. And then she'd probably only see them ever again at the show, then never again after that. And any of the moments that they could have shared would be nothing but dust in the wind.

  When the day that Just New got to Ames arrived Sarah had finally talked Chad into meeting. They met at the Indian restaurant right behind the coffee shop. It was convenient for both of them because it was close to Sarah's house, and Chad wanted to get out of there he could just walk to the venue he would be playing at a short time later and ask them for direction to a hotel. Sarah didn't want that to happen though, so here she sat, waiting for Chad who was just walking through the door.

  “Why hello,” he said when he saw her. He stopped when he said it. Everyone looked.

  Sarah couldn't help but giggle a little bit. She known she'd be a knock out in the shirt she wore, that really showed off her cleavage. She had short, black hair styled into a pixie and brown eyes. She also wore mostly black, with the only color on her body that wasn't black constituted a red handkerchief that she hung out of the back pocket of her pants.

  Chad got something to drink and sat down across from her at the table.

  “Well hello, Sarah,” Chad said. “Sorry to have been so standoffish. I know it can seem like I'm paranoid or something, but I just like to know who I'm talking to and what I'm dealing with exactly and sometimes people can really misrepresent who they are on the internet. I'm not trying to say that's what you were doing, but you have to look at it from my point of view. I'm coming to a campus that has a long history of unrest and also activism, so can I trust that you are really as beautiful in real life as you are in your pictures, and can I trust that your intentions are really as pure as you say? I don't know, and honestly it's all right not to know. But at least now we can talk to each other a little bit.”

  Sarah thought it was cute that he seemed so nervous and talked a lot. It made him more of a person to her now. Over email he had always sounded so guarded, even after he'd started to warm up to the idea of meeting in person. But now that he was here she had to say that it was well wroth the wait. Chad was the kind of man that only got better looking as he got older, so even though he was in his early thirties it didn't seem like it. Chad's fine blonde hair and blue eyes seem to be accented by the deep lines of his face. He was the kind of man that got better looking the more you looked at him instead of getting worse, even though he was pretty good looking from the start.

  “I'm glad you decided to meet me, Chad,” Sarah said. She leaned over just enough that she knew the weight of her ample bust would strain against he tight fabric of her shirt.

  “I'm glad we could as well,” Chad said.

  Even though he wouldn't look at her tits, she knew that he would glance at them when she didn't know it. Guys like Chad were good at that. They didn't want to give away anymore than they had to when it came to actual attraction. Sure, they'd walk into the place and make a show of saying hey, but beyond that would he actually feed into it? Sarah wasn't sure, but she knew she was going to find out one way or another. Chad was a good guy, but that didn't mean he was some strange, puritan knight in shining armor. All of his songs talk about love and sex and falling in and out of it quickly. Hell, if she played her cards right maybe they could have a really good time and he'd end up coming back to Ames, Iowa. She didn't know what he would end up telling his publicist or fans if he did, she would know and be waiting for him. If it ever got to that. She knew that she was being way to hopeful in her thinking. They hadn't really even got into a conversation yet, much less spent meaningful time around each other.

  “What is it you like to do here, Sarah,” Chad said. “I know that living in small town environment can be hard for the more alternative type, which you clearly are, my dear. So tell me, how do you pass the time?”

  Sarah had figured he'd ask something along those lines. It was a good way to get to know someone, asking very general and broad questions and then playing the role of the listener. Sarah had planned on asking similar questions about being on the road, but they could wait to be asked if he needed her to start the talking part of their hang out before he could decide whether or not he wanted to come over that night.

  “Well, I like to read. That helps a lot. And I like to write. I smoke pot,” Sarah said. “I also like to hang out at the library. I guess I like music a lot, too, but that doesn't really come through here as much as I'd like. I know that it's kind of a lot to hope for considering that the population of Ames is so fickle of feeling, and so enslaved to the college system.”

  “That's a good point,” Chad said. “I had a friend tour through here during finals week or something of that nature and he said they'd never had such a poor attendance at a show before. I guess that's the breaks, though, when you're trying to make it as a traveling artist.”

  Sarah nodded.

  “I could see something like that happening. People here take school pretty seriously for about all of the time it takes to cram it then forget it as the tests roll around. I'd like to be able to say that ISU is a good example of what academic rigor is like, but when it comes down to it they have to pass people to make the parents and their donations happy and flowing. So there is a part of me that knows grade inflation is dumbing down my grades in order to bolster up the grades of my classmates. I get it, I guess; and I understand that in the real world there will be a lot of this so I might as well just get used to it. But the bottom line is that everyone would like to think that what they put their mind to means something, maybe even stands for something. So when I put a lot of myself into this place, even thought I'm getting a degree out of it, sometimes it gets frustrating knowing that I'm not going to get anything back out of it beside a degree while my honest efforts are lumped in with the rest of the student body that only wants to drink, fuck, and have a good time.”

  Chad had started smirking about halfway through her rant. When Sarah finished looked a little embarrassed but just put that feeling into a few more degrees of lean forward so her tits made the fabric of her black wife beater strain even more to contain them.

  “I know the feeling completely,” Chad said. “I was in a similar situation when I went to university back in England. It wasn't bad as what I think is going on here, but it amounted to about the same thing. People got passed who should have gotten held back, and other things of that nature. I remember once when a peer of mine blatantly received a little helping push from the teacher to pass the class, and the push had to have been in the grade book. There was no way that this could pulled an solid A on the final or anything like that. I just can't be convinced of that. But anyway, so this kid gets pushed through more or less and I end up talking to my teacher about it and being like, 'Hey, if you let this could go through with a passing grade it pretty much defeats the entire purpose of even having this school in the first place? Would the founders of this institution want you to do that? Do you think times weren't tough when they first broke ground here?' But was any of it heard? I think not. No one cared to listen because everyone was to busy jerking themselves off with the giant fistfuls of money they were making each day for passing a bunch of nimrods who couldn't be trusted to do anything right, much less with the young minds of generation after generation.”

  It was Sarah's turn to smirk.

  “You really think that I'm the one that feels strongly about this after the speech you just gave?”

  Chad blushed, something that Sarah found endearing. She really liked this Chad guy, even though she didn't really know that much about him. Now that she was sitting and looking at him though she realized how little it mattered to her that she know something about someone that she wanted to sleep with. She didn't need to know every little thing about Chad because what she really wanted to know she'd already told her in song and verse. Sarah could feel herself staring as she thought about it, but she wasn't willing to l
ook away, and Chad didn't seem to have a problem with the attention. He was nice guy and all, but just like very other guy he loved to have attention from young women, the better looking, the better.

  “Fine, fine,” Chad said. “Have it your way. But remember this, I'm the one whose old and full of wisdom here!”

  They both laughed at this. After they finished their drinks, while chatting more, Chad decided that it was a good idea to spend the night at Sarah's with his drummer. They both left to head to the venue just feet away that he'd be playing at shortly.

  Sarah had been blown away by the show. Just New had played very well, probably given the best performance that Sarah had ever seen them give, to include all of the stuff she'd watched on the internet. She couldn't believe how turned on she was for Chad. What a guy, though, really. Sarah just couldn't get over what he wrote about in his songs, and how he seemed to understand so much about her without having even known her that long.

  “Sarah, don't get ahead of yourself,” one of her friends was talking to her on the phone. “I know you want to sleep with him right away, and don't get me wrong I would as well. I'm just saying that you should think about the fact that he'll probably be back through town soon anyway, and then would be a good time to sleep with him. I mean, if you guys hang out sleep over style tonight and don't fool around that pretty much counts as two dates. So next time would count as the third and that's when you're supposed to do it anyway.”

  Sarah wasn't sure why she still had friends with bleach blonde hair that sounded like they were valley girls, but she did. This one was very well meaning, but sometimes said things that just sounded dumb.

  “Why do I want to play some weird game of waiting to sleep with someone if I just want to outright sleep with them? I mean, I get what your saying, that I should be cautious and what not, and believe me I understand why you, as a responsible friend, would say that. But I guess what I'm struggling with is how you are so certain that Just New will tour back through after all the press they've been getting lately. You yourself have said plenty of times that playing in Ames is often enough to convince good acts to never come back. How would it be if that happened this time and I didn't sleep with him?”

  “I know, I know. Well, just let me know how it goes, OK?”

  Sarah agreed and hung up. She was glad the call went quickly. Often times that's how it went with some of her friends group that wasn't quite up to par in the IQ department; they'd call and try to give her sound advice, but it was always terrible advice and she'd have to keep them from talking by going on some rant about how dumb their ideas were. At least she was home now and could start getting ready for Chad to come over, which would happen very soon. Sarah couldn't believe that it was really going to happen, but she new it was. She wondered how long it would take them to fool around. There did seem to be a voice of doubt in her mind though, as if what her friend had said was actually taking root.

  “Don't worry about it Sarah,” she said to herself as she scurried around her apartment trying to clean things up. “Everything is going to be all right. Just don't worry about it and get everything picked up.”

  She rushed and rushed and finally everything was in order. She'd thought about cleaning days in advance but then realized that if she did that and he didn't come over she'd feel cheated and then act bitterly about it later, but if she didn't and rushed afterward it wouldn't really matter. So it had seemed prudent to leave things a mess that day, since, before he laid eyes on her, Chad had been being kind of a flake about what might happen and what might not happen. To the point where even Sarah, with all of the love she had for Chad, got to the point where she'd almost been fed up. Almost. But not quite.

  Her phone rang.

  “Hey Sarah this is Chad,” his voice came from the other end with a murmur of the crowd she just left. “Are you ready for us to come over?”

  “Come over!” she said.

  When Chad got there it was just like he'd said. He and his drummer, who it turned out was named Brian, liked to leave their minimal amount of gear locked up in the van instead of packing everything into where ever they were sleeping at. It was a practice that Sarah wasn't familiar with, but Brian explained as Chad took a shower.

  “You see,” Brian started. “A lot of thieves will go to a show and then check out all the gear the band has. From there it's really easy to figure out where the band is staying—someone can either ask or just follow the van. Then they thieves just wait until dark to return and either bust the van open with crowbars, or just steal the whole damn thing. Most of the time they steal the whole thing. And the real bitch of it is that most people don't get the right insurance so nothing is covered.”

  “What do you mean they don't get the right insurance?” Sarah asked.

  “It's not so simple as I make it sound. When you're in a band you don't get regular insurance on the van. You have to get commercial insurance because you're making money. It's more expensive and a huge pain in the ass to do all the paperwork, but it makes sense when you think about it. How in the hell else will the company be able to insure people that travel around the company with a bunch of gear that is fairly easy to steal? So, when shit does get stole, there usually isn't any kind of recourse because the insurance hasn't been lined up correctly.”

  Sarah was getting bored by Brian and she didn't like it. Chad was one thing, he always knew what to say and what to do, but Brian seemed content with being bored. It wasn't that he was a bad guy or anything, and it wasn't that he wasn't attractive, because he was, and if it wasn't for Chad she was sure she would have made a pass at Brian. What it was was how he spoke so dryly of everything. There was never any passion in his voice. He never seemed to be worked up about anything, or on the cusp of being working up about anything, and he also never seemed to really get sad. Even during Just New's super sad songs he always had the same expression on his face.

  Dude is like a fucking robot, Sarah thought to herself.

  That was when she knew she'd had to much to smoke when she'd smoked up her guests when they first got to her place. She felt good, but she knew she wasn't quite as mentally sharp as she might be. Being stoned didn't make her stupid or anything, it just made her more relaxed and less on her guard. If Brian, Captain Boredom as he was, decided to be mean to her and tear her down in conversation she'd be near helpless to do anything about it.

  “How are you two getting along?” Chad asked as he walked out of the guest bedroom. “That's good! Good to hear you both are getting along all right. I have some bubbly in my bag, let me get it out and we can toast the night! The show went so well, don't you think Brian? I mean really, really well. There wasn't one thing that I can look back at and think, 'That should have gone differently.' Usually there is at least a few things I'd really like to change.”

  Brian agreed. Chad poured everyone a tall glass of bubbly, the glasses being whisked out for them by Sarah, and everyone drank to how well things had gone. For a little bit Chad and Brian talked about where they would be going the next day. The next day they'd be headed to Omaha to play. They hoped for a big turn out but they didn't think it would happen. They said it was pretty hit or miss, playing there, and that the town seemed to have fickle tastes that changed from year to year. Sarah enjoyed listening to them talk as she sipped her drink, or maybe enjoyed is the wrong word. She appreciated listening to them talk about how the road had them tired and down, and how both of them felt like they really needed to take a load off for the night. She was glad they were in her place. She didn't feel put out at all, or like they were imposing. She wanted to be able to say that she helped them on their way.

  So when she asked Chad to come back to her room with her she expected him to say yes and get right to walking back there with her. What she didn't expect was for him to do anything other than that. She knew how good she looked, with her big breasts and brilliant smile—not to mention her red hair and freckles—so she knew how much he'd want to go back to her room with her. It was just
biology. It was the way things were supposed to be.

  “Well, there is something I didn't tell you,” Chad said. “Me and Brian, when we're on the road, we grow very close. And I know you know this from listening to us talk. It's hard to explain I guess, but it's kind of like romance, in a way. You see, we share everything when we are on tour, including sexual experiences. So if you are all right with that then, well, that's great! But if not I understand completely. It's something that doesn't go over well sometimes.”

  “You mean there are times it goes over well?” Sarah asked.

  “Oh for sure,” Chad said. “In fact, it usually goes over much better than it would with just the one of us there. I mean, we are both hung and good in bed. We both care very much about getting the female off. And you don't even really have to worry about finishing us off since we're bi, we could do that to each other.”

  Sarah was suddenly so turned on she didn't know what to do. She had no problem believing that some people were turned on by the idea because she was extremely turned on. In fact, now that he'd said it out loud, it was the only thing she could think about. What would it be like to have sex with two men at the same time? What would it be like if both of those men were in Just New? She couldn't believe that she was going to do it but she could already tell she was.

  “OK,” Sarah said. “I think I like the idea of that. I mean, how does it all start?”

  Without saying another word Brian got up and got on his knees in front of Sarah. Sarah lifted her hips off the couch and Chad helped her slide off her tight black pants. Brian went to work eating her pussy while Chad fed his dick into her mouth. Sarah could tell Chad loved it by the way he moaned as she bobbed her head on his cock like she couldn't get enough of it, and perhaps she couldn't. Brian was going to town on her clit with his tongue. It was pretty obvious to Sarah by how skilled Brian was that Chad hadn't been exaggeration their experience and ease around each other. It was easily the best head she'd ever gotten, and quickly she could feel her face flush and her pulse quicken as she approached orgasm.


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